I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 490 Hercules’ Plan

The Almighty City, this city transcends mortal imagination. It is a symbol of brilliance and a sacred place.

Its magnificence is like towering mountains, and its architecture is like a palace in mythology, classical and sacred.

Every stone and every inch of land exudes an epic atmosphere.

Here, the classical buildings seem to be telling ancient and mysterious stories. Their solid stone walls are like ancient temples that have experienced the baptism of time. Every stone is full of power and majesty.

These buildings are carved with the most exquisite techniques and are meticulously detailed, making people marvel at the wisdom and skill of the craftsmen.

In this city, the magnificent buildings built with gold are eye-catching.

They sparkle in the sunlight, as if bathed in divine light.

Those golden walls are inlaid with various rare gems, and their light intersects with each other, as bright as stars.

Every day, a grand banquet is held in the Almighty City.

Those gods gathered together happily, sharing delicious food and drinking fine wine.

These gods have different images, some mighty and majestic, some elegant and gentle. They ride on various animals, fly in the air, or dance on the ground.

Their laughter was like the sound of nature, echoing in the city. Here, they enjoy endless food and wine, and endless joy and happiness.

Here, there is an endless supply of fine wine and delicious food.

These delicacies not only satisfy the appetites of the gods, but are also the source of their power.

Wine is their source of joy, carefully brewed and rich in flavor, enough to bring a smile to even the melancholy soul.

Every time he returns from a battle and returns to the Almighty City, Hercules will be filled with pride.

Because this is the city of Zeus, the capital built by his father, the great god-king Zeus.

But today, this time, it was obvious that Hercules did not have that joy of return.

There is just a solemn atmosphere.

His soul is controlled, and the conqueror with the 'soul stone' can crush his soul at any time.

He had already tasted the pain of his soul being crushed, and Hercules never wanted to taste the taste of his soul being crushed.

So he's back.

He returned to carry out the orders of the conqueror.

Kill Thor.

Steal Zeus' lightning.

No matter which one, it is not a task that can be completed easily.

It was more difficult than what he had experienced as a mortal.

"Damn conqueror!" Hercules complained softly.

Then shut up, for the palace of Zeus has arrived.

"Hercules, my dear son, you are finally back."

The sonorous voice of Zeus rang out in the palace.

Hercules looked up and saw Zeus sitting on a throne made of gold.

Around him were the guards of the Almighty City, but these guards could not add to the majesty of Zeus.

Hercules' eyes fell on his father on the throne. The once majestic and majestic god-king of the universe was now a ridiculous old man with a bloated waist and wearing a small skirt.

Perhaps all that's left of him is his loud voice?

Hercules knelt down on one knee and showed his loyalty: "I am back, great Zeus, and I bring news of victory."

"Jotunheim has been bathed in your divine light, and the Frost Giants will build a golden statue of you in their palace."

Upon hearing the news, Zeus laughed loudly: "Well done, Hercules, you are worthy of being my son."

"Thank you for your hard work. Go down and rest. We will have a grand banquet tomorrow. Remember to attend on time."

"When the time comes, I will praise your deeds to the gods and ask the Muses to compose you a heroic poem."

Hercules lowered his head: "It is an honor for me to be recognized by you."

Then he resigned.

But instead of returning to his abode, he came to the great prison of the Almighty City.

It was often vacant; in fact, before Thor's arrival, the prison didn't even have a single prisoner.

But even so, Zeus still requires that the prison be kept clean, dry, and bright.

He said that one day, Hades would be imprisoned here. Obviously, as the king of the underworld, Hades would definitely not like this environment.

Hercules' identity gave him unimpeded access.

Soon, he met Thor.

Asgard's God of Thunder has not left yet, which makes Hercules relieved. If Thor runs away, he will have to chase him down, which is too troublesome.


Thor raised his head, looked at Hercules, and smiled with kindness.

"Has Zeus changed his mind?"

"I knew he would listen to my suggestions."

"Hurry up and untie the magic chains on me. I need to take a shower first. I haven't taken a shower for many days. I can almost smell the sour smell on my body. It smells like a sour lemon."

Hercules asked the guards to open the cell, and then told them: "Go and guard outside. You are not allowed to come in without my order."

"Even if you hear any noise, don't be surprised, let alone notify Zeus, because he asked me to come."

The guards nodded, of course they knew that Hercules was one of Zeus's most trusted sons.

They had no reason to doubt Hercules.

After the guards left, Hercules walked into the cell and looked at Thor.

"People from the Divine Realm, you shouldn't be here."

"Much less should I incite my father to become an enemy of the conqueror."

Thor raised his eyebrows: "No way?"

"Don't tell me, you are afraid of the Conqueror?"

Hercules was not in a hurry to take action. He walked around behind Thor and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Yes, of course you won't be afraid."

"Your kingdom is gone."

"You lost your father, you lost your mother, you lost a lot of things."

"You have nothing to lose, and you certainly don't have to be afraid."

"But we are different. We still have something to protect. We have no reason to fight against the conquerors."


Hercules suddenly stepped forward, strangled Thor's neck with his strong arms, and whispered in his ear.

"So, you must die, His Majesty the King of Asgard."

Thor suddenly found it difficult to breathe, and his face turned red from holding back. At this moment, he finally knew why Hercules wanted the guards to leave.

It turns out he wanted to assassinate himself!

Thor certainly won't sit still.

Although Hercules is very powerful and has the authority of ‘power’.

But he is not the little prince who was useless without Thor's Hammer.

Now he is the king and the real God of Thunder!

Thor's eyes lit up, and thunder leaped from his eyes. He yelled, and countless electric currents were activated throughout his body, violently knocking Hercules away!

Hercules hit the wall, and the electric current in his body was pulsating, but for a Hercules like him, this kind of attack could not even break his skin.

He walked back quickly, aiming at Thor's head, and rushed towards him with firm steps.

He grabbed Thor's head with both hands and slammed it against the wall.

The entire prison seemed to tremble under the blow, and the walls cracked violently during the impact.

Thor's face was pressed against the wall, his hands stretched back, and strong electricity condensed between his hands.

He pressed hard on Hercules' eyes, and Hercules screamed in pain, closed his eyes and retreated.

Thor took the opportunity to use his strength and broke the magic chains on his body.

He roared, his fist thundered, and he punched Hercules hard in the face.

With a bang, Hercules was sent flying by the blow, leaving a deep fist mark on his face.

His body hit another wall, creating a large hole in the wall.

Bricks and stones flew away and dust filled the air. Hercules opened his eyes again, his murderous intent revealed, and he rushed over with a roar.

Thor also used real fire. He didn't understand why Hercules attacked him, and even rushed to kill him.

Of course, he would not sit still and wait for death. He roared, his whole body exploded with lightning, and his eyes burst into thunder. At this moment, he fully displayed the majesty of the God of Thunder.

The two gods collided in the middle of the cell. Hercules' iron fist collided with Thor's thunder fist, and the impact spread in a circle, destroying the cell, and even the walls, pillars, and cells of the prison.

Outside the large prison, the guards heard a huge explosion inside, and then light emerged and lightning flashed. They were so frightened that they fell down holding their heads.

They saw energy ripples spurting and spreading above their heads, and then the entire prison exploded into billions of fragments. The rubble was sprayed out like cannonballs, enveloping dust and dragging clear or fuzzy smoke trails in the air.

Debris fell onto the square, hitting nearby buildings and causing a commotion.

In the ruins of the large prison.

Thor pushed away a rock, spit out a mouthful of lime, fanned the gray air, and looked at a burly figure in front of him.



"Why are you attacking me?"

Thor said solemnly.

"This is an order from Zeus."

Hercules said expressionlessly: "In other words, this is the conqueror's order."

Thor's pupils shrank slightly: "What did you say, conqueror?"

"Did Zeus and the Conqueror join forces?"

Hercules still had no expression on his face: "No comment, all you need to know is that you have thrown yourself into a trap, His Majesty the King of Asgard."

Thor said angrily, "Why did Zeus do this?"

"He is such a coward. No wonder he refused to agree to my request. It turns out that he has secretly colluded with the conqueror!"

"Even so, what can you do?"

"Starting from today, Asgard will have no king." A strong energy aura surged around Hercules, and the space near Hercules buzzed, and the scenery became slightly distorted.

The God of Thunder knew that he was about to take action, but since Zeus had joined forces with the Conqueror, there was no point in staying in the All Access City.

What's more, he was not sure of defeating Hercules, Zeus and many other gods.

Thor immediately raised his hand, spreading his fingers to make a virtual grasp.

Hercules roared and charged.

Every time Hercules steps down, he will leave a deep footprint on the ground, and the entire Almighty City is trembling for his power.

Even if this is the divine domain that Zeus reinforced with his own energy, he cannot prevent those footprints from appearing.

Hercules quickly rushed towards Thor, and his iron fist carried violent power and went straight to the opponent's face.

at this time.

A battle ax fell into Thor's hand.

Storm Axe!

Thor immediately opened the Rainbow Bridge, and a colorful beam of light fell from the sky. When Hercules punched it away, the beam of light rose, and Thor disappeared.

Hercules was not upset that he missed his target, it was part of his plan.

He looked at the palace in the distance, at Zeus's bedroom, and then left quickly.

at the same time.

Zeus, who was lying in the bathtub in his palace and enjoying the massage from several beautiful maids, was startled by the distant explosion from the direction of the prison.

"What happened?"

He stood up suddenly, grabbed a towel next to him and wrapped it around his waist, then came to the window.

"Why did the prison explode?"

"I planned to use it to entertain my dear brother, who was it? Who did it!"

Zeus shouted, but no one could answer his question.

Helpless, Zeus could only put on his clothes and rush to the prison by himself.

Just as he was leaving, a figure appeared near the palace, but it was Hercules who had just fought with the God of Thunder.

Watching Zeus leave, Hercules walked into the palace. He knew that Zeus hid his lightning here.

Hit it at the beginning.

Hercules never thought that he could kill Thor, the God of Thunder who had awakened his authority.

He knew that even if he tried his best, even if he could defeat Thor, there was no absolute certainty in killing him.


This time he returned to the Almighty City and had the task of stealing Zeus's lightning.


Hercules devised a plan.

He went to meet Thor privately, and then created the illusion that the Almighty City and the Conqueror were joining forces. To do this, he needed to seriously use most of his power to attack Thor.

The most important step is to destroy this prison.

This prison was designed by Zeus to imprison Hades. Once destroyed, it would definitely attract Zeus' attention.

Based on Hercules' knowledge of his father, he was basically certain that Zeus would definitely leave the palace and come to check.

Of course, he wouldn't find anything.

Because he sensed the alliance between Zeus and the Conqueror, Thor must open the Rainbow Bridge and leave.

And this time.

Heracles could sneak into the palace like he is now, steal Zeus's lightning, and blame everything on Thor.

As a result, Zeus must have been furious and ordered Thor to be hunted down.

Just achieve this goal.

Then, even if Thor denies that he stole lightning, it will be useless, because Zeus will not believe him.

Instead, Thor would just be considered lying.

When the time comes, the Almighty City will naturally try its best to kill Thor to save Zeus' face.

In this way, Heracles could fulfill both of the Conqueror's orders at the same time.

Steal Zeus' lightning bolt.

And kill Thor!

This is a plan that kills two birds with one stone! (End of chapter)

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