I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 352 Team Jing, do you want to date me?

In the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain Marvel's combat capabilities can definitely be ranked in the first echelon.

In the endgame of Avengers 4, one man blew up Thanos' starship and fought back and forth with Thanos, who was holding the Infinity Gauntlet.

If Thanos hadn't dug out the Power Stone and knocked Captain Marvel away, maybe Iron Man wouldn't have had to snap his fingers.

Azu himself had fought against Captain Marvel and knew how powerful this woman was.

That day, he relied on the 'Infinity Gauntlet' to banish Captain Marvel's soul and be able to end the battle so quickly.

Without the 'Infinity Gauntlet', although Azu would not be afraid, defeating or getting rid of Captain Marvel is definitely not something that can be done in a short time.

Now he only has 50% of his strength left, and he has also disabled the 'Thermonuclear Ray' and 'Absolute Domain'.

If you want to defeat Captain Marvel, she is probably stronger, and it will not be easy to get rid of her.

And, even if you defeat or get rid of her.

If Captain Marvel is determined to tangle with him, Azu has no confidence that he can deal with Carol while calmly confronting Starro.

Therefore, we must find a way to prevent Carroll from causing trouble to him for at least two or three days.

The quantum brain played a crucial role at this time. In less than a second, Azu had already formulated a plan.

"That's you."

At this time, Carol, who was stepping on the water, spoke: "You are the one who destroyed the bridge and knocked Spider-Man back."

The Carol of this universe obviously doesn't know Azu.

This gives Azu huge room for maneuver.

"No, that's not me."

"That was a misunderstanding, ma'am."

In this situation, it was natural not to take action if possible. If Carol could be sent away with a few words, Azu would definitely not be stingy with this little time.

"That was someone who deliberately framed me. If you analyze the image sent to you, you will find that it has been tampered with."

"Perhaps, you can ask Spider-Man and you can find out the truth."

Carol showed an expression that said, "Sure enough," he said: "I have had the images analyzed by instruments, and there is indeed a problem. Moreover, the surveillance equipment at the incident site has obvious signs of intrusion."

"Since you dare to ask me to confront Spider-Man, that means the saboteur is indeed not you."

Azu thought to himself, it's great that you can say that.

In this way, the misunderstanding was resolved.

"That's right, not me."

"He is my rival."

"In order to contain me, he analyzed your pager and sent you the tampered images."

"Just so you can deal with me."

"You are so smart to see through his conspiracy."

"Then I'll take my leave first."

As soon as Azu flew up, Carol stepped forward to stop him.

"You can't leave yet." Captain Marvel smiled.

Azu said helplessly: "I don't have time to date you now."

Carol laughed and said, "You are so funny. I like you a little bit, but I can't let you go."

"But not to date you."

"Although I'm sure you're not a saboteur."

"But I can feel that you have huge energy, almost as much energy as me."

"And I can see a lot of things in your eyes."

"One of them is, you're not bound by the so-called law."

"Your eyes are full of aggression. I have seen many people like you in the universe."

"Without exception they are powerful invaders."

"Everywhere they go there is destruction."

"So, even if you haven't done anything yet, I can't just let you go."

Azu spread his hands: "Even the police can only arrest the suspect after he has committed a crime and has evidence."

"You don't want to say that you want to control me just because you think I might cause damage, do you?"

Carroll freely admits: "Yes, I think so."

"I also know that this is unfair to you, so you can resist with all your strength, even if it hurts me or kills me."

"But I must control you, or ask you to leave this planet."

She looked around and said affectionately: "This is my hometown. There was a disaster not long ago and many people died."

"It has just regained its calm, and I don't want its calm to be broken again."

"For this reason, even if I am unkind and unreasonable, I will protect it in my own way."

Azu stretched out his hand to catch it, and the 'Fang of Destruction' came into his hand. This ferocious silver battle ax shot out streaks of red gold lightning, like a ferocious beast with fangs and claws.

"I admire you very much and have no ill feelings towards you."

"But if you want to restrict my freedom, then I will have to resist with all my strength."

Carol didn't say anything nonsense, and her body suddenly turned into an afterimage. She rushed forward at a high speed, kicked out her right leg, and swept towards Azu's waist like a slashing knife.

Azu showed a solemn expression and struck with the 'Fang of Destruction'. The ax blade struck Carol's calf with streaks of red gold electric current.

There was a sound of gold and iron clashing.


A loud crisp sound sounded in the sky above the warehouse, red gold lightning trembled in mid-air, and the 'Tooth of Destruction' bounced upward, causing Carol to roll back and retreat.

After stopping in mid-air, Captain Marvel rushed over again and hit Azu in the face with his elbow.


Azu's face fell back after being hit by her, and the layer of 'biological force field' provided by the 'Cloak of Justice' loomed, and was almost shattered by Carol's elbow.

The 'Destruction Fang' raised upwards, and the ax edge passed across Carol's chest, and many red gold electric currents swept through Captain Marvel's body.

Carol was thrown away by an axe, but was not injured. She paused in mid-air, then rushed down again, quickly exploding the sound barrier twice, and collided with Azu.

Then there was a dull, continuous crashing sound.

The heavy and huge 'Fang of Destruction' is as light as a feather in Azu's hand and can perform various movements.

Carol shows amazing melee combat skills, turning every part of her body into weapons.

If Azu hadn't possessed two layers of 'Biological Force Field', the layer provided by the 'Cloak of Justice' would have been smashed by Carol long ago.

And at this time, Carroll has not yet used the powerful 'Double Star State'.

However, Azu did not use the ‘divine talent’ and ‘Hercules Bracers’.

The attacks of both sides were faster than lightning, and they both gave up defense and put all their energy into the attack.

Azu relied on the blessing of two layers of 'biological force fields' to make him invincible. He only considered attack and not defense.

Carol relies on her amazing physical strength. She is the woman who can bear Thanos' headbutt without changing her expression.

Captain Marvel's physical strength is amazing, she is almost invulnerable, and she seems to be able to use abilities similar to 'biological force fields'.

Let a layer of energy field cover the body surface, so that her uniform will not be damaged in such a fierce battle, and there will be no worry of being exposed.

After fighting with such intensity for one minute, Azu allowed Carroll to hit a knee and fly out.

He fell into a yacht on the dockside and directly smashed the seemingly valuable yacht into pieces. Azu only hoped that the owner of the yacht had bought insurance, otherwise he would probably cry without tears tomorrow.

He fell into the water without flying out of the water, and directly blasted two golden streams of light towards Carol in the sky.

Heat ray!

Carol saw the yacht on the pier shatter into pieces, and then a golden light quickly lit up on the water, as if there was a sun under the water about to rise.

next moment.

Two golden streams of light broke through the water and shot toward her.

She was unfazed, clenched her fists with both hands, and punched down with all her strength.

Two photon energy cannons were fired from the fist.

The photon energy cannon and the heat ray met in mid-air and collided fiercely. Energy and energy annihilated each other, and they were evenly matched.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the energy expansion produced a violent explosion, which shattered all the ships near the dock, and the waves on the water surface were turbulent, like a storm-raging sea.

In the dazzling firelight, Azu rushed over and punched Carol hard in the face.

But Carol stayed still and even smiled.

She quickly spun around and kicked Azu away, and then used high speed almost at the speed of light to catch up with Azu before he hit a building.

Then he threw Azu upwards, and then fired the photon energy cannon again.

Two energy cannons hit Azu.

The 'biological force field' provided by the 'Cloak of Justice' finally could not withstand it. The light filaments appeared and broke. The force field was broken and could not be regenerated temporarily.

Carol couldn't miss the opportunity, her energy spurted out, her eyes glowed brightly, and she was surrounded by a dazzling flame.

She finally activated the 'double star state'!


Just a moment.

Carol appeared in front of Azu.

Then he punched Azu painfully in the chest.

A circle of energy ripples visible to the naked eye spread across Azu's body.

Azu's whole body was thrown high into the sky, spinning and rolling continuously, as if he had lost control.

After a moment, he began to fall.

But before he could fall into the sea, Carol had already grabbed his cloak.

After confirming that Azu was unconscious, she carried him on her shoulders and flew away.

The Avengers base is now run by Colonel 'War Machine' Rhodes.

After defeating Thanos.

‘Iron Man’ Stark passed away.

'Captain America' chose to spend his life with Sharon Carter when he sent back the original stone, and he was already an octogenarian when he came back.

‘Hulk’ Bruce Banner continued to engage in his research and heard that another female Hulk had appeared recently.

‘Hawkeye’ Clint Barton has retired sadly due to the death of Black Widow.

There are not many Avengers still active now, and there are only Spider-Man and Doctor Strange in New York.

But Colonel Rhodes is still running the base, and he feels that one day, the new Avengers will make it revitalized.

now it is night.

Colonel Rhodes was about to take a rest when he heard someone tapping on the window, and then saw Captain Marvel carrying a strange man on his shoulders.

After a while.

"So, you're going to keep this guy here?"

Looking at the blond man who was imprisoned and had some kind of device locked in his hand, Colonel Rhodes looked at Carol.

"You said this human being is dangerous and has energy almost as much as you."

"Then don't you think that leaving him here is like dropping a time bomb next to me, and it's a nuclear-grade bomb?"

Captain Marvel smiled and said: "Don't worry, I gave him a device that can restrain energy."

"Even I, when I was restrained by this thing, it took a lot of effort to get rid of it."

"Besides, I'm using an upgraded version now, so don't worry, it'll be fine."

Colonel Rhodes drank coffee and said, "Then you can't leave him here. You can just go back like this?"

Carol laughed: "Am I such an irresponsible person?"

"He's not the only one in trouble now."

"And the guy who sent me the image and found me."

"It is said that that is his opponent. I want to find that guy and then send these two away."

Colonel Rhodes then breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I'll be relieved."

"After all, you have to know that I am semi-retired now."

Carol smiled and said: "You are still young, Colonel."

"Then, he'll leave it to you."

"I go first."

Colonel Rhodes nodded, and then said to the artificial intelligence: "Monitor his situation, and if he wakes up, let me know at any time."

"As you command, Colonel."

After Colonel Rhodes also left, Azu opened his eyes, but the artificial intelligence did not call the police.

The handcuff-like device Carol put on his hand only restrained his energy, but it did not affect Azu's talent.

Just now, Azu had used the talent of 'Information Control' to release information flow, invade the Avengers Base network, rewrite some things, and obtain the highest management authority of Colonel Birod.

It is equivalent to saying that the artificial intelligence of the base is now taking orders from him.

"Turn off the surveillance in this room."

Azu smiled.

The AI ​​quickly responded: "It's closed."

Azu allowed himself to transform into a spiritual body and got rid of the restraint device.

Then he reached out and pointed towards the restraint device, and the device immediately turned into a person, Azu himself.

Magic, transfiguration!

“It’s so convenient.”

"Then, you will go to jail here instead of me so that Captain Marvel can feel at ease."

Azu transformed into an information flow life, entered the base network, and then uploaded himself to New York's huge information network.

He was captured by Carol on purpose just now.

If Carol is not allowed to capture him and try to stabilize Captain Marvel, then Azu will not have to do anything in the next critical few days. He will be busy enough just dealing with Captain Marvel.

Now that Captain Marvel believed he had been caught, Azu took control of the base's artificial intelligence and used the 'transformation' technique to create a stand-in.

Temporarily free of Captain Marvel.

As for how long you can get rid of it, it depends on how long the transformation spell can be maintained.

at the same time.

At the power supply network outside New York, a figure fell on an electric tower.

Under the moonlight, Spider-Man wearing a black uniform looked around and said, "I'm here. Are you sure there are people from the multiverse here?" (End of Chapter)

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