Cindy agreed with Jordan's decision. If he didn't leave at this time, he would be exposed later, and they, the students of the University of California, would be in trouble.


Those at the top should not be a big problem, and the school will definitely protect them.

It’s hard to say for myself and Mary.

When Cindy was about to leave with Jordan and the others, she saw that Mary had no intention of leaving, so she said casually.

"What are you still doing? Leave quickly."

Mary shook her head, looked at Cindy and said, "I think I have to do something."

"That lady is dying."

"If I can get her blood back into her body, if I can stop her from bleeding, she should be saved."

Images flashed through the black girl's mind.

It was when she had just started menstruating, and on that day, she awakened her superpower.

She was able to control her blood.

At that time, she stayed in the bathroom for too long, and her mother opened the bathroom door out of concern.

This action frightened Mary, and she accidentally used her superpower, causing the blood to cut through her mother's neck like a blade.

So the woman she loved deeply fell to the ground with a look of disbelief on her face, and closed her eyes in blood.

Immediately afterwards, her mother heard the sound and came over. Seeing such a scene made the man startled.

At this time, she was so scared that she lost control of her abilities, causing the blood pool on the ground to explode like a grenade, and the blood beads penetrated her father's body like fragments of a frag grenade.

On that day, Marie Moreau lost her father and mother at the same time.

Even more alienated from my sister.

These images flashed through her mind, but they strengthened Mary's thoughts.

She wants to prove herself, she wants to prove that her abilities are not just for killing, but can also save people!

"The look in your eyes is dangerous right now."

Cindy whispered, "I guess you want to save that woman."

"Believe me, my experience tells me that this will lead to more trouble."

Mary looked at her and said, "Is it wrong to save people?"

After speaking, she stepped forward and began to use her ability to control the blood, causing the blood that jumped out of the woman's neck to stop and then return to her blood vessels.

Mary carefully manipulated the blood in the woman's body, causing the platelets to work and the wound to begin to seal.

After a moment, she carefully reached out her hand and felt the woman's condition.

"She's still alive."

Mary looked up, relieved.

this moment.

She had mixed feelings, and the images of the rescued woman and her parents lying in a pool of blood kept intertwining in front of her.

She closed her eyes and a voice spoke in her heart.

‘Dad, mom, did you see it? ’

'I'm not a devil. ’

‘I can use this ability to help more people. ’

‘Please forgive me, okay? ’

Click click click.

The sound of the camera shutter made Mary open her eyes, and people around her took out their mobile phones to record and take photos of her.

"You saved her."

"You are an angel."

So people say.

Tears suddenly rolled out of Mary's eyes.

At this moment, she was saved.

Outside the bar, through the window, Cindy saw Mary with a smile on her face.

She shook her head and got into Jordan's car.

When she returned to Gouda, it was already late at night. Cindy carefully returned to her room, but fortunately she didn't attract anyone's attention.

She lay down on the bed and soon fell asleep with her head covered.

Cindy didn't wake up until the next morning, when the sun fell on her face.

Suddenly she sat up.

"Oops, what time is it now?"

Cindy took the phone and looked at it, almost fainting.

It's already half past nine.

She didn't bother to wash up, picked up her backpack and rushed out of the dormitory, cleaning her mouth with chewing gum on the way.

When he arrived at the classroom, Professor Whitebeard was already in class.

Cindy crouched and wanted to sneak in, but she heard Brinke say: "Look, who is this."

"Isn't this our Miss Cindy?"

"Miss Cindy, can you tell me why you are late?"

"Is it because my classes are boring?"

"Is it because you overslept this morning?"

Cindy scratched her hair and made an excuse: "My mobile phone was out of battery this morning and the alarm didn't go off, so..."

"So I just overslept. Oh my god, I can't imagine how a 'hero' who doesn't even have the most basic sense of time can protect people."

"Do you have to wait for the disaster to pass before showing up again every time?"

"What's the difference between that and the police who never arrive in time?"

Cindy shrugged her shoulders.

Brink pointed at her and said, "Come to my office after class."

"Go back to your seat."

After finally getting through this class, when Cindy was packing her things to go to Brinker's office, a classmate in front of her was watching a video.

The video showed the same bar they went to last night, and Mary appeared in the video.

The photographer said: "Last night at the Skyscraper nightclub, this lady fell to the ground bleeding."

"We all thought this lady was dead, but then an angel appeared."

"Although the black angels surprised me, sorry, I'm not a racist, I bet God has dark angels on his side too."

"Back to business, this angel suddenly appeared and saved the lady."

“Let us praise God.”

Cindy walked over, took the phone over, and with her fingers swiping, a large number of videos about last night's nightclub scrolled on the screen.

"Hey, what's going on with you? Don't you have your own phone?"

The classmate stood up and became angry.

Cindy returned the phone to her and left the classroom, pretending that she didn't hear the classmates behind her calling her "crazy" one after another.

Arriving at Brinker's office, Cindy met Jordan, who was working as an assistant to the professor. Jordan, who presented himself as a woman, glanced at Cindy and nodded.

Cindy pointed to the office: "The professor asked me to come see him."

Jordan said: "Then you have to wait a moment, Mary is inside."

"Did you watch last night's video?"

Cindy nodded: "I just saw it."

Jordan glanced towards the office: "That silly girl, she shouldn't have done this. Now everyone knows about it."

Cindy leaned next to Jordan's table. The two of them didn't know each other, and Cindy didn't have much hostility towards this man now.

"Will she be in trouble?"

Jordan looked around, then lowered his voice and said: "If there is no accident, she will be expelled from school, right?"

Cindy was not surprised at all by this result.

She had already expected that things would turn out like this last night. It was very simple. If Mary had not taken care of that matter last night, she would have left with Jordan Luke and the others.

In that case, things would not have escalated to the scale they are now.

The media will just report it as an accident.

But Mary is there, and the identity of the Go student will soon be discovered.

Then it will be discovered that the accident was caused by Andre.

Andre is not only one of the top ten students in the school, but also has a superhero father who has a certain influence in society.

Goda will definitely use resources to quell this matter, but someone needs to take responsibility for it. Obviously, Mary, who caused the 'trouble', will become the victim.

Because compared to other people, she has no background at all. She is a marginalized person and is best suited to take the blame.

Just at this time.

Mary's voice echoed in the office.

"I don't!"

"I didn't slit that woman's throat. It wasn't me. You can't pin things on my head that didn't happen!"

"I saved that woman, but you want to drive me away!"

Very loud sound.

At least Jordan and Cindy heard it.

Jordan put his hand on his forehead and said, "This is really ugly."

Cindy glanced at her, not sure whether she was talking about Blinker or Mary.

Immediately afterwards, the office door was almost knocked open, and Mary walked out with tears on her face.

She saw Cindy.

He shook his head.

"You're right, but it's a pity that I didn't listen to you last night."

Then she looked at Jordan: "Why should I be responsible for the trouble you caused? This is so unfair."

Jordan looked away, unable to meet Mary's gaze.

The black girl lowered her head and walked away quickly, as if she was trying to escape from here.

Cindy shrugged her shoulders and walked into the office.

In the office, Brink motioned for her to sit down.

Then he said.

"You're in luck."

"I know, you were at Skyscraper Nightclub last night."

"But you didn't appear in the camera, and you're a little more important than that girl."

"Although I don't know what your relationship is with Ms. Ashley from the Seven Towers, since your recommendation letter has her signature, you can stay here and continue your studies."

"So, Mary took the responsibility for you, and I hope you don't live up to her sacrifice."

Cindy looked at Blinker and said, "Professor, I know the rules of the game, so is this all you want to say?"

Brinke nodded: "That's all, Miss Cindy, don't be late tomorrow."

"I understand." Cindy stood up, "Can I go?"

"Go ahead."

Cindy picked up her backpack and walked out of the office, only to see Luke coming towards her.

She stepped out of the way and watched Luke enter the office.

In the passage ahead, Mary left and returned again. She didn’t know what she said to Jordan, but it seemed that she planned to seek justice for herself.


is that useful?

Cindy decided not to meddle this time.

She passed Mary.

But before they had gone far, they heard Mary's exclamation.

The sound echoed in the passage.

Cindy and Jordan in the distance both turned around and saw Luke holding Brink tightly in the office. Raging flames spurted out of Luke's body, burning Brink into a fireball.

"what the hell?"

Cindy couldn't help but be stunned. She had no idea why Luke would do this?

In the office.

Luke withdrew the flame, turned around and saw Mary, and he quickly said: "Listen to me, Mary, I have a last resort."

Mary's eyes widened. She originally came to seek justice for herself, but unexpectedly she saw this scene.

She remembered what Brinke had just said and said quickly: "I didn't see anything. I'll leave right now."

"You do not understand."

Luke shook his head: "You don't know about the woods."

"What woods?" Mary was confused. The smell of barbecue in the office made her just want to leave quickly.

"Listen, here's what happened."

"Professor, he fell asleep smoking a cigarette and burned himself to death." Luke looked at the body on the ground.

Mary said quickly: "Okay, that's it, absolutely."

"This is our secret."

Seeing her like this, Luke sighed helplessly: "Why do you have to come here, Mary?"

Mary knew immediately that something was going to happen.

Sure enough, Luke's body burst into flames, and his eyes glowed with golden light.

Mary turned around and ran away. At this time, Jordan ran back, and Cindy stayed where she was, not intending to participate and not showing any signs of leaving.

Mary quickly shouted: "Come on, Luke is crazy. He killed the professor, and now he wants to kill me too."

"He wants to kill people and silence them, so run away."

Jordan looked towards the office in disbelief, when Luke rushed out with his body burning with raging flames.

"Luke, is she telling the truth?"

"Why did you kill the professor?"

Jordan glanced into the office. The former Blinker had now turned into a charred corpse exuding green smoke.

"Step aside."

Luke, who temporarily extinguished the flames, said seriously.

Jordan also advised: "How about you calm down first?"

Luke frowned, then said, "You have a share, too."

"What did you say?" Jordan said confused.

"Step aside!"

Luke roared, his body burning with fire, and he breathed flames at Jordan.


The flames flickered in the passage. After the flames retracted, Jordan appeared in front of Luke, but by this time she had become him.

Jordan in his male form seemed indestructible, and even the flames did not harm him.

"Let's go!"

"You two!"

Jordan urged, reaching out to hold Luke down: "Stop it, bro."

"I'm not your brother."

Luke punched Jordan hard in the stomach, causing Jordan to slide back a little. His shoes cracked the ground and plowed a mark.

When Luke swung his second punch, Lu Dan instantly switched to a female state, dodged from Luke's punch, walked around behind him, raised his palm, and his palm lit up with light.

The shock wave that could knock people away only made Luke's hair fly up and he stepped back a little.

Luke pounces again, and Jordan responds to Luke's attacks by switching between the two genders.

In his male form, Jordan is physically strong and powerful.

In her female form, she is flexible and can unleash flash blasts.

But even so, he is obviously no match for the number one Luke.

Soon, Luke threw Jordan out. When Jordan couldn't catch his breath, Luke turned around and wanted to chase Mary.

But at this time, their fight attracted the attention of many students, and some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Luke locked onto Mary and was about to rush out, but suddenly his body seemed to have crashed into cement, and his movements became very sluggish.

He looked around and his eyes fell on Cindy.

Cindy was using her telekinesis to control Luke. When she saw him looking at him, Cindy said to herself: "Damn it, didn't you tell me not to meddle in other people's business?" (End of Chapter)

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