I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 358 The Regretful Spider-Man (brothers and sisters please subscribe)

After hearing what her nephew said, Mei immediately ran out with the satchel containing the antidote.

Norman Osborne screamed strangely, broke free from the fire that was stuck to the wall, grabbed a lamp nearby and threw it at Mei.

The little spider quickly shot out a ball of spider silk, which stuck to the desk lamp and threw it against the wall.

Doctor Octopus yelled and rushed towards Osborn, intending to suppress him.

But at this moment, Max raised his hand and shot out a violent current.

After he obtained the Ark Reactor, his energy level skyrocketed, and the current he blasted out far exceeded what he had experienced in his previous battle with Spider-Man.

Otto was not careful and let the ball of electricity hit him, and his whole body was blown out of the window.


All the lights in the apartment building flickered for a moment, and then went out in large areas.

Under the apartment building, the reporter lurking here heard the movement, raised his head and shouted: "Quickly shoot, look up there, what is that?"

"I knew that Spider-Man was a broom star."

"Wherever he goes, disaster spreads!"

Doctor Octopus was blown out of the apartment building. He quickly rescued himself, while the mechanical tentacles behind him kept grabbing at the outer wall of the building.

After falling continuously for more than ten levels, it finally stabilized.

He glanced upstairs and then at the camera below. He could only sigh and jumped away from the building.

Using the mechanical tentacles, he quickly left the scene.

Above the building, Max shouted from the open window: "Marco, let's go!"

His whole body turned into plasma, and then flashed in the air, like a yellow lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Azu didn't leave. He looked towards the floor. His vision penetrated the floors and saw the underground parking lot.

There, the 'Destroyer' seemed to have received the order and had not moved. Therefore, it attracted the attention of many people, who took pictures of it with their mobile phones and uploaded it to the Internet.

At this time, fire lit up in his eyes, and then flames spurted out from the soles of his feet and back, pushing it to smash through the ceiling of the parking lot!

There was a boom.

The gravel falls.

Onlookers in the parking lot screamed and fled around in panic.

When they looked up, the Destroyer had disappeared into the parking lot.

They walked to the ceiling that had been smashed through, and saw irregular holes punched out by the Destroyer.

People shouted softly, and many took out their mobile phones to take pictures and uploaded them to Twitter.

When Azu saw the Destroyer flying upward, he knew that Starro must have made some kind of modification to this thing.

He never knew that the Destroyer could fly.

Among the apartments.

Osborn and Peter Parker have already fought.

The two of them were going back and forth, fighting each other with fists and kicks, and the furniture, walls, and lamps in the room were constantly damaged.

"Peter Parker, we don't need to choose."

"God doesn't have to choose."

“Whatever God wants, He only needs to plunder.”

"Why don't you understand this?"

Norman Osborn smiled crazily and kicked Spider-Man so hard that he broke the window. Just as he was about to fall, Peter Parker popped out the webbing and stuck it to Osborn, using his strength to pull himself back up.

Osborn grabbed the webbing, spun around, and threw Spider-Man onto the balcony.

He then jumped out, but missed. The little spider jumped up and did a backflip to get behind Osborn.

With a sweep of his foot, Osborne was knocked down.

Then he used spider silk to stick to the ceiling on the balcony, and he jumped up, using the force to push down hard.

Peter Parker stepped on Osborn's body. This step made a hole in the balcony, and both of them fell to the balcony below.

Osborn pushed hard and knocked the little spider into an empty room.

Peter Parker quickly got up, suddenly sensed something, and jumped onto the wall.

Then the floor of the room exploded, and a black shadow rose from the ground. The gravel fell on the black shadow, making a tinkling sound.

Osborne was stunned and looked at the black shadow in the room: "What is this?"

From the little spider's perspective, this is a humanoid robot with a tall body, dazzling firelight in its eyes, and an aura of power all over its body.

"Is this also an enemy?" Peter Parker felt bitter in his mouth. Now he regretted that he should not have released these people from other multiverses.

Maybe Doctor Strange is right and we should respect fate.

Peter Parker thought so.

Suddenly, flames erupted from the back of the robot, pushing it towards Osborn.

But at this moment, the ceiling of the room suddenly shattered, and a figure fell in front of Osborne.

Spider-Man, who was clinging to the ceiling, could clearly see that it was a man. He was standing upright while squatting on the ground.

A red cloak flew behind him.

The black suit has a metallic luster.

With blond hair and blue eyes, he looked up at the machine creation, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and kicked it with his foot.

The robot was blown away, smashing into countless walls, and finally flew out of the apartment building and crashed into another building.



It rang out between the two buildings.

This made the reporters downstairs extremely happy.

"Hurry up and shoot."

"Here's the scoop! The scoop!"

"Shoot me now, right now!"

"Hello, dear viewers."

"it's me."

"I will now report to you the latest situation of Spider-Man."

"As you can see, Spider-Man is causing new disasters again."

"Look, I don't know what is happening upstairs. The only thing that is certain is that there is an attack here."

"People were screaming coming downstairs."

"I wonder what Spider-Man is doing again?"

Above the apartment.

Azu glanced at Osborne behind him and said, "Do what you should do."

Osborne's eyes widened.

From his eyes, Azu saw the Destroyer flying back again.

He smiled.

Turn around sharply.

A punch hit the Destroyer's head, causing the 'artifact' level metal creation to almost fly away again.

But Azu caught it.

Then the second punch caused the 'Destroyer' to hit the ceiling.


The 'Destroyer' smashed through the ceilings one after another, and finally flew out from the rooftop of the apartment building, flying half a meter into the night sky. Only then did flames spurt out from behind it, forming a propulsive force and stopping itself.

Azu raised his head and smiled, then soared into the sky and came to the rooftop of the building through the 'passage' knocked out by the 'Destroyer'.

As soon as it appeared, the mask on the face of the 'Destroyer' was opened, and high-energy blazing flames shot down. It cut through the night sky, intending to burn Azu to ashes.

Azu's eyes lit up quickly, and the blood vessels on both sides of his eye sockets were illuminated by the light, showing red lines.


Golden light spurted out from his eyes, clashing with the fire stream launched by the Destroyer, forming a see-saw.

But after only a brief tug of war, Azu quickly gained the upper hand by increasing the power of the 'heat ray'.

The collision between the 'heat ray' and the 'fire of destruction' turned night into day.

"Quickly take pictures upstairs."

"No, it's half empty."

"Anyway, just shoot upwards."

The reporter under the building shouted: "Everyone in the audience, look, what is this."

"Is that a mecha?"

"Who is the man fighting it?"

"What do they have to do with Spider-Man?"

"We don't know these issues yet, but I can be sure that both sides of the mid-air confrontation have terrifying power."

at this time.

The 'heat ray' hit the Destroyer, and the guardian of the Asgard's treasure house was immediately blown away. It spun down and crashed into a building.

A corner of the building immediately shattered, and countless windows exploded, ejecting countless fragments.

"Oh my god, the affected area has expanded further!"

"This is all Spider-Man's fault."

"Wait, look who I see."

"It's Spider-Man, he's here!"

"Shoot there, idiot, the northwest side of the building."

As the reporters shouted, Spider-Man appeared in the camera.

In the camera, Peter Parker, who was not wearing a spider helmet, was pushed to the balcony by Osborn.

Osborn raised his foot and kicked Spider-Man off the balcony.

But Peter Parker reacted quickly. He shot out spider silk, stuck it to the base of the balcony, and swung into another room.

In that room, a couple hugged their children tightly and retreated to the corner of the living room.

The little spider cast an apologetic look at them, and then saw Osborn falling onto the balcony outside. He quickly ran out of the door to avoid getting involved with this family.

"You are strong enough to have everything you want."

Osborne gave chase.

Spider-Man used his webbing to stick to a nearby fire extinguisher and threw it at Osborn.

Osborne just tilted his head while running, and the fire extinguisher was knocked empty.

He caught the little spider and threw him over his shoulder, throwing Peter Parker out, and then said: "It's a pity that you don't know how to plunder."

"Join me, Peter Parker, and we will plunder together, and we will become gods on earth."

The little spider landed on the ground, cursed a madman, then rushed up, jumped on Osborne's shoulder, and punched him in the face with a condescending punch.

Then there was the sound of fists hitting flesh.

Peter Parker rained down punches, trying to knock Osborn unconscious, but although Osborn didn't resist, he laughed crazily.

Immediately afterwards, Osborne hugged him and threw him to the ground.

The little spider was thrown through the corridor floor and fell to the passage on the next floor.

He gasped, suddenly thinking of May.

"I can't tangle with him here."

Peter Parker clutched his chest and climbed up. When he came to the window, he shot out the spider and pulled the window down hard.

There was a helicopter circling outside, and the lights on the helicopter shone over.

Although Peter Parker didn't want to appear in the light, he didn't care so much at this time. He turned over to the outer wall and was about to climb down.

Suddenly I felt danger.

He only had time to raise his head and saw a creature climbing down quickly from the outer wall of the building above.

It was Connor, the lizard man.

He grabbed the little spider's neck and stuck out his forked tongue to lick Peter Parker's face: "I told you before, nothing good will happen to you."

With that, the Lizardman smashed Spider-Man into the window.

Osborne was here waiting for him.

The Green Goblin laughed, stepped forward and picked up Peter Parker, first threw him up, then caught him, and then gave him another violent hug.


The two of them kept smashing through the floor and falling quickly.

A moment passes.

They fell into the first-floor lobby of the apartment building.

Amidst the splashing of gravel, Peter Parker seemed to see May.

But at this time, he couldn't muster any strength.

He regretted it, and he scolded himself again and again in his mind why he tried to save these hopeless guys.

Originally, all that was needed was for Doctor Strange to use magic to send these dangerous characters back.

In this way, what happened tonight would not have happened.

When these thoughts came to Peter Parker's mind, Azu's 'seed of desire' buried in his heart shook, and then quietly poked out a black bud.

Azu sensed it immediately.

At this time, the ‘Destroyer’ flew over again.

Azu didn't intend to tangle with it.

The figure blurred for a moment, and another person appeared next to him.


The clone immediately rushed forward, punched and kicked the 'Destroyer', and stopped the guardian of the fairy palace's treasure house.

Azu himself used 'teleportation' and suddenly arrived in the apartment lobby.

Seeing Spider-Man being ridden by Osborn, he took out the [Book of Darkness] from the ‘inventory’ with a slight movement.

This evil book exuding a dark aura and flecked with sparks was opened, and Azu turned to the page of 'Fallen Black Mist'.

He reached out and pressed it, and immediately, every symbol and line on the page lit up.

Then from these symbols, from these lines, a dark fog surged out.

They seemed to have weight, not rising, but sinking.

After they fell to the ground and came to Azu's feet, they began to spread and became as if they were not there.

Fallen black mist.

It can easily cover the entire lobby of an apartment, causing all intelligent beings in the area to gradually degenerate and become slaves to their desires.

Azu plans to use it to urge Peter Parker to slide to the dark side faster and let the 'seed of desire' in his heart blossom and bear fruit.

at this time.

Whether it's Peter Parker, or Osborn, or even May.

None of them noticed that there were something extra around them.

There is a looming mist.

After suppressing Spider-Man, Osborn looked at Peter Parker's young face and said, "Your weakness is your fatal wound."

"I strangled you tightly."

"Don't you feel it?"

At this moment, Mei rushed over and stuck the antidote on Osborne's neck.

Osborne screamed in pain, stood up, then removed the injection, threw it aside, and then said: "It's useless."

"in addition."

"It's you, it's you who turned him into a pathetic creature."

Osborn knelt down, grabbed Spider-Man's hair, and lifted him up so that he faced May.

Norman Osborn said in Peter Parker's ear: "You want to cure me?"


"You are the one who should be healed."

"Now, let me help you." (End of Chapter)

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