Sovereign Star.

In the outer space of this planet, a fierce battle is going on.

In the vast space, unmanned Sovereign fighter jets galloped, circled, and dived. They used their incomparable maneuverability and precise firepower to tear open the enemy's defense line.

Sovereign's fighter jets were like meteors in the night sky, flying quickly and flexibly among the enemy fighters.

With their precise shooting and efficient maneuverability, they demonstrate excellent combat skills and tactical literacy.

Every fighter plane is like a precise instrument, with no unnecessary movements and everything is under control.

However, the enemy's fighter planes did not seem to pay attention to tactics. They relied on numbers. A huge group of fighter planes several times the size of Sovereign Star came densely and overwhelmingly.

They emit bright blue beams, and whenever enemy planes bomb in groups, the space will be illuminated by bright blue light.

It was a palpitating blue light, symbolizing death and destruction.

In this fierce battle, the fighter groups of both sides continued to intersect, and the artillery fire intertwined into a magnificent picture.

The stars were dimmed by the cannon fire, as if they would go out at any moment.

Every Sovereign fighter plane is like a sharp sword, shuttling through the sea of ​​enemy planes.

They use clever maneuvers and precise aiming to tear apart the enemy's defense lines.

The enemy fighter planes came like a tide, trying to drown the Sovereign fighter plane group.

The artillery fire intertwined into bright rays of light, making the entire space bright and dazzling.

With each bombardment, a large number of enemy planes were shot down. They bloomed in space like fireworks, and then floated in outer space.

In the golden palace of Sovereign, Ayesha, dressed in gold, sat with a dignified posture, but as she looked at the big screen, her hands tightened unconsciously.

After leaving Vita Planet, she took Adam back to Sovereign Planet. Later, the Supreme Evolution sent someone to contact her, implying that Ayesha would lend Adam to him for research.

Of course Ayesha refused.

Because Sovereign was previously controlled by the Supreme Evolution, Ayesha was unable to refuse any of the Supreme Evolution's requests.

But now, she is already a popular person in John's empire, how could she still listen to the orders of the supreme evolution.

After the rejection, Supreme Evolution took no further action.

I originally thought that the matter would end here, but unexpectedly, from seven Sovereign star days ago, the supremely evolved armies appeared one after another and demanded that Ayesha hand over Adam.

At first, Sovereign easily destroyed the army of the Supreme Evolution, and Ayesha also contacted Proxima Centauri.

However, Proxima Centauri never responded, and the number of the Supreme Evolution's troops increased.

Today's war finally broke out.

"Team 7 has lost contact!"

"The ninth team has been wiped out!"

"Not good, Team 11 has suffered serious attrition."

"High Priest, if this continues, it will only be a matter of time before our army is wiped out."

Under the command podium, there are simulated cabs of unmanned fighter jets. The cabs continuously light up with red light, which means that the corresponding fighter jets have been shot down.

Looking down from Ayesha's height, most of the cab below was already lit up with red light.

The dazzling red color made Ayesha's eyes hurt.

"Is there no news from Vita Star yet?" Ayesha could no longer hold her breath, her voice was much louder than usual, and her usual elegance had long been thrown aside.

"No news yet."

"Damn it!"

Ayesha snorted heavily.

At this time someone exclaimed.


"That's Adam?"

Hearing the name, Ayesha raised her head and saw a golden light rising rapidly in the atmosphere of Sovereign Planet and rushing into the atmosphere in the blink of an eye.

"Adam." Ayesha frowned.

She was actually not willing to let Adam fight. She was worried that she would fall into the trap of the Supreme Evolution, but now it was too late to stop him.

In space, Adam quickly rose from the atmosphere like a meteor, broke through the dark deep space, and rushed straight into the group of highly evolved fighter planes.

Adam's whole body exuded golden light, and the turbulent energy aura spread.

His figure looked extremely tall in the eyes of the Sovereigns, with a fiery arrogance exuding from behind.

His appearance caused an uproar, and the enemy planes in the fighter group opened fire at him. However, the gunfire was like nothingness on Adam and could not cause him any harm at all.

Adam swept across the entire group of fighters with the attitude of one cavalry fighting a thousand.

He ignored the enemy plane's attack and shot down the enemy plane with thunderous force.

Every impact he made was as shocking as a meteor hitting the ground. Debris from the enemy planes scattered in space, forming dazzling fireballs.

Whenever Adam passed by an enemy plane, the enemy plane would be instantly smashed into pieces.

His power is endless, and every swing brings destruction to enemy aircraft.

The space was filled with explosions of fire and debris, like a grand fireworks show.

Wherever Adam went, groups of fighter planes were smashed into pieces like paper.

His figure moved quickly in space, and the supremely evolved fighter planes could not catch up with Adam. Even if they wanted to shoot Adam down and chase after him desperately, in the end they would only be killed by Adam.

In a short period of time, hundreds of enemy planes were destroyed by Adam, and the space was illuminated by fire, turning it into a spectacular battlefield.

Under Adam's fierce attack, the supremely evolved fighter fleet began to collapse.

The originally dense group of fighter planes now became sparse, and many enemy planes fled in an attempt to avoid Adam's attack.

Those enemy planes that could not escape were mercilessly smashed into pieces by Adam.

"Great, we're saved."

In the palace of Sovereign, the people of Sovereign were excited.

"Awesome Adam, you are the pride of our Sovereign people!"

"Kill them all, Adam."

"Adam is the next life form of us Sovereigns and our future!"

"I wish my children could be as strong as Adam."

Listening to the words of her compatriots, Ayesha couldn't help but feel proud. After all, Adam was her child.

But at this moment, sharp-eyed people saw that the supremely evolved mothership began to release new fighters, as if the supremely evolved army had unlimited numbers.

However, Adam immediately flew towards the mothership, and he fired two neutron light streams from his hands.

The stream of light passed over the mothership, melting the armor wherever it passed, and a series of explosions occurred inside.

After the two neutron light streams launched by Adam swept across the mothership, the mothership exploded in an earth-shattering manner, and the fighter planes inside were ignited by the flames before they could even fly out.

Seeing this scene, the Sovereigns became even more excited.

But at this moment, figures flew out of other battleships. Seeing those figures flying towards Adam, a shadow quietly enveloped Ayesha's heart.

Soon, she saw those figures clearly.

That is the supremely evolved artificial man!

But it's an old model.

They all have the appearance of animals, but the limbs and some organs in the body are precision machines.

Their limbs are similar to those of humans, but look deeper and you can see the mechanics within.

Those parts that look like muscles are actually composed of precise mechanical parts, which can explode with extraordinary strength when needed.

Their fingers are like precision tools, combining biological dexterity with mechanical precision.

The bodies of these artificial humans are filled with complex mechanical structures.

Ayesha knew that in their hearts, lungs and blood vessels, what was flowing was not blood, but subtle energy fluids.

These fluids flow within the body, providing a steady stream of power for their actions.

They had weapons for marching.

Their feet are equipped with sharp claws that allow them to walk on any terrain like flying.

Their backs are equipped with energy beam generators that instantly increase their speed, giving them an advantage on the battlefield.

They are also equipped with anti-gravity devices in their bodies, which can float in the air and avoid attacks.

However, although these artificial beings are quite powerful, they are no match for Adam.

Even a hundred or a thousand of these artificial beings would not be able to defeat Adam.

Ayesha is still confident about this.

But at this moment, an artificial man with the shape of a wild boar raised his palm towards Adam. It was a palm made entirely of metal, cold and hard.

Suddenly, a stream of neutron light shot out from the palm of his hand. It cut through the dark starry sky like a meteor and hit Adam.

The energy exploded into a fireball, and the fireball exploded around Adam, setting off a heat wave.

"how so?"

In the palace made of gold, Ayesha stood up suddenly.

She didn't think Adam would be hurt by this, but it was incredible that the artificial man could use abilities similar to Adam's.

Ayesha suddenly felt a chill in her back.

She thought of something terrible.

"Have those artificial humans been upgraded by the Supreme Evolution?"

"The Supreme Evolution collected Adam's genetic information?"

If that were the case, then Adam would be in danger.

Ayesha immediately shouted: "Let Adam leave the battlefield immediately, quickly!"

In space.

Adam was thrown away by the impact. Although he was not seriously injured, his face was in disbelief.

He felt the power of that energy, a force that transcended matter, a force that could destroy everything.

And, this force is familiar.

Adam looked at his fist.

Yes, this power is exactly like him!

Adam's figure was floating in space, and he regained his footing, his eyes showing strong vigilance and surprise.

He began to realize that these older models of androids were not as vulnerable as he thought.

Not only do they have strong combat power, but they also have the special ability to release neutron light flow.

If every artificial person had such power, then he would be in big trouble, because there were hundreds of artificial people in front of him.

They surrounded Adam like a pack of cheetahs, constantly attacking.

The starry sky lit up with these attacks, fire and explosions echoing around Adam.

Adam single-handedly fought against hundreds of artificial beings with supernormal strength. His figure shone in the starry sky, and every attack was as shocking as thunder.

This battle was extremely fierce. Although Adam was powerful, he gradually felt exhausted in the face of so many enemies.

Finally, when he was blasted away by several beams of neutron light, a dozen androids came behind him, ejecting long ropes of energy from their weapons and even their bodies.

They tied up Adam and began dragging him toward one of the motherships.

These androids are out to capture Adam!

Adam was not able to be captured so easily. He inspired a sharp cutting wave of energy from his hands, and with a wave, he cut these long energy cords and the artificial humans into pieces.

Although these artificial humans can emit powerful neutron light streams, their bodies are as fragile as ever, which is their most obvious shortcoming.

After Adam discovered that cutting was more effective than bombing, he used energy cutting waves to continuously destroy the artificial humans.

The androids quickly adjusted their tactics, and some of them continued to attack Adam, distracting him.

The rest try to control Adam.

Some of them rushed up and hugged Adam's arms, making it difficult for Adam to move. However, Adam's strength was extraordinary, and even these artificial humans could not control him.

The androids changed their strategy again. Hundreds of androids used long energy ropes to tie up Adam's limbs and body, and pulled them in different directions, leaving Adam suspended in space, unable to move for a while.

During this process, other artificial humans continued to bombard Adam, and countless light balls bloomed around Adam. In this dense and violent impact, Adam could not avoid or defend himself, and was finally knocked unconscious.


Ayesha screamed in despair, pointed at the big screen and shouted: "Organize a rescue immediately, we must not let these things take my child away!"

In space, a group of Sovereign unmanned combat aircraft launched a charge, and they stabbed into the enemy's position like sharp blades.

At first, relying on their fierceness, this group of fighter planes successfully penetrated deep into the enemy's formation, but before they could break through the enemy's formation, they were entangled and strangled by the supremely evolved fighter planes.

Watching the fleet of fighters turn into fireballs and disappear into space, Ayesha fell down on her chair. Watching Adam being taken to the enemy's mothership by the androids, a tear fell from the corner of Ayesha's eyes. Strike it down hard.

Just when she was desperate, suddenly, on the big screen, a bright purple torrent passed through the dark space and blasted into the artificial man.

Countless artificial humans just disappeared into the stream of bright purple light.

Ayesha's breath suddenly dropped, and she pointed to where the light flow came from and shouted, "Zoom in on the picture on that side!"

On the big screen, the picture was enlarged, and soon Ayesha saw a dark blue flame appearing at the edge of the battlefield.

From the blue flame, a figure came out.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, black battle uniform, and red cloak.

This familiar figure made Ayesha shout almost out of control: "It's him!"

"It's the conqueror!"

"He really hasn't forgotten me!" (End of chapter)

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