Yellowstone National Park, camping area.

A few older children were setting up the tent.

Suddenly, one of them stood up.

"Jack, what are you doing? Please help me quickly."

"Jack, you don't want to be lazy. I'll tell mom to go and punish you with no food at night."

Several children suddenly started shouting.

The boy named Jack raised his hand and pointed to the forest in the distance: "Look, there are fireworks going off there."

"What a poor excuse you have. Where did the fireworks come from here?" A little girl stood up, subconsciously looked in the direction of Jack's finger, and then exclaimed.

"what is that!"

In the direction of Jack's finger, behind the forest, a beam of light shot up into the sky.

Even in the daytime, it cannot hide its brilliance.

"Are they really fireworks?"

"No, that's the tail flame of the rocket thruster!"

"It's impossible. I didn't see the rocket. Besides, there's no rocket launch base here."

"You are all mistaken. I am sure that it is an alien or a UFO!"

"Why didn't I see a UFO?"

"Because it's invisible!"

Just as these children were talking about the beam of light.

In the military base, the light on the soldier boy's chest gradually dimmed, and he had released all his energy.


"So the forward swing of your skill is too serious."

"If you want to hit the target, you must have teammates to cooperate and control."

"Otherwise if you go a little faster, you'll just be able to hit the air."

Azu complained, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "By the way, how could I forget it?"

"I know what to do with you."

Hearing the word 'handle', the soldier boy suddenly had a bad feeling. He struggled hard, but Azu's hands were like pliers, tightly controlling him.

The soldier boy suddenly shouted, tore off his uniform, turned around suddenly, and fell to the ground.

Azu looked at the clothes in his hand, smiled, threw them aside and said, "I advise you not to struggle pointlessly."

Soldier Boy turned around and ran.


There was wind in the back of his head.

Didn't have time to look back.

There was a bang in the back of his head.

Then the world spun before his eyes.

The soldier boy didn't know what was happening, but the reporter on the helicopter saw clearly.

They saw the motherland catching up from behind, and with a wave of their hands, the soldier boy was knocked into the air and rolled 360 degrees.

The soldier boy fell hard to the ground. He shook his head and tried to get up.

There was a heavy weight on the back.

It turned out that Azu had already stepped on him.

Then the reporters on the helicopter watched as Azu's eyes erupted with blazing golden beams of light, falling on the soldier boy's back.

The man who was trampled to the ground by the people of his motherland suddenly screamed.

In the end, the motherland used his laser eyes to blast the man through.

The man's body twitched for a moment and then became quiet.


Some reporters crossed themselves, while others quietly discussed with colleagues what would happen next.

What they don't know is.

What he saw was just an illusion that Azu used to 'distort reality' to let them see it.

The truth is that Azu shot out blue light from his eyes.

Loot Starro’s ‘Transformation Ray’!

This innate ability comes from the fire source of the "Transformers" universe and can transform any target it hits into mechanical life.

And will obey the ray users unconditionally.

When the 'transformation ray' fell on Soldier Boy, Soldier Boy's whole body trembled, and his life form changed since then.

Every cell and molecule in his body is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

His skin had a metallic feel.

His eyes sparkled with electricity.

Under the influence of the 'transformation ray', he transformed from a human into a mechanical life, and in his central processor, a program to be unconditionally loyal to Azu was entered.

This is the lowest-level program and the program with the highest priority!

In a blink of an eye.

Soldier Boy completes the transformation.

He stood up.

The eyes flashed with electric blue fire.

He knelt down on one knee to Azu.

Azu looked at him and said: "Change your appearance. Your appearance will remind people of your original identity."

"As commanded."

Soldier Boy said, and then his face began to distort and adjust.

The distance between his eyes was lengthened, his eyes were smaller, his nose was elongated, his lips were thinner, his hair became thicker like a rock singer's, and the beard on his face disappeared.

Soon, he changed into something else.

At least, there was no way to connect him to the soldier boy just by looking at his appearance.

"You also need to change the way you release energy. You can't fire the energy cannon from your chest. Instead, fire it from your palms. You can adjust it."

Azu issued a new order.

The soldier boy immediately raised his hand, and after a burst of deformation and combination, his arm became a hand cannon similar to Cyborg's white noise cannon.

Full of technology.

Azu nodded with satisfaction: "That's it. Now you can return to New York on your own and hide yourself as an ordinary person. I will contact you if necessary."

"As commanded."

A flash of light immediately appeared on the soldier boy. He used the 'holographic image' to disguise himself as a base soldier and left quickly.

"How convenient, mechanical life."

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "But I will never become like that. Although it is convenient, it also loses too much of the joy of being a human being."

As he spoke, he flew into the sky and came near the helicopter where the reporters were.

"Everyone, the press conference is over."

"You don't need me to tell you what to do next, right?"

Batalon immediately said: "I will make this news public after I go back to edit."

"However, it is likely that a federal gag order will be issued."

Other reporters nodded.

Azu laughed: "You can rest assured."

"As long as I'm here, there will be no such thing as a gag order."

"You can send this news out through all the channels you have access to."

"in addition."

He pointed at Tarun: "I can give you an exclusive interview opportunity."

Batalon's eyes suddenly lit up: "Thank you so much, sir!"

Azu smiled and said: "If you really want to thank me, just make this news."

"Everyone, there is a cocktail party at the Tower of Seven tonight. I hope you can all attend it."

"I'm taking the first step."

Since he no longer needed to act as a 'tour guide', Azu flew into the air with a bang, scattered a white cloud, and then left at high speed, leaving a long-lasting cloud line in the sky.

Washington, White House.

Back in the office.

Rick Archibald sat down with a gloomy expression.

After hearing the news, General Mike and other officials hurried to the office.

"Mr. President, why is this happening? Why do people from the motherland appear in Yellowstone Park?" A senior federal official couldn't help but ask.

General Mike received more detailed information and became even more angry: "That bastard knew the news early on. Otherwise, he would not have summoned reporters in advance, prepared a helicopter, and flew directly to the military base in Yellowstone Park. Take photos.”

A spokesman for the Ministry of Information said: "I immediately contacted the major media and asked them to shut their mouths."

At this time, Rick Archibald sighed, shook his head and said, "It's useless."

"With the backing of the motherland, those reporters will not shut up."

"Ask the public relations department to contact the Tower of Seven and tell them that I want to meet the people of my motherland."

"If the people of the motherland are still willing to see me, maybe there is still room for redemption."


Everyone's hearts sank.

General Mike, in particular, looked out the window.

Today's sunset was particularly blood-red, dyeing everything in blood. Through this blood, he seemed to be able to see the building leaning, smoke rising, and fire everywhere.

"Oh, God"

General Mike couldn't help but wince slightly.

at this time.

The presidential secretary walked in, and after whispering beside the president, Rick Archibald nodded.

The secretary turned on the TV in the office.

On the screen is a villa.

Suddenly there was a light in the villa, and then there was an explosion in the villa, followed by screams and screams.

In the blink of an eye, the villa turned into ruins, with blazing flames and thick smoke everywhere.

People struggled to crawl out of the villa. They were covered in bruises, some hands were blown off, and some vital organs turned into a mass of rotten flesh.

They were covered in blood, crying and wailing.

The scene was like hell.

After a while, a man walked out from the ruins of the villa.

He was wearing a battle uniform and carrying a shield. At this time, the camera zoomed in and gave him a close-up.

Immediately afterwards, a voice came from the TV screen: "Dear viewers, do you see clearly?"

"Isn't this the superhuman criminal who just destroyed Central City a few days ago and killed several passers-by?"

"Yes, that's him."

"I won't admit my mistake."

"And yesterday, this transhuman criminal once again committed a heinous act."

"He destroyed a house, killing more than twenty people in the house and sustaining varying degrees of injuries to nearly thirty others."

"Several of them died of serious injuries on the way to hospital."

"And this is only a few days after he destroyed Central City."

"I can't help but ask here, what on earth are our federal police doing?"

"They let such a dangerous criminal roam around."

"If you can't solve it, can you ask for help from the Tower of Seven and the people of the motherland?"

“Is this how you waste our taxpayers’ money?”

In the office, both the president and others were silent.

After a while.

Rick Archibald said: "He has already begun to attack us."

The president sighed and said: "This news happened yesterday, but it was not reported yesterday. Instead, it was reported now."

"With this news as the foundation, as long as the photos of me meeting and shaking hands with the soldier boy are exposed, I will no longer be president."

General Mac roared, "Mallory!"

"It must be Mallory!"

"She was responsible for pulling the strings. She must have leaked this information to the people of the motherland."

"Otherwise, how would the people of the motherland know that Mr. President met with the soldier boy."

Rick Archibald shook his head: "It's not her."

"Nor anyone here."

"The people of the motherland should use other methods to obtain this information."

"Mallory himself fell into the trap of his countrymen."

"I can roughly understand the plans of the people of the motherland."

"He knew in advance that Soldier Boy was hunting down members of the Blood Pay team, and he also knew that Soldier Boy would kill the Dynamite Twins."

"So he asked the reporters to wait and wait for the soldier boy to be photographed before suppressing the news."

"The purpose was to anesthetize Mallory and me so that today's meeting would go ahead as normal."

"Wait until the photos of me and the soldier boy are taken and the evidence is obtained before this news appears to pave the way for the more explosive news that follows."

"That way, the headline of the news could be."

"The President meets with superhuman criminals, plotting to kill the savior, protector, and general of the Federation."

"My reputation would be at rock bottom."

"Then I don't have many options left."

"Either declare war directly with the people of the motherland."

"Or I can only leave this position."

General Mike immediately said: "We must not let the people of the motherland succeed!"

"Mr. President, once you leave this position."

"It's not hard to resemble."

"The next person to sit in this seat."

"Not from the motherland, but also someone arranged by him!"

Rick Archibald nodded: "You are right, but general, how can we stop the people of the motherland?"

That night.

In an unknown motel.

Mallory was drinking.

One cup after another.

There was a knock on the door, and then Frankie's voice came from outside: "Madam, I'm here."

Mallory opened the door, smelling of alcohol.

Frankie walked in and glanced at the vodka that was almost empty: "You drank too much."

Mallory smiled: "No matter how much you drink, the situation will not be worse than it is now."

Frankie shook his head and said: "It's not your fault. Even you couldn't have predicted that people from the motherland would show up at the military base."

Mallory sighed: "It's really a big mistake this time."

Frankie asked: "What are your plans next."


As soon as Mallory opened his mouth, a news item appeared on the TV screen.

The news scene was at the White House.

President Rick Archibald walked out, and suddenly a flash of lights came on.

Walking to the front of the stage, Rick Archibald said in a deep voice: "Dear journalist friends, as well as the audience in front of the screen, citizens of the Federation."

"I would like to take this opportunity to solemnly apologize to the people of the motherland."

There was another shutter sound immediately on the screen.

French asked in surprise: "Mr. President, what are you doing?"

"He took the initiative to apologize to the people of the motherland before the news about the military base came out today?"

"The people of the motherland are not stupid. Does he think he can fool him?"

Mallory's expression changed.

"Oops, we need to get out of here right now!"

Frankie was stunned for a moment: "Why, madam?"

"Mr. President clearly wants to admit his mistake before the news about the motherland appears."

"But like you said, he personally commissioned the soldier boys to murder the people of their country on the spot."

"Even if you apologize first, can you fool me?"

Mallory took out his pistol and said urgently: "Mr. President is not a fool."

"So he has only one option, and that is to find someone to take the blame."

"Then who is suitable to take the blame?"

The words just fell.

French heard the president on TV say: "Because I was deceived by Mallory, a former employee of the Ministry of Security, I made a wrong judgment about the people of my motherland."

Frankie suddenly cursed: "Shit!" (End of Chapter)

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