I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 509 Loki is in action

At this moment, the world's attention is focused on New York and on the Avengers.

Both those who care about this matter and those who care about it know that the fate of the earth will fall on these people.

Thor, Doctor Stephen Strange, Wanda Scarlet Witch, Captain Marvel, Loki the God of Trickery.

If they also lose, the fate of the earth can be said to be at a glance.

The rule of John's empire would become an ironclad fact.


In each live broadcast room, barrages flew across the screen like meteors.

"No, Avengers, don't be fooled. You can't defeat us together, and now you have no chance of winning one on one."

"I don't think so. Now that the conquerors have taken off the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and handed over the 'Book of Darkness', there is nothing to fear."

"No, are the people who say the Avengers have a chance of winning serious? Didn't you look carefully just now? Even if you don't use the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and those books, the Conqueror still has the advantage."

"I don't know where you can tell that he has the advantage. Without the 'Infinity Gauntlet', he is just a blank slate elite. We, Red or Team Shock, can easily kill him."

"Haha, the Scarlet Witch just controlled the Conqueror. Did you see that the Conqueror was charged to death? Captain Marvel is very strong, but she has escaped with Doctor Strange's spells many times before. Don't you guys see that, Conquer That kind of pale fire, even Captain Marvel doesn't want to be hit easily. Why, I guess your brains full of paste can't come up with the answer."

"On a one-on-one basis, only Thor can probably fight the Conqueror."

"Stop being ridiculous, no matter how hard Thor fights, his thunder and lightning can't break the Conqueror's defense. If you ask me, I should use a mage, Doctor Strange or the Scarlet Witch to have a better chance of winning."

"You don't seem to know that Captain Marvel has a 'double star state'. If he activates the 'double star state', all the Thors and Doctors have to step aside, okay?"

"Why didn't any of you mention Loki? Yes, Captain Marvel is very strong, but her attacks are too direct. Let alone Conqueror. If I had the same power, I could easily deal with Captain Marvel. On the contrary, Rocky can often give people some unexpected surprises, and if he plays, he might win."

"Are you trying to laugh me to death? What can Loki do as a clown? I'm worried that if he just surrenders as soon as he comes on stage, it will be funny."

On the Internet, views from all over the world and ideas from different countries and regions collide in various live broadcast rooms.

Meanwhile, the New York battlefield.

Thor, the god of thunder, tightened the storm ax in his hand, looked at the others and said: "I am a fighter. I have been trained as a warrior since I was a child. The most important thing I have received is to protect my country and people."

"Although this is not Asgard, my people and I have settled here. I also have a beloved woman on Earth, so this planet is like a second Asgard to me."

"I would like to say that I have great feelings for it, so if you don't object, I would like to have a fair battle with the Conqueror."

As soon as he finished speaking, several voices shouted at the same time.

"I object."

Among those who spoke out against it were Loki, Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel.


Except for Wanda, who didn't raise any objection, everyone else opposed Thor's participation in the battle.

Thor couldn't help but feel depressed: "Do you just not believe me?"

Loki took his arm and said: "It's not that we don't believe you, but we feel that you are no match for him, even if the conqueror takes off the Infinity Gauntlet and the Book of Darkness."

"He's right."

Carol and Stephen both agreed.

"Isn't it?"

"Can't you have a little faith in me?" Thor spread his hands, "I am the strongest Avenger."

Captain Marvel smiled: "That's not necessarily the case."

Loki also nodded: "I think so too."

Thor couldn't help but glance at his brother: "Where are you from?"

Loki looked up: "It doesn't matter which side, what matters is the purpose. What is our purpose?"

"Sorry, it's a serious matter and we need to discuss it."

He turned back to Azu and said.

Azu said generously: "It doesn't matter, you have discussed it, I have plenty of time."

Loki bowed: "If you can, I hope you can give us some space."


Azu simply took the clone and flew into the air. On the contrary, as long as he wanted to, even if the Avengers wanted to run away, he could catch up at any time.

But if the Avengers escape on a global live broadcast, Azu is very happy to see such a thing happen, then the humans on the earth will lose confidence and fighting spirit, which will make it easier for his colonial rule.

"Look, like I just said, we have to be clear about what our purpose is."

Loki lowered his voice and said, "I think you all know that our goal is to defeat the Conqueror, so I think we can take some necessary means to achieve this goal."

"What else are you planning?" Thor frowned and glanced at Loki, warning himself not to be led in by Loki. He had been betrayed by his brother not once or twice.

Loki smiled, "My thought is, why don't we just admit defeat?"

"We just handed the earth to him."

Thor looked at the Storm Ax and considered whether to put the ax on Loki's neck: "You haven't secretly reached some kind of shady agreement with that man, right?"

"This kind of thing shouldn't be difficult for you."

Loki clutched his chest and said, "It really hurts me that you said this, but I still want to ask if we can do this."

"Admit defeat and give him the earth until he lets down his guard."

Loki made a motion of wiping his throat.

"It sounds like something you would say."

Thor shook his head decisively: "But no, I won't do such a despicable thing."

Loki almost rolled his eyes: "Now is not the time to play a duel game. In order to achieve the right goal, I don't think it is too much to use some despicable means."

"what about you?"

Stephen and Carol shook their heads at the same time.

Stephen said: "Your proposal is attractive, really, but we can't do it, at least I can't convince myself."

"I cannot tarnish my honor and dignity."

Carroll also said: "I only knock down opponents from the front. Things like this are not my style."

Loki spread his hands: "Well, you are all superheroes, so it's normal that you don't agree with my proposal."

"But you don't really plan to fight him one-on-one, do you?"

"To be honest, neither my brother nor you, an interstellar vigilante, have a chance of winning."

"Unless we work together, it is possible to defeat the conqueror who takes off the 'Infinity Gauntlet' and the Dark Book."

"Of course, if you are confident, you can treat me as a fart, and I promise not to say 'no'."

You guys, Thor, look at me, and I look at you.

Wanda stepped forward at this time.

"He is right, even if he takes off the Infinity Gauntlet and takes away the Book of Darkness."

"The Conqueror is still very powerful. This can be easily felt from the battle just now."

"No matter who one of us is, it's impossible to defeat him one on one."

"Only when we work together can we have a small chance."

Thor said solemnly: "A true warrior is not afraid of difficult challenges."

Loki looked at him: "Brother, you have to think carefully. Once we lose, we will lose not only our personal honor, but the fate of this planet and the future of billions of humans."

Billions are not a small number, and this heavy number made Thor silent.

Loki continued: "What do you say? If you are not willing to abandon even this bit of dignity, to be honest, I don't see any chance of winning."

Doctor Strange sighed: "Okay, let's go together, but I'm worried that the Conqueror won't agree."

Loki laughed: "No, he will agree."

"He's an arrogant bastard. Besides, why do you think he wants to do a global live broadcast?"

"He wants to establish his prestige, Mr. Magician."

"Then, how can we establish our own prestige? Of course it will embarrass us!"

After speaking, Loki turned around and looked at Azu in the sky.

Azu was almost asleep when he heard Loki speak.

"Dear Conqueror, Great Imperial Emperor, Powerful Overlord of the Galaxy, we have already discussed this."

Azu nodded: "I'm listening."

Loki smiled and said: "As you can see, we are so small in front of your power. We are like a group of ants who are overestimating their capabilities and want to challenge your authority."

"If we fight you one-on-one, it would be too unfair to you. Doesn't that mean that you are on the same level as us who are as weak as ants?"


"It shouldn't be like this. You are as powerful as the sun that dominates the world. How dare we compete with you?"

"Therefore, in order to reflect the fairness of this battle, I believe that we must all fight against you in order to reflect your power, your majesty, and your power!"

"I don't know, what do you think, Your Majesty?"

After listening to Loki's words, Carol looked at Thor and said, "Are you really brothers?"

Thor said with some embarrassment: "We are not related by blood, he is adopted."

Carol suddenly realized: "No wonder."

at this time.

The Internet exploded.

"Good guy, it's you, Loki, who can speak such shameless words in such a high-sounding way. This is the first time I've heard it in my whole life."

"Loki actually made such a request. Will the conqueror agree? I would definitely not agree. I have already taken off my godly disguise. In the end, you still want one against many, so why should I go to all the trouble to just snap my fingers? I can take you away."

"It's strange that Thor didn't object. This is not like Thor's style."

"This shows that Thor is not sure about the one-on-one duel between the Conquerors. Not only him, but also Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange. They are not sure."

"This is tantamount to showing weakness. Although it makes me sad, I have to admit that this is really the only way now."

"Damn it Conqueror, how can this pervert be so strong!"

"No more talking, I can only cheer for the Avengers! Come on, Avengers!"

Azu closed his eyes.

The quantum brain analyzes possibilities in a split second.

Then come up with the answer.

Even without the Infinity Gauntlet and the Book of Darkness, he still would not lose.

In addition, Loki, who proposed this condition, should have other plans.

Judging from his behavior and habits, he is likely to try to steal the Infinity Gauntlet and the Book of Darkness from the clone when the Avengers are fighting with him.

After obtaining these two artifacts, Loki's strength will greatly increase.

He has always wanted to be a ruler, and he has great motivations driving him to do so.

That being the case.


"I agree."

Azu folded his hands and calmly landed on the ground with a smile on his face.

"I will make you convinced that you have lost."

Loki pressed his hand on his chest and bowed: "You are so generous. Then, let us challenge your power beyond our own capabilities."

As soon as he finished speaking, the God of Thunder, who could no longer hold back, emitted lightning from his eyes and flew into the air with streaks of lightning.

As soon as Thor rushed into the air, the sky was filled with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

He roared and struck down the axe, and countless bolts of lightning immediately fell from the dark clouds. All these lightnings were concentrated on the Storm Tomahawk, and because of their large number, they converged into a thick and thick thunder.

One shot.

Thor just goes all out, which is very consistent with his style.

Azu didn't give in.

The divine power exploded, and the dark red energy flames roared and rose, releasing waves of fluctuations that immediately caused the entire New York to tremble.

Azu raised his hand, grasped the blade of the storm axe, and allowed thousands of thunders to impact crazily, but his expression remained unchanged.

at the same time.

Others also took action.

Captain Marvel's body was boiling with flames, and her eyes were illuminated by energy. She activated the 'double star state' and also used her full strength from the beginning.

She walked around Azu from the other side and launched a flying leg, but Azu blocked it with his arm.

There was a loud sound when the two collided, and the energy impact turned into a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading in all directions.

Sweeped by this circle of ripples, buildings were shattered, chariots rolled, and everything fell in the direction of the ripples, forming a circle of obvious signs of collapse.

Doctor Strange and Wanda came out of the portal. They were mainly responsible for assistance and control, and each used magic to greet Azu.

at last.

Loki also joined the battle circle. He released several clones to interfere around Azu.

For a while.

The light and shadow around Azu disappeared, and figures flew past, one to five, fighting fiercely.

at this time.

The clone also fell to the ground. He stood far away from the battlefield, seemingly watching the battle.

At this time, a burst of light surged silently behind him. After a piece of green light surged through the air like a wave, Loki's figure appeared behind the clone.

He pulled out a dagger in his hand and immediately stabbed the clone in the neck.

Unexpectedly, the dagger stabbed the clone's neck, but could not penetrate the skin. Only a few invisible strands of light appeared between the tip of the knife and the clone.

That's the light of the 'biological force field'! (End of chapter)

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