Using the 'Time Stone' to 'rewind time' and set the time back to when Doctor Strange appeared, for other people, their consciousness, including their memories, will flow back to that time period.

But this would not have any impact on the owner of the 'Time Stone', so Azu locked onto Wanda the moment the portal opened and used the 'death ray'.

This is a divine skill. Even Wanda, one of the best figures in the Marvel Universe, will still die once he is hit by the 'death ray' and affected by the power of 'death'.

Wanda didn't know what kind of power those two pale fire streams were, but as a witch, her inspiration was different from ordinary people.

With just one glance, Wanda could feel that the two pale fire streams contained an extremely strong aura of death.

Once contaminated, the consequences are unpredictable.

With almost no thought, Scarlet Witch yelled and gave it her all.

The two crimson chaotic energy went straight towards the pale fire stream, and then collided together.

Red and white, two forces of different natures collided together, temporarily resisting the attack of the pale fire.

But everyone can see that Wanda is in a disadvantageous situation. Although the two white and pale fire streams are temporarily blocked, they are eating away at Wanda's chaotic energy.

Of course, this is the perception of Wanda and Stephen.

But in fact, it is not the pale fire that is eating away at the chaotic energy, but the chaotic energy that is dying under the impact of the 'death ray'.

As a result, Wanda gradually became exhausted, and two streams of pale fire were continuously transported in from outside the portal, constantly annihilating chaotic energy.

Seeing this, Stephen quickly closed the portal.

Once the portal is closed, the mirror space independent of the dimension becomes a safe fortress.

The two pale fire streams disappeared, and Wanda breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Conqueror seems to be more powerful than before. He hasn't even used the Infinity Gauntlet yet. I am no match for him."

Doctor Strange nodded solemnly: "When he comes back this time, he has more terrifying power. However, we can use the mirror space to resist his terrifying attack."

"Once he uses the attack just now, I will use the mirror space to block it, and with the cooperation of others, we should have hope."

Wanda nodded: "Then let's go."


This time, Stephen opened the portal on the ground. When he and Wanda came out, they stood with Thor and others.

Thor looked at Wanda and smiled: "I'm glad to be able to fight alongside you again."

Wanda nodded slightly and looked at Azu in the sky.

At this time, Azu landed on the ground and raised his fingers at Thor and others.

Thor snorted, bent his legs slightly, kicked hard, and the God of Thunder flew into the sky.

When he reached the midair, the sky quickly became covered with dark clouds, and there was lightning and thunder.

When Thor struck Azu with his axe, bolts of lightning fell at the same time. In the flash of lightning, Thor was full of power and attacked with all his strength.

Without saying a word, Azu's eyes lit up with pale light, and two 'death rays' went straight towards Thor.

The pale fire stream continuously hit the falling lightning, and those powerful thunders all died under the influence of the power of 'death'.

As a god, Thor naturally felt that Azu's two pale flames were extraordinary. He did not dare to be careless. The storm battle ax struck on the pale flames, causing the flames to fly in all directions.

Each god controls at least one authority. There is no distinction between authority, but whether it is 'destruction' or 'death', this authority is closer to the underlying rules of the universe.

Therefore, when reflected in ability, it is more than one level higher than other authority abilities.

At least, Thor's 'Thunder' authority represents the wrath of nature, but it cannot rival the 'Death' authority.

Soon, the thunder and lightning lingering on the edge of the Storm Tomahawk were annihilated by the pale fire. When the pale fire sprayed on the Storm Tomahawk, Thor immediately felt that the Tomahawk was scared and screaming!

His expression changed, and he quickly drew his ax and retreated, but Azu had an 'absolute hit', so the pale fire turned in an arc and still chased Thor.

Seeing that Thor was about to be overtaken, lines suddenly appeared in the space in front of him, like a broken mirror.

The pale fire hit this abnormal space and stopped there instead of moving forward.

Azu said "Oh": "Mirror dimension?"

"Well, my 'Absolute Hit' can't cross dimensions yet. I'm sorry you figured out how to use this move to neutralize my attack."

He glanced at Stephen, then stopped using the 'Death Ray', and at the same time raised the Infinity Gauntlet, stimulating the energy of the 'Power Stone', and fired a torrent of destruction from the edge of the fist, colliding head-on with the Scarlet Witch flying in mid-air.

At this time, Thor fell to the ground, and the God of Thunder gave a loud shout. Thunder and lightning broke out all over his body and rushed over. He passed by Azu. The storm battle ax brought a piece of lightning and swept across Azu's side, but it could not break Azu's absolute power. field'.

Others also launched a charge.

Doctor Strange flies into the air and approaches from the sky.

Scott and Spider-Man split into two groups, one on the left and one on the right.

Thor, the God of Thunder, turned around and fought back. The dance of the storm ax brought up countless lightnings, and he used close combat.

The Scarlet Witch walked around Azu, constantly using chaos magic to assist and interfere.

I have to say that the Avengers know how to cooperate.

If Iron Man and the Hulk were here, their combined power would be even greater.

Unfortunately, even then, their chances of winning are still quite slim.


Azu would not sympathize with his opponents.

Especially since he has already given the Avengers a chance. Since they don't appreciate it, of course he doesn't have to be polite.

Azu's eyes fell on Spider-Man.

Among these Avengers, the weakest are Spider-Man and Ant-Man Scott.

Spider-Man has no special abilities.

His reactions are quick, his agility is flexible, and his strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

With the technical assistance provided by Iron Man, Peter Parker's combat ability has reached a new level.

But in Azu's eyes, this was not enough.

To him, Peter Parker was almost like a child.

So he locked on Spider-Man, and suddenly his figure flickered and suddenly left his original position.

If long-distance teleportation is to be carried out, especially between planets, Azu will definitely use the 'space stone'.

However, on such a local battlefield, using the 'Space Stone' for teleportation is better than relying on one's own speed.

Azu possesses the ‘first cosmic speed’, and his short-distance movement is no different from teleportation.

The only one in the Avengers who is good at speed is the dead Quicksilver, and the speed of others cannot compare with him.

So in Azu's field of vision, he had arrived next to Spider-Man, and the young man's eyes were still forward.

Azu smiled and punched Peter Parker in the stomach.


Spider-Man's spider sense is completely useless at the 'first cosmic speed'. When Peter Parker developed the sense, Azu's iron fist had already hit him.

The little spider immediately flew out, crashing into the building like a cannonball, smashing through walls one after another, flying out of the building again, then hitting a tank and becoming embedded in the cab.

An ordinary person would be absolutely shattered by a punch from Azu, but Peter Parker's physique is beyond that of ordinary people, not to mention the nano-suit tailor-made for him by Iron Man.

When Azu's fist hit, the suit absorbed part of the kinetic energy, and the rest of Spider-Man was able to bear it, but he was unable to continue fighting for a while.

After letting Spider-Man leave temporarily, Azu looked at Scott again. Ant-Man was also smart. When Azu looked over, he suddenly shrank in size.

He changed his atoms, became the size of an ant, fell to the ground, and used obstacles to get out of Azu's sight.

Azu scanned the ground and quickly found Scott, but now he was only the size of an ant, and there were many small insects on the ground. It was not easy to distinguish Scott from other insects.

Of course, Azu doesn’t need to differentiate.

He dodged again and then stepped heavily on the ground.


The entire battlefield shook.

Chariots and human bodies were shaken into the air.

Cracks quickly appeared at the heels of the surrounding building walls, and they quickly extended upward with a shocking width.

Scott exclaimed and flew up into the air. He lay down on a can and saw Azu puffing up his cheeks.

Then he blew out a breath.

Although Azu cannot use cryobreathing like Superman, with his power, the breath he blows is enough to turn into a strong wind.

The strong wind roared, and Scott, who was only the size of an ant, was immediately blown away and kept hitting rocks and other debris.

After several collisions, Ant-Man had passed out and when he fell to the ground, he was buried by various debris falling from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, Azu wiped out the two Avengers, making Thor and others feel numb.

"His speed is too fast, we must suppress him." Wanda came to Stephen's side.

Doctor Strange nodded: "There are only two ways to suppress him."

"First, the speed is about the same as him, or even faster than him, so that we can hope to catch up with him."

"It's a pity that we don't have such people around us."

A sudden sadness surged through Wanda's eyes: "If my brother was still here"

She then shook her head: "No way. Although my brother is very fast, even if he catches up with the conqueror, he will only kill him."

Stephen said softly: "Then there is only the second way, to interfere and then control him."

"I should be able to do it."

"Once I have him under control, you and Thor attack with all your strength."

"Wait a minute." Wanda said, "Have you forgotten his 'Infinity Gauntlet'? To defeat him, you have to take away the 'Infinity Gauntlet'."

Stephen's eyes lit up: "You are right, if we can take away the 'Infinity Gauntlet', our chances of winning will be greater."

Thor said at this time: "Have you discussed it yet? If so, let's take action."

At this moment, Azu suddenly said.

"Do you think you still have a chance?"

These words made all three Thors feel solemn.

Thor raised his battle ax and said, "What do you want to say?"

Azu spread his hands and smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just that looking at your looks, it seems that you still have a chance, and you seem to still have hope."

"I just can't help but want to disappoint you, even despair."

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind playing with you for a while longer."

"But this time my target is not you, not the Avengers, but the Federation."

"The Federation refuses to surrender, so I have no choice but to erase it."

"In this way, the longer the Federation persists, the less glorious it will be for me."

"To my surprise, the Federation actually held on for almost an entire morning. There was nothing we could do. In order to end this war as soon as possible, I had to invest more troops."

"By then, the damage to the federal mainland will be more serious, right?"

"But there's nothing we can do about it."

"War has always been like this."

After speaking, Azu made a gesture.

Just when this gesture fell, at the same time all over the world, the screens of all electronic products that could play images lit up, and then images of the universe appeared.

Pacific Fleet, aboard the USS Ronald Reagan.

The federal president stood up and looked at the big screen.

On the big screen, the huge main ship of John's empire was suspended in deep space, just above the earth.

"What are they going to do?"

"I don't know, but it feels like it won't be a good thing."

"I have a feeling something big is going to happen."

There was a lot of discussion in the hall. At this time, on the left side of the main ship, light suddenly appeared in the space, and then a grid shape appeared.

One of the grids flashed with light, and then a battleship flew out of that grid.

This battleship is not much smaller than the imperial main ship. As soon as it appears, the screen can no longer accommodate it.

Immediately afterwards, more and more spaceships and battleships flew out of the grid, and were distributed around the empire's main ship.

Seeing the densely packed ships made the federal president's heart sink.

He seemed to have lost all strength and sat down on the chair.

Just the force released by one main ship of the John Empire has already made the Federation miserable.

Now, the federal president has lost count of how many spaceships and battleships are on the screen.

It would not be difficult for such a power to destroy the entire Earth, let alone the Federation.

"Is this the true military strength of John's empire?"

Just as the federal president asked this question, many windows appeared on the big screen. In those windows were various cities or bases within the federal territory.

In these cities or bases, portals opened one after another, and then various alien soldiers appeared from the portals.

The most eye-catching one is the tall giant with bluish skin and an ice blade condensed in his hand.

Frost giants from Jotunheim!

They appeared on the battlefield in New York. When they crossed the portal and stepped onto the ground of New York, the human soldiers subconsciously stepped back.

As for other battlefields.

The Chitauri, Dereks, Sovereans, and soldiers from other planets have crossed the portal and traveled thousands of miles to the earth.

Aboard the Reagan.

Looking at the alien warriors appearing on various battlefields and the large number of fleets in space, the federal president's eyes were empty and there was only deep despair in his heart. (End of chapter)

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