I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 474 The conqueror is a devil?

Fern didn't dare to look any further, so he took one glance and continued running forward.

His stretched Lincoln was already in front of him, and the driver had already opened the door.

At this time, the manor was even more chaotic.

Cayton Manor is located on a wide lawn, surrounded by tall trees, the branches and leaves of these trees interweave into a green dome overhead.

The main building of the manor is a magnificent building designed in a classic European style.

Tall stone walls, pointed towers and wide gates all demonstrate its elegance and solemnity.

The estate is surrounded by an elaborate garden with a variety of flowers and trees.

The paths in the garden are paved with cobblestones and criss-cross.

In the center of the garden, there is a large fountain with water flying in the air.

In the distance of the manor, you can see a lake, which is wide and calm, reflecting the bright night sky.

There are several swans swimming leisurely in the water by the lake, bringing a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere to the manor.

However, these atmospheres were brutally shattered by the violent explosion just now.

It was like a delicate and elegant lady whose dress was violently torn to pieces by a ferocious man.

This sudden disaster made people panic.

The sudden explosion made the entire main building of the manor tremble.

The horrified guests rushed out of the room, their faces full of fear and panic.

Screams, footsteps, and the sound of breaking things intertwined to form a chaotic and terrifying picture.

A gorgeous woman was pushed to the ground by the crowd, and her carefully selected gorgeous dress and expensive accessories were trampled under people's feet.

She screamed in despair, but no one stopped to save her.

The men who usually pursued her were now walking over her, intent on running away, without even looking back at her.

Her voice grew fainter in the crowd, until it finally disappeared.

The children in formal wear were so frightened that they froze on the spot, their little faces full of fear and helplessness.

They cried and called their parents' names, but in this chaotic crowd, their parents didn't know where they were.

These children had no idea what to do. They could only cry helplessly in the crowd, hoping that someone would come to save them.

The entire manor fell into chaos and panic. The guests scrambled to escape, and no one had time to organize or guide them.

Some people fell to the ground and were trampled by people behind them; some people hit walls or furniture and suffered head injuries.

They only care about their own escape, and no one cares about the life or death of others.

The lights of the manor flickered from the explosion, making it even more unsettling.

The air was filled with the smell of smoke and dust, making people breathless.

The guests scrambled to escape, and no one had time to alert those still in the room.

The entire manor fell into chaos and panic.

Among these people, there is no doubt that Fern is the lucky one.

He had been taken away from the main building by Yura long before the explosion, and now he was only one step away from his extended Lincoln.

But just when Fern saw hope, two golden rays of light fell from the sky, swept across the earth, and drew two dark marks on the cobblestone ground of the manor.

Finally, the light swept over Fern's stretched Lincoln, splitting this elegant car with a certain history into two halves.

As several sparks fell into the fuel tank, the violent explosion sent Firth flying backwards.

At the critical moment, Yura rushed to hug him and used his body as a cushion, allowing the middle-aged man to fall to the ground without any risk.

Fern stood up in fear and saw a figure falling to the ground in front of him, it was Azu.

Azu glanced at the still burning Lincoln car, whistled and said, "It's a nice car, but it's a pity that it's with the wrong owner."

He looked at Yura: "Same for you."

"Your sister is already dead. If you are a smart person, you should know how to choose."

Yula looked at Fern hesitantly, and then said: "Sorry, sir, I don't want to die."

Then she walked towards Azu.

"No, no, Yura, come back quickly." Fern was no longer as graceful as usual, and he screamed out of control. Unfortunately, Yura did not stop for him.

Fern then shouted around: "Everyone, look here, the people of the motherland have killed people! The savior has killed people!"

He wanted to create chaos and create pressure from public opinion, but now, the guests were just running for their lives, and no one looked here. Azu himself also had an indifferent attitude towards these so-called public opinions, and simply looked at Fu as if watching a monkey show. Well show.

Fern finally realized that he was alone and helpless, looked at Azu desperately and said: "Don't kill me."

"Sir, I'll give you money."

"I'll give you everything I have!"

"My property, my company, my everything!"

Azu dug his ears with his fingers: "You are too loud, sir."

"As for your proposal, I'm not interested. I'm rich enough now."

"No amount of money means anything to me anymore, so unfortunately, your money can't save your life."

"Oh, that's a bit unexpected."

When he said the last sentence, Yula, who was standing next to him, turned his hand and found an extra dagger.

The woman stabbed Azu in the eye with a knife, quickly and hard.

In her eyes, Azu didn't seem to react, but when the tip of the knife was about to pierce the blue eye, the dagger stopped.

Yula's pupils dilated, and she found that she could not go any further, as if there was something blocking her in front of the tip of the knife.

She would not understand that it was the 'absolute realm'. Unless she could make Azu feel that he could not block the knife, the tip of her knife would not be able to break through this realm.

On the other side, Fern saw Yula take action and did not waste this opportunity. He turned around and ran away.

He ran straight to a car. The door of the car opened and a man was about to get in.

Fern pulled him out, got in, closed the door, and started the car.

With a whoop, the car rushed towards the gate, knocking down several guests and running over them.

At this time, Fern was desperate to escape.

Azu looked at Yula and said: "You really surprise me. There are not many people who are still so loyal now."

"I appreciate your loyalty, so I'll let you go once."

"But you have to understand that there is a fine line between stupidity and loyalty, and I hope you won't be the stupid one."

After he finished speaking, he roared into the sky, paused briefly in mid-air, and then flew out of the manor with lightning.

Yula stared blankly at the night sky. At this time, the figure of Fern abandoning her and walking away flashed in her mind. She looked at the dagger and looked at her figure reflected in the dagger.

"I don't owe you anymore."

She put the dagger away, turned and walked out of the manor.

Fern was driving wildly. In front of the headlights, there were either people running away or speeding cars.

Fern kept honking his horn and driving through traffic and people.

"Get out of here, you bastards. Don't get in the way."

"Do you know who I am? If you don't get out of here, I'll kill you!"

Fern yelled angrily, but unfortunately at this time, no one bought his account.

He suddenly turned the steering wheel, and the car drove off the road, driving on a rugged wilderness with no flow of people or traffic.

The violent vibration made him think that his soul was about to be shaken out. At this moment, the vehicle suddenly stopped suddenly, and Fern was slammed forward.

He hit the steering wheel hard, causing his nose and face to be bruised and swollen.

This was because of the seat belt. Without the seat belt, he would have been knocked out of the car.

Then he realized that he didn't press the brakes, so how did the car stop?

Fern looked back and immediately screamed.

Because Azu was behind the car and was holding the car with one hand, making the wheels spin but unable to move.

Fern quickly unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door, and climbed out of the car.

He had only run a few steps when he heard the wind blowing behind his head. When he looked back, he was immediately stunned.

The car fell from the sky and landed in front of him. He was just one step away from being smashed into pieces by the car!

Fern was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, and then heard a voice chuckle from behind.

"I have a good thing here. A doctor modified the Ebola virus. It is no longer contagious, but the onset time is accelerated."

"What's amazing is that its intensity was reduced by half, and the process from onset to death was also extended to 72 hours."

Fern turned around and saw Azu taking out a box from his pocket.

The box was opened and an injection was taken out.

"What are you going to do?" Fern had an ominous premonition.

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "Don't you like developing viruses?"

"Now I'm just letting you experience it."

"Before that, I can explain it to you in detail."

"After the injection, the virus will attack in about 5 to 10 minutes."

"By then, you will have symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, skin color changes, body aches, internal bleeding, external bleeding, fever and other symptoms."

"Over the next 72 hours, you slowly experience the pain of a myocardial infarction, hypovolemic shock, or multiple organ failure."

"During this time, you can repent of your past and look back on your life."

"Anyway, don't waste my kindness."

Fern yelled, "No, you can't do this to me!"

"Kill me, kill me now!"

He suddenly picked up a stone on the ground and hit his head hard, but a hand blocked his forehead.

Azu flexed his fingers and the stone in Fern's hand turned into powder. Then he inserted the virus injection into Fern's neck and pressed the virus inside into Fern's body.

Fern screamed in despair, and in extreme fear, he lost consciousness.

Azu picked him up, roared into the air, and flew to a deserted place. Finally, he dumped Fern in a virgin forest before returning to New York.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Such a big disaster happened at Cayton Manor, and several Walter shareholders died, the real shareholders!

But there were no reports.

"Really boring."

Azu put down today's New York Daily News and looked at the ceiling.

"I thought it would be reported, but nothing happened."

"Forget it, Walter's matter is over, and I have rested long enough. It's time to complete the last task of the 'ultimate mission'."

The last unfinished project of the 'Ultimate Mission' is: to conquer the multiverse and make his name widely known and become common knowledge. Establish your own rules that are followed by the majority of people (more than 50%), and let your name (name) be imprinted on the entire civilization in the form of a symbol.

After completing this task, Azu can submit it, and then he will have the opportunity to become the administrator of the multiverse.

That is a higher-dimensional existence than his current status as a 'god'.

At that time, he will truly jump out of the universe and become a true god.

He looked back on the past.

"Last time in the Marvel Universe, I saved the earth. Wakanda should seize this opportunity to promote the existence of me and the 'John Empire'."

"The center point of the Marvel Universe is the Earth. Once you conquer the Earth, you have conquered the Marvel Universe."

"In addition to Wakanda, my forces in the Marvel Universe also include Thanos's legion, the dark spirit and the forces of the 'Supreme Evolution'."

"As long as these forces are integrated, it shouldn't be difficult to conquer the Marvel Universe."

"It's been some time now, and it's time to go to the Marvel Universe to receive the results. If everything goes well, I can complete the task as soon as I enter the Marvel Universe."

Azu activated the Nano Battle Armor, equipped himself with the Cloak of Justice, and finally took out the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and put it on.

After being prepared, he activated the 'Traveler's Ring' and let a ball of black and blue flames surround him.

After being in a daze for a moment, Azu heard the sound of a roaring car.

When he came back to his senses, he found himself on the streets of New York. A taxi passed by him. The driver of the taxi stopped in front and stuck his head out and shouted.

"Do you want to die, bastard!"

"You actually put on makeup to look like a 'conqueror', are you a damn supporter?"

"Get away, don't let me see you again, or I will teach you a lesson."

After that, the taxi left.

Azu's eyes turned cold, and he wanted to settle a score with the driver. Suddenly, a team came from the intersection, all dressed up as clowns, but wearing black uniforms and red cloaks, which actually imitated Azu's appearance.

Azu was stunned for a moment, watching these people pass by him.

It seemed like a parade.

Participants held up signs with slogans such as 'The Conqueror is a clown' and 'John's Empire is a dynasty of demons'.

In the parade, someone held up a doll of Azu. The doll was decorated in colorful colors and had various curses written on it.

Those curse words were sharp and piercing, and every word was filled with deep resentment and anger.

At this time, the Conqueror statue in Times Square attracted people's attention.

That statue is now being torn down by a demolition machine.

The roar of machines echoed in the air, and the once revered statue of the conqueror was now reduced to a pile of rubble.

This is a demonstration of protest.

This was a way for people to express their anger and dissatisfaction with the Conqueror and John's empire.

They wore clown makeup, held up cursed dolls and slogans, and brought down statues of conquerors, all to express their resistance and protest.

Azu looked at all this and said doubtfully: "What are you doing? Did T'Challa and the others screw up?" (End of Chapter)

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