I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 340 Become my pet, or die!

New York TV.

There was a busy scene in the live broadcast hall of the TV station, with figures shaking and cables all over the floor.

Even now, the TV station is very busy due to undertaking the live broadcast of "Hero Hunt".

The station director was frothing at the mouth, directing the staff to busy broadcast the battle in New York at the moment.

At this time, an assistant ran over: "Mr."

"Don't come in my way at this time."

"Don't you see I'm very busy now?"

The station director had a cigar in his hand, but he had no time to smoke it. He shouted: "Tarich, you idiot, connect line 3 and work for me quickly, or I will kick you home." Stay with your mother.”

"Vogel, use camera No. 4, push the camera forward, give Ms. Angelina a close-up, and save the photo for me. Tomorrow our news front page will be "The Green Goddess of War Kills Everywhere"! Well, if we If there is still tomorrow"

The assistant said anxiously: "Sir, I am a native of the motherland."

"How many times do you want me to say this?"

"do not bother me!"

The station director pointed at the assistant and shouted: "That guy who refuses to show up has no news hot spots. Just leave him alone now."

The assistant then said: "No, he showed up."

"He is at the Destroyer, no, he is near the Brood. He just broke through the force field of the Brood."

"This is a clip that was just released online."

The assistant handed the phone to the director, and saw waves of exclamations coming from the screen.

In the sky, a black shadow hit the colorful force field of the 'Brother's Nest', shattering the force field into pieces.

The photographer immediately zoomed in on the camera, so the station director could see a red cloak fluttering in the strong wind at high altitude, and the black uniform was outlined with a golden outline by the sunlight.

Although the picture is blurry and full of particles, it is not difficult to recognize that this is a native of the motherland.

As for this video, the number of views on the Internet has increased rapidly, and barrages are gradually flying on the screen.

"He's a native of the motherland. It's really him. Is he willing to attack?"

"We seem to have misunderstood him. It's not that the people of the motherland are afraid to go to war, but they are going to challenge the 'Brother's Nest'."

"Well done, fellow countrymen, I'm a fan."

"I declare that the people of the motherland will become gods in one battle today!"

Looking at these comments and views, the station director's eyes were so red that he could burst into flames: "Why are you telling me now about such a big thing!"

The assistant looked aggrieved: "I have been wanting to tell you just now, but you, sir."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

The station manager shouted: "Contact this author and buy his video for me to broadcast exclusively."

"In addition, send another group, no, send three groups to photograph the people of the motherland."

"Quick, this is a global broadcast, our TV station is going to be famous!"

The assistant took back his cell phone and said, "We don't have that many helicopters and filming crews anymore."

The director pushed him and said, "Mr. Rambo, please use your brain."

"Can we rent a helicopter? Also, the battle in New York doesn't require so many crews."

"Leave one group and bring me two groups back."

"Hurry, hurry, time is of the essence, sir!"




High in the sky, the force field of the 'Brother's Nest' had been broken, and Azu looked down at the super meteorite below.

Even though part of it burned and shattered when passing through the atmosphere, it was still so huge that Azu was as small as an ant in front of it.

But at Azu's level, body shape no longer means anything.

Azu crossed his hands and looked down: "I don't hate you, but if you don't act according to my script, it gives me a headache."

Suddenly, in a huge rift on the meteorite of the 'Mother's Nest', in the darkness, an eyeball suddenly popped out.

The color of this eyeball is constantly changing, from orange-red to blue, from red to golden.

While it was staring at Azu, tentacles stretched out from the holes and gaps in the meteorite.

Some of these tentacles have tens of thousands of human arms distributed on them, some have mouths, some have all kinds of eyes, and some have all kinds of weird faces.

One of the tentacles came to Azu, and a cavity opened at the front end of the tentacle. The walls of the cavity inside squirmed layer by layer, and a group of things was spit out from it.

Turns out to be an astronaut covered in slime.

This astronaut was wearing a bulky space suit, and his helmet was broken. Looking through the helmet, Azu saw a pale face.

It was a man. I don’t know if he was still alive. His hair was sticky with mucus, and his eyes were looking to the left and the other to the right.

His body suddenly trembled, he opened his mouth, spit out a large amount of yellow-green mucus, and then spoke vaguely.

"Mighty human, I admire your courage."

"And your power."

"Even in the vast universe, beings as powerful as you are rare."

"Therefore, I am willing to give you a chance."

"Follow me and accept my transformation of you, and I will grant you eternal life."

"This is the glory that other lives crave and cannot get. Now I place it in front of you. All you need is that you kneel down to me and swear allegiance to me."

"I am the 'Mother's Nest', the master of destiny, the Milky Way Mother Goddess, and the eternal light."

A burst of laughter interrupted the words of the 'Brother's Nest'.

Azu couldn't help but said: "You are like a boastful salesman, and your sales skills are super bad."

"And he also likes to put money on his face."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll also make a condition for you."

"Be my pet, or die!"

The 'Brother's Nest' was quiet for a moment, and then the astronaut spat out liquid and said, "I will put your body inside my body as a collection and exhibit it to creatures on other planets."

“Let them see the dismal end of the arrogant.”

"Let them know the consequences of disobeying me!"

After saying that, the astronaut was pulled back into the cavity of the tentacles, and then the tentacles, each one as huge as the Golden Gate Bridge, swatted at Azu one after another.

But when these tentacles were still hundreds of meters away from Azu, they were stopped by the 'Absolute Domain'. They hit the 'Absolute Domain', and the huge impact formed an explosive roar, but the 'Absolute Domain' Those spreading rhombus ripples didn't even show any movement.

"What a pity, it seems you chose the latter."

"But that's okay. It's too hard to raise a pet as big as you."

As he spoke, Azu's eyes lit up, and then the 'thermonuclear rays' wrapped with electric arcs shot out from his pupils. The golden light danced with zigzag arcs, and the 'thermonuclear rays' swept between these tentacles. And passed.

The tentacles, which were as huge as a bridge, broke apart, revealing the blue tissue and white viscous liquid inside.

Those tentacles fell from high altitude one after another, some fell on the surface of the meteorite, and some fell to the ground.

The 'Mother's Nest' roared angrily in the meteorite, and it suddenly retracted all its broken tentacles into the meteorite, just like a turtle hiding itself in a thick shell.

Then the meteorite actually appeared as a source of power. In a certain direction, the surface of the meteorite cracked and sprayed out several thick energy flames, pushing the meteorite fiercely towards Azu.

Azu raised his right hand, spread his palm, and used his 'Absolute Domain' to block the impact of the 'Brother's Nest'.


The two collided to create an astonishing air current, and the wild storm swept through the surrounding clouds, tearing the dense clouds into pieces.

The clouds in the sky were swept away, revealing a blue sky.

Under the sky, dark red energy flames were rising around Azu's body.

As the energy and flames rose, Azu's body also expanded slightly. The muscles of his arms and thighs became full and the lines became clear.

His chest and abdomen are all outlined with powerful muscle lines under the suit.

Although there is a huge difference in size compared to the 'Mother's Nest', the aura of power Azu released at this moment was no less than that of the 'Mother's Nest'.

Even because of the release of power, the airflow at high altitudes buzzed and vibrated.

Circles of shock waves were formed. These shock waves fell on the surface of the meteorite of the 'Mother Nest'. The peaks on the meteorite were shaking and shattering. The cracks in the ground expanded little by little. Countless gravels were knocked down from the meteorite to the ground. There was a rain of stones.

Azu breathed out gently, feeling the power of '200% divine power output' roaring in his body.

He suddenly flew high into the sky, paused for a moment, and then swooped down.

Azu clenched his fists, straightened his arms, and the gorgeous lines on the 'Hercules Bracers' lit up.

Tenfold increase in strength!

At this time, three helicopters from the TV station had arrived nearby.

On the helicopter, one camera after another was directed towards the 'Mother's Nest', so viewers around the world could see that the whole body of the motherland was covered in a layer of dark red flames, crashing down like a meteorite.

It crashed directly into the 'Mother's Nest'. The 'Mother's Nest' kept vibrating. A moment later, the people of the motherland were knocked out from under the huge super meteorite.

He hit the super meteorite and penetrated it!

"Beautiful, but it's like piercing a whale with a needle. It shouldn't be of any use, right?"

"Who says it's useless? If you hit it a few more times, won't the meteorite be smashed into pieces?"

"It's not bad if you don't blow it, but it still hurts after being pricked with needles a few times."

"Stop arguing. Look, something is wrong with the 'Brother's Nest'."

"Yes, it's shaking. It's like someone put a vibrating egg in it."

"There's something wrong with you!"

In a place where the audience cannot see, deep inside the meteorite of the 'Brother's Nest'.

Along the passage that Azu knocked out, huge cracks were extending and spreading in all directions.

A large number of cracks were still intertwined with each other, so after a moment, the super meteorite where the 'Mother Nest' was located suddenly made a loud bang, and tens of thousands of large and small fragments were ejected in all directions like cannonballs.

"Lower the altitude quickly."

"No, we have to go up!"

"That's too late!"

Two of the three TV station helicopters were hit by the oncoming meteorite rain and exploded on the spot. No one on board survived.

Only one was lucky enough to escape the meteor shower and hover in mid-air.

The people on the plane breathed a sigh of relief until they were safe. One reporter even said in his mouth: "I want to go home, I want to go home."

Due to the loss of two cameras, the live broadcast was temporarily interrupted, but it was not long before TV sets and viewers on the Internet could see the footage again.

As the camera moves, the audience can see that the meteorite rain fell on the nearby ground, and even hit some towns not far away, creating a wave of disasters.

But the super meteorite was nowhere to be seen in the sky, which made people cheer.

"The people of the motherland still have two brushes. The collision will break the thing."

"The size of the 'Brother's Nest' is almost the same as a state. Does that mean that as long as the people of the motherland are willing, they can completely smash the entire federation to pieces?"

"When you say it like this, it seems like this, my God, are the powers of the people of the motherland so outrageous?"

"This is already comparable to a nuclear bomb, no, even more outrageous than a nuclear bomb. This is a human-shaped plate earthquake machine."

People were talking about it on the Internet. At this time, the camera was raised upwards, so in the lens, a huge shadow appeared under the sun.

The shadow enveloped the earth and Azu.

Azu raised his head, narrowed his eyes and said, "So you look like this."

There is a jellyfish-like creature suspended in the sky. It is colorful, and the colors are constantly changing.

It dances with strange tentacles as big as bridges. Those tentacles were originally cut off by Azu's 'thermonuclear ray', but now they have grown again.

Looking up from below, you can also see a huge abyss mouth in the middle of this big jellyfish.

That mouth is filled with circles and circles of densely packed teeth, like the mouthparts of sandworms.

This is what the 'Mother's Nest' really looks like.

This creature appeared in the camera lens at the same time, allowing billions of viewers around the world to see clearly.

"Oh my God, it turns out that the 'Brood' looks like this and is actually a jellyfish?"

"This is the most disgusting jellyfish I have ever seen. People in the motherland should kill it."

"The motherland smashed its turtle shell into pieces, so it should be quite easy to deal with now."

"I'm not bragging. Give me a fighter plane and a nuclear bomb, and I can blow it to pieces."

"You're just bragging, do you understand? Just play your keyboard and stop bragging."

"Look, that thing has expanded."

That's right, the body of the 'Brother's Nest' is now inflated like an inflated balloon.

To be precise, it opened the huge mouth of the abyss and continuously sucked in air, which formed a huge and terrifying suction force.

Azu's cloak immediately rose up, and then his hair became messy, and he rose towards the abyss of the 'Brother's Nest'.

Not only that.

The trees on the ground rose up with a crackle, and the slightly smaller rocks on the ground were also pulled away from the ground by this suction force. Even the sea water in the bay turned into water dragons and rose upward, not to mention some like goats or Elk and other small animals.

The 'Mother's Nest' continuously sucked in the air, forming a terrifying suction force, trying to suck Azu into the huge mouth of the abyss.

Azu laughed: "It seems that you are a big eater, but I don't know if you can eat this?"

His eyes suddenly lit up, and then he shot out a stream of blazing light that was comparable to a cannon. The power of the 'thermonuclear ray' was fully activated. The high temperature of tens of millions of degrees melted all the surrounding materials except Azu.

This stream of light soared into the sky and suddenly blasted into the abyss of the 'Mother's Nest'!

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