I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 350 Seed of Desire

Doctor Strange pointed to his nose and said, "Do you think I'm kidding?"

Peter Parker said quickly: "No, I just can't believe it."

"But it turns out that parallel universes do exist, which is really cool."

Doctor Strange shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

The little spider said doubtfully: "Since they are from other universes, why did they come to our universe?"

Doctor Strange looked at him seriously: "This is the result of making random wishes, Parker."

"let me out!"

Doctor Octopus Otto banged hard on the barrier of the 'cell', but it was of no use.

Peter Parker was puzzled: "What on earth is going on?"

"The Forgetting Curse."

Doctor Strange pointed at him and said: "That little spell you messed up, you want everyone to forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man."

"Thus, people who know the identity of Peter Parker are drawn in from various universes."

The little spider looked ashamed.

"who are you?"

"You are not Peter Parker."

"At least not the one I know."

"And where am I now?"

Doctor Octopus shouted irritably.

Doctor Strange glanced at him: "Leave them alone."

"We know very little about the multiverse."

"We need to handle this carefully."

The little spider frowned and said, "But, I saw you controlling that spell, why is it still like this?"

"I had it under control, but some people broke in."

Doctor Strange looked helpless: "I'm not omnipotent, okay?"

He pointed at the dinosaur-like lizard-like creature: "After you left, I sensed other intruders and chased them into the sewer."

"Turns out this slimy green monster."


Doctor Octopus interjected: "Magic?"

"Is this a birthday party?"

"Are you a clown performing?"

"Can anyone tell me what this is all about?"

Doctor Strange looked at him: "Do you know Spider-Man named Peter Parker?"

Doctor Octopus nodded: "Of course."

Doctor Strange pointed at the little spider: "Is it him?"

Doctor Octopus said decisively: "No."

Doctor Strange spread his hands: "You see it."

Peter Parker now believes in the multiverse.

"Listen, I don't know how many visitors there are."

"But we have to do it, we have to send them away."

"Otherwise it will cause chaos." Doctor Strange said seriously.

The little spider coughed dryly: "Actually, I saw another one on the bridge. It was green and looked like a goblin."

"Very well, let's start with him."

"Get them all here."

"I have to send them back before reality is destroyed."

Doctor Strange walked to the other side of the hall and added in a low voice: "It would be terrible if the king finds out."

Peter Parker quickly said: "Doctor."


"I created an opportunity for my friends and I. Now we have hope of entering MIT, but what if the school sees me fighting monsters?" Little Spider looked helpless.

"Are you still worried about college?"

“If reality was destroyed, you wouldn’t have a college to go to.”

With that said, Doctor Strange took one of Spider-Man's gauntlets, attached a magic to it, and then fired a magic beam towards Peter Parker.

After being hit, the little spider disappeared like a magic trick. When he reappeared, he was already in the prison next to Doctor Octopus.

This scene made Doctor Octopus look stupid.

After all, in his universe, there was no Doctor Strange and no magic.

"How did you do it?" Otto couldn't help but ask.

Doctor Strange released the little spider and said, "Maybe it's because I have attended many birthday parties, right?"

After Peter Parker came out, Doctor Strange gave him the magic armguard: "See if you see it, I will send them over if you are shot, so go to work quickly."

Little Spider hesitated and said, "Sir?"

Doctor Strange was already a little impatient. This child had too many questions: "What's wrong?"

"I'll fix the trouble I got into, but I need help."

Peter Parker said.

"so what?"

"Can I call my friends over to help?"

Little Spider pointed at his feet: "I mean, bring them here?"

Doctor Strange said helplessly: "It's up to you. Anyway, when they leave, I will make them forget that they were here."

"So, can you start work?"


After leaving the sanctuary where Doctor Strange was, Peter Parker came to the coffee shop where MJ worked.

As soon as he walked in, he didn't see MJ, so he wandered to his girlfriend's house.

Due to the special period, Peter Parker did not dare to let MJ's parents see him, so he came outside the window of MJ's bedroom.

He saw his girlfriend huddled in the corner, with a paper towel next to her, and the ground was full of crumpled tissues.

MJ seemed to have cried, his eyes were swollen, and he was still sobbing from time to time.

Peter Parker quickly knocked on the window.

MJ raised his head when he heard the sound, and when he saw it was him, his expression immediately dropped.

She stood up and came to the window, but instead of opening the window, she pulled the curtains down.

"MJ, what's wrong with you?"

"I have good news for you."

"We still have a chance to get into MIT."

"Open the window and let me in."

Listening to Peter Parker's voice coming from outside, MJ covered his ears with his hands.

Outside the apartment, Little Spider knocked on the window again: "MJ, what's wrong with you? Tell me something."

At this time, someone below shouted: "Look, isn't that Peter Parker?"

"He's here to find his girlfriend, right?"

"It's too much. Even a superhero can't just lie on the outer wall."

"That is, if he infringes on other people's privacy, will he be responsible?"

Peter Parker looked down the street and saw a group of people gathered downstairs, taking pictures of him.

He quickly climbed up to the rooftop and then came down the stairs.

Arriving at the front door of MJ's house, he arranged his clothes and then went to ring the doorbell, but before he could ring the doorbell, the door opened.

MJ and her parents walked out.

They all have luggage.

Little Spider was stunned for a moment and said, "Where are you going?"

MJ didn't answer, just lowered his hat and walked quickly to the elevator dragging a suitcase.

Peter Parker wanted to catch up, but MJ's father stopped him.

"Don't disturb us, Mr. Parker."

"My daughter's life is bad enough because of you."

"We are leaving here now, please don't harass my daughter again."

Hearing these words, Little Spider became anxious. He jumped up and shouted to MJ on the other side of the elevator: "What's going on?"

"Why did you leave so suddenly."

"How long will you be gone?"


The elevator has arrived.

The door opened and MJ walked in silently.

"MJ, wait for me."

Peter Parker wanted to squeeze through, but was blocked by MJ's father. He was anxious and stretched out his hand to push.

The middle-aged man immediately took a few steps back, fell, and hit the wall with the back of his head.


MJ ran out quickly and looked at Peter Parker angrily.

Little Spider quickly said: "I didn't mean it."


A slap fell on his face.

MJ pointed to the elevator and said, "Let's go!"

"Please get out of here!"

"I have had enough of you!"

"We're done here, I don't want to see you again!"

Peter Parker's whole body was shaken: "MJ, listen."

MJ took out his cell phone, dialed 911, and then said: "Police station, Spider-Man is harassing me."

"Don't, don't do this."

"Oh my God."

Little Spider held his head in his hands and retreated to the elevator: "I'll leave right away, I'll leave now."

He walked into the elevator and the door slowly closed. Little Spider watched MJ put down the phone, helped his father up, and finally looked back at him.

There was anger and sadness in that look.

Only there is no love.

Peter Parker came out of the apartment in despair. Passers-by took pictures of him, but now, his mind had no idea where to go.

"Why is this happening?"

"Why did MJ leave? Is it because he couldn't get into MIT?"

When he thought of MIT, he thought of his good friend Ned.

"I need to talk to Ned."

Peter Parker cheered up, looked back at the apartment building, fired the spider silk, and left the place.

Arrive at Ned's residence.

The little spider still knocked on the window.

Fortunately, Ned opened the window for him.

This relieved him.

"Are you okay, brother?" Peter Parker asked casually, and then sat down on the edge of Ned's bed.

"I just went to see MJ. I don't know what's wrong with her. She refused to talk to me."

"And the family is leaving. I don't know where they are going. Maybe they are just staying with relatives for a few days. Maybe they are leaving New York."

"What do you think I should do?"

"I wanted to catch up and ask, but she said she didn't want to see me again."

"Just now she promised to call the police."

"Oh my god, why is this happening?"

"Ned, what do you think I should do?"

"Should I call her in a few days, or should I call her now?"

"She might not answer the phone, or should I text her?"

"Hopefully she won't block me."

"Ned, what do you suggest?"


Only then did the little spider realize that Ned had not said a word since he came in.

His good friend's expression made his heart skip a beat.

"Are you done?"

"After that, you can leave."

Ned said expressionlessly: "Peter Parker, MJ was right to leave you."

"Our lives are a mess because of you."

"See what I've gained since I met you?"

"I came to this city and I wanted to work hard to achieve my dream."

"But because of you, I was rejected by my dream."

"We have all paid a lot for you, but what about you, what have you done for us?"

"You just keep complaining, but you never ask me if I like this?"

"I can tell you now, I don't like you always using me as a tree hole."

"Don't dump your troubles on me, Peter Parker."

Peter Parker raised his head in disbelief and said, "Why are you like this?"

"Ned, aren't we good friends?"

Ned opened the window: "It was."

"But, Parker, the price of being your friend is too high."

“Now I just can’t get into MIT.”

"What about next?"

"Besides, I have a family."

"I still have grandma at home."

"If my family is in danger because of you."

"I can't imagine it."

"So, can you please leave?"

"And never come to me again."

"I'm sorry, I know it's not fair to you."

"But no one has ever given me justice."

"You're not the only one who has people you want to protect, I do too."

"Do you understand that?"

Spidey looked at Ned, at the open window.


He became disheartened: "I know."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ned, I shouldn't have disturbed you."

"You're right. I always complain to you and ask for your help."

"But it's not like I didn't do anything. Just today, I just got a chance for us."

“An opportunity to get into MIT.”

Ned was indifferent: "Really? But it's just an opportunity, and it comes a little late."

Peter Parker nodded, said nothing more, got out of the window, shot out the spider silk and swung out.

Close the windows.

Ned went to the closet, opened it, and saw another Ned hiding inside.

Only Ned was not only tied up, but unconscious.

The light and shadow on 'Ned' standing outside the closet changed, turning into a man with blond hair and blue eyes.


After he found Ned, he knocked the fat man unconscious and used the 'transformation' technique to become Ned.

Just wait here for Peter Parker to come.

Because he knew that Spider-Man would be transported to the cellar of the Sanctuary with Doctor Octopus on the viaduct.

There, Doctor Strange will ask Spider-Man to capture visitors from other universes.

Spider-Man asked for help.

The so-called helpers are MJ and Ned.

Regardless of whether Peter Parker goes to MJ or Ned first, Azu can see him.

Naturally, Ned's identity can be used to break his heart.

Now it seems that he went to see MJ first and was already injured at MJ's place.

I was hurt again just now using my identity as a little fat man.

Although it won't immediately turn Peter Parker into a black man.

But at least a seed has been planted.

This is not a metaphor.

But fact.

Just now, Azu used 'distorted reality' to prevent Peter Parker from seeing the [Dark Book], and then buried the 'Seed of Desire' into Spider-Man's mind.

This seed will continuously absorb Peter Parker's negative emotions as resources. When it blooms and bears fruit, Spider-Man will be controlled by Azu.

At that time, as long as Azu lets him burst out the darkness in his heart, Peter Parker will turn dark.

Become a different kind of Spider-Man.

And when the blackened Peter Parker kills the Green Goblin Osborn with his own hands, Azu will be able to reap the fruits of victory in this invasion.

"I'm really looking forward to it."

Azu picked up the little fat man and decided to find a place to hide him for a few days.

A few days later.

Everything will be settled. (End of chapter)

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