I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 471 For me, death is not the end



Azu looked at Dr. Cardoza: "What video?"

Dr. Cardoza quickly took out his mobile phone, opened a video, and handed it to Azu.

Azu picked up his phone and looked at it. In the video, Ryan appeared in a ruins, with several frightened children next to him.

Ryan looks toward the camera, then soars into the sky.

"This, this is what happened at Ginty's house."

Azu turned around and saw that Ryan had woken up. He happened to see the video on his phone and exclaimed.

Azu smiled and returned the phone to Dr. Cardoza: "It seems that things are already obvious."

"Boy." He looked at Ryan, "I remember you said before that the fat guy named Luke also attended your classmate's birthday party?"

Ryan nodded: "This video should have been taken by Luke. I saw him holding his mobile phone at the time."

"It shouldn't be wrong, because that little fat man's father happens to be named Alexander."

Azu said with a smile: "It seems that I was too kind at that time. I shouldn't just send Mr. Alexander to the hospital. I should send him to the cemetery. That way there wouldn't be so many things later."

"So you see, some people don't know how to cherish it at all."

“Mistaking your kindness for weakness gives them the courage to retaliate.”

"Do you remember the principle of reciprocity I told you?"

Ryan nodded: "Remember."

"very good."

Azu looked at Dr. Cardoza: "I don't want to kill you right now, but you need to do that child a favor."

He bent down and spoke his request into Dr. Cardoza's ear. The latter kept nodding and said positively: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely do what you asked."

"I hope so."

After Azu finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the female principal: "It's your turn next, Madam Principal, I'm curious about who supports you in carrying out these studies."

Strong hatred flashed in Antila's eyes, and she smiled: "You can kill me, but I won't say a word."

"I said!"

Cardoza shouted: "It's the Vought Group, sir, it's the Vought Group that's behind us."

Antila's eyes almost burst out with fire as she glared at Cardoza and said, "You are looking for death!"

Cardoza waved his hands and said: "On the contrary, I want to live, madam."

"I'm just employed by you, but that doesn't mean I have to die for you, understand, ma'am."

Azu glanced at the man and said, "You are a smart man."

"I like smart people, but I don't like guys who pretend to be smart."


Cardoza nodded repeatedly: "Understood, sir."

"I won't say a word next unless you ask me."

Azu laughed, patted Cardoza on the shoulder and said, "Doctor, you are indeed a smart man."

Then he looked at Antila: "So, which one in the Watt Group, or who authorized you to do these studies?"

"And, what exactly are you studying?"

Antila simply shut her mouth, seemingly not intending to cooperate.

Azu was not in a hurry and looked at Cardoza: "You can say it now."

"Yes, sir."

Cardoza cleared his throat and said: "I'm not sure who authorized the Vought Group, because Ms. Antilla has always been in charge of this."

"As for research, I know about it because I am the main person in charge."

"We're working on viruses, sir."

"The Vought Group wanted us to develop a virus to infect metahumans, and now, we've succeeded."

"This virus will target Chemical No. 5 and launch an attack, which can paralyze superhuman abilities and turn them into ordinary people."

"Originally, I thought this was Walter's ultimate goal, but Ms. Antilla was not satisfied. She hoped that the virus would be more contagious and virulent."

"I learned through the model that if it is developed in the direction envisioned by Ms. Antilla, this virus will eventually lead to the death of all superhuman beings around the world."

"So I doubt whether this is Walter's request or Ms. Antilla's wishful thinking."

"After all, the extermination of superhuman beings is not in the interests of the Vought Group. The reason why they requested the development of this virus should be because they want to use it to control superhuman beings, rather than killing all their most profitable 'commodities'."

After Cardoza finished speaking, he quickly added: "Of course, the product does not include you, sir."

Azu accepted this flattery calmly.

He looked at Antila again: "Aren't you going to say something?"

Antila laughed and said, "Kill me and then come to hell to ask me?"

Azu also laughed: "That doesn't have to be so troublesome."

At this time, a girl suddenly rushed in from outside the door, grabbed Azu's hand, and shouted: "Go to sleep!"


Azu came to Geda before and made a lot of noise when he landed.

Kate was also awakened. When she found the playground, she saw Azu entering the underground experimental base.

So she quickly followed, and she followed Azu all the time, witnessing with her own eyes how this murderous god rushed all the way to the 'Woods' project laboratory.

Kate didn't dare to act rashly. It wasn't until now that she saw that Azu was focused on questioning Antila that she took the risk and rushed over.

She grabbed Azu's hand and used her superpower to put Azu into a deep sleep.

At the same time, Antila's eyes lit up when she saw Kate appear and capture Azu.

She intuitively thought this was an opportunity, an opportunity to escape!

True to her instincts, she ran for the door.

the other side.

Affected by Kate's compulsion, Azu felt tired, and he couldn't help but yawned, but that was the end of it.

He looked at Antila, his eyes glowed with golden light, and then two thin golden lights flickered in the laboratory.

Antila screamed and fell down. It turned out that her left leg was cut off by Azu with a ray!

Kate was startled, but she didn't expect that Azu only yawned.

You know, if you use it on Ryan before, it will at least make Ryan sleep for a few seconds.

But it was of no use to Azu.

Kate didn't have time to think about it and immediately used her other ability: falling into a dream!

She fell asleep instantly.

But in her consciousness, she just felt slightly in a trance and realized that she was still in the laboratory.

It's just that there is no Azu in the laboratory, no one else, only herself.

Kate looked confused, not knowing what was going on, when someone shouted from behind.

"Hey Kate!"

Kate screamed in fright and turned around, only to see a man walking in from the door.

Wearing a green battle suit and holding a shield, he turned out to be a 'soldier boy'!

Kate shook her head: "What's going on?"

"Why are you here?"

Soldier Boy spread his hands and said, "It's so sad to say that, Kate."

"Aren't we good friends?"

"I've known you since you were little."

"What, you forgot?"

Kate stepped back: "No, no, no, it shouldn't be like this."

“What should and shouldn’t be.”

The soldier boy came over and said with a smile on his face.

"Do you still want me to teach you something?"

"I can always help you find the secret switch to happiness, can't I?"

"How about it, do you still like the pillow with my pattern printed on it?"

"Your favorite thing back then was riding on that pillow."

Kate shouted: "Stop it!"

"Damn it, my 'dream' was of no use to him, it actually sent me in!"

She was right.

She is in her dream now.

But in reality, Azu looked at the sleeping girl lying on the ground with a speechless expression, and couldn't help but sigh.

"It's great to be young and fall asleep. I really wish I had this kind of super power."

Then he walked towards Antila, squatted down, and said with a smile: "Let us continue, Madam Principal."

"Care to tell me who authorized this?"

Antila endured the heart-wrenching pain in her legs. She raised her head with sweat on her face and tried her best to smile: "I won't tell you until I die."


Azu shook his head: "I will tell you everything after you die."

When Antila looked confused, Azu was too lazy to talk nonsense to her, and directly reached deep into Antila's body and squeezed hard.

Antila's expression suddenly twisted, and then she lost consciousness.

Wiping the blood on Antila's clothes, Azu's eyes flashed with pale light, and he reached out and patted Antila's face.

"Okay, wake up."

Antila's eyes regained focus, then she screamed and sat up.


Cardoza was so frightened that he sat down on the ground and moved back, his expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Can't blame him.

After all, Azu just killed Antila in front of him, but in the blink of an eye, the body came back to life.

Anyone would be shocked to see this kind of scene.

Azu looked back at Cardoza, put a finger between his lips, and made a silencing gesture.

Then he smiled and said to Antila.

"Now tell me, who authorized you to research viruses targeting superhumans?"




Late at night, the atmosphere in the ‘Dusk’ bar is still lively.

The decoration design of this bar is unique and full of modernity and artistic flavor.

Tall floor-to-ceiling windows fill the entire space with natural light, making the bar particularly bright during the day.

At night, the lights inside the bar will be adjusted according to different themes, creating various dreamy atmospheres.

The music style of the bar covers jazz, pop, rock and other types, allowing customers of different ages and preferences to find their favorite music.

At least Alexander liked their jazz.

There happened to be a performance by his favorite band tonight, so he was here, even though he had just been discharged from the hospital, even though one of his legs was still in a cast.

At this time, Alexander was sitting alone in the corner of the bar, holding a glass of whiskey in his hand.

He had not been very lucky recently, and was sent to the hospital by a man and lay there for a long time, but not long ago, a video taken by his son made him sell it for a sum of money.

The money was enough to relax him for a while, so he came to the bar to find his happiness.

At this time, a beautiful woman came over, pulled up a chair, and sat next to Alexander.

This woman was hot enough, dressed in revealing clothes, and her eyes were direct. She looked at Alexander and said, "Sir, drinking alone is so boring."

"Do you want me to stay with you?"

Alexander patted his casted leg and smiled: "I would love to, but unfortunately, I have limited mobility recently."

The woman stood up, walked behind Alexander, lay down, and spoke in his ear.

"How about you just sit back and enjoy it?"

When Alexander was moved, his cell phone rang at an inappropriate time.

"Hold on."

Alexander took out his phone and saw that it was Cardoza calling. He smiled and took out his phone.

"Good evening, Dr. Cardoza."

On the phone, Cardoza said: "Good evening, Mr. Alexander."

"I heard you're a superhero."

Alexander laughed: "Yes, I am 'Steel'!"

After speaking, he also showed the muscle lines of his arms to the woman.

"very good."

"I recently had a friend who was looking for a personal bodyguard," Cardoza said.

"And a metahuman bodyguard is needed."

"I asked around and heard that you lost your job recently. I wonder if you are interested in changing careers?"

"Don't worry about the reward. I'll keep it to your satisfaction."

Alexander's eyes lit up and he nodded: "Okay, I was injured recently, but don't worry, I will be able to recover from this minor injury in a few hours."

Cardoza laughed and said, "That's good. Let's meet tomorrow and talk in detail."

"no problem."

After Alexander readily agreed, Cardoza gave him an address.

After hanging up the phone, Alexander, who was in a happy mood, pulled the woman behind him over and said, "Please use all your skills to please me."

He took out a wad of bills from his pocket and stuffed it into the woman's collar.

The next day, Alexander pushed away the woman lying on top of him.

He left the hotel, took a taxi and returned to his home. After freshening up and changing clothes, he arrived at the location designated by Cardoza.

This is actually a manor, and it has a certain history.

Alexander felt very happy when he saw it. He knew that those who could live in such a manor were all important people.

Yesterday he was still worried about losing his job, but now he is fine, and the job will come to him.

Ding dong.

After the doorbell rang, someone opened the door. A girl wearing a black and white maid uniform with some freckles on her face looked at Alexander curiously.

Alexander quickly said: "Hello, Dr. Cardoza invited me here. My name is Alexander."

The young maid said "Oh": "Please come in."

Alexander was invited to the spacious and bright living room, stepped on the red shuttlecock, admired the oil paintings hanging on the wall, drank coffee and waited for Cardoza's arrival.

A moment later, he heard Cardoza's voice coming from behind: "Long wait, Mr. Alexander."

Alexander quickly put down his coffee, propped himself up with the crutches on his side, turned around, and looked behind him.

"Good morning, Cardo."

His voice suddenly stopped because he saw a little boy in a tuxedo following Cardoza.

Ryan! (End of chapter)

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