I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 485 The deep application of infinite raw stones

Hercules was a powerful god with endless strength and courage, but facing this pale stream of fire, he felt fear for the first time.

This is not only because the fire stream can cause harm to him, but also because he realizes that the power of this fire stream is beyond his imagination.

Hercules began to panic. He had lived for countless years, but that did not mean that he had lived enough.

On the contrary, the longer you live, the more attached you will be to life.

He came to Jotunheim to conquer this world, not to die.

Hercules wanted to give up. He roared and kicked his thick legs violently, trying to get away from the pale fire.

He suddenly flashed a thousand meters away, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he discovered that the deadly white fire was actually chasing him.

The pale fire turned a corner on the ground and headed straight for Hercules.

In desperation, Hercules could only run quickly, trying to escape from the stream of fire.

His body moved away from the battlefield as quickly as lightning. He rushed into the forest and over the hills, but the fire stream followed him as if he was possessed.

It seemed that no matter where he fled, even to the ends of the earth, this pale stream of fire would follow.

Hercules felt the increasingly strong breath of death coming from behind him, and his heart was filled with fear and uneasiness.


"I won't die here!"

he yelled.

Just when Hercules was about to be overtaken by the stream of fire, he suddenly saw a huge stone mountain.

Hercules was so happy that he immediately changed his direction and ran towards the stone mountain. He climbed up the mountain and hid behind a huge rock, feeling relieved.

However, what Hercules didn't expect was that the pale stream of fire actually chased up the mountain.

Then it penetrated the rock. The rock it penetrated did not explode, but was like a stone that had been weathered for thousands of years. It turned into powder when blown by the cold wind on the mountain.

Fortunately, Hercules had already jumped down from the mountain when the rock was pierced by the fire.

He fell to the ground like a meteorite, and when he was about to hit the ground, he suddenly stopped.

It wasn't that he wanted to stop, but that under his feet, in mid-air, the air seemed to solidify, as solid as the earth, preventing Hercules' body from falling further or touching the ground.

Hercules didn't have time to figure out what happened, so he wanted to jump away from here, but he forgot that he was in mid-air, and there was no object in mid-air to rely on.

And he, Hercules, couldn't fly.

at the same time.

The pale stream of fire had already flown down the mountain and caught up with Hercules in the blink of an eye.

In desperation, Hercules had to raise his hands to parry, blocking the flow of fire with his palms.


"Why is this happening!"

The roar of Hercules sounded among the mountains, and when he came to nearby Azu, the space stone on the 'Infinity Gauntlet' was emitting light.

It has been a long time since I owned the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and during this time, Azu has not been idle.

Even when he is on 'vacation', he often enters the Marvel Universe and studies the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

Through this period of research, he discovered the deeper uses of the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and also knew that Thanos' use of this glove was only superficial.

Take the 'Space Stone' as an example. It is not as simple as just opening a portal and allowing the holder to travel between different planets.

It can rewrite the rules of space, such as now, making the space where Hercules is located independent, so that Hercules cannot escape.

If necessary, Azu can also allow two or more rough stones to interact and interact with each other to produce a superimposed effect, allowing for more complex utilization.

To put it simply, the 'Infinity Stone' is a kind of authority, the 'key' to the underlying rules of the Marvel Universe.

By controlling these keys, you can modify and use them at will, thereby becoming Marvel's 'god'.

But now.

Azu does not need to use it too complicatedly. Just the deep use of the 'Infinite Rough Stone' is enough to handle many things.

In the blink of an eye, the white bones of Hercules' palms began to show, and death had never been closer than at this moment.

Hercules hurriedly shouted: "You can't kill me!"

"If I die, my father will not let you go!"

Azu plucked his ears. He had heard too many similar threats.

Even if it was a threat from a god, Azu didn't take it seriously.

So instead of disappearing, the 'death ray' increased its intensity, causing the breath of death to rush through Hercules' body crazily, causing Hercules' body to collapse faster.


"I can help you."

"Yes, I can do anything for you."

"By the way, Thor, the God of Thunder from Asgard, recently visited the Almighty God. He is instigating my father to deal with you."

"I can talk my father out of this idea."

Heracles continued to throw out his chips.

This time, Azu was somewhat interested.


"Although I don't think Zeus can be more difficult than Odin, not to mention now that I have the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and the 'Dark Book of Darkness'."

"But it would be fun if you let the gods coax you."

Azu lit up the 'Soul Stone', and then said: "What you said is very interesting, but I can't just believe you."

"Unless you swear, swear that your soul will belong to me and never betray me."

When Hercules heard this, he immediately shouted: "No problem!"

"I, Hercules, hereby swear that my soul will belong to the conqueror, and I will never betray the conqueror!"

He thought to himself that such an oath was not binding on the gods at all.

As soon as he could escape from here, he immediately returned to the Almighty City and convinced Zeus to destroy the conqueror.

But Hercules didn't know that after he swore, his figure would appear in the soul gem.

That is the projection of his soul.

His soul has been anchored by the 'Soul Stone', and Azu can use this 'coordinate' to destroy Hercules' soul at any time, even across the galaxy.

Just now he asked Hercules to swear. What he needed was not Hercules's oath. To be precise, he needed Hercules's words, 'My soul belongs to you.'

Similar to the method of obtaining the Soul Stone, if you want to use the deep ability of the 'Soul Stone', the anchored object needs to speak the key words himself.

So the oath is just a cover. What Azu really needs is the conditions for using the 'soul stone'.

Now that the conditions were met, he put away the 'death ray', released the 'space confinement', and let Hercules fall to the ground.

Hercules breathed a sigh of relief, rolled his eyes, and already began to think about how to leave Jotunheim and stay away from this terrible man, the Conqueror.

At this moment, an unspeakable pain made Hercules scream. He felt as if his soul had been thrown into a furnace and burned, and he was rolling on the ground in pain.

Azu fell from the sky, and the soul stone sparkled in the 'Infinity Gauntlet'.

He looked at Hercules on the ground and smiled and said: "It seems that you have already felt it. How about it? Doesn't it feel good to have your soul being rubbed?"

"What did you say?" Hercules broke out in a cold sweat and looked at Azu.

Azu then spread his hand, and in his palm, there was a small figure, which was the projection of Hercules' soul.

Azu gently pinched the figure with his thumb and index finger, and Hercules screamed.

"Do you see it."

"I have taken control of your soul."

"The oath I just made is not just for you to talk about."

"Even if you escape back to the Almighty City, I can crush your soul at any time if I wish."

"I see."

"I see!"

Hercules shouted: "I will do as you say, whatever you ask me to do, I will do it!"

"Please stop, stop!"

Azu then stopped moving, sent the projection back into the original soul stone, and then said.

"I want you to go back to the Almighty City and do a few things."

Hercules lay on the ground panting, and he said weakly: "What do you want me to do?"

"First of all, I want you to kill Thor. It doesn't matter whether you can kill him or not, but you have to go all out. If you let me know that you let me go, think about the consequences."

Azu smiled.

It would be best if Hercules could kill Thor. If he couldn't, then the Almighty City and Thor would lose the basis for cooperation.

"Next, I want you to bring me Zeus' lightning."

Most of Zeus's power lies in the lightning. If the lightning is in hand, Zeus can only be obedient.

And that lightning can be regarded as an artifact. Who can have too many artifacts like this?

Hercules looked very ugly. The two things Azu said were quite difficult.

Especially the last thing.

It's not that it's impossible to steal Zeus's lightning. Although it's not easy, as the son of Zeus, Hercules still has a way.

Just by stealing the lightning, Heracles was tantamount to betraying Zeus. From then on, he could only obey Azu's orders. After all, he had no other choice.

"Finally, you can't tell Zeus that your soul is controlled by me. Otherwise."

Azu didn't say any more, winked at Hercules, rose into the sky, and then flew back to where the dark elves were.

Hercules sighed, knowing that he had failed miserably.

And there is no chance of salvation.




Deep underground in the Wangeda Mountains, it is pitch black and cold.

The atmosphere here is heavy and depressing, as if the whole world has been sucked into a bottomless abyss.

The magic puppets that Doctor Strange once summoned and the magic light balls that illuminated the darkness no longer work, like candles that have been extinguished, leaving only coldness and silence.

The air here is cold and dry, as if every trace of moisture has been condensed by the cold and settled in the soil.

Even in this pitch-black underground, the breathing of the doctor and Wanda could still be heard clearly, each breath bringing up a cold white mist.

Their bodies were motionless, as if they were frozen in the darkness, sleeping in the endless cold and silence.

Doctor Strange's eyes have lost focus, and his hand still maintains the final grip, as if resisting the dark power.

Wanda's face was very calm, and there was even a smile. Her chest was rising and falling slightly in the cold air. If she hadn't had such a reaction, she would have looked like a corpse.

Darkness enveloped the area, like a giant shadow monster taking over the underworld with its cold and dark tentacles.

In this darkness, the breaths of the doctor and Wanda were almost completely swallowed up, and their existence seemed to have been forgotten deep in the underground.

at this time.

Wanda closed herself in the spiritual world.

Doctor Strange is trapped in Wanda's spiritual world.

Both of them will not wake up in a short time.

At this time, an eye appeared on Doctor Strange's forehead, and with the appearance of this eye, Dark Strange awakened on Stephen's body.

He moved his almost stiff body, stretched out his hand and pointed towards the ground, and a ball of magic flame appeared on the ground.

The temperature of the flames gradually softened his stiff body, and Darkness Qiyi climbed up from the ground and wiped off the frost that had condensed on the surface of his clothes due to the low temperature.

"What a blessing."

The corners of Dark Strange's mouth raised, and he looked at Wanda who was sitting cross-legged.

"Sure enough, this witch is not dead yet. Stephen is right. Even if Wangeda Mountain is destroyed, Wanda will not die easily."

"Let me see, has she closed her mind?"

"That's right. Stephen was probably affected by her magic and fell into Wanda's spiritual world."

"This way, his body will be temporarily under my control."

He walked towards Wanda: "Think about it, what can I do?"

"After all, I promised the Conqueror to help him fight against the Avengers."

"Although I don't want to work so hard, I have to work harder for the 'Dark Book of Darkness' in his hand."

"Are you going to kill Wanda?"

"The witch herself is not physically strong. A knife or a gun can kill her."

"But it's probably out of instinct. She is using magic energy to protect her body. If she is attacked forcefully, it might wake her up."

Dark Strange moved around Wanda, observing as he spoke.

"Using dark magic to control her spirit is a good way. Wanda's spirit is very powerful, but at the same time it is also very fragile."

"Her weaknesses are vision and non-existent children. If you make good use of this, it is not impossible to control her."

"But wouldn't it be perfect if I could absorb her magical energy?"

"Her chaos magic is similar to my dark magic. I should be able to use her magical energy to enhance my power."

"In this way, I can suppress or even erase Stephen's main personality. Then there will only be Dark Strange and no Doctor Strange."

"Also, by losing all, if not all, of her magical energy, Wanda will become weak and no longer pose a threat to the Conqueror."

"In this case, it can be regarded as fulfilling the promise to the conqueror."

"And it can also enhance my own strength."

"That's it!" (End of chapter)

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