I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 405 Who do you think you are?


On a sunny afternoon, hot girls in bikinis can be seen everywhere on a golden beach.

The beach is covered with fine grains of sand, white and fine, each grain shining with the brilliance of the sun.

The sea breeze blows by, taking away the dryness of the sand, leaving a warm touch.

In the distance, the dark blue sea surface is as calm as a mirror, extending to the reflection of the sky, forming an endless blue picture.

The waves gently lapped at the rocks on the shore, and the sound of the waves intertwined with the sounds of people playing, echoing on the beach.

A young couple walked on the beach, holding hands, leaving two symmetrical lines of footprints on the beach.

They drew a heart shape on the beach and stood in the middle, hugging and kissing.

At this moment, a rainbow of light fell on the beach, not far from the couple.

The impact of the rainbow light hitting the ground knocked the couple flying out.

Suddenly there was a cry of exclamation on the beach. Several lifeguards looked at the colorful light with binoculars and saw a figure coming out of the rainbow light.

It was a man with pale skin. He was holding a medieval-style one-handed sword in his right hand and a battle ax in his left hand.

"what the hell?"

The lifeguard muttered, then blew his whistle and waved people away from the beach.

Leave that suspicious person alone.

Gal gasped and raised his head. The bright sunshine on the beach made it difficult for him to adapt.

He escaped from the Temple of Eternity and came to Earth to return the Storm Ax to the God of Thunder.

This was the only way he could think of to ensure that the 'conqueror' would not be allowed to enter the realm of eternity.

‘Conqueror’ is too powerful.

Geer had no idea what method he used to deceive himself into thinking he had killed him.

Later, without knowing it, he acted as a tour guide and brought the 'Conqueror' to the Eternal Temple.

Geer is certain.

The 'Conqueror' didn't know the location of the Eternal Temple, so he made such a scene and even gave himself the 'Storm Battle Axe'.

Thus allowing myself to take him to the Temple of Eternity.

Now that he knows the location of the Temple of Eternity, and with the addition of the 'Storm Battle Axe', he can enter the realm of eternity.

He is already so powerful. If he makes a wish to eternity again, then an extremely powerful god will appear in the universe.

A god that perhaps even the Black Death Sword cannot kill.

Geer would never allow this to happen.

So all he could think of was to return the 'Storm Battle Axe' to its original owner.

While chasing down many gods in the universe, he also heard some things about the earth.

In addition to people from the divine realm like Thor, the Earth also has other superheroes who have resisted many invasions, including Thanos.

Therefore, Geer believes that with the "Storm Ax" back in the hands of Thor, and the addition of superheroes, it will not be so easy for the "Conqueror" to open the realm of eternity.

Rather than letting the 'Conqueror' become a more powerful god, Geer would rather his wish not come true. In that case, he would still have a chance to kill the 'Conqueror'.

He could even use this opportunity to get close to Thor and convince him to call all the superheroes together to fight the Conqueror.

After killing the 'Conqueror', just grab the 'Storm Battle Axe' from the God of Thunder.

In that case, his wish can still be realized, but it will be delayed a little.

The problem now is that although he knows that Thor is on Earth, he doesn't know where exactly.

The exclamations on the beach brought him back to reality.

Geer looked at the couple sitting on the ground and walked towards them.

"What are you going to do?"

The man stood up and tried to protect his girlfriend.

Geer said: "Where is Thor, God of Thunder?"

He does not speak the language of Earth, but the Black Death Sword can make his language understood by creatures across the universe.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, it's enough if you can understand.


The man shook his head: "I don't know."

Geer wasted no time. He raised the Black Death Sword and split the man in half.

Blood immediately splashed on the girl, and the girl screamed. Geer didn't bother to ask her, and stabbed her to death with a sword.

Then the long sword pierced his own shadow, and his shadow immediately extended and spread, and shadow creatures rose from the shadow.

"Go and catch some humans for me."

Geer said slightly tiredly. When the shadow creatures started to move, he found a big tree and sat down.

Under the shade of a tree, he looked at the beach. The sand on the ground reminded him of the past.

Before he was found by the Black Death Sword, he was just an ordinary person, and his planet was barren and desolate.

At that time, Geer prayed to the gods in such a piece of yellow sand, praying that the gods could send nectar and save his daughter.

But the god didn't respond at all.

He could only watch his daughter die in his arms.

And when he found an oasis, the god he believed in was holding a party in the oasis.

He asked the gods why they didn't answer his prayers, and the gods told Geer that he didn't care about the lives of mortals at all.

It was at that moment.

Gurr despaired of the gods.

It was also at that moment that the Black Death Sword chose him.

What follows is a long journey to slay the gods.

His eyes darkened.

The shadow creatures are back, capturing many humans and throwing them at Gurr's feet.

Geer raised a woman's chin with the Black Death Sword: "Where is Thor?"





New Asgard.

A seven-color rainbow light fell from the sky.

After a while, Geer walked out of the Rainbow Bridge.

He looked around and used the power of the Black Death Sword to make his voice sound from the shadows in every corner of the fishing village.

"Thor, God of Thunder, I have brought you your 'Storm Axe'."

While the sound was still echoing in the fishing village, the wind and clouds above Geer's head suddenly changed. Electric light shuttled between the clouds. When a bolt of lightning struck, someone appeared from the lightning.

It was a tall and strong man, and his image fit well with Gal's understanding of the God of Thunder.

Thor's eyes fell on the 'Storm Battle Axe': "It was taken away by the 'Conqueror', how could it be in your hands?"

"And, who are you?"

Geer's voice was hoarse: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is, do you know what the 'Conqueror' is going to use it for?"

Thor shook his head: "I asked him, but he didn't answer."

Geer laughed: "He will definitely not answer, because he will use your battle ax to open a door to a world that can make him stronger."

"Believe me, once the 'Conqueror' becomes more powerful, it will be a disaster for the entire universe."

"Now, you should gather your friends, the superheroes."

Thor nodded and stretched out his hand: "In this case, should my battle ax be returned to me?"

"Of course, but before that, I need you to answer a few questions."

Geer had not forgotten that he had been tricked by the 'Conqueror' before, so of course he would not hand over the battle ax so easily before he could not confirm whether the person in front of him was the real God of Thunder.

Thor shrugged his shoulders: "I thought you were in a hurry, but it seems that's not the case. So, ask."

"What do you want to know?"

Geer said in a deep voice: "Tell me a secret about you. The less people know about this secret, the better."

Thor frowned: "Since it is a secret and only a few people know it, how do you judge whether what I say is true?"

"That's my business, don't worry about it."

Through the Black Death Sword, Geer knew a lot of information about the gods, including some of their secrets.

But the 'Conqueror' is different. Geer believes that even if the 'Conqueror' can turn into the appearance of the God of Thunder, it is impossible to know the secret of the God of Thunder.

Thor shrugged his shoulders, looked around, and then said with some embarrassment: "When I was a child, I wanted to be a Valkyrie."

"I didn't know at the time that men couldn't become Valkyries, so don't look at me that way."

Geer nodded slightly.

Then he handed the ‘Storm Battle Axe’ to Thor.

Thor took the battle ax, put it to his mouth and kissed it: "Nice to meet you, old man."

The Stormaxe responded with a violent jolt.

Thor held it firmly and said to Geer: "It is very excited and thanks you for sending it back."

Geer was noncommittal, but at this moment, he sensed a surge of energy and immediately raised his head.

Just above the fishing village, under the sun, a figure appeared at some point.

The cloak was flying behind him, and on the face whose exact appearance could not be seen clearly due to the backlight, two golden rays of light lit up in the pupils.

A huge sense of oppression enveloped Geer, and he quickly shouted: "The conqueror is coming, hurry up, summon the superheroes on this planet"

The words trailed off.

Geer only felt a pain in his shoulder.

Look again.

It turned out that the Thor behind him chopped off his arm holding the Black Death Sword at shoulder level with an axe!

With a sweep of the battle ax in Thor's hand, Gorr, who had only one arm left, was knocked away.

Gal roared across the street and crashed into a house. When he got out of the house with his arms covered, the Conqueror had already fallen to the ground.

Looking at Thor standing with the conqueror, Geer couldn't believe the scene in front of him: "Could it be said that you took the initiative to lend him the 'Storm Battle Axe'?"


Thor spoke: "Actually, I am not Thor."

A crimson light flashed past, and the Thor holding the battle ax turned into another conqueror.

It’s just that this conqueror doesn’t have a cape behind his back, nor does he have an ‘Infinity Gauntlet’.

He is Azu's clone!

After Azu used the 'Space Stone' to teleport back to Earth, he rushed directly to Norway.

According to his analysis.

Geer went to Earth probably to join forces with Thor.

Turns out he was right.

As expected, Geer had the idea of ​​joining forces with Thor.

As for Geer's question.

For Azu who has watched Marvel movies, there is no difficulty at all.

He easily told a secret related to Thor, gained Gal's trust, and took back the 'Storm Tomahawk'.

Geer's whole body was shocked.

I couldn't believe that I had been fooled twice in a row.

He yelled and rushed towards Azu.

The clone raised the battle ax and faced Geer, hitting Geer with the ax head.

Without the Black Death Sword, Gal only has immortality, superhuman strength and defense.

Holding a copy of the 'Storm Battle Axe' is more than enough to deal with him.

Azu looked at the Black Death Sword on the ground.

He picked up the sword with his feet and held it with one hand, and then his eyes lit up with golden light.

The blazing high-temperature beams shot out from Azu's eyes and landed on the sword of the Black Death Sword.

The long sword immediately trembled, and it tried to resist, using shadow energy to protect itself.

Azu chuckled, and the reality stone on the 'Infinity Gauntlet' lit up with red light, and the shadow energy turned into wisps of blue smoke and dispersed.

The Black Death Sword was immediately impacted by the 'thermonuclear ray'. The ultra-high-temperature energy beam caused the entire sword to glow red and cracks began to appear.

Just like Azu thought.

The Black Death Sword can be destroyed. In the movie, the female Thor used Mjolnir to smash the sword, and finally turned the Black Death Sword into sand with a powerful thunder blast.

Azu's 'Thermonuclear Ray' is no less inferior to Thor's Hammer, which can be exchanged for 20 multi-crystals.

After a moment of impact and heating, the Black Death Sword was already covered with cracks.

at this time.

Some information came to Azu's mind.

‘Let me go, I will make you the new ‘God Killer’, and you will have immortal life. ’

This is the will of the Black Death Sword!

Azu glanced at the one-handed sword in surprise, then smiled.

"I do not want it."

He didn't want to be cursed by the "Black Death Sword" like Geer, and he hated being controlled by the "Black Death Sword" to kill gods.

Even if I have to kill all the gods, I have to do it by my own will!

Who do you think you are!

Azu's eyes lit up, the 'thermonuclear ray' light became brighter and brighter, and the Black Death Sword exploded into pieces with a buzz.

Countless fragments were shattered into dust in the light.


Geer couldn't help but despair when he saw the Black Death Sword shattered.

As soon as the Black Death Sword disappeared, he immediately felt that he was quickly becoming weak.

The clone stopped attacking under Azu's will, flew back to Azu, and handed the 'Storm Battle Axe' into his hand.

Holding the battle ax, Azu looked at Geer and watched him sit down on the ground.

Geer's body became increasingly pale, as if he was turning into a fossil.

He was on his deathbed.

At this time, he vaguely heard cheerful laughter.

He raised his head with difficulty and saw his daughter coming to him with light steps in a ray of light.

"Dad, you are finally here."

"I waited for you a long time."

The daughter in the light stretched out her hand: "Come on, let's go together."

"We will never be separated again."

The corners of Geer's eyes were moist, and he stretched out his trembling hands.

"No more separation."

"If I had known we could meet here, I should have come to you earlier."

"sorry baby."


Geer's body shattered into a cloud of dust with a crash.

Azu was silent. As a master of the 'spiritual realm', he could feel Geer's mood before his death.

It was a relief and a relief.

He looked around the fishing village again.

Thor was not in the fishing village, and not a single person was seen in New Asgard.

It seems that the last time I came here, I left a shadow on Asgard. They should not dare to come back until the problem is solved.

Azu did not stop and used the 'Space Stone' to open the portal. On the other side of the portal, Adam and Proxima Centauri were looking into the door. (End of chapter)

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