I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 384 Arrival in New Asgard


New Asgard.

This was originally a small fishing village. After Asgard was destroyed, the survivors came here and established a new settlement in this fishing village.

This place is very simple, compared to Asgard where there were many temples and countless statues before.

New Asgard is almost like a refugee camp.

After Thanos' crisis was resolved, Thor led the surviving tribesmen here and settled down.

They make a living by fishing.

However, recently, in order to develop the economy, some people have proposed that New Asgard can be developed into a large theme park.

Use various legends of Asgard as selling points to attract tourists from the earth to obtain development funds.

Currently, the supporters and opponents are evenly divided, and they quarrel every day in a small square in Yucaili.

Today is no exception.

As the king of Asgard, Thor left the small square as if running for his life and came to the seaside alone.

He sat on a rock on the shore and looked at the sea with a look of helplessness.

"I am indeed not suitable to be a king. Maybe Loki was right from the beginning. He is more suitable for this position than me."

Thor threw a stone into the sea.

Something floated slowly by the corner of his eye. Thor looked back and saw that it was his battle axe.

This battle ax made by the dwarf king of Nidave turned a corner and came to Thor's eyes.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm not depressed, I just remembered some things from the past."

Thor smiled, spread his hands and said to the battle axe.

The battle ax seemed to understand his words, but it misunderstood something. An electric arc jumped on the ax and hit the stone next to Thor.

"Oh, what are you doing? Why are you angry at me?"

"Can't I miss the past?"

The arcs on the Storm Ax suddenly appeared more and more, crackling like a jealous woman.

Thor quickly raised his hands and said: "Calm down."

"Don't get me wrong."

"I don't miss Mjolnir."

"Okay, I admit I think about it occasionally, but not just now."

The lightning of Storm Battle Ax suddenly became dense.


A huge bolt of thunder hit the rocks behind Thor, the rocks exploded, and rubble fell all over the ground.

"Hey, I just thought about my old buddy from before."

"Okay, Mjolnir has passed, we are now a good match, okay?"

Thor quickly comforted the axe.

The arcs on the Storm Axe's body were reduced a lot.

Thor shook his head and said, "What I just thought of was my brother, Loki."

"I'm thinking if he were here, he would be able to help a lot."

"Do you know Loki?"

"He has black hair and blue eyes, is very smart, and is good at illusions."

"We grew up together and had a deep bond until he found out he was descended from a frost giant."

The electric arc on the Storm Battle Ax jumped and formed a ? in the air? ask.

"You are also confused, right? Why do I, an Asgardian, have a brother with the blood of an ice giant?"

Thor laughed: "It's a long story, so I can only keep it short."

"That was my father's expedition to Jotunheim, where he brought back a fatherless and motherless baby."

"Loki grew up in Asgard. He was not bad at all until he found out that he was not Asgardian."

"But I can understand why he did that, because he wanted the approval of my father, Odin, the father of the gods."

"He was so annoying back then and he did a lot of bad things."

"He was deceived by Thanos and invaded the earth with his army, but he was captured by me."

"He also tried to use the Destroyer against me, and stabbed me here, and this, and this"

Thor pointed at himself.

"I tried to trust him, but he betrayed my trust again and again, but he wasn't completely bad."

"Because he also has someone he loves, and that is my mother, our mother."

"So you see, he's not hopeless."

"But now, I don't know whether he is alive or dead."

"I haven't seen him since we last fought in Wakanda."

"Maybe he's dead, maybe he's doing something bad somewhere."

After telling the story about himself and Loki, Thor let out a long sigh, and then someone on the shore called him.

"Your Majesty the King."


"I have your phone number."

In a small supermarket in a small fishing village, the Storm Ax was placed on the counter, and Thor picked up the wired phone on the counter.

"I am Thor."

Colonel Rhodes's voice rang on the phone.

"Oh my god, I finally found you."

“For God’s sake, can’t you just buy a cell phone?”

Thor scratched his head: "I'm not used to using that."

"Can I help you?"

Colonel Rhodes immediately said seriously: "I received a message not long ago."

"It's from Loki."

"He warned us."

Thor suddenly asked nervously: "Loki?"

"are you sure?"

"It's hard to say, but the signature of that message is indeed your brother." Colonel Rhodes added, "In addition, this message was sent from Africa."


"That place where it's all grassland?"

"What is Loki doing there? He doesn't like herding sheep at all." Thor was confused.

Colonel Rhodes coughed dryly and said, "I don't know about this, but he warned us."

"He said the conqueror had returned."

Suddenly, a figure of a blond man wearing a red cloak flashed in Thor's mind.

Lightning flashed in Thor's eyes.

"Loki really said that?" he asked.

Colonel Rhodes said: "Yes."

"I have informed the other Avengers."

"Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Doctor Banner, Falcon."

"But I can't find Wanda."

"So in the end I can only inform you that maybe we should get ready to fight."

Thor immediately looked at the 'Storm Battle Axe' at his feet: "This is really good news."

"I can finally teach that bastard a lesson myself."

Colonel Rhodes reminded him: "Don't act rashly, Thor."

"The Conqueror is very powerful, and he also has the 'Infinity Gauntlet' on his hand."

"I have sent a message to Carol, but she is not on Earth and I'm afraid she won't be able to come back for a while."

Thor said solemnly: "I don't need that girl's help."

Colonel Rhodes did not intend to continue to quarrel with Thor in this regard. He changed the topic: "Anyway, the Conqueror is very powerful. I hope you will not act alone."

"And we don't know his specific location yet. Now I'm using some channels to locate the signal source of Loki's information to see if I can get intelligence around the area."

On the phone, Colonel Rhodes was talking about his plan.

Thor heard a burst of exclamations coming from the square of the small village.

He quickly put down the phone, picked up the 'Storm Tomahawk', and ran towards the square.


"Thor, are you listening?"



In the supermarket, Colonel Rhodes kept calling on the phone, but Thor did not reply.

In the fishing village square, people kept retreating. The adults picked up the children, their eyes blank with a bit of fear.

When Thor arrived, Valkyrie hurried over with her sword in hand. After their eyes met, they looked towards the square.

In the center of the square, a black-blue flame rose and grew, and then groups of smart mechas made of vibranium came out of the black-blue flame.

Thor recognized it at a glance, it was Wakanda's "Black Iron Flow" mecha combat corps.

After the mecha corps entered the square, they spread out on both sides, forming a fan-shaped defensive formation.

Immediately afterwards, the royal guards of Wakanda walked out of the portal. Their bald heads were very conspicuous in the sun, and their clothing, mainly red and gold, showed the dignity of the royal family.


Two guards pushed Loki out of the portal.

Thor was stunned for a moment, seeing his brother being tied up by Wakanda, and couldn't help but wonder: "Loki?"

"Hey, brother." Loki waved his hand slightly.

"How is this going?"

"You have no right to do this to my brother."

Thor said loudly.

Loki gave him a moved look.

Someone in the portal answered.

"Loki, this person from the Divine Realm used magic to switch me up with him."

"He threw me into a valley to fend for myself, and used illusions to prevent me from finding the exit of the valley."

"He impersonated me as the King of Wakanda for a while, he built a statue of himself, and he created one ridiculous play after another."

Black Panther T'Challa and his sister Shu Rui also walked out of the portal.

When Thor heard these words, he wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. He showed an awkward smile and said to T'Challa.

"Loki and I are not related by blood."

Loki spread his hands.

At this time, T'Challa and Shu Rui separated from each other, and then knelt down on one knee.

Immediately afterwards, everyone from the Wang family guards to the 'Black Iron Current' mecha split into two sides and knelt down on one knee in the direction of the portal.

Thor narrowed his eyes slightly and saw someone flying out of the portal with his hands behind his back.

It’s Azu!

He was floating in the air, looking down at the square, Thor and the others.


Thor's eyes suddenly lit up with a ball of blue lightning.

Azu didn't seem to know that Thor was extracting energy and momentum. He looked around, frowned slightly and said, "The fishy smell is really strong."

The portal disappeared beneath his feet.

Azu's eyes fell on Thor again.

To be precise, it fell on the 'storm axe' in Thor's hand.

At this time Thor shouted loudly: "What are you doing here!"

Azu didn't answer.

Black Panther T'Challa stood up and spoke for Azu.

"If it hadn't been for the arrival of Lord Conqueror, I don't know how long I would have been teased by Loki. Wakanda might have fallen apart in his hands."

"As his brother, are you responsible for what he did?"

Thor frowned and said, "Then, how should I be responsible?"

T'Challa pointed to the battle ax in Thor's hand: "It's simple."

"The Conqueror is very interested in your battle axe. If you can lend us the battle ax for a period of time, I will not care about what Loki did in Wakanda during this period."

Thor barely considered: "No way!"

"Even if I kill him, I won't give you the battle ax!"

Loki shook his head and said, "You are really my good big brother."

Thor glared at him angrily: "Shut up!"

"Thankfully I was worried about you, it turns out you are in Wakanda."

Loki wanted to say something, but a royal guard next to him raised a vibranium spear and pointed it at his throat. He could only shut his mouth.

T'Challa raised a finger and said: "The Conqueror has no intention of taking your battle axe. He just wants to borrow it from you for one month."

"Don't say a month, not even a day, an hour, a minute, or a second!" Thor said firmly.

Hearing this, Black Panther did not say any more, but looked up at Azu in mid-air.

Azu's hand wearing the 'Infinity Gauntlet' came to him, raised it, and said with a smile: "Then there is no other way."

"Although I hate to be so rude, I need to use your 'Storm Axe'."

"Originally, I thought this matter could be resolved peacefully, but it's a pity that you rejected my kindness."

"Then, I have no choice but to take action."

Thor whispered: "Evacuate the people."

Then, he raised the 'Storm Tomahawk', and black clouds suddenly gathered in the sky of the fishing village, and lightning flashed in the clouds.

A bolt of thunder struck down and landed on Thor. Thor, who was wearing a plaid shirt and jeans, was filled with lightning and instantly put on his armor and cape.

he yelled.

Soaring into the sky.

His eyes were filled with lightning.

Hold high the ‘Storm Axe’.

A ball of dazzling thunder was drawn down from high altitude, and struck Azu with the axe.

Azu gently clenched his fist, a blue gem on the 'Infinity Gauntlet' lit up, and a portal opened in front of Thor.

Thor crashed in, and when he came out again, he found himself in the small church of the fishing village.

The next second.

There was a flash of lightning in the chapel, and the building collapsed, turning into ruins in an instant.

Thor walked out of the ruins and roared angrily when he saw Azu floating in the air calmly.

Flying towards Azu again.

Strike it with an axe.

Azu raised his other hand and held the edge of the ax with his hand, and the God of Thunder froze in mid-air.

The 'Infinity Gauntlet' was raised, and the original power stone burst into purple light. Amidst Azu's chuckle, Thor watched the opponent punch.

He quickly raised his hands to block.

The moment he came into contact with Azu's fist, Thor almost thought he was hit by an oncoming planet!

He flew out.

A stream of purple light was ejected from the 'Infinity Gauntlet', crossing the sky over the fishing village, sending Thor flying thousands of miles away.

The land, sea, and forest quickly disappeared in Thor's eyes.

His exclaimed voice lingered in the sky for a long time.

Thor was blasted directly into a city by the torrent of energy blasted by the 'Power Stone'.

He crashed into a commercial building, flew out of the building, and hit several buildings before falling onto the road.

Suddenly, the highway became a mess.

There were sounds of brakes, horns, and exclamations.

Thor shook his head and stood up, looked around, and said in disbelief: "How far did I fly?"

After saying that, he pointed his ax at the sky, and lightning shot out from his whole body, carrying him up into the air, and then hurled him towards the small fishing village. (End of chapter)

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