I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 389 How dare cats and dogs be called supreme?

Temple Two.

In the hall, Proxima knelt on one knee, looking up at Azu on the throne.

The two of them had a big fight just now.

Proxima Centauri said sincerely: "Master, you are the most powerful person I have ever seen. Before you, I never knew that there was a man as powerful as you in the universe."

Azu smiled and said, "There's no point in trying to flatter me, you still have to work."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You mentioned before that establishing a cosmic empire is a good idea."

Proxima Centauri nodded: "Yes, now we have the conditions to build an empire."

Azu nodded and said, "But just establishing an empire is not enough. We also need to design a symbol so that everyone who sees this symbol can directly connect the empire to me."

"In addition, there needs to be a set of simple, yet clear enough, rules that apply to my subjects."

Azu recalled the aspect of conquering the multiverse in the final mission.

[Conquer the multiverse and make your name widely known and become common knowledge. Establish your own rules that are followed by the majority of people (more than 50%), and let your name (name) be imprinted on the entire civilization in the form of a symbol. 】

This is the most difficult of the ultimate tasks.

You need to spread your name or title, establish unique rules, and imprint your name or title on the entire civilization in the form of symbols.

In order to meet these requirements, Azu used Thanos' army this time to spread the rumors of the 'New God'.

On the one hand, this is of course to fish out the 'God Killer' Geer.

On the other hand, it is also to meet the requirements of the ultimate mission.

But no matter how you look at it.

This task cannot be accomplished overnight.

Although the universe is vast and boundless, the ultimate mission is unlikely to require Azu to actually travel to every corner of the universe.

Instead, conquer the forces and characters related to the main storyline.

But in the Marvel universe, related forces and characters are spread across the galaxy.

Conquering the galaxy is not necessarily easy.

What is more beneficial to Azu is that his previous 'travel' in the Marvel Universe allowed him to obtain the three power puzzle pieces of Wakanda, Dark Elves and Thanos' army.

He plans to use Wakanda as a fulcrum to expand his power to the entire earth.

As the main stage of the Marvel Universe, if we can conquer the earth, it will be equivalent to conquering most of the Marvel Universe.

Next, the two power puzzle pieces of Thanos' army and the dark elves are used to integrate into a cosmic empire.

Make the earth the center of the empire, and then let the power spread to every corner of the galaxy.

and eventually conquer the entire galaxy.

That should be enough to complete that task.

Proxima Centauri recorded everything Azu mentioned. She recorded it very carefully and refused to miss a word.

Seeing her serious look, Azu was very pleased.

After a while, following Azu's instructions, Proxima Centauri summoned the main members of the army.

Seeing Black Dwarf, General Deathblade, etc. present, Azu nodded lightly.

The force left behind by Thanos still has a lot to offer, but it's a pity that Ebony Maw is dead, otherwise the 'Black Tongue Counselor' should be more helpful.

Next, Proxima Centauri announced the founding of the country.

This news made Black Dwarf and others excited, and they all roared.

After everyone calms down.

Proxima Centauri looked at Azu on the throne again: "Dear Conqueror, what do you decide to name this empire?"

Azu thought for a moment and said, "Just call him 'John'."

Using one's own real name as the name of the empire is conducive to spread and becomes common sense.

Azu also plans to name the planet after himself after conquering Marvel Earth. In this way, who in the universe will not recognize him?

"in addition."

"I want to design a symbol."

While talking.

Azu used the 'Reality Stone' to make a long sword pattern appear in the sky above the temple. It was surrounded by blazing flames and flags, symbolizing war and conquest.

"Based on these elements, you design some symbols for me to screen."

Azu let the pattern in mid-air appear to Proxima Centauri and others for several minutes.

Let them all remember it before letting those patterns disappear.

"Finally, it's about the basic laws of the empire."

"The core of the basic law of the empire is 'conquest'."

"Whoever fights for me will be rewarded."

"Anyone who conquers a land, a city, a country, or a planet for me will definitely receive a heavy reward."

"Anyone who is timid will be punished."

"Based on these three points, you can design some simple but clear rules for me to screen."

"Once confirmed, it will be implemented throughout the army and the whole country!"

Proxima Centauri and other generals immediately responded in unison: "Yes."

Those in a superior position do not need to do everything themselves.

Just like symbols and laws, Azu only needs to come up with his own ideas and the core.

As for the details, let the people below improve them.

He only needs to determine the direction, and he doesn't have to worry about the rest.

After announcing these major events.

Azu waved his hand and asked people to disperse.

But as the meeting was breaking up, a Chitauri soldier hurried in and whispered to Proxima Centauri.

Azu on the throne immediately noticed that Proxima Centauri's expression changed slightly.

"problem occurs?"

Azu asked.

Proxima Centauri lowered his head and said, "Yes, Master."

"One of our colonial stars was attacked and a large number of soldiers were captured."

Azu was a little surprised. There were not many ruthless people in the galaxy who dared to touch Thanos's army.

Even fewer have this kind of strength.

As far as he knew, there was only one Kree Empire in the galaxy with such strength.

Ronan, the commander of the Kree Empire, once cooperated with Thanos, but the accuser had to obey Thanos's orders in the movie.

It can be seen that although the Kree Empire is powerful, it does not dare to provoke Thanos.

If the Kree Empire is doing this now, then it is possible that they have received news of Thanos's death and think that the remaining forces are not afraid.

Azu laughed.

"Let's go take a look."

A new empire is about to be formed.

So how do you let the galaxy know the name of this empire?

Naturally, destroying another empire is a stepping stone.

Seeing that Azu wanted to personally intervene, Proxima did not dare to neglect, and immediately asked the control room to prepare so that Temple 2 could perform a space jump to the colony star where the accident occurred.

The accidental colony is named Ada.

Ida is a small planet, much smaller than the earth. In Thanos's territory, this planet is only used as a transit station for supplies.

There is only an army of about a thousand people stationed on Ida.

But this army controls millions of Ada people.

The Ada people are short in stature and have a cowardly character, which makes them afraid to resist.

The Ada people are one of the labor forces in Thanos' army. They are like hard-working worker ants.

I am busy every day, but I only get the most basic living guarantee.

In order to ensure that the Ada people could not resist, their production tools were not even metal products, and nano bombs were buried in each Ada people.

If necessary, the Eldar can be blown to smithereens at the push of a button.

When Temple 2 arrived in the outer space of Planet Ida, Azu entered the planet in a small flying boat. When he arrived at the accident site, he saw that the base set up here suffered a violent attack.

Many facilities have been destroyed, and the ground is full of large and small ruins.

Even so.

He couldn't see the body.

Not a single one.

Of course, an attack with such intensity cannot be without corpses.

The only explanation is that not only the soldiers stationed here were taken away, but also the corpses were taken away by the enemy.

But even if the base was attacked and Thanos' army was disintegrated, the Ada people working in the mining area did not escape.

They are still working!

This made Azu sigh that the universe is so vast and full of wonders.

A cowardly alien race like the Ada people is quite rare even in the Milky Way.

At this time, he saw Proxima Centauri taking out a device. After activating it, some images appeared in the surrounding space.

In these images, you can see that the Qirita people living here are fighting hard.

Their opponents are half-mechanical and half-biological things.


Azu even saw a pig!


A pig with robotic arms and a Gatling cannon!

"What's this?"

Azu looked surprised. He had watched almost all the movies in the Marvel Universe.

Before traveling through time, he also watched "Thor 4", but no such cyberpunk elements appeared in any of the movies.

Proxima Centauri obviously misunderstood: "Is this a device?"

"It's a scope."

"It's able to recreate something that happened in the recent past within the scope of the instrument."

"Especially like this fierce battle."

"The light, heat, and energy generated during the battle will temporarily imprint the image in the space."

"The imager can reconstruct these images and help us find some clues."

"For example, let us know who the enemy is."

Azu recovered and smiled: "Thank you for the explanation, but obviously, I was referring to them."

He pointed at the mechanical pig in the image.

"So you said 'enemy'."

Proxima Centauri clicked a few times on a tactical pad on his wrist: "I just compared the information in the information database. If there are no surprises, this is a modified soldier of the Aoge Group."

"What group?" Azu was confused. He had never heard of this group.

He never thought that there would be things he didn't know about in the Marvel Universe.

Proxima Centauri raised his head and said: "Aoge Group is known as the gene bank of the universe."

"They are committed to collecting all kinds of genes in the universe and creating perfect life."

"There are rumors that they use genetic accelerators to simulate tens of thousands of years of evolution, and can turn an animal into a new life with high intelligence in the blink of an eye."

"The leader of the Aoge Group is called the 'Supreme Evolution'. He created a group of semi-mechanical and semi-biological soldiers to ensure the safety of his group."

"Before this, they had never dared to attack us so blatantly."

"Now it seems that the 'Supreme Evolution' dared to attack us because we lost our asylum."

Azu chuckled: "What kind of cats and dogs dare to put the word 'supreme' on their heads? OK, since he has taken action against us."

"Then let's make our empire bigger."

"Find out the whereabouts of the 'Supreme Evolution', I want to 'talk' to him."




Earth, Wakanda.

Alarms sounded in the command center.

T'Challa and Shu Rui stood in front of the big screen, looking at a jet fighter slowly descending in front of the border defense barrier.

Before the fighter plane landed, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and a figure fell from the sky, with blue lightning burning in its eyes. It was Thor, the God of Thunder.

"Trouble is coming."

T'Challa then said loudly: "Put me through the radio near the defensive barrier. I want to talk to them."

Soon, the broadcast came through.

T'Challa clasped his hands behind his back and said, "I am T'Challa, the king of Wakanda. Wakanda is currently not open to the public. Please leave."

"Otherwise, I will regard you as violating international law and lodge a protest with the United Nations."

After finishing speaking, he said to Su Rui: "Let our people be ready for battle."

He glanced at the 'Destroyer' standing nearby and said softly: "I hope I don't have to use it."

If the 'Destroyer' takes action, it means that his and Shu Rui's lives are in danger.

At this time, Thor said loudly on the big screen: "Your international laws cannot apply to me. I am a member of the God's Domain. Now, I ask you to return the 'Storm Tomahawk'."

"Otherwise, I will attack."

At this time, the jet fighter's cabin door opened, and War Machine Colonel Rhodes, Falcon, Spider-Man, Dr. Banner and others stepped out of the plane.

As soon as they got off the plane, a portal opened. Doctor Strange walked out of the portal and nodded slightly to everyone.

Colonel Rhodes walked up to Thor and whispered: "In fact, you can settle in Norway because I made a commitment to the United Nations."

"Wakanda is also a part of the United Nations. If you go to war directly, it will violate international law and may cause you to lose your habitat."

Thor couldn't help but feel irritated: "You earthlings are really troublesome."

Colonel Rhodes gave him a helpless expression: "Let me do it."

Then Colonel Rhodes said: "King T'Challa, the conqueror took away King Thor's weapons, and it was you, Wakanda, who invaded New Asgard first."

"Even if you file a lawsuit with the United Nations, you may not be able to stand up for the truth."

"So I hope this matter can be resolved in a more peaceful way."

"As long as you hand over the Storm Axe, we will leave immediately."

Thor couldn't help but laugh and said to Doctor Strange next to him: "Sure enough, magic must be defeated with magic. You should know this best."

Doctor Strange smiled back.


As if he felt something, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

In the sky, a piece of light and shadow twisted, and then, an equilateral triangular object appeared above everyone's heads.

That thing has golden lines on its surface. It is the Eternals' spaceship, the Tama!

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