I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 424 Collision of Ideas

"Innocent, no matter where you escape, they will chase you."

"They have locked onto the breath of life in you. Even if you cross space, as long as you don't leave this universe, you can't get rid of them."

"They will chase you to the ends of the earth!"

Natas laughed loudly, as if he could already see Azu being swallowed by the twisted shadow and falling directly into the underworld.

But at this moment, Azu stopped.

He looked down.


Dense shadows gathered together, and from a distance, it looked like a rising mountain.

Azu suddenly laughed.

Then a black-purple light lit up in his eyes.


From his pupils, two black and purple beams of light shot through the air, tearing the air apart and sweeping straight towards the 'mountain' rising below.

‘Destroy sanctions’!

Azu used this divine skill to make two black and purple beams of light fall on the peak. A demonic shadow was the first to bear the brunt. When hit by the beam, the shadow suddenly expanded and turned into a black and purple fireball.

The beam of light quickly went downwards, passing through twisted black shadows one after another.

After a while, it broke out from the bottom of the 'mountain'.


The beam began to sweep left and right, causing the 'mountain' to collapse immediately.

Natas pupils tend to be dilated.

The 'mountain' formed by countless black shadows in the distance is now in pieces.

Fireballs flickered and rose, and finally merged into a burst of energy and soared into the sky.

A black-purple light pillar shot straight into the sky, clearing away the high-altitude clouds, revealing a blue sky.

Then, rays of light extended from the top of the light pillar, and finally formed the pattern of a six-pointed star.

This pattern was reflected on the porthole of a Kryptonian fighter plane.

Zod, who was piloting a fighter plane, looked at the energy beam rising in Gotham City.

"what is that?"

"What happened there?"

Zod was full of questions, but did not turn around to see what was going on. At this time, he had already seen a black spot appearing in the sky in the distance.

Kara El!

The Kryptonian general's face immediately turned gloomy, and he rushed away faster. At the same time, the armor on the front of the Kryptonian fighter plane opened, and a rapid-fire cannon stretched out.

Boom boom boom!

The cannon rotated, and high-energy beams streaked across the sky and hit Kara El.

Also seeing the six-pointed star pattern of 'Destruction Sanction' was the Flash.

He has left Gotham City and is now looking at the pillar of light rising from the ruins from a distance.

"what is that?"

Barry's voice rose.

Then the Flash saw himself in another time and space, only 18 years old, coming nearby.

Pointing to the light beam.

"Don't tell me, this is your masterpiece?"

Flash shook his head: "I hope so, but the truth is it has nothing to do with me."

Barry then pointed to the sky on the other side and said, "Look there, what is that Kryptonian fighter plane attacking?"

The Flash looked in the direction of his finger and saw a Kryptonian tactical beam shooting forward in the distant sky.

On the other side of the beam, there was a black spot approaching quickly.

The black spot went upstream against the beam, constantly colliding with the beam, causing a series of fireballs to appear in the sky.

This string of fireballs was spreading towards the Kryptonian fighter plane, and a moment later, a figure crashed into the fighter plane.

Then it broke out from the tail of the fuselage and hovered in mid-air.

In mid-air, a red cloak was raised behind the figure.

Under the sunlight, the cloak looked like a burning flame.

The Flash yelled, "It's Superman!"

"Is that Kara El?"

Barry looked at the stalled and fallen fighter plane. Just as it was about to fall to the ground, a figure suddenly knocked out of the fighter plane.

Under the sunlight, Barry could clearly see that it was a man.

Wearing a black metal armor and a transparent respirator on his head, you can tell he is a Kryptonian at a glance.

It's just that he's too far away and can't see his face clearly.

At this time, the superwoman in the sky roared towards the ground.

When the Flash saw this, he called to Barry and said, "Come on, let's go over and take a look."

"Perhaps Superman needs our help."

The two people immediately turned into lightning and flew away quickly.


The Kryptonian fighter jet fell into a farmland and exploded into a huge fireball. Countless parts and fragments flew everywhere, falling to the ground with clouds of fire.

General Zod straightened up and glanced at the wreckage of the fighter plane. Suddenly he heard a roaring sound in the sky above his head. The huge sound was like an aircraft carrier falling from the sky.

What fell from the sky was not an aircraft carrier, but Kara El.

After receiving Azu's energy support, she has absorbed the yellow light of the sun for decades, and survived the disaster on the Kryptonian spaceship. Now she has the strength to fight General Zod.

Zod also vaguely felt that Kara was a level stronger than what he had seen on the spaceship before.

He didn't dare to be careless and jumped back suddenly.

In the field of vision, the scenery quickly disappeared, and Kara fell down like a meteorite, and the ground shook violently like a spring bed.

The earth arched, then cracked inch by inch, forming a circle of earth waves that spread out crazily.

When Zod fell to the ground, the aftermath of the earth wave passed by his feet and stopped after being tens of meters away.

Look ahead again.

A huge explosion crater has appeared in front of him, just like the traces left by meteorites on the surface of the moon. In that huge explosion crater, Kara El slowly rose.


General Zod yelled: "You have destroyed the 'nursery', how many more Kryptonians do you want to kill before you stop!"

"Give me your 'Code of Life'. With it, we on Krypton still have hope to rise again."

Kara El, who had messy black hair and sharp eyes, shook her head and said, "You know I won't give it to you."

"I have said before that when we go against nature and create that reproduction system, Krypton is doomed."

“Without free opinion, everyone’s destiny is determined at birth and they lead a life as ignorant as a machine.”

"There is no future for a planet without creativity, where everyone is a callous machine."

"And you actually want to let it happen again."

"And basing it on the death of another planet."

"A country built out of billions of dead bones will not last long. Why don't you understand?"

She shouted loudly, and her figure suddenly blurred. A blurry gas appeared in front of her. Kara burst through the gas. When the gas exploded, she had already hit Zod's body.

The Kryptonian general flew out immediately. He didn't know how far he flew before he fell to the ground, followed by a series of tumblings, and finally stopped.

"It's you who don't understand."

General Zod climbed up, brushed off the dirt and grass blades on his body, and shouted: "Our former Kryptonian civilization was so glorious."

"It's prosperous and powerful, with our outposts spread across the universe."

"Do you know how many backward, low-end races and civilizations have been changed because of the technology we brought?"

"They who had no food to eat, no longer have to worry about resource shortages. They have something to eat when they are hungry, and medicine to treat them when they are sick!"

"And all this is because of us!"

"I want to revive Krypton, I want to restore its old glory, and let us Kryptonians rise again in this universe."

"Tell me, what's wrong with this?"

He started running.

Apparently, General Zod can't fly yet.

But the way he ran was wild and fast.

In the end, he wasn't content with just running.

He began to move forward in leaps and bounds.

Kara's figure continued to expand in his eyes, he roared, and smashed Supergirl's face with his iron fist.

Kara stretched out her hands, grabbed the fist, and stepped hard on the ground with both feet. The ground behind her suddenly rose and then exploded. Countless gravel and soil fell on her and General Zod like rain. .

Kara stared into the general's eyes and said, "I'm sorry, General Zod."

"Today we are just dead souls unwilling to disappear."

"How can a dead soul be revived?"

“Not to mention, reviving on other people’s homes.”

"What you're doing is wrong."

"Why can't we live in peace with humans? Why can't we coexist?"

"Not everything has to be solved by war."

Zod looked at the girl silently, and after a moment he said, "Is that the idea that Jor Al instilled in you?"

"You are so naive."

"Can we coexist with Earthlings?"


"But at what cost?"

"As an alien refugee, living on a piece of land donated by Earthlings."

"Unable to mine and control the resources of this planet, we are even forced to share our great wisdom with such a low-end race."

"And what do we get in exchange?"

"All we get in exchange is lingering on. Is this the ending you want to see?"


"This is definitely not the ending I wanted."

"I am a general and a soldier. I am born with the responsibility of leading Krypton to conquer powerful enemies."

"What I have learned is to kill the enemy, not to please our enemies."

"What I want, I will take from the enemy's corpse."

"Instead of waiting for them to give you charity!"

“Do you know why I want to initiate change?”

"Because I'm fed up with the so-called big shots who play all kinds of power tricks and complicate simple issues in order to maximize their interests."

"They are the executioners of Krypton's destruction, and Jor-El is one of these people!"

"I want to revive Krypton just to put Krypton on the right path."

"In order to achieve this goal, even if I have to sacrifice people on Earth, I will not frown!"


General Zod used a fierce headbutt, causing Kara El's head to fall back.

But Kara did not fly out as he imagined. Kara glanced at Zod and gave Zod the same headbutt, but knocked Zod to the ground, shoveled across the ground, and piled up a mound.

"Forgive me for not agreeing with your philosophy."

Kara's eyes lit up, and then two laser beams struck Zod.

Zod quickly rolled to avoid the beam, flipped up and jumped towards Kara.

Then the two figures became entangled like this, both of them gave up their defense, and their fists and toes kept falling on each other.

They all gave up defense, just to defeat their opponents faster.

So in the blink of an eye, the two sides have collided thousands of times!

After another fierce collision.

They separated.

At this time, two electric lights lit up behind Kara.

Supergirl and General Zod looked at the same time and saw two identical men appearing in the lightning. They looked like twins, but one of them was obviously older.

These two are, of course, The Flash from different eras.

The Flash saw Kara's eyes full of hostility and remembered that in this universe, Superman is not Clark, so he would naturally not recognize himself.

He quickly raised his hand to show that he was not hostile: "We are not your enemies."

"We are humans and we want to help you fight the Kryptonians."

Of course Kara would not just believe them, but at this moment, there was a roar in the air.

Then two figures fell from the sky and landed next to General Zod.

Fiora slid forward for a few meters before stopping, and then looked at General Zod.

The other was the giant who was more than two meters tall. He fell wildly and fell like a meteorite, shaking up a lot of mud and rocks. Finally, he straightened up and stood behind Zod like a hill.

Looking at the two new additions, Kara could only choose to believe in The Flash and the others.

"Can you hold off those two Kryptonians?"

Barry stammered, "I have no confidence."

The Flash patted his arm and said, "We'll do our best."

General Zod looked at Fiora and his giant men and said, "Leave Kara to me, and you can take care of the other two clowns."

Fiora nodded and rushed towards the Flash. She was very fast, and she was at the Flash's side almost in the blink of an eye.

The Flash had known that Kryptonians were not simple, but he was still shocked. Fortunately, the Speed ​​Force was activated at the critical moment, and Fiora's movements immediately became sluggish.

He took the opportunity to move his body to avoid Fiora's attack, and at the same time tripped Fiora with his foot.

When the Speed ​​Force disappeared, Fiora saw that her attack missed and she fell down for no apparent reason.

The giant warrior roared, jumped up like a gorilla, and then fell to Barry.

Barry screamed in fright, activated the Speed ​​Force, and turned into lightning and quickly moved away.

The giant warrior missed the target, but he picked up a big tree next to him and threw it like a javelin.

Barry suddenly felt wind blowing in the back of his head. He turned around and saw the big tree coming, and he quickly jumped out to the side.


The big tree passed by him with a terrifying roar. Barry rolled twice and got up. He saw the giant warrior rushing towards him and raising his thick legs to kick him.

He quickly activated the speed force to avoid it, but found that although the speed of the giant warrior became slower, it was still much faster than ordinary people.

Even if the Speed ​​Force is activated, it can only be avoided.

Just as the two Flashes began to fight against the Kryptonians, Kara and Zod rushed towards each other again, but the former was flying in the air and the latter was sprinting on the ground.

But the same thing is that the last two fists met in the middle distance and collided heavily!

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