Not long after Ryan entered, a car stopped in front of Jindi's house.

In the car, little fat boy Luke moved his buttocks to get out of the car.

His leg was broken by Ryan's kick and is now in a cast. He needs crutches to help him walk.

"Luke, can't you just stay home and recuperate?"

"And you bought such an expensive gift, a diamond ring, you are crazy!"

On the screen of the mobile phone in Luke's hand, Alexander, lying on the hospital bed, said dissatisfiedly.

"Because of you, I have now lost my job, and we are still in debt. Now I have enough headaches just to find a school for you."

"Can't you save me some trouble?"

Luke looked at his father on the screen and said, "I'm about to leave school. Before I leave, I want to say goodbye to Jindy."

"that's all."

He turned off the phone, then used crutches to help him reach the gate.

The bell was pulled and soon the door opened and Kindy's father handed Luke a balloon.

"Welcome to Jindy Pasty's birthday party"

Before he finished speaking, the little fat man said angrily: "Don't bother me, you clown. Where is Jindi?"

"Kindy is inside, I'll call her."

Mr. George walked back, muttering as he walked: "What a rude kid, much worse than Ryan."

After a while, Kindy arrived.

She was surprised to see Luke because she didn't invite the fat man.

"Happy birthday, Kindy."

When Luke saw the girl, a smile appeared on his face, and he handed over the wrapped gift.

Kindy thanked her, took the gift, handed it to her father, and invited Luke in.

Although the little fat man was not invited, people were already at the door and had prepared gifts. Out of politeness, Jindi could only let the little fat man attend the birthday party.

They came to the back garden, which was carefully decorated with colorful balloons and streamers hanging everywhere.

Children were running around in the garden, filling the garden with laughter.

As soon as he arrived in the back garden, Luke saw Ryan. Seeing the guy who kicked his leg off wearing a tuxedo and being surrounded by several girls in the class, Luke couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"up to you."

Kindy brought Luke to the dining table and left him to find Ryan. The little fat man was even more jealous.

But the aching pain in his feet reminded him that it was best not to provoke Ryan.

But at this time, he heard several boys whispering next to the dining table.

"Who is that guy in the dress? Are you so exaggerated? Are you worried that girls won't play with him?"

"I heard he's a classmate in Jindi's class, but that guy is really popular with girls."

"Tch, what's the big deal about being popular? I don't like playing with him yet."

"But Jindi seems to like him very much. Since he arrived, Jindi hasn't spoken to me."

Luke looked at the boys, thoughtfully.

The other side of the garden.

"Ryan, is this a custom-made handmade dress?"

"I heard that custom-made handmade dresses are very expensive."

"Wait a minute, Ryan, are you actually a rich man?"

"Where do you live, Ryan?"

Several girls surrounded Ryan, chattering incessantly, making Ryan dizzy.

At this time, several big boys came over and said, "Jindi, how boring is this? Let's play a game?"

"Okay, okay, what game to play?" The girls also became interested when they heard that they were going to play a game.

"hide and seek."

"How about the loser gets punished."


Next, in addition to Luke, who has limited mobility, even Ryan also played hide and seek.

After a while, it was Ryan's turn to be the ghost.

A boy covered Ryan's eyes and whispered in his ear.

"Brother, I will give you instructions later. Don't worry, you won't be punished."

Ryan nodded and closed his eyes.

If he didn't close his eyes, even if he used a helmet to cover his eyes, Ryan could still see things in the garden.

But since you want to play games, you can't use your super powers.

Next, he started counting.

After counting to a hundred, he shouted, "I'm going to start catching people."

He closed his eyes and groped around in the garden, but after a while, he didn't catch anyone.

Just when Ryan wanted to admit defeat, he heard the sound of clapping hands.

Snap, snap, snap.

Ryan remembered what the boy said just now, so he touched in the direction of the sound.

Snap, snap, snap.

Applause sounded from time to time, and Ryan kept looking for the sound.

At this time, Luke was taking pictures with his mobile phone.

Hide and seek was his suggestion.

But Luke's purpose is naturally not to play games, but to tease Ryan and find ways to make him look embarrassed.

Just now he heard that those boys also disliked Ryan, and after a little inquiry, he found out that they were Jindi's neighbors.

So Luke came up with an idea, and the boys also made suggestions, and finally a plan was devised.

Now attracted by the applause, Ryan has walked out of the back garden of Jindi's house, passed through the street, and walked into a wooden house.

It was a dog house, and the owner kept several hounds in it.

It was one of the boys' idea to introduce Ryan to the doghouse.

Soon, Ryan walked into the dog house, and the boys closed the door of the house, put a chain through the doorknob, and locked the door.

"There won't be any problem with this, right?" A boy wearing glasses hesitated.

"Don't worry, Mr. Bruce's dogs are all kept in cages. At most, the pretty boy will be scared to death, and he will be fine." Another tall boy said.

"It's okay to let this boy suffer a little, because he attracts all the girls."

The boys snickered quietly, and then a dog barked in the house, getting louder and louder. It sounded like the dog inside had discovered the stranger and was growling.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a knock on the door, and Ryan's voice came out at the same time: "Is anyone outside? Please open the door for me."

The boys had already hid far away, covering their mouths and having fun, and no one paid any attention to Ryan.

The knocks on the door got louder and louder, and Ryan yelled louder: "Is there anyone outside? There are dogs here, let me out."

Hearing Ryan's seemingly anxious voice, Luke smiled proudly.

At this time Jindi and her father heard the sound and came.

"Where is Ryan? Where is Ryan? Have any of you seen him?" Jindi asked loudly.

Just now in the garden, she hid for a long time but didn't see Ryan coming, so she came out to see what was going on.

As a result, other students did not see Ryan, and then they heard the barking of a dog, so Jindi quickly found her father and came over together.

When several boys saw the adults coming, they didn't dare to say anything and shrank to the side with their heads lowered.

George suddenly looked towards the neighbor's dog house and his face changed: "You shouldn't have locked Ryan in there, right?"

"Mr. Bruce's dog cage recently broke down and needs to be repaired. The dogs in the house are just picking it up with chains. They will hurt Ryan!"

At this time, several boys realized the seriousness of the matter.

George quickly ran towards the dog house. Suddenly, two red beams of light burst out from the house, and then struck horizontally.

The house used to keep the dogs suddenly fell into pieces.

Everyone was startled by this unexpected situation. They stepped back and saw thick smoke billowing among the ruins.

Blood spread from inside and flowed across the ground until it reached the feet of the boys.

Several boys screamed in fright, stepped back, and fell to the ground.

George was also startled, but he is a superhero. Although he is not the top one, he still calmly gestured to his daughter to tell her not to come over.

Then he walked forward, and he saw a small figure standing there in the ruins, so George tried to shout.

"Ryan, are you okay?"

The figure turned around, and it turned out to be Ryan. Now his face and tuxedo were covered in blood.

At his feet, lay several hounds. All of these dogs, without exception, had been cut crosswise, and their internal organs and blood flowed all over the ground.

Seeing this scene, George gasped.

What frightened him even more was the red light in Ryan's eyes.

It seems that in the next second, he will spray out the terrifying laser that can easily cut dogs and buildings.

But Ryan didn't do that. The boy looked at the blood on his hands, then looked at Jindi in the distance, then soared into the sky, flew high into the sky, and flew away quickly.

"He can fly?"

"This is terrible. Did he do this?"

Several boys walked to the ruins of the dog house and looked at the scene in the house. Their legs became weak with fear.

The little fat man's eyes widened even more, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He also forgot to stop recording, and his mobile phone continued to record everything that happened at the scene.


Azu returned to Eden Base and found Ryan.

"Angelina told me you're back on your own, do you want to say something, kid?"

Ryan was sitting on the edge of the rooftop, in a daze, his eyes blank and unfocused.

Seeing him like this, Azu shrugged his shoulders: "Okay, it doesn't matter."

"Tell me when you want to say it."

He turned around and heard Ryan say: "I messed up."

"Huh? What's wrong? Your classmates don't like the gift you gave me?" Azu looked back at the boy.

Ryan shook his head, and then told Azu about the hide and seek.

"The dogs were barking at me. I wasn't afraid, but I was angry."

"So I destroyed them along with the house."

“I didn’t know I’d screwed up until Kindy’s dad looked at me like he was a monster.”

Ryan lowered his head and looked at his toes.

A hand fell on his head.

Azu rubbed his hair and said, "You really messed up."

"You should teach the person who teased you a lesson before coming back."

Ryan was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Azu: "Teasing?"

Azu nodded, stood next to him and said, "Think carefully, how did you get to the dog house?"

Ryan said: "It was a boy who said he would give me a hint. Later I heard clapping and thought it was a hint. I followed the sound and found it, and finally arrived at the dog house."

"very good."

"Then think about it again, why did he lure you out of your classmate's home?"

"You shouldn't go to the streets to play games, right?" Azu continued to give reminders.

Ryan nodded: "I understand."

"They were premeditated."

"Yes, that's it." Azu raised the corner of his mouth and said, "And you just said that the little fat guy went there today, right?"

"He has a problem with you, so among those who tease you, I think he should also share in it."

"If I were you, I would teach these boys a lesson and let them know the consequences of teasing others."

"Instead of just killing a few dogs and running back."

Azu lowered his head, looked into Ryan's eyes and said.

“Also, never punish yourself for the mistakes of others.”

"You are not at fault, on the contrary, you are the victim."

"If you were not a super human, if you were just an ordinary person, you would have been bitten to pieces by those hounds, or even to death."

"Just because you weren't hurt doesn't mean those bastards were not at fault."

"We don't take the initiative to hurt others because we are stronger than others. There is no sense of accomplishment in bullying the weak."

"But that doesn't mean that weak people can hurt us casually, even if we won't be hurt by it."

"If they dare to do this, then even if they are just ants, they will be trampled to death. This is my principle."

"You might be able to borrow from it until you find your own principles."

Ryan looked at Azu in a daze.

He vaguely felt that this man was teaching him something.

"I see."

Ryan nodded, his eyes brightening: "I know what to do."

"very good."

"I'm hungry. Would you like to join us for dinner? I bet there will be steak tonight."

Azu walked towards the entrance.

Ryan jumped up, ran to Azu's side, and held Azu's hand.

Azu lowered his head and glanced, smiled, but did not shake off Ryan's hand.

the next day.

When Ryan went to school to settle the score with Fatty, he was told that Luke had transferred to another school.


Cindy was woken up by the alarm clock. She yawned and got out of bed.

Wearing only her underwear, she walked into the bathroom. While brushing her teeth, she heard her phone ringing continuously, as if she had received a lot of messages.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Cindy returned to the bedside, picked up her phone and took a casual look.

The result was stunned.

She actually has tens of thousands more followers on Twitter, and the number is increasing every second.

"What are you doing?"

Cindy frowned, thinking there was something wrong with the system, so she simply turned off her phone to prevent the notification sound from ringing all the time.

After changing her clothes, she left the dormitory.

As soon as she walked out of the dormitory door, a girl ran over, stood with Cindy, and then picked up her mobile phone to take a selfie.

"Cindy, you are so beautiful today." After the girl said that, she ran away, leaving Cindy confused.

Then another boy came over and said to Cindy: "Good morning, Miss Cindy, would you like to say hello to the audience in the live broadcast room?"

Cindy glared at him and said, "Take your camera away, or you should change your phone."

The boy just left.

On her way to the teaching building, students kept chatting with her. It seemed like overnight, she became a celebrity.

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