Azu walked into the restaurant of the spaceship. Quill and others used this place as a temporary meeting room. In the restaurant, Drax was eating a pizza-like pie. Then Quill took it away and threw it into the restaurant. In the trash can next to it.

Drax was angry because of this, and Mantis was comforting him.

Nebula was playing with an instrument to make a holographic projection image appear on the dining table. She was adjusting the image to make it clearer, allowing Azu to see clearly that it looked like a city, a city floating in space. .

The tree man Groot was sitting on the side, wearing his ears, and his body was swaying gently to the beat of the music.

"Okay, now we have to discuss a plan."

"Groot, can you stop listening to music? This is not the time to listen to music."

Quill gestured, but Groot couldn't hear anything. There was only music in his world.

Suddenly the music died as Quill removed his headphones and turned off the Walkman.

"I am Groot." The tree man protested.

Quil said "Oh", pointed at him and said: "I thought we had agreed not to use this word in the future. This is so rude."

In fact, Azu has always been curious when watching the movie, how on earth did the Guardians of the Galaxy understand what the tree people said?

After all, this creature can only ever say one thing: I am Groot.

"He is no longer a child, he is a teenager now, and you can no longer control him like you used to." Drax winked at Groot, "I support you, kid."

Groot raised his hand and high-fived Drax.

Quill spread his hands and said: "I feel like a redundant person now, but I still want to say, be quiet!"

The noisy restaurant finally quieted down, and Quill looked at Nebula: "We can start."

"Please introduce this city first."

Nebula raised her head: "This is the experimental base of the Supreme Evolution. We call it 'Utopia'. This is the name given by Quill."

Quill said with a proud look on his face: "Originally I planned to call it 'City of Truth', but after thinking about it, 'Utopia' is more appropriate. After all, the Supreme Evolution has always wanted to create a perfect world."

"I know it's hard for you to understand the difference between 'City of Truth' and 'Utopia', but I don't blame you. After all, it's determined by intelligence, and the intelligence gap between you and me is really..."

Azu looked at Star-Lord and said, "It's amazing that you can survive until now. How did you do it?"

Star-Lord shrugged his shoulders: "Maybe because I'm handsome?"

Drax immediately laughed, and the man pointed at Quill and laughed: "He actually said he was handsome. This is really funny."

Mantis laughed too, until tears fell from her eyes.

Nebula rolled her eyes and said, "I really don't know what's so funny. Also, do you want to hear my introduction to this space city?"

Quill shouted: "Silence! Silence!"

Drax then covered his mouth with his hand, and covered Mantis's mouth with his other hand, and the two stopped laughing.

Nebula then pointed to the holographic image on the dining table and said: "Utopia, the space city secretly built by the Supreme Evolution, is huge in scale and has a population of more than 100,000."

"Most of them are highly evolved artificial human soldiers, mainly animal humans. In addition to being soldiers, these artificial humans are also city managers."

"Utopia has a complete defense mechanism. According to the information provided by the rocket, it will be very difficult to sneak into it."

"But we have Rocket to help. He can open a channel for us and allow us to sneak in without anyone noticing."

"So the difficult part of this operation is not how to sneak into Utopia, but how to leave after finding the rocket."

"Because by then, we will face tens of thousands of android soldiers, and..."

Nebula looked at Azu: "A super artificial human based on his cells."

"Rocket has said that each of the Conqueror's artificial humans has a combat power close to that of the Conqueror. Although they are not many in number, there are currently only about thirty experimental bodies."

"But if they come out in full force, I'm not sure the Conqueror will be able to stop them."

Everyone looked at Azu.

Azu shrugged his shoulders: "I don't think it's a big problem."

"Besides, my goal is supreme evolution."

"He betrayed me, betrayed the John Empire, and secretly collected my cells for research. This is blasphemy!"

"So the Supreme Evolution must die, there is no doubt about it."

Quill nodded: "Our purpose is only to rescue Rocket, nothing else matters, including the life or death of the Supreme Evolution."

"Then let's discuss the specific plan. When it comes to plans, I think that among us, I should be the best at it, so I will do my part."

"As Nebula said just now, sneaking into Utopia is not difficult, the difficulty is leaving."

"Even if there is a conqueror working with us, he only has one person. Letting him stop those super androids is pretty good, but there are tens of thousands of soldiers in Utopia."

"Although I'm very strong and I can fight one against a hundred, I can't deal with so many people."

Drax raised his hand, but before he could speak, Quill said, "Same to you, brother."

"Although you are also very powerful, although you are only a little bit weaker than me. You can probably deal with ninety-nine people by yourself, but you can't deal with hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of people."

"We can't do it, so that's what I think."

While Quill was talking, Groot, the tree man, tugged at the corner of his clothes.

"Don't make trouble, Groot, didn't you see that I was making an important speech? This plan is very important, it is related to the life and death of the rocket."

Quill takes Groot's hand.

But then Groot shouted.

"I'm Groot."

Only then did Quill come to his senses: "What, the conqueror ran away?"

He looked towards where the conqueror was just now, but Azu was no longer there. Quill shouted: "Where has he gone?"

Quill looked at Drax.

Drax shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't pay attention."

"How could you not notice? Aren't you by his side?"

"Damn, where did he go?"

"He won't go to the bathroom, will he?"

Nebula was concentrating on the holographic projection on the table. Her body suddenly shook, and then she picked up an electronic board. After some operations, the image of Utopia was enlarged.

After zooming in, she breathed softly.

"over there!"

Quill looked at her: "What's there?"

"Conqueror!" Nebula cried, "Look, there he is!"

Quill and others came to the table and looked at the holographic projection. They saw a figure floating in the space in front of Utopia. It was someone other than Azu.

In space, Azu looked at the space city Utopia ahead.

Now that he knew that the Supreme Evolution was in this space city, Azu certainly had no interest in continuing any combat meeting with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

What about a hundred thousand troops?

What about super androids?

As long as they dare to stand in front of Azu, there is only one fate for them.

As for Rocket's life or death, Azu didn't care at all. He never promised that he would help rescue Rocket.

He only promised to deal with the Supreme Evolution. As for whether the raccoon is dead or alive, it depends on the Guardians of the Galaxy themselves.

"First, seal off this area."

Azu raised the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and the light of the original space stone on it lit up. Suddenly, streaks of blue light appeared in the space where he and Utopia were.

They combine to form a cube.

Including the Guardians of the Galaxy's spaceship, they are now located in this huge cube. The space here has been blocked and cannot escape through the wormhole.

Unless the Supreme Evolution masters technology beyond the capabilities of the Infinity Gauntlet, he can't go anywhere.

Utopia, central command room.

The alarm is sounding.

The moment Azu appeared, an alarm sounded in Utopia. This is because the supreme evolution classified Azu as the highest level of dangerous existence.

So as soon as he appeared, he had already set off an alarm in Utopia.

Upon hearing the alarm, the Supreme Evolution came to the central command room with a gloomy face. He saw Azu's figure on the big screen.


The Supreme Evolution sighed. He had no plans to collide with the Conqueror now. According to his plan, he would only have a head-on collision with the Conqueror when those super artificial beings became controllable.

But even if it has the power to collide head-on with the conqueror, the supreme evolution is naturally unwilling to fight if it can be avoided.

For him, the ideal state is to hide behind the scenes and use various means to let others stand in front of the conqueror and let them fight on his behalf.

So now that the Conqueror appears, the Supreme Evolution's first reaction is: "Retreat."

"Activate jump point 19 and leave here immediately."

The reason why this space city is set up in deep space is to prevent this situation from happening. Once the conqueror appears, the Supreme Evolution can escape immediately through the jump point set early in the morning.

But after his order was issued, Space City still took no action.

"What's wrong?"

A shadow cast over the Supreme Evolution's heart, and his intuition told him that something bad had happened.

Sure enough, his assistant quickly responded hurriedly: "We cannot perform a space jump."

The Supreme Evolution was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

"It's not very clear, but judging from the current situation, it seems that the space here has been blocked."

The Supreme Evolution suddenly jumped up: "The conqueror has the technology to block space?"

The man wearing a human skin mask looked at Azu on the big screen, his eyes becoming panicked.

At this moment, he saw Azu's eyes glowing bright purple on the screen, but the magnificent light made him feel chilled in his heart.

The next second, the entire screen was illuminated by purple light.

Immediately afterwards, the command room shook violently, and at the same time, the computer reported mechanically and coldly.

"A high-yield energy impact was detected, the western part of the city suffered a devastating blow, and contact between the seventh and fifteenth areas was lost."

The Supreme Evolution looked at the three-dimensional model of the space city, where a large red area appeared. Red represented a complete and devastating blow.

From the model, a gap was blasted out in the western part of the space city, and this gap is expanding. The structure of the city has been fatally damaged, and now that part is separating and collapsing.

The Supreme Evolution shouted: "Where is our protective shield? Why is it not activated!"

His assistant held his head and said: "It has been activated, but it has no effect on the conqueror. We can't even stop it for 1 millisecond."

The Supreme Evolution stood up and shouted: "Send out all the android soldiers and kill him!"

He picked up another personal communicator and opened it, and a man's figure appeared on the screen.

"P13, activate the emotional suppression module to prepare those giant babies for battle."

The man on the screen hesitated and said: "Although the emotional suppression module can make them obey orders, it will also make them dull and lose their autonomy, requiring coordination and command."

"To put it simply, the combat effectiveness of these super androids will decrease. Are you sure you want to do this?"

The Supreme Evolution roared: "Does it look like I'm joking the way I look now? Don't worry so much, start! Start!"

P13 nodded: "Start now."


The Supreme Evolution looked at a screen. There were many windows in the screen. In each window, there was a super artificial man based on the conqueror cells.

No matter what they were doing, they stopped moving at this moment, and their eyes became empty and blank.

The Supreme Evolution knocked on a light screen on the table, implanted Azu's image into the consciousness of every super android, and initiated the target clearing command.

Then, the door where these artificial humans were imprisoned opened.

"Go ahead."

"Go and destroy your 'father'."

"Kill the Conqueror!"

The Supreme Evolution roared almost crazily.

Immediately afterwards, there was another violent shock in the command room, and the big screen in the command room suddenly exploded. Two purple rays of light burst out from the explosion and flames, and passed through the command room.

Then more fireballs and raging flames occupied the vision of the Supreme Evolution.

In the Guardians of the Galaxy ship, Quill stood in the cab, looking through the porthole at the exploding, burning, and collapsing space city in the distance.

He opened his mouth wide: "What a madman."

"No, that lunatic doesn't care about Rocket's life or death. If Utopia completely explodes, Rocket will be dead."

Quill turned around and said, "Drax, Nebula, follow me."

"You contact Rocket, I want to know where he is now."

A moment later, the three Star-Lords escaped from the spaceship on a landing ship, turned into a meteor, and flew quickly towards the space city.

Boom boom!

The space city continued to explode, and the impact caused the landing ship to swing continuously.

While driving the landing ship, Quill looked for a place to enter the space city.

But as those two bright purple lights moved, this utopia in space was crumbling and exploded one after another.

The android soldiers didn't even have time to fly out of the space city before they were swept in by the flames of the explosion and burned to ashes.

Looking at the grand fireworks in space, Quill's face turned ugly: "Rocket, you have to hold on, we are here." (End of Chapter)

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