I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 401 God Killer Geer is online (please subscribe)

the next day.

Azu came to the hall.

In the lobby, he saw members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Quill was standing at the window, listening to his Walkman and swaying slightly to the beat of the music, which made him look like a fool.

Next to him, Nebula was adjusting her weapons.

She must have modified her body, at least Azu has not seen it in the movie. Nebula's arms are now like 'Cyborg', able to freely switch between arms, beam guns and high-heat swords.

Groot, the tree man, has grown much taller than in the previous battle in Wakanda. He is extending more than a dozen branches and letting them flexibly control weapons like arms.

Drax is holding a bucket of food and eating it. This is a kind of food designed by 'Supreme Evolution'. It has the characteristics of high calories and low fat. It looks like ice cream and tastes like ice cream. It can be seen that Drax is very Love this food.

The mantis girl was communicating with a new human being. Their communication did not require language. The mantis girl only had to put her hand on the silver-haired boy's head, and she burst out laughing, as if the silver-haired boy had infinite happiness in his heart.

Nebula was the first to notice Azu walking into the hall. As the adopted daughter of Thanos, she was trained as a warrior and was the one with the most military qualities among the Guardians of the Galaxy.

She immediately jumped up, knelt down on one knee, put her hand on her chest, lowered her head and said, "Good morning, Your Majesty."

This was the second day after he used the 'Mind Stone' to control the Guardians of the Galaxy. Azu felt that the day he left the Marvel Universe, this control would end.

After all, the 'Infinity Gauntlet' will also be taken away by him, so the 'Mind Stone' will naturally not have any influence anymore.

But until then, these comedians have him at his disposal.

Just how to use the Guardians of the Galaxy, Azu has no idea yet.

Others heard Nebula's voice and stood up one after another. Even the carefree Drax knelt down on one knee to Azu under the hint of the 'Mind Stone'.

Star-Lord, who was getting more and more excited just listening to the music, didn't notice Azu's arrival at all.

It seems that even if he was brainwashed with the 'Mind Stone', some of Quill's characteristics were still retained.

Groot couldn't see it, extended a branch, and took off Quill's headphones.

"Hey, don't take my headphones," Quill complained.

The next second he saw Groot winking at him, then he noticed Azu and saluted hurriedly: "Good morning, Your Majesty."

Azu naturally wouldn't argue with a fool, so he found a seat and sat down.

"Tell me how you came to Counter-Earth."

Nebula and others all looked at Quill.

Quill spread his hands and said, "This is not my idea alone."

Then he revealed all his plans to steal the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and resurrect Gamora without hiding anything.

Among them, he also said that he sent a message to the earth for help and received support from Ikaris.

"Oh, that is to say."

"You all entered Counter-Earth."

"So, where's Rocket?"

Azu recalled that he did not see the raccoon on the battlefield yesterday.

Quill shrugged his shoulders and said, "He separated from us yesterday. He said he had his own affairs to deal with. I don't know where he went."

Azu doesn't care, he's just a raccoon, although he is very smart and has a genius brain like Iron Man.

But there is no shortage of ‘geniuses’ around Azu, and there is not much difference between one more and one less.

Through his connection with Ikaris, he summoned the Eternals who had been transformed into mechanical life.

Soon Ikaris came to the hall. Azu looked at him condescendingly and said: "Tell me the current situation of the earth."

Ikaris raised his head and spoke in a voice without emotion.

"The end of the earth is coming, and the appearance of God is coming."

Then he said that he wanted to obtain the "Infinity Gauntlet" to use against his own people and the Avengers.

Azu glanced at the 'Infinity Gauntlet' on his hand: "You are all thinking about my treasure."

He then started thinking about the earth.

"I want to conquer this world. For the Marvel Universe, Earth is a very important scene."

"If it was destroyed, it could have an impact on my career."

"But according to the 'plot', even if Ikaris stopped it, the Eternals finally succeeded in preventing the god from appearing."

"But now the 'plot' has been significantly changed. The Eternals and the Avengers have united."

"Ikaris has become my 'mechanical servant'. God knows if there will be any accidents when God appears."

"From this point of view, it is necessary for me to return to Earth. Once something unexpected happens to the Eternals and the Avengers, I can stop it in time and prevent the god Tiamu from being born."


“You have to pick your time right.”

"It would be best to appear when the Eternals and Avengers have failed, the earth has suffered heavy losses, and humanity has fallen into despair."

"Only by appearing at this time can we achieve the best publicity effect."

"I can use this opportunity to promote John's Empire and gain people's favor by saving the earth, and then let ordinary people know about the 'Conqueror' and John's Empire."

"Prepare for future conquest and domination."

Azu used his 'quantum brain' to complete a large number of deductions in an instant, determined the details of the action, and then stood up.

"You can move around freely. I will notify you if necessary."

He walked back.

While walking in the passage, Adam ran over.

"Your Majesty, have you seen my mother?"

Azu nodded: "I was going to find her."

"She should be awake."

"She was busy all night last night."

Adam said, "Really? She's been working on you all night?"

Azu nodded and patted his shoulder: "She is really great, her work attitude is impeccable."

Adam proudly said: "Of course, she is the best in the universe!"




A place of nothingness.

Since it was bought by the Guardians of the Galaxy, it has become very lively.

Moreover, Quill also took in homeless people from all over the universe.

Let them have a place to live here.

Now, in a small square, countless colorful lights are lit.

These lights intertwined and illuminated the pubs and bustling crowds around the square.

People from all over the planet were playing in the square, turning the place into a sea of ​​music. Every note was like a cheerful little fish, jumping in and out of the air.

People from different planets and different races all had expressions of excitement and anticipation on their faces, swaying their bodies to the rhythm of the music.

On the other side of the square, there is a smoky aroma and all kinds of delicacies. Here you can eat specialties from other planets.

Of course, not everyone is accustomed to eating food from other planets.

After all, some foods look scary and dark.

The whole square was filled with a joyful and lively atmosphere. Everyone was infected by the music and forgot the passage of time.

When the last song ended, the entire square fell into a brief silence. Then, applause and cheers came to the performers like waves, bringing their performance to a perfect end.

After a while.

In front of a pub, people formed a circle and were watching something.

Among the crowd, a cockscomb head is very eye-catching.

He is Kraglin.

He had been a plunderer, but even among plunderers he was a nobody.

But this man followed Yondu through life and death. After Yondu died, Star-Lord gave him Yondu's whistle arrow.

Kraglin now also has Yondu's fin-like tool on his head, which he uses to control the sentry arrows.

Kraglin, who has been practicing for a long time, plans to perform in front of people today.

"Let's get started, Kraglin, I'm optimistic about you."

"Kraglin, play nice and don't embarrass Yondu."

"I bet that he will fail. Anyone who bets with me will get a beer."

"Kraglin, come on, let us see your performance."

Kraglin placed the whistle arrow on the ground and took a deep breath.

Next to him, a golden retriever wearing a space suit looked at him.

Then a voice came from the space suit's communicator: "You don't have to force yourself, Kraglin."

"I'm not forcing it at all, Cosmo."

Kraglin blew the whistle gently, and the whistle arrow immediately floated up, but swayed like a drunken man.

Following Kraglin's long whistle, the whistle arrow flew out with a whoosh, but it did not hit the target he had set in advance. Instead, it hit the window of the bar, and several exclamations suddenly sounded inside.

People burst into laughter.

"Haha, I knew it would be like this."

"Come on, come on, you who bet me on beer just now, please buy me a drink."

"If you ask me, Cosmo is better than him, Kraglin, you need to reflect on it."

Kraglin said angrily: "Who said that? Do you think Cosmo can do better than me?"

At this time, a small stone floated on the ground.

It flew out with a whoosh and hit a target, and then the stone made complex and rapid movements in mid-air.

He hit all the dozen targets set up by Kraglin before returning to the same place.

There was silence.

Then the whistle sounded.

"Let me just say Cosmo is awesome."

"Kraglin, are you convinced now?"

Kraglin shook his head and said: "Using telekinesis is a shield. It's much more difficult for me than this."

"And it's just a stupid little rock, I could have done it with my own hands!"

However, people did not agree with it and dispersed after laughing for a while.

Kraglin glared at the space dog: "You stinky dog, you made me embarrassed."

He left sullenly.

Back at his apartment, Kraglin threw himself on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling.

"I don't know where Quill and the others have gone. It's been several days, and there's still no news of their return."

He sighed, turned over, and fell asleep.

Don't know how long it has been.


He heard the window shatter.

Kraglin suddenly woke up.

Then he heard screams and screams coming from outside the window.

"what happened?"

Kraglin jumped out of bed, picked up his whistle arrow, and came outside the house.

He saw people running out of the tavern. The tavern was pitch dark. Suddenly, several black tentacles protruded from the door, picked up those people, and pulled them into the tavern.

Then one monster after another crawled out from the surrounding streets, from the windows and doors, and from the shadows everywhere.

The bodies of these monsters have no texture, and they seem to be formed by shadows. If you don't look carefully, you will think of them as some weird shadows.

But they have the ability to affect and destroy matter.

At this time, the entire land of nothingness was dimly lit, and the lights were extinguished at some point.

The shadow monsters seemed to become more unscrupulous as a result. They ran rampant and attacked the residents of the Void Land at will.

Kraglin looked at the whistle arrow in his hand. He mustered up the courage and blew the whistle.

The whistle arrow floated up and flew out with a flash of red light, passing through a spider-like shadow monster.

However, this did not cause any substantial damage to the shadow monster. Instead, it turned around and rushed towards Kraglin quickly.

Kraglin hurriedly hid in the house and closed the door.

The next moment, shadow monsters came through the wall, and they were indeed incorporeal.

But with one sweep of its two forelimbs, the shadow spider swept Kraglin and his companions out onto the street.

Kraglin couldn't get up for a while.

When he came back to his senses, he saw another figure in front of him.

This was a man wearing a white robe, holding a black sword in his hand. He pulled down his hood, revealing a pale face.

He bent down, looked at Kraglin and said, "Where is the Conqueror?"





Azu and Proxima Centauri were negotiating some details of the empire when they heard footsteps, and then Quill and Nebula hurried into the hall.

"Your Majesty, something happened."

Quill said solemnly: "Someone has attacked the Land of Nothingness and is looking for your traces."

Azu said "Oh": "Who is it?"

Nebula immediately raised her head, and then her eyes shot out a ray of light, which formed an image in mid-air.

In the image, Azu saw Kraglin, whom he remembered as Yondu's subordinate, although he had never encountered him in the Marvel Universe.

Kraglin said to the camera: "Quoyle, where are you?"

"We are under attack."

"Someone is looking for the 'Conqueror'. I remember you are also looking for the 'Conqueror'. Or can you do him a favor?"

At this time, a hand pushed Kraglin away, and then a man with pale skin and thin body appeared on the screen.

"I'm Geer."

"I'm looking for the Conqueror."

"All gods must die."

"The New Gods are no exception."

"I hope you will provide accurate information, otherwise"

He turned sideways, allowing the street behind him and the residents on the street who were surrounded by shadow monsters and who could be injured or even killed at any time to appear in the lens.

"Otherwise, these innocent people will lose their lives."

The image ends here.

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