Just when Black Adam was testing Amon, an old man was sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette on the street, looking at the house where Adriana and her son lived with a smile.

"It's exactly what I thought. The cunning thing took the opportunity to talk to Black Adam and let him test Amon's reaction."

"Fortunately, I exited his body early and modified his memory to make him think that Karim was indeed killed by that guy and took away the 'Crown of Shabak'."

"Otherwise, Black Adam's test would be easy because Hawkman will definitely save people."

"But Dr. Destiny is troublesome. He can peek into fate and predict the future."

"If I hadn't withdrawn, he would have discovered that there was something incongruous in Amon's fate."

The old man finished smoking, threw the cigarette butt into the trash can, and stood up.

"Next, we need to find a way to guide Black Adam and the Justice Society to attack the mine."

"As long as Ismail is killed, I will automatically win in this confrontation."

He chuckled and left the street.

It has not been a day or two since the international gang used force to control Kandak, so when the 'Justice Society' came to administer 'justice', Adriana complained that they considered themselves righteous people, but Kandak was controlled by armed forces and local resources When it was being exploited wildly by outsiders, the 'Justice Society' did not appear.

Now that Kandak has his own heroes and defenders, the 'Justice Society' comes over and demands justice. What kind of justice is this?

This full of sarcasm made Hawkman and Doctor Destiny look embarrassed, and they couldn't find a reason to refute.

She can only tell Adriana that Kos Adam is not who she imagined, that Black Adam is actually an Avenger and so on.

But this cannot change the fact that Kandak has been controlled by the international gang for more than ten years.

Changes cannot change, what the 'Justice Society' implements is only the fact that they think it is justice.

The International Gang used the 'eternal metal' mined in Kandak to develop very high technology. The use of 'eternal metal' gave them an absolute advantage in force.

This is also the reason why Kandak residents have been unable to resist for more than ten years.

There is no way, the International Gang is too powerful.

They have vehicle technology that can use 'eternal metal' to instantly accelerate and even penetrate objects.

It can also use 'eternal metal' to activate energy shields, which is shown in the movie to be indestructible even to Black Adam.

Coupled with its strong military power, will the residents of Kandak fight with them?

The headquarters of the International Gang is in the mine. Here, more than ten years of operation have allowed them to build a modern base.

It has a large number of tanks, various forts, and a base under militarized management.

This is the lifeblood of the International Gang.

After leaving Kandak, Ismail returned to the base and drove the anti-gravity flying motorcycle to the parking area.

At the berth, the members of the International Gang who had received the news came here in advance to wait.

As the leader of the International Gang, Ismail was naturally highly respected. Seeing him get out of the car, all the soldiers and petty leaders saluted.

However, among these people, there was a man who was saluting, but his eyes did not show much respect.

He is Lagon Douglas.

In search of the 'Crown of Shakba', Ismail established a very deep relationship with Adriana, otherwise he would not have been able to gain her trust.

And all this comes at a price.

The price is that Ismail, the leader, cannot stay at the base regularly, and often operates with Adriana in Khandakri.

Sometimes, international gangs are used to assist him in acting.

In this case, he did not have much energy to manage the organization, so he could only delegate some powers to the base.

Ragone Douglas is a beneficiary of decentralization. He is capable and courageous.

While Ismail was busy searching for the 'Crown of Shabak', Lagun managed the International Gang for him. Under his command day after day, this man gradually established his prestige in the International Gang.

He has become the second in command of the international gang.

Moreover, he took advantage of Ismail's frequent outings to secretly build a force loyal to him in the international gang.

They even used ‘eternal metal’ to create a super elite team.

Sitting in great power and wielding force, Lagon's ambitions grew day by day.

He is no longer satisfied with being the second in command, he wants to kick Ismail out and become the leader of the international gang himself.

In Lagun's opinion, Ismail is "not doing his job properly". This man is always pursuing some old legends unrealistically.

Let the huge organization not be run, but pursue some stories that have been buried in the years.

What a ‘Crown of Shabak’, what black magic, Lagong only found it ridiculous.

But the more Ismail became obsessed with these things, the greater his chances were, so he did not stop him, and even encouraged Ismail to spend a lot of time in those legends and stories.

This gives him time to prepare.

Now, he is ready.

"How is the situation at the base?"

Walking in the aisle, Ismail asked casually.

Lagon said angrily: "Everything is normal, head."

"What about you, did you find what you were looking for?"

Ismail shook his head and said excitedly: "It's not too late, we now have a strong backer."

Ragon narrowed his eyes slightly.

A strong backer?

He doesn't like such changes, especially when he wants to cause trouble.

So he tried to ask: "What kind of powerful backer?"

Ismail did not answer, but patted Lagun's broad shoulder: "You will know later."

"I have something to do, so you can go down first."

Lagon separated from him.

The man returned to his office. His office was very elegantly decorated. The place was rich in classical style, which did not match his rough image at all.

Sitting on the sofa in the office was a woman in her thirties, with a medium build and wearing a tight-fitting black leather combat uniform.

This combat uniform perfectly outlined her curves. The collar of the combat uniform was open, revealing her fair skin and the vague, tempting ravine.

However, the most eye-catching thing is not her proud peaks or the attractive ravine, but a piece of eternal metal.

It is embedded on the surface of a woman's chest, and the mechanical chassis that supports it is integrated with the woman's body.

This is a new technology developed by Ragon without Ismail's knowledge. He combines the eternal metal with the human body, allowing humans to use the energy of the eternal metal to gain superhuman strength and certain special abilities.

For example, this woman, 'Eternal Metal' inspired her power. She sat there, but her body was filled with a surging power.

Lagon had eight such men in his possession.

Plus himself, there are nine super soldiers.

"You don't look good. Why, Ismail has already won the so-called 'Crown of Shabak'?"

The woman's voice is slightly hoarse and has a hint of nasality, forming a very recognizable feature.

Ragon liked her best.

"That's not true."

Ragon picked up a cigar, cut it open, and a flame rose from his fingertips, lighting the cigar.

The Eternal Metal gave him the ability to use fire.

The woman came over, straddled La Gong's body, squeezed La Gong hard with her plump buttocks, and picked up his cigar and took a puff.

The last cloud of smoke mixed with perfume hit Ragone's face.

"Then what's bothering you?"

"Ismael has become obsolete. While he was obsessed with black magic, we have developed new technologies that utilize eternal metal."

"We will take him down, and then you will be the leader of the International Gang."

"Eternal leader."

Lagun held up the woman's waist with both hands and put her on the table: "You don't understand."

"Ismail said he had found a strong backer."

"I'm worried something might change."

The woman raised her long foot and stepped on Lagon gently with her high heels: "So what, if there is a backer, we will eradicate him."

"Why, you don't have confidence in yourself."

The woman smiled and said, "Then let me help you regain some confidence."

Soon, the soldiers outside the office heard an indescribable sound inside. They lowered their heads in embarrassment and tried to pretend that they heard nothing.

The sun goes down.

Ismail stood at the window, wondering when that 'Mr. John' would arrive.

He had seen Black Adam's combat power with his own eyes. It was not a creature that humans could match. At least, until he found the 'Crown of Shabak', Ismail didn't know how to fight against such a being.

Fortunately, Mr. John showed up.

Ismail's idea was to use Mr. John to fight against the defenders. After he gets the 'Crown of Shabak', he can transform into the legendary demon Shabak.

When the time comes, he ascends the throne and will kill the defenders along with Mr. John.

That way, Khandak will be able to rule the world for eternity!

"what's on your mind?"

When Ismail began to imagine a better future, a voice suddenly sounded from behind, startling him.

He turned around and realized there was someone else in his office.

Mr. John!

This man was standing next to the huge sand table in the office, studying the sand table.

The sand table is made very rigorously, and the situation in the surrounding areas of Kandak is presented on it to a certain proportion.

It includes cities, power distribution, resistance organizations, mines and a huge transportation network.

Ismail broke out in a cold sweat. He had no idea how the other party came in. Mr. John's arrival did not even alert the base.

If he had wanted to do something against himself, Ismail believed he would be dead.

He couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't express his feelings.


The consequences could be disastrous.

"Mr. John, when did you arrive?"

Hearing Ismail's words, Azu turned around and smiled: "Just now."

After the battle with Black Adam and Doctor Destiny outside the city, Azu roughly figured out the strength of those two people.

In addition, the 'Seed of Desire' has been buried in Kos Adam's body, and he can't find any reason to stay.

After all, he doesn't want to kill these two people yet, he also wants to use these two people to do something, especially Black Adam.

Therefore, Azu took advantage of the big explosion and used 'teleportation' to leave the battlefield.

"What do you need me to do next?" Ismail looked expectant. This was not a deliberate expression. He really expected 'Mr. John' to do something.

Azu used 'Reality Distortion' to change his image and become a mine warrior.

Ismail's eyes lit up.


This is magic!

It turns out that Mr. John is also a magician.

Then he heard 'Mr. John' say: "Gather your men, and then you will say whatever I say."

Ismail was surprised to find that Mr. John's voice sounded directly in his mind, which was called a miracle.

He did not dare to neglect and immediately picked up the phone inside the base: "Call Lagon and the others over."

In Lagun's office, the fighting was still going on and the desk was a mess, when the phone rang.

Lagun picked up the phone angrily: "What are you doing?"

"Mr. Lagon, Mr. Ismail invites you to gather in the office."

Hearing these words, Lagon's flame gradually cooled down, and he said solemnly: "I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Lagun exited and got dressed: "Ismail is going to summon us. This is a good opportunity. You go inform the others and act according to the plan."

"First cut off the communication, surround Ismail's office, and then come to the office to find me."

The woman quickly put on her battle uniform, zipped up her collar, and covered the 'eternal metal' on her chest, and gave Lagon a wink.

"After doing these things, we continue."

Ragon chuckled, nodded, then put on his coat and walked out of the door.

After a while.

He came to Ismail's office. In addition to him, other small bosses in the mine also came.

Ismail sat on the sofa, with only one guard standing behind him.

God is helping me.

A voice in Lagun's heart said this.

The office door is closed.

Ismail looked around with a smile and said: "Everyone, our international gang will usher in an important moment. Soon, I will be able to win the 'Shabak Crown'."

While Ismail was giving a meaningless speech, the voice of his confidant sounded in Lagun's wireless earphones.

"Sir, we have cut off the base."

"Sir, our personnel are in place."

Then, a woman's voice sounded: "Sir, we are outside the door now, do you want us to come in?"

"Wait a minute."

Ragon said.

His words caught Ismail's attention.

Ismail stopped and spread his hands: "Lagon, what did you say?"

Lagun smiled: "I say, Ismail, your days of ruling the International Gang are over."

"Next, the International Gang will be ruled by me, Lagon Douglas."

"For the sake of our good friendship, if you kneel down and beg me for mercy, I may consider not killing you."

"Ismail, think carefully before answering, and don't waste my good intentions." (End of Chapter)

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