I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 392 Give you a little shock

On Temple 2, as Azu expected, the Aoge Group had no intention of opening the plasma defense shield.

Instead, they issued a warning.

"Temple number please pay attention."

"Temple number please pay attention."

"This is the private territory of the Aoge Group and is protected by interstellar space laws."

"Any attack on us will violate interstellar space laws."

"Please leave immediately!"

"Please leave immediately!"

Azu laughed and said to Proxima Centauri and others: "What is the interstellar law?"

He stood up.

"All laws are only to protect the weak."

"And for a strong person, it is ridiculous to want to put the law on him."

"The strong is the law."

"A breaker and a framer!"

A moment later, he had arrived in outer space, above Temple No. 2.

The huge starship was like a mountain that was stepped on by Azu. He was condescending, facing the Aoge Group in a overlooking manner.

The hatches on both sides of Temple 2 opened, and aircraft swarmed out of the hatches. These were the fighter jets on Temple 2, and they were capable of chasing and fighting in outer space.

Piloted by Ziretans, they are located around Temple II, ready for battle.

Even the weapon platform of Temple II is constantly being displayed. From the starship's main gun to the defensive turret, hundreds of weapon units are being charged, making the starship seem to be covered with stars.

As the most powerful group in the universe, the defensive power of the Aoge Group cannot be underestimated.

From the surface of the 'big meat ball', things similar to air holes were opened. Fighters flew out of these air holes and hovered in the three-layer plasma shield.

From a distance, it looks like countless soldier ants preparing to defend the nest.

A smile appeared on Azu's face.

With the 'Infinity Gauntlet' in hand, if he wished, he could defeat the Org Group in an easier way.

For example, use the 'Space Stone' to directly teleport yourself and Proxima and other warriors to the headquarters of the Aoge Group.

It would be much easier to destroy it from the inside.

But Azu didn't do this because he wanted more than just defeating the Aoge Group or destroying them.

But conquer them!

If you want to conquer someone, the best way is to defeat him from the front.

Trample his pride, dignity and glory severely.

Make him feel ashamed.

Let the other party no longer have the slightest thought of resistance.

Even thinking about it makes me tremble with fear.

This is what Azu wants to do.

So he chose to attack from the front, but even if he attacked from the front, because he wanted to conquer rather than destroy, his actions must be measured.

At least, you can't use the 'Power Stone' to directly turn the big meat ball below into the debris of the universe.

He raised his hand and made a gesture.

Proxima Centauri, who stayed on the Temple II to act as commander, began to issue an ultimatum to the Aorg Group.

"This is the Temple Number."

"Aoge Group, you are limited to opening all plasma shields within 1 minute."

"This is your last chance!"

"This is your last chance!"

Inside the big meat ball, the directors of Aoge Group sneered.

"Who does he think he is? Even the 'Supreme Evolution' doesn't dare to speak to us like this!"

"Stop talking nonsense to them, attack, and let them know the consequences of challenging us!"

Under the orders of the group directors, the AoG Group's fighter planes took the lead in launching an attack. The beams of light passed through the plasma shield and densely bombarded in the direction of Temple 2.

But these beams were intercepted before they could approach Temple No. 2. In front of them, a huge barrier appeared silently.

It isolated the Aoge Group's firepower and kept them outside the barrier.

Inside the Aoge Group, all the strange-looking directors were stunned for a moment when they looked at the barrier composed of circles of diamond patterns on the big screen.

"Are they deploying their shields, too?"

"No, can the starship's shield be deployed to this extent?"

"Whatever it is, deploy the shield, break it, and keep attacking!"

The Aoge Group's fighter jet cluster continued to fire, trying to use firepower to consume the energy of the shield, but they simply didn't understand that it was not a shield, but Azu's 'absolute domain'!

Azu 'rejected' the enemy plane's artillery fire from outside the area.

Watching the fireballs rising and falling in front of you, competing to bloom first.

Azu's eyes gradually became brighter.

"Give you a little shock." He smiled.

Azu continued to push the energy of the 'thermonuclear ray' upwards. He planned to destroy the plasma shield with one blow to create a psychological shock.

As his energy surged, Azu's eyes became brighter and brighter. After a moment, two suns seemed to rise in his eyes!

The next second.


The sound of energy breaking through the air drowned out all the explosions.

Both the personnel on Temple 2 and the Aoge Group felt their eyes light up and their eyes stung unbearably.

Except for warriors with strong physiques like Proxima Centauri, all the others were stung by this light and burst into tears.

At the headquarters of Aoge Group, several directors covered their faces with their hands and screamed strangely.

"What are they doing, flash bombs?"

"Why is the light of a flash bomb so dazzling?"

"My eyes hurt so much. I am not going blind."

"Don't worry, even if you are blind, it is not easy to regenerate an eyeball with our biotechnology."

At this time, someone shouted softly: "Directors, look at this."

These directors opened their eyes after hearing this, their vision blurred by tears. They wiped their eyes and looked at the big screen again.

I saw an unimaginably terrifying beam of light fired from Temple 2, like a torrent of energy fired from a starship's main cannon.

The fighter planes in front of this torrent were like paper. They didn't even explode and were directly evaporated and annihilated.

The torrent instantly fell on the first layer of plasma shield at the Aoge Group headquarters. This shield did not even last for a second before it was penetrated.

Then the second shield lasted for about 1 second before being broken by the torrent of energy.

This made all the directors feel their hearts in their throats.

The third shield was more impressive and lasted for 3 seconds before it was broken.

Then this torrent swept left and right, causing large and small energy storms to form on the fleet of aircraft and the surface of the big meat ball distributed in front of the group headquarters.

Inside the group, the directors were swaying and unable to stand, and they all sat down on the ground.

They looked at each other.

Look at the big screen again.

Aoge Group's aircraft fleet was reduced by half in an instant, and the big meat ball at the group headquarters was still experiencing a series of explosions.

During the explosion, countless fragments were ejected throughout the outer space by the shock wave. From a distance, it looked like a grand fireworks.

"Report, report the damage," yelled a director with a head like a hot dog.

Damage reports came out quickly.

One-third of the area of ​​the Aoge Group headquarters was destroyed and has been separated from the headquarters and cannot be repaired.

In terms of aircraft fleet, more than half of the fighter planes were destroyed.

A large number of plasma shield generators were scrapped, and the Aoge Group had lost its defense power in a short period of time.

Upon hearing the report, the directors all exclaimed.

"How can it be!"

"Even the most powerful starship cannot cause us to lose so much in one blow!"

"Our plasma shield can handle the attacks of the J-Star, every level!"

"Ha, this is a dream."

"Yes, I can be dreaming, this is just a nightmare."

"Let's face it, although Thanos has fallen, it seems that the 'conqueror' is more powerful than him."

"So, he is really a god?"

"If the Supreme Evolution is the God of Creation, then the Conqueror is the God of Destruction, right?"

Looking at the countless debris and debris floating in space outside the big screen, the directors of Aoge Group were silent.

After a while.

Temple No. 2 received information from the headquarters of the Aoge Group.

"This is the Aoge Group."

"please stop!"

"Please stop attacking!"

"We surrender, we surrender!"

AOG Group.

In the exhibition hall, several group directors looked at the elevator nervously.

Soon, a biological elevator came to this floor. The elevator door opened and figures walked out.

First, a group of Zirita soldiers came out. As soon as they got out of the elevator, they stood on both sides.

Then a tall figure squeezed into the sight of the directors of the group. It was Black Dwarf. The tall warrior carrying a giant ax roared, scaring the directors back again and again.

Then they saw Black Dwarf also walking to the left, and then kneeling down on one knee.

General Deathblade walked out of the elevator behind Black Dwarf. This warrior who was good at assassination glanced at the directors.

It was as if a cold dagger was held to their necks by these group directors. They subconsciously avoided the eyes of the Dead Blade General.

Then I saw a red carpet rolling out of the elevator and spreading all the way to the feet of the group directors.

At this time, a female voice reminded them: "Kneel down."

These group directors are all prominent figures in the galaxy, so only people nod and bow to them. They never show weakness to others, let alone kneel down.

But now, the situation dictates that they remain tough.

Several directors hesitated for a moment, and then the director with a head like a hot dog followed Black Dwarf's example, kneeling on one knee on the ground, lowering his head and looking at his toes.

Other directors then followed suit.

After they all kneel down.

There was a sound of footsteps.

After a while.

They saw a pair of combat boots come into view.

Then the female voice sounded again: "Lift your heads."

"This is the great conqueror, the overlord of the galaxy, the emperor of John's empire, and the absolute master of the universe!"

The group directors raised their heads one after another, and their eyes fell on a man.

The other person was looking forward, with blue eyes under his blond hair, his nostrils pointed towards them, without even looking at them.

"What are you studying?"

Azu was not interested in the group directors under his feet, but he was very interested in looking at the various strange creatures and plants around him.

The hot dog head director said quickly: "Dear Conqueror."

"For more than three hundred years, the Aoge Group has been producing controllable implants and genetic upgrades throughout the universe."

“We are committed to creating a more perfect ecosystem so that civilizations across the universe can enjoy the convenience brought by technology.”

Azu laughed.

"Businessmen look alike wherever they go."

"Whether it's on earth or in the universe."

"They all like to establish themselves as philanthropists."

He waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm not interested in what you are doing."

"I would like to invite you to join the John Empire. What do you think?"

Several directors, you look at me, I look at you.

One of them whispered: "What John Empire, I have never even heard of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, two beams of light penetrated into his eyes and burst out from the back of his head.

The director immediately fell to the sky, with smoke floating in his eyes.

Azu smiled and said: "Next one."

The hot dog head director immediately shouted: "I am willing, I am very happy, Lord Conqueror!"


"Your Majesty the King."

Azu nodded with satisfaction, pointed at him and said, "What's your name?"

"Li Gatovark, sir." The hot-headed dog director replied quickly, fearing that if he spoke slower, he would follow in the footsteps of his companions.

"Very well, Mr. Jatovark."

"Start now."

"You are my agent in the Aoge Group. You only need to be responsible to me and Ms. Proxima Centauri."

Azu pointed at the heavily armed Proxima Centauri.

Jatovark quickly agreed, feeling happy in his heart, knowing that not only had he saved his life, but he had also become a confidant of the conqueror.

Upon seeing this, other directors quickly expressed their willingness to join the John Empire.

But they were a step too late, so naturally they couldn't get Azu's attention.

Azu asked as he walked leisurely and looked at the product display hall of Aoge Headquarters.

"I have a colony, Planet Ada."

"Not long ago, an army stationed on the colonial star was attacked. The soldiers were all prisoners, and there were no bodies left at the scene."

"Coincidentally, the ones who attacked us seem to be the reformed soldiers of your group."

As Azu spoke, Proxima Centauri dutifully showed the half-machine, half-biological quilboar image to the group directors.

Seeing this image, Jatovark immediately said: "These are not the soldiers of our group, this is the army of the 'Supreme Evolution', the respected conqueror."

Azu stopped: "Oh, then, you should know where this 'Supreme Evolution' is, right?"

Jatovark did not hesitate and stepped forward two steps: "Sir, the Supreme Evolution has been conducting his research on the 'Counter-Earth' for these years."

"Anti-Earth?" Azu looked at Proxima Centauri, who shook his head and said that he had never heard of this planet.

Jatovark explained: "The Counter-Earth is the 'laboratory' of the 'Supreme Evolution'. He created a planet that is extremely close to the Earth from environment to culture."

"He put a large number of animal people on this planet that he modified using genetic technology, and let those animal people simulate human life."

"In this way, we can observe the evolution of these animal humans."

"But there are rumors that the 'Supreme Evolution' is actually engaged in another research on the counter-Earth, and this research has recently yielded results."

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