I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 371 The Internet is Heaven, the Keyboard is the Bible

Hearing that Azu wanted to have a serious talk with the 'keyboard warriors' and face to face, Ashley felt a chill go up her back and couldn't help but raise her hips and chest, trying to force out a smile.

"Sir, do you need me to contact them for you?"


"I already know where they are and who they are." Azu smiled. Just now while he was looking at the comments on the tablet, he had already sent out a stream of information streams, entered the network, and found the IPs of those 'keyboard warriors'. And use the camera of the other person's electronic device to record their appearance.

Ashley nodded and said, "One more thing, sir."

Azu looked back at her: "Is there anything else?"

"Is such that."

"The President invites you to attend the investiture ceremony at the White House next Monday."

"He thinks that because of the super meteorite last time, many things were not done in place, and the fact that you became a general was not officially announced to the outside world."

"He hopes you can attend the investiture ceremony, which will be broadcast live around the world."

"He said he would grandly announce to the world that the best and most powerful general in the history of the Federation was born."

Ashley licked her lips, she was very excited, because if Azu participated in this ceremony, Walter's stock would definitely rise crazily.

As one of the shareholders, the dividends she can receive will naturally make her happy to facilitate this matter.

"Oh, there is such a thing."

Azu smiled and said, "No problem."

"Go and tell Mr. President that I will attend on time."

Ashley immediately said: "Sir, I will immediately ask the public relations department to prepare a script for you, no, prepare several scripts, and you can choose it yourself."

Azu shook his head and said, "No need to bother."

"I can do the lines myself."

Seeing what Azu said, Ashley stopped insisting.

She left quickly, and after walking out of the command hall, she started calling the Office of the President of the White House to relay Azu's message.

Azu clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I want to go out for a walk too."

After wandering around, he came to the Ministry of Defense building.

In the Ministry of Defense building, Victoria Newman held her head high and walked in the passage to her office.

With Azu's recommendation, she successfully became the Secretary to the Minister of Defense and officially became one of the core figures in this country.

Although she is still far away from the core, her status as a member of parliament is much higher than before.

Now she is exposed to this country's secrets every day, which she never dared to think about before.

Even now, sometimes she still wonders if she is dreaming.

She couldn't believe that she could actually get to this point.


Newman knew very well that it would be difficult to break into the country's core units on his own.

She can stand at this height.

It's all because of that man.

The man who changed her life.

The man who haunted her.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Everyone passing by, whether sincerely or not, would say hello to her.

This is not only because of her status as secretary, but also because behind her is the most powerful man in the world.

But speaking of it.

The man hasn't been seen for a while.

Where will he be?

As soon as this thought crossed her mind, Newman walked into the office and saw someone sitting on her chair, holding a photo frame and looking at it.

When he saw himself coming in, he put down the photo frame and said with a smile, "Good morning."

People of the motherland!

Newman couldn't stop smiling.

She quickly closed her office.

Turn off all monitoring.

Then he sat on Azu's lap.

"It's nice to meet you, sir."

Azu chuckled: "Am I so popular?"

Newman lifted up his hair, looked into Azu's blue eyes and said, "I can't think of any woman who can refuse your enthusiasm."

Azu scanned Newman and said, "Your heart is beating too fast."

"It doesn't matter."

Newman's breathing intensified: "I can jump harder."

Then she bit her lip in Azu's ear and said, "I haven't had breakfast yet."

Azu understood, laughed, and put his hand on Newman's head: "Then let you have a taste of my benefits."


In this office.

Azu's spear is invincible.

It's nearly noon.

Newman poured himself a glass of water, moistening his throat as if a fire was burning, and then said: "Mr. President would like to invite you to attend the investiture ceremony on Monday."

Azu nodded: "I know."

"What can I do for you?" Newman asked.

Azu smiled and said, "This is exactly why I came to you."

"I think the federation is too lax in terms of network management."

"Perhaps they should strengthen strict control in this area."

"Lest some guys think that the Internet is a lawless place and they can do whatever they want."

Newman immediately understood: "You are referring to the thing about the Protectorate on the Internet."

Azu chuckled and said, "It saves trouble to talk to smart people."

Newman took another sip of water and said, "I understand how to do it, sir."


Washington, White House.

President Rick Archibald walked into his office, and the office secretary reported.

"Sir, I received a reply from Vought Company about the award ceremony this morning."

"The Motherland has promised to attend the ceremony and will arrive at the White House on time Monday morning."

Archibald groaned, took off his suit, and his secretary hung it on the coat rack.

He sat down in his chair, opened a drawer, and took out a box of Cuban cigars.

The secretary came to him, expertly handled the cigar for him, and lit it for him.

The president took a sip, then looked at the officials in the office and said.

"What do you think?"

These officials look at you and you look at me, and they dare not express their opinions casually.

After all, he is a native of the motherland.

Everything related to the people of the motherland needs to be cautious.

General Mike coughed dryly and said: "The investiture ceremony will be broadcast live worldwide. Mr. President, this is an opportunity for us."

"Since the last super meteorite incident, many countries have begun to question whether the Federation can still control the people of the motherland."

"They are very worried that if the people of the motherland are not controlled, they will become a ticking time bomb."

"I think maybe we can take this opportunity to announce to the world that the people of the motherland are still under our control through some subtle ways."

The president gulped and said: "Then how do you think the people of the motherland, who are not under our control in the first place, can make other countries think that we can still control them?"


General Mike said solemnly: "As long as we can get the people of the motherland to cooperate and show an attitude of cooperating with us, we can do this."

"For example, we can make a fuss on the medal podium."

"We made the medal-conferring platform into a stepped shape, with you, the president, standing at the top, and the people of the motherland standing one level below. This way we can highlight the difference between the upper and lower levels."

Rick nodded and said, "This is indeed a solution."

"Let the Propaganda Department think carefully about how to use this award to make a fuss."

Naturally, there is no need for General Mike to communicate this.

Later, the office secretary will notify the publicity department personnel.

time flies.

Monday came in a blink of an eye.

early morning.

Derrick was walking home.

He is a worker in a processing factory. He just finished the night shift last night and can have a day off today.

Derrick, who is already in his early thirties, is obese, has an unstable income, and has a mediocre family background.

So much so that he doesn't even have a girlfriend, let alone married.

This makes Derrick always feel inferior in front of people.

He always walks with his head down.

He likes to wear hats and pulls them down so low that he can put his head inside them.

He dared not look directly at others outside, and would always stare at their feet when communicating with others.

All this is a sign of lack of self-confidence.

He has no friends and lives alone in New York, renting a single apartment.

Factories and apartments are everything in Derrick's life.

At this time, Derrick passed by an alley.

He suddenly saw three black men blocking a woman in a corner in the alley.

It seemed like a robbery.

This is all too common in New York.

The city is far from safe.

There are as many thieves and robbers as there are rats in the sewers.

The woman saw Derrick and shouted quickly: "Hey, sir, please help me!"

Several black men immediately looked over. Their eyes fell on Derrick, and one of them said fiercely.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here, fat man!"

Derrick stepped back timidly, glanced at the woman, then trotted away with his head lowered.

He heard black laughter coming from the alley.

I heard the woman cursing herself.

Derrick's face felt hot.

he screamed inwardly.

What's wrong with me!

I am not from my motherland!

I'm just an ordinary person.

Nothing but fat.

Why are you laughing at me.

Why curse me.

Shouldn’t it be the people of the motherland who should be laughed at and cursed?

If he doesn't show up in time, he doesn't deserve to be a superhero!

Derrick returned to the apartment as if running for his life. As soon as he entered the elevator, a hand reached out, and then a man walked into the elevator smelling of alcohol.

This is Bart who lives next door to him, an alcoholic, a drug addict, and a violent maniac.

"Hey, Derrick."

Bart came over with a smile, showing his yellow teeth, and sniffed around Derrick.

"I smell dollar bills."

"You just got paid, right?"

"Lend me $10 and I'll pay you back in a few days."

You have borrowed $10 many times but never paid it back!

A voice shouted in Derrick's heart.

It even looked like I had punched this guy in the head.


Bart slapped Derrick in the face.

"Why are you so dazed? Money!"

"Or do you want me to scratch your fat face?"

Derrick immediately took out a few U.S. dollars from his pocket and handed them to Bart with his head lowered.

Bart whipped it out.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and Bart kicked Derrick on the butt: "Get away, you fat man."

Derrick didn't dare to have an attack. He didn't raise his head until he opened the door and returned to his own world.

He took a shower first, then took out the leftover pizza from the refrigerator yesterday, made himself a cup of coffee, and sat in front of the computer with the pizza and coffee.

No one on the Internet knows Derrick, who is fat and poor, only Dark Lemon, who is bold and outspoken.

The Internet is Derrick's paradise.

The keyboard is his bible.

On the Internet, he is the God who judges all living beings!

While drinking coffee, Derrick logged onto his Twitter account. When he opened the page, he saw his message about the people of the motherland a few days ago. It had been liked more than 100,000 times!

Derrick couldn't help but cheer.

Close your eyes.

It's as if you can hear the praises of all living beings.

He let out a long breath.

Then browse the news.

Soon he saw a piece of breaking news.

At ten o'clock this morning, the people of the motherland will go to the White House to participate in the general award ceremony!

There are already many comments under this news.

Derrick's eyes lit up, like a hungry dog ​​after seeing meat and bones. He bit into the pizza and tapped on the keyboard with oil-stained fingers that had been worn to the point where the letters could no longer be seen.

‘Dark Lemon: What? Are all the people of the motherland going to be generals? How can a clown like this be a general? He is not as smart as a dog! ’

Hit the 'send button' and watch the message appear in the comment area, and then the number of likes increases rapidly.

Derrick felt something indescribably wonderful.

In reality, I may not be superhuman.

But on the Internet, I am omnipotent.

Derrick felt happy, seeing his comments garnering countless followers. He proudly picked up the coffee and took a sip.


It's still a quarter of an hour until ten o'clock.

Derrick turned on the TV and watched the live broadcast.

New York TV stations showed scenes from the White House, and it could be seen that the president had arrived at the scene.

The stepped awards stage was already crowded with reporters. The microphones on the stage were as dense as a forest of guns. The cameras were pointed at the award stage. The reporters had their cameras ready and their faces were tightly tied. , like soldiers about to rush to the battlefield.

"This is New York TV, I am reporter Catherine, and I am reporting for you on the spot."

"There's still a quarter of an hour left, and now we can see that the president and officials at all levels are basically here, and the atmosphere is very warm now."

"This may go down as the most memorable day in the history of the Commonwealth."

"Because today, the Federation will give birth to its first superhuman general."

"This will go down in history."

On the TV, a beautiful female reporter was reporting. Derrick kept staring at the long legs covered in black stockings. He had difficulty concentrating and couldn't hear clearly what the reporter was saying.

Suddenly there was a dull roar from the TV, which startled Derrick, and then he saw a figure falling from the sky on the TV.

When he stood up, the beautiful reporter in front of the screen had already rushed over.

That is a native of the motherland.

Today’s focus!

Not only the reporters in front of the screen, but reporters from other media also swarmed towards the people of the motherland.

Looking at the blond man on the screen who was murdering a lot of films, Derrick snorted heavily in his nostrils.

"What a clown!" (End of chapter)

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