I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 449 Playing cards with yourself

"It sounds like you are not willing to hand over the 'Crown of Shabak'." Kos Adam's voice was as tense as a subwoofer. He looked at Augustus Hodge with eyes that could not be called friendly.

In fact, this man driven by the fire of revenge has very little friendship left in his heart. There are not many people who can gain his friendship, and Augustus Hodge is definitely not one of those few people.

The middle-aged man who had already stood up said nonchalantly: "That's natural. You have to know that that crown is related to a confrontation."

"If I lose, the loss will be heavy."

Dr. Fate asked, "Are you going to die?"

"That's not the case. If that time comes, I will raise my hands and surrender. I'm not the kind of person who likes to waste my life casually, especially in this kind of confrontation where I don't have to risk my life."

Eagle Man immediately said: "Okay, you hand over the 'Crown of Shabak' to us, and we will compensate you for your losses."

Augustus Hodge laughed, shook his head and said: "Dear Mr. Carter, I am afraid that you cannot compensate for my loss."

"Okay, I think we have communicated more. Although I don't mind having a more in-depth conversation with you, now, I have to ask you to leave."

Kos Adam stepped out from the crowd and walked towards Augustus Hodge: "I'm afraid we won't leave until we get the 'Crown of Sabak'."

Dr. Destiny said quickly: "Wait, there is no need to break out a conflict, let's talk about it again."

"There's nothing to talk about, Doctor." Augustus Hodge said decisively, "As long as you want to take away the 'Crown of Sabak' from me, we have nothing to talk about."

Kos Adam glanced at the elderly gentleman: "You heard it, it's not that I don't want to solve it in a peaceful way, but that some people don't give us a chance at all."

Augustus Hoch chuckled and said, "You are right to say that. Anyway, I will never hand over the 'Crown of Sabak'."

"However, for some reasons, I don't want you to die here, so I won't fight you."

Kos Adam mocked: "That's not what you just said."

Augustus Hodge nodded: "Yes, I mean don't force me to take action against you."

"But my 'attack' does not necessarily involve fighting you personally."

"And the truth is, I've already played my cards."

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadows in the house began to twist, and then a figure walked out of it.

Kos Adam stopped suddenly and said with disbelief: "This is impossible!"

As if looking into a mirror, he saw a strong figure walking out of the shadows next to Augustus Hodge.

Smooth head, serious face, black uniform, plump muscles.

It was another him, another Kos Adam.

"It seems that you met your twin brother." Eagle Man joked, and then he himself was stunned, and then cursed, "Damn it."

To his right, from the shadows in the corner of the bedroom, a man wearing an eagle-headed helmet and a golden battle suit came out.

Behind this man, a pair of wings made of gold also spread out.

Doctor Fate smiled bitterly and watched a figure wearing a golden helmet and a golden cloak fly out from the shadow opposite him.

Looking at this figure, he silently put on the golden helmet, with his feet also off the ground, and a golden cloak hanging down behind him.

"What's going on? Are you doing a trick?"

Cos. Adam looked at Augustus Hodge, who just called himself a ‘man of the motherland’.

The latter shrugged his shoulders and said: "This is not a trick, and I am not the kind of magician who will show up at various birthday parties to perform magic."

"If I can help you to retreat from difficulties, I will be happy to explain my abilities to you, but from what I know about you, you don't seem like the kind of person who knows how to retreat from difficulties, so I will save this Take a breath."

He walked back, sat on the sofa again, and propped up his chin with one hand.

"If you want to get the 'Crown of Sabak' from me, please pass the level of your own clone first."

"If you can do it, I'll give it another serious thought."

Augustus Hodge, who holds the 'breeding authority', can use this authority to breed his own abilities and items, turning the ability that affects a single target into multiple targets, and can also make an item breed multiple sub-items. So there is no fear of damage or consumption.

Among the abilities mastered by Augustus Hodge, the original innate abilities of the people of the motherland are not the core.

His core ability is 'spores'. He can create 'parasitic spores' that are controlled by himself and can parasitize into living organisms. He can also create 'replicate spores' that replicate target genes and are infinitely close to the original body.

Under the influence of 'reproductive authority', the 'spores' that originally only acted on a single target can now act on multiple targets.

For example, the 'parasitic spores' that can parasitize the entire city's residents, or the 'replicating spores' that now replicate the genes of Cos. Adam, Dr. Fate and Hawkman.

Kos Adam snorted from his nostrils. He was not interested in playing this kind of card game with Augustus Hodge.

So what about the ability to copy oneself, feelings, beliefs, and experiences? Cos Adam believed that Augustus Hodge could not copy these.

Electric snakes flashed on the surface of his body, and there was a sudden roar in the room. Kos Adam bypassed his clone and went straight to Augustus Hodge who was sitting on the sofa.

In his field of vision, the surrounding scenes became blurred, and only Augustus Hodge, the focus of his vision, was still clear.

The man was still sitting on the sofa, looking straight ahead, as if he didn't know he was approaching.

Suddenly, an energy storm roared in. Kos Adam raised his arm and held a fist that broke the air and flashed with electricity.


A huge noise appeared in the bedroom, and the collision of air made Augustus Hodge's hair rise.

Kos Adam seemed to hear the sound of bones shattering in his arm, and as soon as his eyes rested on the smooth head in front of him, he flew backwards.

It directly knocked down walls one after another, crashed from one house into another, and finally smashed through the outer wall of the apartment building and stopped in mid-air outside the building.

Looking through the gaps in the walls, Kos Adam's eyes fell on his own copy. Only then did he know what it felt like to have his own power hit others.

"It's so strong."

After he finished speaking, electric light erupted all over his body, turning into a bolt of lightning, passing through the gaps he had made just now, and instantly collided with his own copy.

Suddenly, streams of electricity shot out from the windows, and the windows of the apartment building kept lighting up. The next second, a bolt of thunder shot out from the rooftop into the night sky.

At the end of the thunder, Kos Adam's eyes erupted with lightning, entangled with his own copy.

The two Black Adam's fists hit each other hard, and every time their fists collided, a circle of ripples exploded.

"Cough cough cough."

In the bedroom, Augustus Hodge, who was sitting on the sofa, fanned the air with his hands, shook his head and said, "Really, don't fight in the room. There's so much dust and it's very choking."

The room was filled with dust, and Doctor Destiny and Hawkman stared at their clones.

Then Dr. Fate and his clones appeared almost at the same time, and they had countless clones, filling the entire bedroom space at once.

Then the two Doctor Destiny bodies and their clones flew out of the window, chasing and fighting in the vast night sky.

Doctor Fate knows his own abilities very well, so he used clone magic at the beginning, and then used control magic such as crystal shackles on his opponent.

Unfortunately, his own clone had the same idea. He also used the magic clone to start, and then used crystal shackles to try to control it.

But both of them used their clones to confuse their audience, so the 'Crystal Shackles' hit each other's clones instead of controlling the main body.

In this way, other clones and the main body can blast magic at the opponent one by one.

In the golden helmet, the elderly gentleman smiled bitterly: "That's why I hate playing cards with myself the most. Whatever card I come up with, what will be the next card. Everyone knows that they all play the same card. There is no solution to this kind of card game." .”

In the night sky, Doctor Fate's figures intertwined under the stars, and countless gorgeous magics intertwined or clashed, making it seem like a fireworks show was going on above Khandak.

Compared to Doctor Destiny, the battle between the two Hawkmen was obviously much simpler.

They rushed towards each other almost at the same time, raising their war hammers made of N metal, condensing energy, and then struck their opponents hard.

Then both maces landed on each other's shields, causing a deafening crack.

Eagle Man felt the soreness and numbness in his shield-holding arm. His mood at this moment was no different from that of Kos Adam, and he even wanted to change opponents with Kos Adam.

After thinking about it, his movements were not slow. He took a small step back, spread the golden wings behind him, and then slammed into his clone.

His clone also acted normally. The two Hawkmen collided together. Their golden armors collided violently with their golden weapons, and countless sparks exploded.

Then Hawkman raised his foot and kicked his clone out. Hawkman's clone smashed into a wall and rushed back through the gap in the wall.

As soon as the mace was raised, a strong wind blew up.

Eagle Man quickly raised his shield, and with a loud sound, the mace collided with the shield and created a circle of ripples. The huge momentum caused Eagle Man to fly backwards out of the apartment.

Before he could adjust, the clone came to the top of his head. The mace gathered violent energy and smashed it down heavily.

Although it was still blocked by Hawkman's shield, this hammer also knocked Hawkman directly from mid-air to the ground.

Eagle Man hit the ground so heavily that the whole street shook. Many cars jumped up, and then the alarm sounded a sharp siren.

As for Hawkman, he crashed off the road and fell into the sewer.

When his clone flew down, Hawkman rose into the sky and struck the clone in the face with a hammer, sending his clone flying away like a baseball.

Augustus Hodge walked to the window and watched the battle between Kos Adam, Doctor Fate, and Eagle Man and his clone.

The corners of his mouth lifted into a smile.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a figure passing by in the night sky.

Blonde hair, black uniform, red cape.

If not his 'brother' from another universe, who else could it be?

Augustus Hodge's pupils immediately shrank slightly because he saw his 'brother' holding a crown in his hand.

Shabak crown!

"How can this be?"

"Did he find the crown?"

Augustus Hodge did not take the crown with him, but hid it somewhere. This was a psychological tactic.

After all, a normal person would think that such an important thing must be carried around.

Augustus Hodge did the opposite and hid the crown elsewhere.

Of course, even if he is hiding somewhere else, he has made arrangements so that he will receive an alarm if someone approaches.

But now, instead of being alerted, the crown was taken away by his competitor.

Augustus Hodge didn't think much, smashed the window of the apartment and flew towards the statue of the defender in Khandak City.

This statue attracted the attention of the whole city. Augustus Hodge hid the ‘Crown of Sabak’ in such an obvious place.

But it is precisely because this statue is so eye-catching that many people will subconsciously miss it, subconsciously thinking that Augustus Hodge could not have placed the crown in such a conspicuous place.

In a blink of an eye.

Augustus Hodge arrived at the statue of the defender and landed on the head of the statue. His eyes glowed red and he saw that the crown was still where he placed it.

It was not taken away by the opponent.

Augustus Hodge couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression suddenly changed. At this moment, two pale streams of fire pierced the night sky and hit him like meteors.

These two pale fire streams exuded the aura of death and silence, making Augustus Hodge seem to see the underworld opening to him.

Before he had time to think carefully, his body had already acted one step ahead of his brain. His figure flickered, making a sound of breaking through the air, and instantly moved a thousand meters sideways, causing the pale fire to fall into the air.

However, at this time, the stream of fire actually turned a corner in mid-air, like a tactical missile that had locked on its target, and was chasing Augustus Hodge again.


Augustus Hodge's figure flashed continuously, chasing the stream of fire.

At this time, another figure rushed towards the defender's statue. On the way, the golden light flickered and sprayed, and then swept across the defender's statue, cutting off the head of the defender's statue.


The ‘Crown of Sabak’ made of eternal metal is exposed to the air!

at the same time.

Throughout Kandak City, figures rose into the sky and rushed towards the defender's statue at full speed.

Those were the residents of Candak who were parasitized by Augustus Hodge's spores. Augustus Hodge allowed those 'parasitic spores' to carry his own genes, so that the parasitized hosts would have ' The motherland's basic abilities!

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