I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 440 Believe it or not

"You said I killed that fat man?"

Azu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Black Adam came to him for this reason. If the bald man said that he had won the 'Crown of Shabak', he would think it was reasonable, but he actually said that he killed Karim. That's ridiculous.

Azu has no so-called no-kill principle. Even if an ordinary person offends him, he will kill him if he wants to.

But he wasn't willing to take the initiative to kill a fat man who didn't threaten him, didn't offend him, and even had been shot and fell to the ground.

Seeing Azu's blank eyes, Black Adam said in a low voice: "What, you don't admit it?"

"We have witnesses."

After he finished speaking, Dr. Destiny waved his hands, and a soft golden light appeared in the surrounding space.

In this golden light, like a holographic projection, Azu saw Karim lying on the ground with his chest blackened.

Next to Karim, Amon was crying bitterly on the fat man's body.

At this time, Black Adam and Doctor Destiny appeared on the screen. Azu knew that at this time in the plot, Black Adam and the Justice Society temporarily ceased fighting.

Adriana asked them to go back to the apartment to save her son.

But that was a movie. In the movie, after escaping from Ismail's clutches, Amon took the opportunity to call Adriana, and that's how the rest of the plot came about.

But in this universe, the Amon in the apartment is a native of the motherland, and I don’t know whether he used the ‘transformation technique’ to look like Amon, or some other method.

But what is certain is that now that Black Adam and Doctor Destiny are here, they must have something to do with him.

At this time, a voice sounded from the image in the golden light.

"You called your mother and you said that Ismail stole the 'Shabak Crown' with a man?"

This is the voice of Black Adam.

Amon raised his head, his eyes full of tears: "Yes, and he also killed my uncle."

"Defender, you must catch him."

Black Adam turned around and looked at Dr. Destiny: "Our business has to be suspended."

The scene ends here.

The golden light dissipated, and Azu heard Doctor Destiny say from behind: "That's how it is."

"You killed someone and took away the 'Crown of Shabak'."

Azu burst out laughing: "So that's what it is. He's such a cunning little bastard. He wants you to test me, so be careful."

Black Adam frowned: "What are you talking about?"

Azu smiled and said, "Let me tell you."

"That boy is not the Amon you know. He and Amon switched partners. In fact, Amon has been killed by him."

"It's true that Ismail injured Karim, but when I left, the electrician was still alive and well."

"So why did Karim die after I left?"

"The reason is simple, that little bastard is setting me up."

"If I wanted to kill someone, would he still have a chance to call me?"

"You only need to use your brain a little to figure out these things."

Doctor Fate's voice was low: "Stranger, why should we believe you?"

"It doesn't matter, it's up to you to believe it or not."

"I'm just stating a fact."

"Whether you believe it or not, I don't care."

"I'm leaving now, you'd better not do anything unnecessary."

Azu smiled slightly and lifted his feet off the ground.

"I'm afraid we can't just let you go."

Dr. Destiny also floated into the air. When the golden cloak behind him was raised, one clone after another flashed out from behind him and spread all around.

The same goes for Black Adam. He left the ground, electric snakes swaying on his body, his eyes cold and cold.

Azu shrugged his shoulders, no longer polite, and sprayed out 'thermonuclear rays' from his eyes. The pure golden light traveled across the space, blasting towards Black Adam with scorching heat and high radiation.

Black Adam immediately raised his hands and released countless thunderbolts from his palms, which converged into two dazzling electric lights and collided with Azu's 'thermonuclear ray'.

Suddenly, the two forces collided fiercely, and a blazing sun immediately rose in Khandak City.

"What a terrifying power."

Dr. Destiny said loudly: "We have to suppress this power and not let it spread."

Countless clones immediately swept away and scattered around Black Adam and Azu, and then all Doctor Destiny used barrier magic at the same time.

A transparent barrier like citrine quickly rose, surrounding the 'thermonuclear ray' and magical thunder, so that the energy that was enough to destroy Khandak could only rise upwards.


Like a volcanic eruption, a torrent of energy mixed with nuclear explosions and magical thunder rose into the sky, spraying into the sky and driving away the clouds in the sky.

The entire Kandak was shaking violently, as if it had caused a violent earthquake. People came out of various buildings screaming, and then saw the terrifying stream of scorching light in the city, boiling into the sky.

After all the energy was released, the crystal barrier shattered into pieces, and the fragments scattered all over the floor.

"What a terrifying force."

Dr. Fate sighed in his golden helmet, then raised a magical wind, blowing away the dust from the scene.

It can be seen that most of the streets have been turned into ruins, with the ground collapsed and scorched due to high temperatures.

On the dark ruins, buildings collapsed and cars melted. Fortunately, the residents here left before the war started, otherwise there would have been countless casualties.

Doctor Fate sighed. Although Black Adam didn't look like a good person, at least he wouldn't attack civilians.

But the other man didn't seem to care about ordinary people. Under such circumstances, starting in the city was not a good idea.

"Got to get him out of here!"

Doctor Destiny made up his mind, and his clone immediately flew over, hugged Azu, and then took Azu up into the air and flew out of the city.

Black Adam glanced at Adriana's apartment in the distance, then left, disappearing into the city in the blink of an eye.

In the apartment, Amon let Adriana hold him tightly in his arms. The big boy looked in the direction where Azu and others left and smiled.

"Come on, we have to get out of here, it's not safe anymore."

Adriana said.

Amon nodded: "I'll go to the room to get something."

"Come back quickly." Adriana let go of her hand and let her son leave, then brought a white sheet and covered Karim's body.

"Oh my God, Karim."

"How could such a terrible thing happen?"

Amon was in the room and heard Adriana's suppressed crying, but he was unmoved. He opened the window and whispered.

"Go, my 'spores', parasitize everyone you see, except the Justice Society and Adriana, and all the remaining residents of Khandak."

"Let them all become my clones."

Amon opened his mouth and blew in. In the breath, countless tiny spores that could not be observed with the naked eye flew in the air, and then spread out quickly.

After these spores spread, they quickly divided and multiplied. One spore became two, two became four, and four became eight.

In the blink of an eye, countless spores were flying in the air. They fell to the streets, flew into the windows, and got into the noses of human beings.

At this time, below the apartment, a group of heavily armed International Gang soldiers were heading upstairs.

The spore groups flew in, landed on these soldiers, and immediately invaded their bodies through their respiratory tracts.

After a while, these soldiers stopped moving one after another, and then showed the same weird smile.

When Amon released a large number of spores and began to parasitize the residents of Khandak, Azu had already arrived outside the city.

His eyes lit up, and then he sprayed out a golden beam of light, sweeping across the Doctor Fate clones.

Once these clones were swept by the 'thermonuclear ray', they were scattered into countless crystal gravels like broken crystals.

"It's really difficult." Dr. Destiny whispered, and then he pressed his hands, and a crystal shackle immediately appeared on Azu's body.

Its brilliance circulated and shone with golden light, firmly controlling Azu.

"Your magic is so gorgeous." Azu looked at Dr. Fate and said.

Dr. Fate bowed slightly in a very gentlemanly manner, and his clone also made corresponding movements, making it difficult for Azu to distinguish reality from reality.


The Doctors of Fate said in unison.

"But flashy."

Azu shouted violently, pieces of red flames rose, and his divine power exploded. He straightened his waist and burst the 'crystal shackles'.

At this time, Black Adam roared and rushed over, punching Azu so hard that his head fell back.

But then, Azu came back with a head hammer and hit Hei Yaguang's bald head.

He kowtows his bald head and groans.

At the same time, Azu clapped his hands.


A ball of air exploded, and Black Adam was shot away by Azu.

Azu raised the corners of his mouth.

While he was shooting Black Adam away just now, he shot the 'Seed of Desire' into Black Adam's body.

This fallen magic can be implanted into the bodies of intelligent beings and parasitize their souls.

The 'Seed of Desire' can generate and catalyze various desires, while amplifying the host's most obvious and strongest desire.

When the host is dominated by desire, it will quickly degenerate and become a slave of desire, while being controlled by the spell user.

The spell user can detonate the host's strongest current desire and make him behave accordingly.

This magic of playing with people's hearts was once used by Azu on Spider-Man in a certain universe.

Black Adam is the second one.

"You're going to regret letting Black Adam test me."

Azu said softly, at this time Doctor Fate came, and his clones pounced on Azu one after another, entangled Azu.

Black Adam took the opportunity to fly back, roared and punched Azu with magic thunder.

As long as there is an 'absolute realm', attacks like Black Adam's are not painful.

Next, Doctor Fate and Black Adam teamed up to attack Azu using various skills.

Black Adam used his magical thunder to attack Azu. Having obtained the power of the ancient Egyptian gods, the thunder he released was astonishingly powerful.

Bolts of lightning split the air and exploded on Azu's body. However, the lightning that could easily shatter the building could not affect Azu's 'Absolute Domain'.

At the same time, Doctor Destiny used a crystal magic light ball to cooperate with Black Adam to attack Azu.

Balls of magical energy and crystal light streaked across the sky, like bright fireworks on a midsummer night.

Of course, Azu would not stand and be beaten. The 'thermonuclear rays' that shot out from his eyes rolled up a storm of flames and swallowed up Dr. Destiny's crystal magic light balls.

Because the power of both sides was too strong, a huge explosion was caused.

The entire battlefield was instantly swallowed up by the bright light, and the suffocating shock wave spread in all directions.

After the shock wave dissipated, Azu suddenly tightened his hands and looked down. It turned out that two crystal handcuffs appeared on his hands.

The clones of Dr. Destiny flew over one by one and gathered around Azu. They exerted magical power on Azu one after another, making Azu's arms heavy and unable to swing.

Black Adam took the opportunity to gather energy. He raised his hands and concentrated the power of thunder between his hands, forming a ball of light made of lightning.

With a large amount of thunder power gathered, the ball of light gradually turned into plasma. When arcs filled the space around Black Adam, he roared and threw the ball of plasma towards Azu.


Thunder flew across the sky, and the plasma ball turned into a huge torrent of thunder and lightning, falling from the sky like a waterfall from outside the sky, pouring water on Azu's head.

The power of thunder washed through Azu's body and collided head-on with the 'Absolute Domain', causing Azu's ears to crackle like firecrackers.

Dr. Fate distanced himself and watched the thunder waterfall gradually shrink in size and finally disappear into the air.

"As expected of a hero made by the Wizards Association, Black Adam's power is also quite terrifying."

at this time.

In the gradually fading Thunder Falls, a golden beam of light blasted out. The beam of light swept around and drew a golden disk.

Within the scope of this disk, the clones of Dr. Destiny continued to explode and were burned to ashes in the flames bursting out from the disk.


The huge sound spread all the way to the city of Kandak. If you stood at a high place, people in the city could see a storm formed by flames appearing in the wilderness outside the city.

The storm violently destroyed everything around it, and the scorching flames burned everything it could touch.

A rolling heat wave poured into the city, and everyone was sweating profusely. Even Adriana, who was deep in the city and had just walked out of the apartment building, was no exception.

She heard the rumbling sound outside the city and felt the hot air blowing continuously, and she couldn't help but be surprised.

"What happened outside the city?"

Amon's face was gloomy and he said in a voice that he could only hear.

"As expected of my 'brother', it seems that even Black Adam and Doctor Fate can't test his true power."

"This guy, until now, has not used any divine skills."

"Thankfully, I still have hope for Black Adam. Sure enough, these characters all correspond to the movie."

"And the movies have weakened superheroes. As a result, Black Adam is not even qualified to test others."

"So in the end, I still have to do it myself."

555, the National Day holiday, the author has to work hard to code, I really envy you.

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