I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 47 Undercurrent is about to arise

New York, in the Sheriff's Office of the Federal Police Headquarters.

Sheriff Carl put down the phone, looked at the woman in front of him and said, "Sorry, ma'am, I can't contact Miss Ashley from the Seven."

"Maybe she was delayed by something. I'll try again later."

The nice-looking lady said: "But I have been waiting for several days, Mr. Sheriff."

"Now, a superhero is missing."

"And I have been seeking assistance from the police for 24 hours after he disappeared."

"But I've never seen you here until today."

"And you want me to go home and wait. Maybe while I'm waiting, Blue Eagle has been killed!"

Sheriff Carl wiped his face and said: "First of all, superheroes will not die so easily."

"Besides, superheroes are all owned by the Seven Towers and under the control of Walt Company. You should actually go directly to the Seven Towers."

The woman said irritably: "It happens again."

"The local police told me that only the police headquarters could handle the matter."

"Now, you have kicked the responsibility to the Tower of Seven."

"When I go to the Tower of Seven, will they tell me that missing people have to go to the police?"

"Ha, is this how you treat taxpayers?"

Chief Carl had a headache and said, "Okay, okay, I'll think of a solution."

"Okay, I'll call the Seven-person Tower Public Relations Department. They may be able to provide relevant assistance."

The Sheriff picked up the phone again, and after a moment he said happily: "There is progress, ma'am."

"The public relations department said they would contact the Crime Analysis Division."

"Every superhero is registered with Vought, and they have trackers on them to facilitate location and rescue."

"I believe there will be news about Mr. Blue Eagle soon."

The woman nodded: "I hope so."




Seven-person tower, 88 floors.

Edgar looked at the TV and said with a bright smile from his motherland.


"Start from this second."

"There's no rescue, no activity by the Seven."

Edgar took off his glasses, wiped them, and put them back on.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and then a sweet voice said: "Mr. Edgar, you have guests."

"It's Mr. David who made an appointment with you before."

After a while, a man wearing a white coat, glasses, a brown beard and fat cheeks walked into the office.

He eagerly placed a suitcase on Edgar's desk.

"There is progress, Mr. Edgar."

"I have made a sample and the experimental results are pretty good."

The fat man opened the suitcase, and there was only a test tube inside. In the test tube was some golden liquid like orange juice.

Edgar looked at the thing and said, "Is it?"

"It's what we said before, something that can suppress the super factor."

"I haven't officially named it yet. Well, let's just call it the 'Davey particle'."

Edgar picked up the test tube and asked, "How to use it? Is it an injection?"

David shook his head: "No, no, the people of the motherland have bodies like steel. If it is released by injection, I don't think there is a needle in the world that can pierce his skin."

"So, from the beginning, I designed it to be airborne."

"The particles are highly volatile and will spread around within seconds once exposed to air."


Edgar suddenly smashed the test tube to the ground. With a click, the test tube shattered and the liquid inside immediately poured out.

But as Jiewei said, it evaporates quickly and is gone in the blink of an eye.

While the fat man was still looking confused, he suddenly saw a naked figure appearing in the corner.

Edgar turned around and said with a smile: "Hello, invisible man."

Then he said to the fat man: "It seems that your 'David Particle' is very effective."

The fat man said quickly: "No, no, no, it's still in the experimental stage. It can only suppress super powers for 1 to 3 minutes."

Looking at the invisible man who appeared, Edgar narrowed his eyes: "One minute is enough to do a lot of things."

"Do you think he is an invisible man?"




"This is so crazy!"

"What is this? Are the people of the motherland expressing their dissatisfaction to the Security Bureau?"

"Are you still acting like a child?"

"Is our guardian an immature giant baby?"

"Otherwise, why would he openly strike after being asked to attend a hearing by the Supreme Court?"

"Colonel Yuri, as a soldier, what do you think of this matter?"

On the TV, the camera flickered and an officer appeared on the screen.

Seeing this scene, Senator Hope, who had a bloated waist and was holding a wine glass, smiled and said to a tall, thin, pale man next to him, with brown hair tied in a braid on the back of his head.

"It seems that attending the hearing has made people in our motherland very angry."

"Look, he can't wait to fight back."

"But he didn't know that this kind of counterattack would put him in a more disadvantageous position."

"Whether he attends the hearing or not, this year's Department of Defense arms acquisition project will have no chance of involving Vought."

"Congratulations, Mr. Arnold."

"Vought Company is queued out. In that case, the Ministry of National Defense will only have to deal with your Olga Company."

The man with pigtails smiled and said: "This is all thanks to Congressman Hope. Without your push, the Security Bureau would not have filed a complaint in federal court."

The senator laughed, and then said gloomily: "That damn native, the last time I was kidnapped, he didn't care about my life or death at all."

"I knew from that moment that he was not a guardian at all!"

"He only cares about his hero game!"

"A person like this has been imprisoned in a prison specially built for him, and we cannot let him fly around!"

The man known as Arnold smiled and said, "I think so too."

The senator frowned again and said: "However, I heard that your company did not hesitate to give the armor to some criminals in order to collect necessary data."

"If this matter is not handled well, the Ministry of National Defense may not cooperate with you, and I may even be in danger of being impeached."

Arnold looked stunned and said: "Giving the armor to some criminals?"

"Is there such a thing?"

"Why do I have no idea?"

He immediately took out his cell phone and made a call.

Then he smiled at the senator and said, "Got it."

"It turned out to be one of our engineers, Mr. Jeff."

"He was the one who sold the armor to criminals without my consent."

"We have fired the engineer and called the police. We believe he will be punished by law soon."

The senator was stunned for a moment, then understood, laughed and gave Arnold a thumbs up.

"You are so cruel, Mr. Arnold."

"Come, wish us a happy cooperation."

“Happy to work with!”

The two wine glasses clinked lightly.

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