I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 373 Closing the Net

"What did you say, soldier boy?"

There was a sudden 'buzz' in Mallory's mind, and some dusty memories surged in like a tidal wave.

"This is impossible."

"This is impossible."

Frankie raised his head, looked at Mallory and said, "What's wrong?"

"What don't you know about Soldier Boy?"

Mallory trembled, then shook his head: "No, it's nothing, I."


Frankie suddenly jumped up: "Breast milk is dead!"

"Killed by Soldier Boy."

"Damn, Soldier Boy may be very powerful, but I never knew he could shoot radiation beams from his chest like a cannon."

"That thing just turned the breast milk into crumbs."

"Brother's milk still has a daughter. That poor child will have no father in the future."

"So you know something, can't you tell me?"

Mallory was silent.

She looked at Franky and said nothing for a long time.

Then he took out a cigarette from his body, took out one and started smoking.

"That was a long time ago."

"We were at war with the Soviet Union at the time."

"I'm on the front lines commanding a team."

"But at that time, military spending was tight and we had to maintain it."

"We have to do some jobs to subsidize military spending."

"I won't go into details."

"Anyway, at that time, when we were busy, damn, Vought sent some superhuman idiots to the front line."

French tried, "Soldier boy?"

Mallory blew out a smoke ring: "That's him."

"And the Crimson Countess, Gunpowder and those people."

"That is, the 'Blood Debt Blood Pay' team, the predecessor of the 'Group of Seven'."

"At that time, Vought Corporation reached an agreement with the federal army. They funded the army, but they had to assign superhumans to join the war to collect necessary data."

Frankie spread his hands and said, "So, they sent the 'Blood Repayment with Blood' team?"

Mallory nodded: "Yes, those idiots have no military qualities and are just causing trouble for me."

"There was a damn idiot with wings on his back. He actually flew into the sky on the battlefield and attracted the attention of the Soviet Union."

"He was blown to pieces on the spot, but it also exposed our position, which resulted in an attack from the Soviet Union."

At this point, Mallory gritted his teeth and said.

"It would be fine if it was just the Soviet Union that fought them. I think I can still repel them, but those superhuman idiots whose brains are all muddleheaded can't even distinguish between enemy and friendly forces."

"In that battle, at least half of my men were accidentally killed by them."

"The only good news is."

"The soldier boy was killed and taken away by the Soviet Union."

"I thought that after he was killed, the Soviet Union would at best feed his body to the dogs after studying it."

"I didn't expect that you actually said he was still alive."

Frankie nodded and said, "He is indeed still alive. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it."

"Oh my God, it's been so many years, but he hasn't changed at all."

"And his power is stronger. I don't know if he evolved it on his own, or if Soviet Union scientists changed his genes."

At this moment, Mallory suddenly made a silencing gesture, and then pointed to the TV.

Inside the TV screen, a news report was being reported.

".Just this morning, an incident of sabotage by a superhuman villain occurred on the streets of New York. This dangerous superhuman not only destroyed a building, but also killed several innocent passers-by."

"This is a picture captured by nearby surveillance cameras."

On the TV screen, the picture turned and a street corner appeared.

At the corner of the street, a man was bent over, holding his head, as if he was suffering from some pain.

He suddenly screamed and straightened up, shooting out a torrent of light from his chest. Suddenly the entire screen lit up, and then the scene ended.


Mallory's cigarette fell to the ground.

Frankie jumped up: "It's him, it's him!"

"Soldier boy!"

"He escaped."

"He's back in New York."

Mallory froze in his seat, then stood up and said: "Let's go, Frankie, let's go and see the scene."

In a blink of an eye they arrived at the scene.

A cordon has been set up here, and the ruins of a building can be seen in the distance. It was blasted through by the violent energy. There are still many places burning and smoke rising.

Mallory took out his ID, a forged FBI ID, and then went to the ruins of the building with French.

She winked at French, and the Frenchman took out an instrument and placed it around for testing.

Snap, snap, snap.

The instrument rang.

The above values ​​made Frankie look ugly.

He turned around and said to Mallory: "Madam, the reading exceeds the standard. There is an extraordinary amount of radiation remaining here."

"It's a soldier boy. He was in the military base at the time. He also fired light cannons from his chest and opened a passage directly into the base."

Mallory looked around: "Now that he has run away, who will he go to when he returns to New York?"

Suddenly they both said in unison: "The Crimson Countess!"

That was an old friend of the soldier boy.

When he returns to New York, he will definitely seek out the Crimson Countess.


Mallory headed for the cordon.

Frankie chased after him and said, "Madam, do you want to go find him?"

Mallory nodded and said, "You also saw the damage that Soldier Boy caused."

"Maybe we can use him to deal with the people of the motherland."

French whispered, "This is too dangerous."

Mallory laughed: "Which of the things we do is safe?"

This woman, who was already quite young, still walked vigorously and got out of the cordon in a few seconds.

Frankie had no choice but to follow.

at the same time.

In the command hall of the Seven-Man Tower.

As soon as Azu walked in, he saw Starlight, Maeve and others gathered in front of the TV screen.

He coughed dryly and smiled: "What did I miss?"

Starlight turned around and said nervously: "Sir, you have to read this news."

"There are superhuman villains."

Azu raised his eyebrows, walked over, and saw a man blasting a light cannon from his chest on the TV screen.


Isn't this a soldier boy?

So Mallory and the others are back from Russia?

Even though Butcher was dead, they still released Soldier Boy?

This is interesting.


Starlight, who had a strong sense of justice, asked nervously: "Should we take action?"

"This superhuman villain is too dangerous. If he is not controlled as soon as possible, more people will be injured."

Azu clasped his hands behind his back, looked at her with a smile and said, "I appreciate your mobility, but Starlight, don't forget that we are no longer performing heroic activities for free."

"If the federation needs it, they will let us know."

"And before that."

Azu looked at Maeve: "Let the Criminal Analysis Department investigate the identity of this super human first and obtain detailed information for us to use."

Maeve nodded and left the command hall.

Only Xingguang and Azu were left in the command hall.

Starlight was still unwilling to give up: "Sir, I can track this super human first. Once we take action, we can also grasp his location immediately."

Azu stretched out his hand, gently lifted Xingguang's chin and said, "Okay."

"I approve."

"But you have to be careful, that superhuman is not a vegetarian."

"If your beautiful face is hurt, I think many people will be heartbroken."

"Also, I can give you a clue."

"The Crimson Countess."

Starlight searched her mind for a while, and then said: "Are you referring to the crimson countess who 'paid with blood'?"

"Besides her, there should be no other countess." Azu put down his hand, walked behind the starlight, and looked at the soldier boy on the screen, "He will go to the crimson countess."

Starlight said in surprise: "Sir, how did you know?"

Azu laughed: "Want to know the answer?"

"I'll tell you if you date me."

Starlight was stunned for a moment and blushed.

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "You're just kidding, go to work."

Azu was happy to swallow a beautiful girl like Starlight, but he didn't like the bully to force himself on her, it was too boring.

So he just teased Starlight.

Unexpectedly, when Xingguang walked to the door, he stopped and whispered: "I am free this Friday night."

Then he left in a hurry.

This time, Azu was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly, shook his head, and didn't take it to heart.

He looked at the soldier boy.

As a time traveler, Azu naturally knew about the entanglement between the soldier boy and the "Blood Debt Repayment" team.

Although it was not explained too clearly in the TV series, Azu sorted out the outline of an incident from some fragments in the TV series, characters' dialogues and other details.

Soldier Boy can be said to be the predecessor of the Fatherland.

At that time, Vought Company created him, making Soldier Boy the most powerful weapon of Vought Company.

However, the Soldier Boys are more difficult to control than the Homelanders.

He is a very jealous person, and Black was beaten violently by the soldier boy just because he had the potential to become the second soldier boy.

It was also because of this that Walter Company made up its mind to get rid of him.

Watt Company even cooperated with people from the Soviet Union for this purpose.

This is also the reason why the soldier boy was eventually taken away by the Soviet Union.

in order to achieve this goal.

Vought Corporation financed the military and used it as a condition for the superhuman army to participate in the war.

On the surface, they want to collect data on superhumans in the war, but in fact, they want to use the special environment of war to kill Soldier Boy.

At that time, Edgar from Walter Company also arrived at the battlefield in person. Originally, a person like him did not have to go to the front line, but in order to command and arrange the killing of the soldier boy, he went anyway.

In the TV series, there were several details worthy of scrutiny at that time.

One is a bug-man flying into the sky like an idiot. Superhumans may be arrogant, but they are not necessarily idiots.

Even an ordinary person knows how stupid it is to reveal your position on the battlefield.

Wouldn't the insect man know?

So when he flew into the sky, he actually intended to let the people in the Soviet Union know where they were.

Another detail is that the team members who have paid for their blood are killing Mallory's people.

In the TV series, Mallory thinks these are idiots who can't tell friend from foe.

But from Azu's point of view, it was obvious that these superhumans did this on purpose.

Their purpose was to kill all witnesses and prevent anyone from knowing that they were colluding with people from the Soviet Union.

There was another detail later. When Butcher and the others went to find Psychic Storm, Soldier Boy said that Psychic Storm would trap a person in an endless nightmare until he died of dehydration.

From here we can know that people trapped in nightmares by psychic storms will eventually die of dehydration.

In the TV series, in Mallory's memories, when the Soviet Union attacked, she woke up and saw Psychic Storm feeding gunpowder with water. In other words, Gunpowder was probably attacked by Psychic Storm's superpower.

Azu didn't know why Psychic Storm attacked Gunpowder. He was more inclined to think that Psychic Storm took advantage of the chaos and used the super power on the soldier boy when he was unprepared, but it affected Gunpowder.


Edgar's plan is quite clear.

The bug's exposed position attracted the Soviet Union.

When the Soviet Union attacked the position and caused chaos, Psychic Storm took the opportunity to use super powers on Soldier Boy and controlled Soldier Boy.

Black and crimson countesses are responsible for attacking soldier boys.

Others were responsible for clearing witnesses.

In the end, Edgar's plan worked.

The soldier boy suffered serious injuries and was taken away by the Soviet Union, leaving his life or death uncertain.

Vought also took this opportunity to launch new 'products', namely 'Homelander' and Seven.

The 'Blood Debt' team was disbanded after the mission. Only Black remained in the seven-man team and became a trump card used by Edgar to deal with the people of the motherland.

But after Azu traveled through time and replaced the original owner as a 'man of the motherland', Black's trump card was obviously scrapped.

And now, Soldier Boy, an important character in the show, has finally made his appearance.

His light cannon that can turn superhumans into ordinary people is indeed a 'secret weapon', but it is a pity that it cannot threaten Azu.

First of all, Soldier Boy's chest cannon needs to be charged up. Not to mention the current Azu, he is a native of the motherland in the play. If it is not controlled, it is impossible for Soldier Boy to hit a native of the motherland.

Secondly, for Azu today, even if he stands still, Soldier Boy's light cannon cannot break through his 'absolute domain'.

Azu didn't think that his awakening talent would be wiped out by the ability of a character in the original drama.

So, he was in no rush to deal with the soldier boy.

It's like he knew that Mallory and others would eventually find Soldier Boy, but he didn't stop it.

Because to Azu, the soldier boy is not a threat. On the contrary, he can also use the soldier boy to lure some big fish out of the water.

For example, Mr. President.

If Mallory's actions were not supported by the president, Azu would be the first to not believe it.

He left Mallory alive and pretended not to see through Storm's plan, with the ultimate goal of drawing the president out from behind the scenes.

Let the president's "conspiracy" to murder the people of the motherland be made public.

At that time, Azu can justifiably change the federation to a new president!

“The net has been cast, and it’s finally time to close it.”

Azu said with a smile. (End of chapter)

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