I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 395 Adam Warlock (Please subscribe to stay alive)

The light gradually faded away.

The vessel was opened, and the golden-skinned young man inside stumbled down. He seemed to have just learned to walk, and fell to the ground after only a few steps.

But just when his nose was about to touch the ground, he was suspended in the air, and then he cheered and flew up into the sky, flying back and forth under the ceiling like a free bird.

With his hands behind his back, the man in purple clothes looked back at the golden woman kneeling on the ground.

"Ayesha, is this the 'child' you created?"

The golden lady kneeling on the ground is Ayesha, the high priest of Sovereign.

But now, her hair is disheveled and she doesn't look like a high priest at all.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Ayesha raised her head and looked at the golden young man in the sky: "He is Adam."

The man in purple is naturally the 'Supreme Evolution'. He pointed at the young man in the sky who refused to stop as soon as he flew: "What is your purpose in creating him?"

"Hunt some people, Your Majesty."

Some images flashed through Ayesha's mind.

There were several figures inside, the leader was a human man, there were also raccoon people, tree people, and a green-skinned woman.

These people are none other than the Guardians of the Galaxy.

She had hired the team to protect Sovereign, but Rocket Raccoon stole the power cell, which angered her.

Ayesha sent out the Sovereign Legion to hunt down the Guardians of the Galaxy but failed, and hired a team of Predators, but still failed.

This made Ayesha determined to create the most powerful Sovereign.

That's Adam now.

In order to create Adam, she spent a lot of effort and gave Adam great power.

And in Adam, she saw the next step in the evolution of the Sovereigns.

The 'Supreme Evolution' didn't care about Ayesha's purpose. He put his hands behind his hands and said, "The life you created is interesting, but it doesn't meet my aesthetic taste."

"However, he can do me a favor."

Ayesha frowned. She created Adam just to hunt down the Guardians of the Galaxy, so she didn't want Adam to do anything else.

But she didn't dare to oppose the 'Supreme Evolution'. After all, it was this man who created her and the Sovereigns.

For them, the ‘Supreme Evolution’ is the living god.

Ayesha was about to test the words "Supreme Evolution" to see what he wanted Adam to do, but then the automatic door opened and someone walked in hurriedly.

He was a fat man wearing a long white coat. Ayesha didn't know his name, but she knew that he was one of the assistants of the Supreme Evolution, a genetic engineer.

The fat man said with a panicked look: "Your Majesty, there is a situation."

"An unregistered spaceship landed in the city."

‘Supreme Evolution’ turned around and looked at him: “Spaceship, what spaceship?”

The fat man immediately clicked on the device on his wrist, and some light and shadow appeared in the air, intertwining to form a three-dimensional picture with distinct layers.

In these images, the 'Supreme Evolution' sees a donut-like spaceship suspended above the city.

And on the street below it, a man was floating in the air. This man was wearing a black battle suit with a red cape flying behind him.

Some kind of light beams were being emitted from the eyes. These two light beams contained extremely high energy levels. They swept back and forth on the street. The animal men on the street fell in pieces, and even the buildings on both sides of the street. It couldn't withstand the two beams of light and was cut in half.

The 'Supreme Evolution' has cold eyes. Even if a stranger is destroying his creation, there is no wave in his eyes.

He adjusted the screen and saw a few familiar figures on the street.

"Proxima Centauri, Black Dwarf, Deathblade, aren't these Thanos' men? Why are they here?"

"Who is this man?"

The genetic engineer next to him wiped the sweat from his face: "I don't know. I compared the information in the archives and found no matching information."

"But, Your Majesty, they are coming for us."

Fatty quickly switched to another screen.

In the picture, the donut-like spaceship is flying towards here.

At this time, Adam flew too fast and hit a beam on the ceiling, screaming and falling down.

He lay on the ground, stunned for a moment, and then burst into tears.

The 'Supreme Evolution' looked at Ayesha in shock.

Ayesha quickly stood up and said, "Your Majesty, although Adam has great power, from a mental age point of view, he is still just a newly born child."

"Of course I know."

‘Supreme Evolution’ pointed at the crying Adam: “I’m not blind.”

"I'm just surprised that you didn't give him an age check?"

"You gave him an adult body and powerful strength, but gave him the mental age of a baby?"

"This is a total failure!"

Ayesha quickly came to Adam, hugged him and said, "Okay, stop crying, you won't be hurt."

"But, it hurts." Adam emphasized, holding his forehead.

‘Supreme Evolution’ looked at the rapidly approaching spaceship and said suddenly.

"Ayesha, you haven't tested Adam's ability yet, have you?"

Ayesha could only emphasize again: "Your Majesty, Adam has just been born."

‘Supreme Evolution’ turned around: “In this case, don’t you think we should test his ability?”

"There's a really good opportunity right now."

"Don't you think so?"

He looked at the holographic screen, where the donut spaceship was already suspended in the sky, a beam of light fell, and Proxima Centauri and others stepped out of the beam.




After a flash of light, Azu saw a red building.

But after scanning, he discovered that the building was actually much larger than what he saw now. It was just the tip of the iceberg on the ground.

In fact, it has an extremely complex structure inside.

It seems that this should also be a spaceship, a huge, almost asteroid-like spacecraft.

At this time, he saw a team rushing out of the gate of the building below.

At the front are two mechanical animal men, one a wild boar man and the other a harpy.

Their limbs are all made of machinery. By scanning their bodies, Azu discovered that there are devices similar to micro-reactors in their bodies, which are their energy sources.

As for other personnel, they are similar to humans, except that their skin color is different.

There are green, red and blue.

The only thing that was the same was that they were fully armed and looked like they should be 'supremely evolved' soldiers.

At this time, Proxima Centauri spoke on Azu's behalf.

"This is the Emperor of the John Empire, the Lord of the Galaxy, the Great Conqueror."

"Now, let the 'Supreme Evolution' come out. He needs to explain to our emperor face to face why he wanted to sneak attack and take away one of our troops."

Inside the building, looking at the holographic image and listening to Proxima Centauri's words, the 'Supreme Evolution' looked at the assistant next to him: "Have we attacked them?"

The assistant checked the information and said, "That was an operation you authorized not long ago."

"I forgot about such a thing."

The 'Supreme Evolution' didn't take it to heart. He then looked at Azu: "I've never heard of John's Empire."

"However, it seems that after Thanos died, his men have become corrupted, and anyone can recruit them."

"What a shame. If I had known I would have accepted them."

"Tell the guards to let these people leave quickly. I don't want to waste time on them."

The fat man nodded and said through the intercom: "Expel them."

So, outside the building, Azu saw the guards raising their rifles, and the rifles all buzzed with energy.

Among the guards, the wild boar man said angrily: "Your Majesty will not see you."

"This is private property. Please leave immediately, otherwise we will have to use force."

Proxima Centauri immediately raised his head and asked Azu for instructions.

Azu nodded gently. He had never thought about a peaceful solution, so he naturally didn't mind using force.

With Azu's consent, the Dead Blade General's figure flashed and he was already behind the wild boar man.

The next second.

The quilboar screamed, pierced its chest with a war blade, and picked it up.

The harpy next to him immediately roared and raised the rifle in his hand, but before he could attack, the ground shook.

Suddenly a shadow fell over him.

He looked back and saw Black Dwarf, who was as tall as a giant, swinging an alloy battle ax and sweeping over.


The alloy battle ax swept across the harpy's body, and the huge force shattered the modified man into pieces, with metal parts and flesh and blood tissue falling all over the floor.

Proxima Centauri was not idle either. She suddenly flashed out from behind Black Dwarf and crashed into the guards. As a fighting master, Proxima Centauri's marksmanship was gorgeous and deadly.

The spear in his hand disappeared like lightning. Every time the shadow of the spear flashed, a guard would be pierced by the spear and die.

When the Deathblade General and Black Dwarf also joined the battle, the 'Supreme Evolution' guard could only be massacred.

Inside the building, the 'Supreme Evolution' was still expressionless, but now he looked at Adam.

"Ayesha, it's time for him to perform on stage."

Adam raised his head: "What are you performing for?"

Ayesha came over and pointed at Azu and others in the holographic image: "Adam, good boy, I need you to kill them."

"Kill them?"

Adam made a gesture of wiping his throat: "Do you mean killing them?"

"No, I'm not going."

"This is so cruel."

"And I don't like fighting. Fighting hurts and hurts."

"Still scary."

The 'Supreme Evolution' couldn't help but look towards Ayesha. Ayesha knew that His Majesty was getting impatient.

She pulled Adam aside and said, "Listen, Adam, you have to go."

"Don't you listen to me?"

Adam still respects his creator very much: "No, Mom, I listen to you."

He looked at the window, then hummed like a child throwing a tantrum, and stamped his foot.

Then he flew towards the window.

With a crash, he smashed the window and came outside, then locked on the Death Blade and dived down.

The Death Blade had just killed the quilboar, and then wielded the war blade and stabbed another guard.

Suddenly the war blade sank, and he raised his head, only to see a young man with golden body standing on his war blade.

The Deathblade General's eyes suddenly became extremely gloomy. It was obvious that Adam didn't take him seriously when he behaved like this.

The Deathblade General gave a soft shout, drew away his war blade, spun his body in a circle, and then struck Adam horizontally.

Adam suddenly retreated violently, allowing the Death Blade General to hit the air, and then rushed back at high speed, crashing into the Death Blade General.

The Dead Blade General was immediately knocked away.

He fell to the ground, raised his head angrily, and saw Adam looking at his palm.

Adam's palms lit up with rays of light. He seemed to understand something, patted his head, and then stretched out his finger towards General Deathblade.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from his fingertips.

The Deathblade General quickly blocked the beam with his war blade, but was pushed back and his feet kept slipping back.

At this moment, the ground shook.

The tall body of the black dwarf formed a huge shadow, covering Adam.

As soon as Adam raised his head, he was swept away by Black Dwarf with an axe. He let out a series of exclamations, drew a parabola, and fell into the sea.

In the spaceship, the 'Supreme Evolution' raised his hand towards Ayesha: "Is this what you created?"

Ayesha had full confidence in Adam: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, this little harm is nothing to Adam."

‘Supreme Evolution’ then looked at the holographic screen again.

On the sea, a water column suddenly exploded from the sea, and Adam flew out of the water column.

He touched here and there on his body, then patted his chest and said with a frightened look on his face: "I was scared to death. I thought I was struck to death by that big monster with an axe."

"Fortunately I'm fine."

He then looked at the Black Dwarf angrily, yelled, and flew back with a golden light.

Hit the black dwarf.

Black Dwarf's hill-like body was knocked back repeatedly.

Just stopped.

Adam had already pounced on him, punching and kicking him.

This golden young man's every attack, whether with his fists or his toes, set off a sonic boom, leaving the Black Dwarf unable to fight back.

After killing the last guard, Proxima Centauri shouted: "Come together!"

Then she and the Deathblade General attacked from different directions.

After knocking Black Dwarf down with one punch, Adam looked at Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade, he yelled, and an energy shock wave erupted from both hands at the same time.

Proxima Centauri was in the middle of a sprint. When he saw this, he quickly ducked down and leaned back, watching the terrifying torrent of energy passing above his head.

The Dead Blade General jumped up to avoid the energy shock wave, but as Adam's body rotated, the shock wave swept across the surroundings. The Dead Blade General was swept away by the shock wave and flew out with a scream.

Adam put away the shock wave, looked at Proxima Centauri, shouted, and fired a dazzling torrent of energy towards Proxima Centauri.

Proxima Centauri's expression changed. Her posture was difficult to adjust. She was about to hit when her vision suddenly went dark.

Youdao's figure fell from the sky and blocked the shock wave for her.


Azu observed for a while and confirmed that the three people from Proxima Centauri were no match for this little golden man.

Don't want to waste time.

He took matters into his own hands.

At this time, he attached the 'Absolute Domain' to his body.

Adam's energy torrent impacted the 'Absolute Realm', but was rejected outside and had no effect on Azu. (End of chapter)

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