I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 38 Newcomer’s First Battle

Outside the town.

In the military camp, Colonel Yuri walked to the cordon.

As a veteran of many overseas wars, Colonel Uri is experienced and experienced.

He has fought in street fighting and guerrilla warfare, and has seen many fierce opponents.

But now, looking at the town, more than 2,000 residents, men, women, old and young, are rushing out like crazy.

The tremendous pressure made the colonel almost breathless.

He picked up the microphone and started broadcasting: "I am Colonel Yuri from the Security Department. Residents of Silver Tree Town, I ask you to stop."

"The army will help you."

"Please stop."

However, those frantically running residents had no intention of stopping.

Their dark skin is no different from that of black people, but their eyes are glowing red. They have lost their hair and eyebrows, and they charge towards them with a violent attitude.

Colonel Yuri could only say: "Fire tear gas."

Immediately, the soldiers in the front row threw tear gas canisters into the town, causing smoke to rise quickly in the town.

Colonel Yuri hoped to disperse the crowd, but found that the residents ignored the tear gas and rushed out of the smoke one after another.

Roaring and roaring like a crazy beast.

Colonel Yuri yelled: "Shoot, non-lethal mode!"

At that moment, the next row of soldiers opened the safety bolts of their rifles, pointed their guns downward, and shot at the residents' legs.

Bang bang bang bang!

Gunshots rang out continuously, and the mutant residents running at the front were shot in the legs, and due to the impact, they fell to the ground in pieces.

But the people behind them had no intention of stopping at all. They stepped on the bodies of their companions and rushed forward without any scruples.

There was a continuous sound of gunfire, and a large number of small town residents fell to the ground within a short distance of less than 500 meters.

It seemed that the situation was under control, and Colonel Yuri couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, he saw in the distance that the residents who had been knocked down and trampled stood up again.

The muscles in their legs squirmed, and the bullet in the wound was squeezed out by the muscles, fell to the ground, and the wound closed immediately.

In the blink of an eye, these residents were roaring and running like nothing happened.

"How could this happen?" Colonel Yuri looked confused.

All the soldiers behind the cordon looked pale. Finally, some were overwhelmed by fear and ignored orders. They raised their guns and shot the residents in the chest.

A blood arrow jumped from the chest of a mutated resident, but it only shook for a moment before continuing to run wildly.

Colonel Yuri's eyes widened. He did not expect that the effect of hitting the chest was not as good as shooting the legs.

What kind of monsters are these!

"Let's go."

Seeing that the army was unable to stop these mutated residents, the Snow Princess immediately slid towards the cordon as an ice path formed under her feet.

The ice and snow princess, with her short skirt flying and her buttocks exposed, suddenly raised her hands and pointed them forward.

A cold wind howled away.

Those residents who rushed to the front quickly climbed up the frost starting from their toes.

The frost spread to their thighs, but their legs were frozen, and their movements were immediately stopped.

Each and every one of them was either frozen or knocked to the ground by the others behind them.

But soon, the residents whose legs were frozen frantically hammered their frozen legs, and then smashed them together with the frost and legs!

The resident who had lost his legs turned around and crawled persistently on the ground toward the cordon, but his speed was not much slower.

Seeing this scene, the ice and snow princess' scalp went numb, and then she raised her hands, and the moisture in the air quickly froze.

An ice wall quickly appeared in front of them. The ice wall rose rapidly, blocking the residents' way.

The Ice and Snow Princess let the white wall rise to a height of ten meters before stopping.

As if they didn't know that the ice wall in front of them was blocking their way, the mutated residents rushed over without slowing down, and then slammed into the ice wall one by one.

His head was bruised and bloody, his flesh was torn and his bones were broken.

boom! boom! boom!

Listening to the crashing sounds coming from behind the ice wall, fear flashed in the eyes of superhumans like Starlight, not to mention the soldiers.

They had never seen such crazy behavior.

But soon, the town residents stopped continuing this near-suicidal behavior.

They stopped, but piled together into a small mountain.

Black figures came one after another, causing the 'hill' to rise rapidly, and soon the residents of the town could be seen on the top of the ice wall.

"Oh, God."

The Ice Princess groaned. She could no longer build a higher ice wall. If this could not stop the residents, there was nothing she could do.

Colonel Yuri took a deep breath and made the sign of the cross on his chest: "Lord, please forgive me."

Then yelled: "Shoot, use lethal mode!"

He finally decided not to try to intercept but to kill.

Otherwise, if more than two thousand black demons are allowed to spread throughout the territory, the colonel cannot imagine the consequences.

Colonel Yuri was thankful that the Motherland and the Seven had arrived. The current situation had exceeded previous expectations. Without the help of superhumans, the army alone would not be able to stop them.

Thinking of this, the colonel looked at Xingguang and others: "Everyone, please assist the military."

Starlight and others nodded.

The elemental person looked at the stream not far away, and the next second, her eyes turned silver.

The water in the distant stream suddenly shook, and the water flow changed its course, roaring towards the town.

In just a moment, the stream rushed into the town, constantly colliding between the houses, rushing towards the mutated residents, continuously drawing them into the water, making it difficult for them to move.

Upon seeing this, the electric man released a strong electric current from his body, then flashed for a while, and when he reappeared, he came to a telephone pole in the town.

He yelled, pressed his hands down, and released streaks of blue lightning from his fingers.

A strong electric current fell into the water, immediately electrifying a large area of ​​water, causing residents in that area of ​​water to tremble all over.

The Ice Princess pressed her hands forward, and the wind suddenly became freezing cold. The river in the town quickly froze, freezing many mutant residents in the ice.

But even with the participation of superhumans, there were too many residents of Silver Tree Town. Most of them broke through the superhuman blockade. They crossed the ice wall and rushed towards the army like a black torrent.

Bang bang bang bang!

Under the order of Colonel Yuri, the soldiers behind the cordon raised their guns and opened fire. In the hail of bullets, row after row of residents fell down, but row after row of residents rushed over again.

The black torrent was surging, approaching the warning line quickly, and the front of the black tide was about to hit the warning line.

"Close your eyes!"

a voice sounded.

The soldiers suddenly felt a light behind them, and then a bright light bloomed in front of them, and the strong light drowned everything.

The soldiers closed their eyes one after another, only to hear screams ringing in their ears.

Colonel Yuri quickly put on his sunglasses, and when the light disappeared, he took off his glasses and looked.

A large number of mutated residents seemed to be affected by some kind of impact, flying out in pieces and falling to the ground.

The colonel then moved his eyes and fell on a blonde girl.


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