I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 420 The fatal gift

Nuclear explosion!

Natas knew what was happening before his eyes.

That was the most powerful and violent attack ever committed by mankind.

Nuclear explosion!

Now, this kind of horrific explosion is happening in Gotham City.

The golden sun is rising slowly from the ground like an egg yolk. Its speed seems slow, but in fact it is not.

While the fireball containing terrifying energy is rising, it is also constantly releasing its accumulated energy. This energy turns into a stream of flames that destroys all things.

Seen from a distance, the flames formed a bright ring, and this ring was spreading.

The raging, blazing fire is spreading.

All the scenery around Yanliu was distorted and deformed.

Before being touched by the flames, those buildings melted quickly like candles thrown into a furnace.

The unconscious walking corpses turned into torches, burning crazily before the flames arrived, and then were sucked in by the roaring flames and swallowed up.

No matter how hard the metal is, it instantly becomes soft in front of Yanliu, melting and evaporating in an instant.

Pieces of flames spread, engulfing every inch of Gotham and the millions of walking corpses in the city.

Everything was engulfed in flames.

The entire city became a hot zone, the temperature rose sharply, and flames spread across every corner.

A huge city turned into a dead zone in the blink of an eye, and it was at this moment that the huge fireball reached its climax of destruction!

Before the flames spread, Natas had already hugged Nora and Henry and left at high speed.

The 'biological force field' covering the couple was enough to ensure that they would not be killed by the high-temperature flames, nor would they be injured by Natas' high-speed movement.

There was no trace of smile on the face of this fashionably dressed man. He didn't know why the military would annihilate Gotham.

Shouldn't their attention now be attracted by General Zod and the Kryptonians?

They should not care about Gotham.

Natas suddenly looked sharply.

Then he gritted his teeth and said.

"It's him! It must be him!"

"He did it!"

"He must have convinced the military to drop the nuclear bomb and level the entire Gotham!"

"It turns out that he has been under my nose all this time. Damn it!"

Azu's figure flashed in Natas' mind.

No wonder he was so excited.

After all, the millions of walking corpses in Gotham are the 'gift' he prepared for Azu.

He controlled the power of 'death', killing all the creatures in Gotham, and then used the power of 'death' to awaken those corpses.

In this way, all the walking corpses will be infected with the power of 'death'.

Once he and Azu start a war, he can let these zombies attack Azu.

Of course, he was not naive enough to think that these corpses could pose a threat to Azu, who was also a 'god'.

But even if Azu eliminates these walking corpses, he will inevitably be invaded by the breath of 'death'.

Once they endure a large amount of death aura, even gods will die.

After all, even gods are not immortal.

It can also be killed by various methods.

But now his wishful thinking has failed. The emergence of nuclear bombs has destroyed the 'gift' he prepared for Azu.

Obviously, he has lost in this game.

The flames kept spreading.

Fortunately it didn't spread outside Gotham City.

Obviously, the military had carefully calculated the yield of the nuclear bomb, and it only leveled Gotham.

Of course, the subsequent radiation will be a big trouble, but now, the military obviously can't take care of that much.

Wayne Manor is in sight.

This place was not affected by the nuclear explosion.

As for radiation, it is not a big trouble for Natas, who controls ‘death’.

He used his authority to turn this place into a 'death' area.

Letting radiation come here will also 'die'.

In this way, the Henrys would not be in danger.

Putting the couple in the Batcave, it wasn't long before Natas' eyes flashed with lightning.

The Flash and Barry are back.

Both of them looked very ugly.

"What happened to Gotham City and why did it suddenly explode?"

"Where are my parents? Are they okay?"

The Flash and Barry spoke almost in no particular order.

Natas pointed to the couple lying on the table in the distance: "They are fine, I will let them sleep."

The two Flashes were relieved.

"What about you, have you found the person I'm looking for?" Natas' face was ashen, and the 48-hour punishment time was almost over.

If he couldn't find his opponent before the time limit, he would have to face Azu who was at full strength.

He didn't want to see such a scene.

No one would deliberately increase the difficulty for himself, and he is not a masochist.

The Flash and Barry exchanged glances and shook their heads at the same time: "We almost turned the entire Metropolis upside down, but no, there is no one you are looking for."

Natas narrowed his eyes slightly: "If this guy is not in the metropolis, where will he be hiding?"

He raised his head: "Look! Keep looking for me!"

“If you can’t find it in a big city, look for it somewhere else!”

But Barry quit: "This is simply looking for a needle in a haystack. Who knows where the person you are looking for is hidden. If you can't find it in one day, don't we have to keep looking forever?"

"I'm not going to do it anymore, why don't you go find it yourself?"

Natas sneered: "You seem to have forgotten who saved your parents. Since I can save them, I can naturally kill them."

The two Flashes suddenly became nervous: "Don't mess around!"

"As long as you find someone for me, I guarantee that your parents will be healthy. But if you play tricks on me, don't blame me for being rude!" Natas snorted and walked away.

The two Flashes exchanged glances, then glanced at Henry and Nora. The two shrugged their shoulders and assumed a starting posture.

The next second, the Batcave was filled with lightning, and the two of them had disappeared.

Natas frowned: "If you are not in Metropolis, where will you be?"

outer space.

A satellite was floating alone in space. On the satellite, Azu was sitting on the launcher, looking down at the blue planet below.

A smile appeared on his lips.

Natas probably never dreamed that Azu, who seemed to be plotting against him on the ground, would actually be in space.

Just behind Azu, Kara El's escape capsule, snatched from Siberia, was floating in space.

For Azu.

This escape pod will be an important prop.

A gift for Natas.

A fatal ‘gift’!

In a ground military base.

In the command room, General Calvin took off his hat and looked at Gotham in ruins on the screen.

"May God forgive me."

At this moment, the screen in the command room suddenly became blurry, and snowflakes appeared on it.

Then, a blurry image of General Zod appeared on the screen.

"Just now, we detected a violent energy fluctuation on your planet."

"I don't know what you're doing, but I changed my mind."

"In one hour, I will see Kara El."

"Otherwise we will launch military operations against your planet."

This video was played three times before the screen returned to normal.

General Calvin clenched his fists: "This bastard goes back on his word!"

"What's next?"

He looked at Kara El next to him.

Kara, with messy black hair and sharp eyes, said: "Leave me to him."

"Are you sure?" General Calvin looked surprised.

Kara said nonchalantly: "You actually still have illusions, don't you?"

"Then let's see if General Zod will keep his promise."

Calvin was silent.

This is ideal.

If possible, he didn't want to start a war with General Zod right away.

Since Kara is willing to take risks, it's the best thing for humanity.

It would be best if General Zod took Kara and left immediately.

If not, it can also cut off some people's illusions.

So that he can devote himself wholeheartedly to fighting against alien invaders.

"Just do as you say."

An hour later.

In the wilderness about a hundred kilometers away from the military base, the human army was ready.

Kara El stood with the general, looking into the sky.


she said suddenly.

But General Calvin saw nothing at this time. The sky was still so blue, but after a while, two black spots appeared on the blue sky.

These two black spots are approaching rapidly, and their speed has exceeded the fastest known aircraft on the earth.

Such a highly mobile vehicle made General Calvin's expression change.

As a general, his professionalism reminded him that if he fought with this kind of aircraft, the federal air force would be vulnerable!

In the blink of an eye, two Kryptonian fighter jets landed in the wilderness not far away.

The cabin opened and soldiers walked out one after another.


Two figures came to the ground.

One is a petite woman.

The other is a giant.

Like other Kryptonians, they all wear black armor and breathing apparatus.

The woman had a black cloak hanging behind her, highlighting her identity.

These Kryptonians soon arrived in front of the human army, and the woman said: "I am Fiora, General Zod's adjutant."

She pointed to Kara: "Now, give her to us."

Calvin glanced at Supergirl, and then said: "We can hand her over, but you have to promise to keep your promise."

Fiora said nothing more, turned around and walked towards the aircraft.

Kara followed, and the giant took out a handcuff-like device and put it on Kara's head.

In the blink of an eye, the two spaceships set off for their return voyage at extremely fast speeds, and disappeared from General Calvin's sight in the blink of an eye.

The general watched the Kryptonian spaceship become two black spots in the distance, then sighed and said: "I hope they will keep their promise."

In the spaceship, Kara's face was expressionless.

Not long after, they returned to the Kryptonian main ship.

"follow me."

Fiora led the way, and a moment later, Kara came to a hall.

From the panoramic windows of this huge hall, you can see the earth and the sun.

The entire hall was bathed in bright sunlight.

Kara saw General Zod with his back to her, bathing in the sun.

Hearing footsteps, General Zod turned around: "Welcome, Kara."

"Zor-El's daughter."

Kara's face tightened and she said, "I don't want to see you."

"do not talk like that."

"There are not many Kryptonians left now. We should respect each other and support each other so that we can go through this most difficult time together." General Zod came over.

"How did you know I was on Earth?" Kara asked.

General Zod spread his hands and said, "We found your cousin, Carl Irwin's spaceship."

"In his spacecraft records, I know that the route you originally set was the earth."

"But even so, we have gone through an extremely long journey to get here."

"This is really not an easy thing to do."

Kara took a deep breath: "Have you found Karl?"

"where is he?"

General Zod showed a sad expression, closed his eyes and said, "That child didn't make it."

Kara's eyes suddenly glowed red.

"What did you do?"

"What did you do to him!"

General Zod opened his eyes: "We are looking for the Code of Life, which is the only thing that can revive Krypton."

"I originally thought it was on Carl Irvine."

"Only to find out that it wasn't on the child at all."

"Carl died just to prove that point."

Kara roared excitedly: "Kill him!"

"You killed a child!"

"That's the last Son of Krypton!"

"You murderers, I'm going to kill you!"

The red light in her eyes was vivid, but then she suddenly coughed a few times, and the light in her eyes disappeared.

She becomes weak.

"It must be hard."

"The composition of the air on this main ship is different from that of the Earth. This is the air of Krypton."

"You have been away for too long and are no longer used to this kind of atmosphere."

General Zod came out and lifted Kara up: "Kara, if you can, I don't want to see any more Kryptonians sacrificed."

"Unfortunately, the code of life is in your body, in your blood."

"So I can only kill you."

"Hope you'll understand."

"Bastard!" Kara punched Zod in the face.

But it had no effect at all.

Zod looked at Fiora: "Launch the world engine."

"Besides, if you bring the 'nurseries' to Earth, you will be able to use them soon."

Fiora nodded, took the giant with her, turned and left the hall.

at the same time.

General Calvin returned to the base and walked into the command room in a hurry.

"How's it going? Have the Kryptonians left?"

On the big screen, the Kryptonian spaceship next to the moon showed no intention of leaving.

Instead, something was projected from the Kryptonian main ship and heading straight for Earth at extremely fast speeds.

General Calvin's expression changed and he shouted: "Call the Kryptonians immediately, quick!"

The signal troopers immediately tried to contact the Kryptonians using full-channel radios, but received no response.

Calvin watched helplessly as a machine entered the atmosphere and eventually landed in the Indian Ocean, on the other side of the Earth.

"What are they going to do?"

"Damn it, these Kryptonians really have no intention of keeping their promise!"

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