Cindy rolled her eyes with a look of despair, and walked into the teaching building with the information Ashley gave her.

Ashley got back in the car and asked the driver to drive on to the Super Children's Academy affiliated with Gouda.

"Miss Ashley, Ryan and I will do the interview later."

Azu was sitting in the back row, picked up the information, looked at it and said.

Ashley turned around with a startled otter expression.

"If you come forward, it will attract onlookers. I think Ryan doesn't want to attract too much attention."

Azu said, looking towards the boy.

Ryan nodded vigorously.

Ashley shrugged her shoulders: "Okay, sir, I'll wait for you in the car."

"Remember to roll up the window, I don't want to see you in the newspaper tomorrow." Azu reminded.

After a while, the car stopped.

The Children's Academy has arrived.

The federal primary school system is 5 years old. Ryan is 9 years old this year, and Ashley enrolled him in the 4th grade.

Super Children Academy covers grades 1 to 12, which means that if everything goes well, Ryan can go to high school here and then go to the University of Colorado.

“One-stop service.”

"Don't tell me this is also the property of Walter Group?"

Azu looked at himself in the rearview mirror. Today he had a different hairstyle, put on glasses, and wore a suit.

He looks completely different from his usual self. Unless you are someone who is very familiar with him, it would be difficult to connect him with a 'man of the motherland' without careful observation.

"Are you ready, boy?"

"Your learning career is about to begin."

"Let's go."

Azu opened the car door and got out of the car. After Ryan got out of the car with his schoolbag on his back, he closed the door and took Ryan towards the teaching building.

After getting out of the car, they passed a football field.

You can see many children playing football or playing other outdoor sports here. Since it is a superhuman school, those children naturally do not exercise in a normal way.

On the court, Azu and Zu saw a big boy with an electrified body, flashing the football on the playground. When he came to the goal, he volleyed hard. The goalkeeper child suddenly took a breath, and his body suddenly Inflating like a balloon.

As a result, the ball hit the boy's body and bounced away.

A little black girl jumped seven or eight meters, made an upside-down golden hook in mid-air, and kicked the ball toward the opponent's court.

Immediately, seven or eight children rushed towards the football. Some showed amazing jumping ability, some walked like the wind and quickly got rid of their opponents, and some flew directly to the football in mid-air.

Here they have no restrictions and can use their superpowers at will, which dazzles Ryan.

"How's it going? Do you like this?"

Azu patted the boy's shoulder.

A smile appeared on Ryan's face. He looked up at Azu and nodded.

He has lived with his mother since he was a child, and has never had the opportunity to meet peers, let alone friends.

Moreover, Becca has been restraining his superpowers and not giving him the opportunity to use his talents.

But it was different here. There were no restrictions and there were friends, which made Ryan yearn for it.

Azu reminded: "Principle of reciprocity."

Ryan patted his chest: "I didn't forget."

"Good job, kid."

Azu held his hand and walked into the teaching building.

This is a teaching building for lower grades, so look for a vibrant and bright style in design.

The building is bright, modern in design and full of energy.

The exterior walls are painted in bright colors, such as sky blue, grass green, and bright yellow. These colors make the building look more lively.

The windows here are exceptionally wide, allowing a large amount of natural light to illuminate the interior, ensuring that children can study comfortably during the day.

As soon as he entered the teaching building, Ryan's eyes were attracted by the bulletin board in the hall.

It contains the school's activity schedule, students' paintings and handicrafts, and displays of their learning achievements.

Azu casually glanced at the activity schedule. The courses for grades 1 to 5 were very easy.

A fourth grader like Ryan only has two cultural classes in the morning and music, painting, and health classes in the afternoon.

There is only one class in the afternoon, and the classes are different every day.

After class, it’s time for outdoor activities.

Students can stay in school and participate in various outdoor activities, or they can be picked up by their parents. There are no restrictions on this.

When Azu looked back, he saw the boy looking at a graffiti-like painting on the bulletin board. It could be seen from the painting that the student's painting should be a family of three.

To be honest, this painting is unflattering, but I don’t know why Ryan is so fascinated by it.

After a moment, Ryan said: "I have painted a similar painting before, but there was only my mother and me in the painting."

"It doesn't matter, your works will be displayed here in the future." Azu looked at his watch, "The interview time is coming soon."

After arriving at the principal's office and handing over the information prepared by Ashley, Azu and Ryan soon met the principal in the office.

The principal is a white man in his early fifties. He is well-dressed and wears a pair of thick glasses. He is looking at Ryan's materials.

"Well, you have been studying at home before this?"

Azu nodded: "We hired a tutor, and Ryan has no problem at all in terms of learning."

The principal put down the information, looked at Azu, and said with a smile: "Mr. David, is your hero's name 'Black Nightmare'?"

"With all due respect, I've never heard of you."

"I'm not questioning you. After all, you have a letter of introduction from Walter Group."

"It's just that as the principal of this school, I have an obligation to know more clearly."

Azu smiled slightly and said to Ryan: "Go outside and wait for me for a while."

Ryan glanced at Azu doubtfully and then walked out.

After the boy left, Azu took out a bank card and said, "Everyone has secrets, and secrets inevitably make people more curious."

"And I think this card can solve most of the problems."

"There are one hundred thousand dollars in it, which should be enough for me to become one of the shareholders of your school. I think the principal will allow the school shareholders to retain some privacy, right?"

The principal looked at the bank card and smiled: "That's natural."

"We respect everyone's privacy, but if it's only 100,000 US dollars, Mr. David, I can only provide you with a 2-star shareholder quota."

"It will allow Ryan to get a little more attention from the teacher, and on every birthday, you will receive a congratulatory card from the school, but that's about it."

"I suggest you invest an additional 200,000, so that you can become our 3-star shareholder."

"In that case, Ryan can enjoy more professional guidance from teachers, and the school will assign him a life teacher."

Azu smiled and said: "Let's leave it like this for now. If Ryan adapts to school life, I will consider pursuing him."

"Understood. I hope it won't be long before I can see your name on the list of 3-star shareholders."

After shaking hands with the principal and saying goodbye, Azu walked out of the office and patted Ryan on the shoulder: "Okay, now you are a member here."

The principal's secretary came over and showed a professional smile: "Classmate Ryan, please come with me. I will take you to your class."

Ryan glanced at Azu, who nodded: "Go ahead, I'll ask Cindy to pick you up in the afternoon."

Nodding, Ryan followed the principal's secretary and left.

Azu breathed out: "It's settled."

He walked out of the teaching building, looked back, and then returned to the car with a smile.

the other side.

In Gouda's school, Cindy looked at the bronze statues of superheroes in the distance and sighed.

She walked into the dormitory building.

She had just completed the interview in the principal's office in the teaching building. The shrewd-looking female principal asked Cindy to go to the dormitory to settle down first, and then report to the Lamplighter Anti-Crime Academy in the afternoon.

After passing the guard office, Cindy found that the guards here were like prison guards. They were in a safe room separated from the outside world by thick armored fences.

The security guard inside looked at Cindy as if he were a prisoner, reminding her of her life in Sage Grove. However, the security guard here only looked serious but did nothing.

Cindy walked into the passage and saw the signboards of the Motherland and Starlight at first sight. A fat man was standing in front of the signboard of Starlight with a lewd smile.

Going further, she saw many students using their own superpowers, which made Cindy think she had arrived in another world.

"Hello, my name is Maverick, your life assistant."

a voice sounded.

Cindy turned her head and saw nothing, only a pair of glasses floating in the air.

"invisible Man?"

Cindy frowned.

The invisible man who called himself 'Maverick' laughed and said: "Don't worry, I am a gentleman and I will never do anything outrageous."

He continued: "There will be a seminar on gender relations in the assembly hall at three o'clock in the afternoon. If you are interested, you can come."

"Thanks, I'm not interested." Cindy just wanted to leave this hellish place.

But she couldn't disobey Azu's order. Since Azu wanted her to go to school, she had no choice but to come to school.

"What the hell." Cindy has forgotten how many times she said this today.

The distressed girl pushed open her dormitory room and saw her future roommate doing unspeakable things with a man on the bed.

Cindy kicked the door hard, and the couple looked over. The man even blew a kiss to Cindy in a self-righteous manner.

"Want to come over and play, honey."


"If you don't get out, I'll turn you into red peanut butter." The girl who once went on a killing spree in the 'Sage Grove' said with a sneer.

She is not an innocent student. She has killed people before, and the aura she is releasing now is quite astonishing.

The happy couple was startled and ended quickly. The man hurriedly hugged the sheet and left.

Cindy suddenly opened the window and looked at her roommate, a girl with tattoos all over her body and lip nails.

"Next time, next time let me see a man in this room."

"I'll kill you."

After saying that, she looked at a glass on the table.


The glass suddenly exploded into pieces all over the floor.

Her roommate was so frightened that she trembled.

After finally staying up until the afternoon, Cindy came to the Lamplighter Academy for Fighting Criminals, and she was informed to meet Professor Brinker.

"Fight criminals."

Cindy looked at the bronze statue of the lamplighter at the entrance of the college building and laughed disdainfully.

"I am the most terrible criminal myself, yet I still want to take some bullshit courses."

"Really, please spare me."

She muttered as she walked into the building, followed the instructions, and found Professor Blinker's office.

In front of the office, a girl who seemed to be a secretary was wearing headphones and typing on the keyboard.

Cindy sighed, walked over and said, "I'm here to see Professor Brinker."

The girl looked pretty good, but her hairline was a bit far back, which made Cindy worried about her hair volume.

She raised her head and glanced at Cindy, then continued with her work.

"Damn it."

Cindy shook her head, pulled off the girl's earphones and said, "If you didn't hear clearly, let me tell you, I'm here to see Professor Blinker."

The girl was a little stunned, as if she didn't expect that someone would dare to rip off her headphones.

The students passing by also stopped and pointed in this direction.

"Is that a new student?"

"She actually dared to cause trouble with Jordan, so brave."

"Maybe he doesn't know that Jordan is only ranked behind the 'Golden Boy', and is NO2."

The girl named 'Jordan' looked at Cindy and said, "If no one teaches you manners, then I think you should learn it yourself."

She suddenly raised her hand, a light flashed from her palm, and an impact knocked Cindy away.

"The fight started!"

"The fight started!"

The students watching the excitement did not take it too seriously. Some whistled, while others encouraged Cindy.

Cindy fell to the ground, looked at the ceiling and sighed, then dusted herself off and stood up.

She glanced at Jordan's head, then shook her head: "It's too troublesome not to be able to kill people."

Cindy looked at the computer on Jordan's desk instead. As soon as her eyes widened, the computer screen flew up and hit Jordan.

Jordan dodged nimbly, and she said unexpectedly: "Your superpower is telekinesis?"

"How do I know? No one told me." Cindy muttered again and looked at the table again. This time the whole table flew up and whizzed towards Jordan.

Jordan quickly rolled on the ground to avoid the table, then raised his hands and pressed them towards Cindy, a light lit up in his palms.

But this time Cindy was wary. When she saw Jordan raising his hand, she rolled away, so Jordan's impact only caused two windows to explode.

Cindy's eyes dropped to Jordan's feet, wanting to break the woman's legs.

Suddenly a pistol was pressed against the back of her head, and then an old voice rang out: "Try it and see which one is faster, your thoughts or my gun."

Jordan raised his head and saw an old man with a white beard standing behind Cindy, and shouted with joy: "Professor Brinker!"

Cindy raised her hands and said: "Professor Blinker, I am Cindy. Principal Shetty should have mentioned me to you."

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