I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 361 Three spiders in the same frame? (Please subscribe)

On the rooftop of the teaching building of Zhongcheng High School, Azu was blowing the wind.

He used the shape-shifting technique to transform himself into a little spider.

"Thank you so much Loki for this magic."

"No wonder the God of Mischief is able to thrive in the Marvel world by relying on the strength of Zhan Wushu."

"This transformation technique is really useful."

"Even when I deceived Captain Marvel, I relied on it. It's a magical skill."

Azu said, touched his face and said: "But, having said that, it has been a day and a night, maybe the transformation technique has lost its effectiveness."

Several information streams extended from his fingertips, which were connected to the nearby network, and then entered the Avengers Contact Base at high speed.

The artificial intelligence of that base was manipulated by Azu. Normally, he should be able to access the system of the Avengers base soon.

But he discovered that the system of the Avengers Base had been updated and many firewalls had been added, which prevented him from successfully intruding for a while.

But this is enough to explain a lot of problems.

"Sure enough, Captain Marvel has discovered that I am not at the base."

"According to her personality, she should be looking for me all over the world now."

"Although I'm not afraid of her, I was weakened by 50% and had two awakening talents blocked."

"It's not impossible to defeat Carol in this state, but it's not that easy to get her to stop pestering me."

"Popular is such a headache."

"Is there any place on earth where Carol can be temporarily trapped?"

"It won't take long. One day is probably enough."

"After all, according to the plot, Peter Parker will have a decisive battle with the villain tomorrow."


Azu laughed: "I seem to know where to create some trouble for Carol."

At this moment, he felt the approach of two groups of spiritual lights.

The ability of the 'Psychic Realm' is also very convenient for tracking enemies. Of course, it also has shortcomings. For example, for a mechanical life like Starro, the 'Psychic Realm' has no effect on him at all.

Even though that guy repeatedly claimed that he had a soul and a will, in fact, Azu had not discovered the light of his soul at all.

However, it is also possible that it is not Starro himself, but a robot similar to that pretending to be Spider-Man's friend.

Two psychic lights appear nearby.

Azu immediately jumped up and looked up at the tower in front.

Just above the tower, the stars in the night sky were dim, and thick clouds blocked the moonlight, but under the weak moonlight, two figures could still be seen sitting on the tower.

One is squatting, the other is leaning sideways and clinging to the outer wall of the tower wall.


Azu thought.

These are the original Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man, two ‘spiders’ from other universes.

At the same time, their arrival here also confirmed Azu's guess.

Starro definitely came into contact with these two Spider-Men.

After all, now, Ned was left in the warehouse at the dock, and MJ had left New York with his parents.

But no one will bring reinforcements to Little Spider.

So now, if there is anyone in New York who is 'worrying' about Spider-Man, it must be Starro, the 'homelander' from another universe!

At this time, the two Spider-Man had already come down from the tower. They landed easily on the ground, keeping a certain distance from Azu.

Azu put himself into the role of the little spider, raised his hand, and showed an expression of disbelief.

"What are you doing?"

"What's wrong with you?"

He looked at the Amazing Spider-Man, who was wearing a red and blue spider suit.

The first-generation Spider-Man, who was already middle-aged, sighed and said, "It's a pity that Aunt May has left."

"Yes, I'm sorry." The younger extraordinary spider came out and said, "I can understand how you feel."

Azu felt that he should be able to win the Oscar. He shook his head and said with complicated eyes: "Don't tell me, you know how I feel."

"It's my fault she's gone."

"You can't understand how I feel now."

"She died in vain."

"I shouldn't have been so naive in the first place."

"Some people simply don't deserve to be saved!"

The first-generation Spider-Man had sad eyes: "Peter, listen to me."


Azu pointed at him: "You don't belong here, I want to send you back together."

"It's over, everything should be over."

"They're from your universe, aren't they?"

"So, it's up to you."

"Whether you kill them or let them go, that's your business."

"I don't want to get involved, and I won't get involved again."

"But there is one exception."

"Norman Osborne, I will wring his neck with my own hands!"

"Sorry to bring you into this, but"

He shook his head, and his expression well interpreted the little spider's mental state.

Oscar owes me a statuette!

Azu thought.

at this time.

The first-generation Spider-Man said in a sad tone: "I have an uncle, Ben."

"He was killed."

"That's my fault."

The Amazing Spider-Man also remembers the past.

"I lost Gwen, she. She was my MJ."

"I can't save her."

"I can never forgive myself."

He choked and said: "Even now, at night and in my dreams, I still dream again and again about the scene where I couldn't catch her hand and lost her."

"This is the past that I least want to mention."

The Amazing Spider-Man's eyes flashed with tears, and then he smiled: "But I came over, and I am still fighting crime and being a good neighbor to everyone."

"Because I know that's what she wants."

"But even so, I've still changed."

"I will no longer show mercy to criminals."

“I was always angry and miserable.”

"I just don't want you to end up like me."

"Peter, hatred is a fire."

"It burns your soul."

"And even after revenge, you will not find peace."

The first-generation Spider-Man took over and said: "The night Uncle Ben died, I tracked down what I thought was his murderer."

"I want him dead."

"Then I get what I want."

The original Spider-Man sighed.

"But it didn't make me feel better. It took me a long time to learn how to get out of the darkness."

"So Peter, don't let the darkness consume you."

Azu shook his head.


"I'm going to kill him."

"I'm going to tear him to pieces."

"Even if it makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Even if it means I will live in pain and anger."

"But I won't forgive myself if I don't!"

"Thank you both for sharing your life experiences with me, but, sorry, Norman Osborn must die!"

Azu shook his head and said, "I can still hear her voice now."

"After Osborne attacked us, she said we were doing the right thing, and even at the end of her life, she was still encouraging me."

"So, I can forgive anyone, but not Osborne. Do you understand?"

The original Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man exchanged glances with each other.

Before they came, they were prepared to have a hard time convincing Peter Parker.

After all, they are also Peter Parker, and they know what it feels like to lose a loved one.

I know how painful that is.

So now, they were not surprised to hear Azu's answer.

They still wanted to continue working hard, and then the first generation narrowed his eyes and said, "In your universe, are the stars particularly dazzling at night?"

The Amazing Spider-Man raised his head and saw a bright light in the dark night sky in the distance.

Azu had a different feeling.

He felt that a powerful, extremely brilliant spiritual light was approaching rapidly.

The speed was so fast that he could feel it, and there was already light falling above his head.

He raised his head and saw Captain Marvel to his surprise.

Carol, with bright flames rising from her body, saw the three Spider-Man on the rooftop and said "Oh": "It seems that Mr. Magic did not lie to me. Boy, you have caused a lot of trouble."

From her tone, it seemed that she had gone to see Doctor Strange. Azu coughed dryly and introduced the other two Spider-Man: "This is Ms. Carroll. She is the most powerful person I have ever seen."

The Amazing Spider-Man smiled his signature smile and waved to Captain Marvel.

The first generation nodded his head more steadily.

After greeting them, Carroll said: "Mr. Parker, you have to go back with me."

Azu, the original and The Amazing Spider-Man all asked at the same time: "Where to go?"

Carol was stunned for a moment, then tried to ask: "Are you also called Peter Parker?"

The original Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man nodded awkwardly: "Yes, ma'am."

Carol shrugged: "Okay, it doesn't matter."

"Anyway, you three must return to the Holy of Holies with me."

"This is what I promised Mr. Magician."

Azu vaguely guessed the answer, but still asked cautiously: "What did you promise him?"

"I'm looking for someone."

"But I had no clue, so I thought of Mr. Magician."

"I thought he might be able to help."

"But when I found him, he had just come out of some dimension, and he told me, you're in trouble, big trouble."

Carol looked at Azu: "So we reached an agreement."

"I helped him bring back visitors from various universes, and he helped me find the people I was looking for."

Azu asked quickly: "Then have you found Norman Osborn?"

Carroll spread his hands and said, "Who is Norman Osborne?"

The first generation smiled and said: "A madman flying around on a hang glider."

Carol shook his head: "I only found one guy who could turn into sand, and then I found you guys here, so I came over to take a look."

"Okay, enough chatting, I'm in a hurry."

"Can you please go back with me?"

Azu stepped back and said, "I can't go back yet, ma'am."

"I have something to do, please give me some time."

"I promise, after I've done what I have to do, I'll find Doctor Strange myself."

Carol laughed: "That's obviously not possible, Mr. Parker."

"The magician is worried that you will cause more trouble. Although as far as I know, the trouble you caused is already big enough, so the trouble with Thanos is a little smaller."

"Just a little."

Carol gestured with her hands, and then said: "So now, either you go back with me."


She raised her arms, several magic circles appeared on her wrists, and magic symbols appeared on the sleeves of her uniform.

Apparently, Doctor Strange etched a spell on Carol's hand that could teleport people to a magical prison.

Azu shook his head.

"Feel sorry."

Then he turned around and ran away.

Then he relied on his intuition and took a big step to the left to avoid the magic beam fired by Carol.

"What are you doing, ma'am?"

"Please give him a chance."

The Amazing Spider-Man and the original screamed at the same time, and both fired webs at Carol.

The webbing stuck to Carol's body and the two Spider-Men worked together to tear her off.


Carol raised her hand slightly and tore off the spider silk attached to her body. She shook her head and said to the two Spider-Man: "I know you are good people, but don't force me to do anything to you."

The Amazing Spider-Man laughed and said, "We just want to help that kid, please give us a chance."

The first generation looked at Azu and said: "Don't let anger control you, Peter!"

Azu had already jumped off the rooftop. When Carol's sight was blocked by the building, he immediately used 'teleportation' to locate a passerby, and then suddenly appeared on the street.

The passerby who was located by Azu was startled and screamed: "Spider-Man!"

"Peter Parker!"

"He's right here!"

"Oh my God, aliens are coming, monsters are coming, help!"

Azu used 'Distort Reality' to temporarily make his mouth disappear.

Then he ran into a dark alley, and when he came out again, he had transformed into a short-haired woman using the transformation technique.

He knew that two Spider-Men couldn't hold Carol down for long.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

No matter how strong Spider-Man is, he can't stand up to Captain Marvel.

Now he just wants to get away quickly without letting Captain Marvel get involved.

The rooftop of Zhongcheng Science and Technology Middle School.

The Amazing Spider-Man fixed himself with a piece of spider silk and was circling Carol. He kept shooting the spider silk over and wrapped Carol in the spider silk in the blink of an eye.

The first generation also raised his hand and shot out spider silk, pulled Carol over, and threw him on the tower.

Then the two Spider-Men fired spider silk in succession, fixing Captain Marvel to the outer wall of the tower.

"Take a break here, ma'am." The Amazing Spider-Man said with a smile.

Carol also laughed: "If you want me to rest, this skill is not enough."

She didn't even need to activate the 'double star state'. She clenched her hands into fists and sprayed out a stream of neutrons from her fists, tearing through the spider webs that the first generation and the extraordinary Spider-Man had finally laid.

"This is not easy to handle." The Amazing Spider-Man glanced at the original generation, "Do you have such a strong character?"

The first generation smiled bitterly and said: "The most troublesome guy I encountered was from outside the earth. It is very troublesome, but at least it cannot emit lasers."

Carol winked at the two Spider-Men and said.

"Now, it's your turn to rest."

After a while.

Inside the crypt of the Holy of Holies.

In the magic prison, the original and the Amazing Spider-Man appeared one after another, and they were captured.

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