In the early morning, the sky and the earth were pitch black, and you couldn't see your fingers.

The wilderness at this time was quiet and mysterious.

The sky in the east began to show a faint blue color, but it was still very early before the sun rose.

The stars twinkled feebly in the gradually dimming night, and the breeze moved silently through the woods, making the sound of rustling leaves echo from time to time in the wild forest.

At this time, humans are still sleeping, but animals have begun to wake up.

Squirrels jumped among the branches, their flexible figures looming in the darkness.

A fox walked quietly through the camp, its eyes alert and its steps light.

Under the soil, there are countless insects active.

Ants are one of them.

In an ant nest not far from the camp, worker ants had begun to move, but at this time, the ground shook, making these ants afraid to leave the nest.

From the ant's perspective, boots as huge as mountains kept falling, shaking the ground.

That's Ota and his mercenaries.

They have arrived near the camp, and in front of them are the students of the Super Children Academy.

The tents were like small golden mountains in their eyes.

Ota made a gesture, and immediately, the tall and thin man left with a few soldiers.

At this time, in the camp, several camp security guards were yawning and patrolling.

"I really envy those children. They sleep in warm quilts, but we have to stay here in the cold."

muttered a black security guard.

Another security guard said: "Just be content. Our job doesn't mean we have to be on duty all night. The most important thing is that the salary here is good."

"He's right, I did it in other places before coming to the camp, but that's okay." A brown-haired security guard was telling his experience, and suddenly his expression became strange.

this moment.

The security guard's thinking speed was quietly nearly ten times faster than usual. He didn't know why this happened, but he could feel that everything around him had slowed down.

This just made him clearly feel that the back of his head felt a little hot for some reason, and then the heat quickly rose and turned into a scorching heat that made him want to scream.

The strange thing is that he can't scream, or in other words, although his brain wants to scream, his body can't keep up.

The security guard's mouth was opening, but the scream was still in his stomach, and even the opening mouth was only opening a gap at this time.

But the burning sensation transmitted to the back of his head was far faster than the movement of his body. At first, the security guard just felt that the back of his head was hot, as if someone was pressing a red-hot iron rod against his head.

But at this moment, he felt as if the red-hot iron rod had been thrust into his brain, passing through his fragile but important brain.

And little by little, it moves towards the center of the eyebrows.

This damn iron rod made his nerves extremely sensitive. He was in extreme pain, but he still couldn't scream.

finally. He felt his eyebrows heat up, and then something flew out of his head.

Out of the corner of his eye, the security guard saw a bullet, stained with blood and brain matter, which had been thrown off as the bullet advanced.

This was the last scene the security guard saw in his life.

In the eyes of the other two security guards, their colleague's whole body was suddenly shaken, and then the back of his head exploded, and then a bullet hole appeared between his eyebrows, and then he fell to the ground.

The two security guards suddenly screamed. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly approached behind them.

Two mercenaries rushed out of the light mist, approached the camp security guards from behind, and slit their throats with daggers, turning the security guards' screams into rapid gasps for breath.

Then, the mercenaries entered the camp one by one, and they dispersed skillfully.

When I got near those tents, I threw smoke bombs into them.

As soon as those smoky things were thrown into the tent, the anesthetic gas quickly occupied the entire tent. In the limited space, they quickly filled every corner of the tent and came out from the gaps.

Some students in the tent were choked and coughed, but as a result, they inhaled the anesthetic gas and quickly fell to the ground unconscious.

So another group of mercenaries behind them wearing gas masks easily got into the tent and took away the unconscious children.


Since this is a student of the Super Academy, some superhumans are resistant to anesthesia gas and the like, so not all of them can be anesthetized.

Soon students rushed out from some tents.

Here, some students were covered in a metallic luster, some directly set off strong winds and blew the anesthetic gas and the tent high into the sky, and some sprayed flames from their mouths and caused explosions.

Suddenly, the entire camp was in chaos.

When Ryan woke up, he happened to see someone throwing anesthesia gas in. He suddenly rose into the sky and broke a gap in the tent.

He came to the sky above the camp and looked down, only to see that the entire camp was in chaos.

Then he caught a familiar voice.


She was not anesthetized, but was picked up by a mercenary and ran outside the camp.

Ryan's eyes turned cold, and he rushed down with a whoosh, bumping into the mercenary.

The mercenary only heard the sound of broken bones coming from his chest, and his consciousness slipped into the darkness, so he did not see his body that was smashed to pieces by Ryan.

After Ryan killed the mercenary, he picked up Jindi and flew to the edge of the camp to put her down.

Jindi shrank in fear: "What happened?"

Ryan, whose whole body was covered in plasma, wiped his face, shook his head and said, "I don't know, but don't worry, I will protect you."

At this time, two mercenaries ran towards them, and Ryan's eyes lit up with a scarlet light.

The next moment, two crimson rays of light shot out from his pupils. With a sweep, the two mercenaries were cut into several pieces.

This scene caught the eye of Kate who came over.

She gasped, then quickened her pace and took off the deerskin gloves from her hands.

On the other side, Ryan was about to pick up Jindi and fly away, when he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Come here, I am Kate, a student at the College of Fighting Crime at Gouda. Principal Antilla asked me to protect you."

Ryan turned around and saw a blond woman rushing over with several security guards.

The security guards had already begun exchanging fire with the mercenaries. Ryan scanned Kate's physical condition. Judging from her heartbeat, she was not lying.

So he pulled Jindi and ran towards them.

Kate put her arms around Ryan and said softly, "It's okay. You guys can take a nap first."

She uses compulsion, her superpower that allows people to do what she tells them to do.

Jindi fell asleep immediately.

But Kate discovered that instead of sleeping, Ryan was looking at her.

His eyes were confused at first, and then suddenly became dangerous, not because the red light in his eyes quickly lit up.

Kate was shocked and immediately pressed Ryan's head with both hands and shouted: "Go to sleep!"

This time, Ryan seemed to be affected. The red light in his eyes dissipated and he slowly closed his eyes.

At the same time, Kate's eyes were bloodshot, and blood was already pouring out of the corners of her eyes.

Kate was relieved when she saw Ryan lying down, and she couldn't help but look at the boy a few more times.

"What's going on with this kid? Even if I use force on Luke, it won't be that difficult."

"For such a young child, it actually took me all my strength to get him to accept instructions."

Kate took out a tissue, wiped the blood from the corner of her eyes, and asked the security to take Ryan away.

But at this time, she saw Ryan's eyes moving and his eyelids trembling slightly, as if he was about to wake up again.

"No way, I've already tried my best, he can still resist?"

"If that's the case, I can only bring him into the 'dream state', but in that case, I have to fall asleep."

Just when Kate was hesitant, Ryan's fingers had already started to move.

Seeing this scene, Kate no longer hesitated and called a security guard.

"This child is quite powerful. I have to use another ability to control him."

"But when I use this ability, I will lose consciousness. I need protection."

The security guard nodded and said, "Don't worry, Miss Kate, we will escort you back to school."

Kate nodded, lay next to Ryan, reached out and held the boy's hand.

"bring it on."

"Welcome to my dreamland."

She closed her eyes, and after a moment, her breathing became even and long, as if she had entered a dream.

Ryan's eyelids were already half-open, but at this time, he gradually closed his eyes again.


The next second.

Ryan jumped to his feet.

I found that I was still in the camp, but there was no one around. The camp was quiet, with only the morning mist floating in the camp.

There was no one in the camp.

There are no classmates, no teachers, and no murderers.

Ryan looked at the camp blankly and tried to remember.

"Am I dreaming?"

"I remember being sound asleep and suddenly I heard gunshots."

"When I woke up, a group of villains who came from nowhere were attacking the camp and captured Jindi."

"I rescued Jindi, and then I met someone from the school. The woman named Kate said she was sent by the principal."

The boy covered his head: "Then I don't remember."

"Keller, Keller, where are you?"

A voice came from far away. Ryan turned around and saw a middle-aged lady walking out anxiously from a forest outside the camp.

"Keller, can you hear me?"

"Come out, honey."

Ryan frowned.

"Keller, is there this person in the school?"

Just when the boy was confused, another policeman ran out of the woods.

"Slow down, ma'am."

"We didn't find Keller. It would be troublesome if you were lost too." The policeman said nervously.

The middle-aged lady looked around and said, "Wherever Keller could go at such a young age, he must be nearby. He must be scared now. It's all Kate's fault."

At this moment, a young voice sounded: "Keller, Keller, where are you?"

Ryan looked over and saw another blond girl, about the same age as him, emerging from the woods in the distance. The girl saw the lady and the policeman and immediately called out: "Mom."

Unexpectedly, the lady seemed startled and said to the blonde girl: "Don't come over, Kate."

Ryan was stunned for a moment.


The same name as that female student?

At this moment, Ryan noticed that the surrounding trees began to decompose, and the whole scene seemed to collapse.

"what happened?"

Ryan didn't know that he was appearing in Kate's dream, and now all he saw were Kate's memories.

In the real world, the camp was still in chaos, and the mercenaries captured many children.

Even though some of the children used superpowers to fight, these mercenaries were obviously prepared.

They used a tool that could emit superfrequency sound waves to render these children with superpowers unable to resist, and then captured the children who fell to the ground one by one.

The school security used a stretcher to carry Kate and Ryan away together. Soon they got into a car and then roared away.

It took a while before a police car arrived at the camp, but by this time, the mercenaries had already run away.

After getting out of the car and looking at the messy camp, the police sergeant in charge of this area had a headache and wanted to take a few painkillers.

"This is bad."

said the Sheriff.




Eden base.

Azu landed on the rooftop, and Angelina quickly walked over.

"Something happened at camp?"

Azu asked, taking the tablet handed over by Angelina.

Angelina, who was dressed in professional attire like a female secretary, nodded.

"Yes, Master, just now, the TV station released news, confirming that the camp where Ryan went to camp was attacked."

"Many children are missing and the police are currently investigating the matter."

Azu listened to Angelina's explanation and looked at the tablet.

On the screen, a reporter was interviewing the police chief at the scene.

"Mr. Sheriff, can you tell us what this is about?"

The police chief with a mustache said loudly: "This is a bad crime, and we have initially grasped the circumstances of the camp."

"We have reason to believe that this is a large-scale kidnapping incident. Based on our investigation, we found that seventeen children are missing."

"These children should be in the hands of the prisoners now. The following is the list and photos of these children."

"Please trust us, we will find these missing children as soon as possible."

On the screen, photos and corresponding names appeared. After a while, Ryan's photo and name also appeared on the screen.

Azu narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's interesting."

Angelina looked at him and said, "Master, do you need me to send someone to find Ryan?"

"No need, that boy is not a good boy."

"Being able to capture him shows that the other party is still quite capable. Your people may not be able to find him."

Azu took out his cell phone and said, "Anyway, I've been very busy lately, so I just happened to do this to kill time."

Seeing that Azu wanted to interfere, Angelina said nothing more, but prayed seriously in her heart for those who captured Ryan.

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