I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 375 Secret War? you sure?

"Although I don't want to hurt you, this is a fact. At least in the forty years since you disappeared, you have been replaced and no one remembers you."

“People now only know Vought, they know the Homeland, and they know the Seven.”

"Soldier boy?"

"I'm afraid only older people like me will remember you."

"But the world always belongs to the young, doesn't it?"

Mallory smoked his cigarette gracefully: "You want people to remember you, unless you let everyone remember you again."

"That sounds really sad."

The soldier boy murmured, and then he didn't know what he was thinking. He stopped expressing his position and concentrated on eating the burger.

After eating, he wiped his mouth with a tissue and looked at Mallory.

"So, this is the deal you want to negotiate with me."

"You found my former teammates for me, and I killed the guy who replaced me for you?"

"is that so?"

Mallory nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"How about it, it's a good deal."

"And by getting rid of him, you can get back into the public eye."

"The legends of the past appear in a new look, and you will become people's idols and heroes."

The soldier boy leaned back in his chair: "Then, will you be controlled by Watt Company again?"

"I saw their promo when I was in Midtown and Damn Walt still exists."

Mallory blew out a smoke ring and said: "But Edgar is no longer here, and now the boss of Walter Company is a native of the motherland."

"If he dies, Watt Company will be leaderless."

"And I guarantee you, as long as the people of the motherland die, Vought Corporation will be disbanded soon."

The soldier boy laughed and said, "Your guarantee is worthless, I'm sorry, no offense intended, but that's just the way it is."

Mallory thought for a while and said, "What if it is the current president who makes this guarantee?"

The soldier boy raised his eyebrows: "Who is Mr. President now?"

"Rick Archibald." Mallory put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

The soldier boy narrowed his eyes slightly: "You want to say that all the activities you are carrying out now are authorized by the president?"

Mallory smiled and nodded, "Obvious, isn't it?"

The soldier boy thought for a moment and held up two fingers.

"Two conditions."

"If you meet these two conditions, I will make this deal with you."

Mallory leaned forward slightly: "Tell me something."

"First, I want to meet President Rick Archibald."

"Face to face."

"Not a stand-in, not a phone call, but a live Mr. President."

The soldier boy made this request.

Mallory said on the spot: "No way."

"The president will not agree to such a request, it is too dangerous for him."

The soldier boy spread his hands and said, "What you have to deal with now is the most dangerous person in the world. I also have to bear the risk."

"So I don't think Mr. President can pick the fruits of victory without doing anything and without a drop of blood."

"This is a prerequisite. If you don't agree, or the president doesn't agree, then there will be nothing left to say."

Mallory closed her eyes and said after a moment, "I'll make a call."

"You're welcome." The soldier boy wearing a loose blue T-shirt stood up, turned on the TV, and watched a movie about himself.

Mallory walked out of the room and winked at Frankie, indicating that he was watching the time bomb.

Frankie nodded, and after the door closed, he coughed dryly.


"Can I ask you a question?"

The soldier boy said lazily: "Tell me about it."

"I don't guarantee an answer."

Franky shrugged his shoulders, and then said: "Your superpower, I mean, the intense radiant energy you emit from your chest."

"I remember you didn't have this kind of super power before."

"Did this come about later?"

Listening to Frankie's words, some pictures flashed before the soldier boy's eyes.

Wearing a mask, the Soviet Union scientist poured large quantities of the compound into his mouth, as if his mouth opened straight into the Pacific Ocean.

A cruel smile appeared on the face of the soldier holding the rifle. He thrust the muzzle of the gun into his mouth and shot against his throat.

The nurse holding a scalpel picked up his eyelids with a camera and tried to cut off his cornea.

Those noisy voices, those ferocious faces, and those unbearable past seemed to catch up with him again.



The soldier boy held his head, and his chest became brighter and brighter. Frankie was so frightened that he said, "What are you doing, buddy?"

"Calm down, there are no enemies here."

The soldier boy groaned and took a deep breath. He had begun to master this power and was able to calm the restlessness it caused.

A few seconds passed.

His chest returned to normal.

He glared at Franky fiercely: "Don't ask such boring questions again!"

At this time Mallory walked in and looked at the two people in the room: "What did I miss?"

Then she said to the soldier boy: "I am going to Washington now to make your request to Mr. President in person."

"So you'd better tell your second request, and I can raise it with the president together."

The soldier boy didn't know what he thought of, so he smiled.

To be honest, he was handsome and had an attractive smile.

If Mallory had been a girl of seventeen or eighteen, she thought she would have been attracted to soldier boys.

"That request has nothing to do with Mr. President."

Mallory said "Oh", pulled up a chair and sat down: "Then tell me what it is, so I can be mentally prepared."

The soldier boy pointed at Frankie: "Get out."

French looked at Mallory.

Mallory said without looking back: "Frankie is the only person I can trust. I think it doesn't matter if he stays."

The soldier boy laughed: "You said so."

He cleared his throat and said, "The second request is from you."

"I want you to stay with me, at least for one night."

Only then did Mallory and French know what he was asking for.

Frankie looked incredulous.

He admitted that Mallory was one of the most charming older women he had ever seen.

But no one wants to spend the night with an old woman.

Especially the soldier boy, who looks like he's in his prime and should be interested in young girls.


It's just his appearance that hasn't changed, but this guy's appearance has never changed in forty years.

In other words, according to normal standards, the soldier boy should be an old man in his seventies or eighties.

Older than Mrs. Mallory!

Suddenly, Frankie understood.

Co-authored by Soldier Boy Wants to Have a Twilight Love with Mrs. Mallory.

Mallory looked at the soldier boy quietly: "Are you serious?"

Soldier Boy laughed, "Do I look like I'm kidding?"

"When we were on the battlefield, I thought you were very interesting."

"It's a pity that you were so fierce at that time and far less interesting than you are now."

Mallory laughed: "I do have a lot of taste now. I didn't expect that you have such a strong taste."

The soldier boy shrugged his shoulders: "So, you refuse?"


Mallory stood up and said, "Go watch a movie."

Frankie just had a question mark over his head.

Mallory had begun to take off his clothes: "Unless you want to stay and visit."

Frankie secretly thought, 'What the hell', and quickly jumped up and left the room.

Not long after he walked out, he heard some movement from the room.

The Frenchman shook his head and left quickly.

the next morning.

Washington, White House.

In the Oval Office.

Mallory met President Rick Archibald as he wished.

Mr. President smiled and said: "You look good."

Mallory blushed and said, "It's okay."

"Mr. President, let's get down to business."

"But until then."

She took out an instrument and pressed it.

The entire White House surveillance system was paralyzed, and even the communication system was cut off. A burst of electronic noise rang out from the Bluetooth headsets of many people, including the president's secretary.

The president glanced at his secretary, who whispered, "There's something wrong with my headphones."

Then there was a knock on the door, and then the White House security director came in and said: "Mr. President, our surveillance system and communication system have been cut off."

The president immediately looked at Mallory, and his eyes fell on the remote control in her hand.

Mallory put the remote control on the table and said, "Just in case."

"Don't forget how Mr. Wilson, the former Secretary of Defense, stepped down."

"His phone calls with people in his motherland were monitored and stolen. I'm just worried that the same thing will happen again."

"This is also the reason why I want to talk to Mr. President face to face, so as not to be discovered by the people of the motherland."

Rick Archibald nodded: "Your concerns are justified."

"So, what did Soldier Boy say?"

Mallory said straight to the point: "He hopes to talk to you face to face like we do."

Before the president responded, General Mike stood up and said, "No!"

"This is too dangerous!"

"Soldier Boy can easily destroy a building, and if he were to come face to face with Mr. President, it would be just as dangerous as facing the people of his country."

Chief Mallory: "That's what I said, but Soldier Boy insisted that this was a prerequisite for him to agree to the deal."

Thinking of the soldier boy's 'second condition', Mallory actually had the urge to return to New York as soon as possible.

She hadn't been this happy for a long time.

Mr. President simply nodded and said: "Okay, I will let someone arrange the place and time to meet the soldier boy."

"I'll let you know when a decision is made."

General Mack and other officials immediately looked at the president.

"Mr. President, this is too dangerous. No one knows what the soldier boy will do."

"Yes, Mr. President, what if you are in danger?"

Rick Archibald raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said.

"When fighting a war, you need to take risks."

"There is no sure-win war in this world."

"Now we are engaged in a secret war with the motherland. If I am not even willing to take this risk, how can we defeat the motherland."

"Now we can only pin our hopes on the soldier boys."

"So be it."

Seeing that Mr. President had already decided, the others had no choice but to give up persuading.

Mallory picked up the remote control, restored the White House surveillance system and communication system, and left.

Outside the President's Office, a few sparrows landed on the window sill and chirped.

No one in the office paid attention. The president had already begun discussing with General Mike and the others about meeting the soldier boy.

Outside the window, no matter what a sparrow is doing, its little head is always looking into the office.

If someone uses a magnifying glass to observe this sparrow at this time, they will find that the eyes of this little thing are actually extremely tiny and precise machines.

at the same time.

Azu, who is far away in New York, is in his room, looking at the president and others in the White House office on the screen of his mobile phone.

"Secret war? That's just for you."

"There are no secrets to me."

"Trying to use Soldier Boy against me."

"I guess this is the only way you can do it."

“Meet in Yellowstone?”

"Thank you for figuring it out."

Azu chuckled.

Mallory was indeed cautious and cautious.

But she would never have thought of it.

The last time he went to Washington to participate in the investiture ceremony, Azu had already used the 'transformed vision' stolen from Starro to leave a lot of informants near the White House.

Many birds or other small animals have been transformed into mechanical life forms by him.

These things loyally monitor every move in the White House for him 24 hours a day.

Mallory went to see the president and he knew immediately.

After listening to the screen, the president set a time for the meeting on Friday morning.

Azu brought Ashley over.

"Help me organize a press conference." Azu said.

Ashley looked at Azu in surprise.

"What, is there a problem?" Azu asked.

Ashley said quickly: "No, no, no, no problem."

"It's just a little unexpected."

"And what is the theme of this reception, sir?"

Azu said with a smile: "About the next in-depth cooperation between me and the Federation."

"Wow, this is definitely eye-catching."

Ashley quickly took out a notepad and wrote down: "When do you plan to hold it?"

"This Friday morning."

"Yeah, right."

"Prepare several helicopters for me when the time comes." Azu did not forget to order.

Ashley was stunned for a moment: "Helicopter?"

"Does the press conference require a helicopter?"

Azu nodded: "Of course, it will be used when the time comes. As for the purpose, I will give it a try first."

Ashley laughed: "It sounds very mysterious and interesting."

"No problem, I will prepare in advance."

"Is there anything else?"

Azu shook his head: "No more."

After Ashley left, Azu left downtown New York and came to his Eden base.

It is now beginning to take shape and some of its facilities have been put into use.

For example, a metahuman training ground.

When Azu passed by, he saw Ryan and Cindy doing fighting training in the training ground.

In a blink of an eye, Azu arrived at the experimental building.

This building is the heart of Eden, where different areas of research are conducted on each floor.

Everything from infinite energy sources to biological weapons.

During the previous war in New York, the alien lifeform's "Black Skeleton" captured by Angelina was thrown into the biological weapons research and development center to serve as a research object.

A group of experts in the biological field circle around it every day.

With the support of Angelina's group and Azu, the Eden Base has gathered a large number of experts and talents from various fields in the federation.

This base will become the world's top research center, and Azu will be its strongest backing!

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