I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 51 I want to speak out for the people of the motherland

After the eye-catching red letters disappeared, a clear picture appeared on the phone screen. It was easy to see that it was a small town scene, and a line of information appeared in the corner of the screen: Silver Tree Town.

Then, the people of the motherland appeared on the screen, and you can see that the blue figure came to the sky above the town.

As the eyes of the motherland lit up with golden light, the screen began to shake, seemingly disturbed.

Suddenly, the motherland shot out a golden stream of light. The stream of light seemed to be extremely hot, causing flames to rise in the air.

The stream of light rushed to the ground, but suddenly turned a corner and fell into the town square.

The camera moved quickly and zoomed in, and it was not difficult to see a circus tent in the square.

There was a fat man standing in front of the tent. The fat man opened his mouth and absorbed the light stream of the motherland into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the owner of the mobile phone, a young woman, couldn't help but cover her mouth and softly exclaimed: "Oh my God."

The next scene was obviously fast-forwarded, allowing the young woman to quickly see that a large number of black, hairless 'people' with eyes radiating a stunning red light were pouring out of the town.

Those 'people' rushed out of the town with crazy postures, like beasts and monsters.

Outside the town, the army intercepted, but with little effect.

At the critical moment, a group of seven people have to take action.

This video extremely completely records the incident in Silver Tree Town. It ends with the people of the motherland bombarding the ground with a stream of golden light, causing an explosion, setting off flames, and finally engulfing the town occupied by evil.

At the end of the video, lines of red text floated up.

‘I believe anyone who is not blind can see that if there were no people from the motherland involved in the incident that happened in Silver Tree Town, there would be no group of seven to suppress it. ’

‘The military alone cannot stop those black monsters. ’

‘But neither the military nor the government mentioned this matter at all! ’

‘They avoided the important and pointed the finger at the destruction of buildings and public facilities by the motherland. ’

‘I would like to ask the officials, if there were no people from the motherland to take action this time, would you have been able to prevent this disaster? ’

‘Or are you planning to release destructive weapons on your homeland? Like you guys always do? ’

‘I am Charlie Edson, this is a picture that my friend and I accidentally took. ’

‘I swear on my life that this video is absolutely not fake. If you don’t believe it, you can test the video. ’

‘I only ask the authorities to tell everyone the truth! ’

'Also, for anyone who sees this video, I sincerely hope you can forward it. ’

‘Forward it to your friends and colleagues, so that more people can see the truth of the matter. ’

‘If we don’t speak up for our motherland today, tomorrow, the same thing will happen to us! ’

After watching this video, the young woman shook her head: "This is too much. How many facts have the officials concealed?"

"They actually want to use us to create public opinion, use us to target the people of the motherland, and target the people who have been silently protecting us!"

The woman angrily posted the video to a group.

And similar things are happening in New York and even across the country.

Department of Homeland Security.

The senator, whose waist was so bloated that he couldn't see his feet, was looking at Deputy Director Hansen sitting on the sofa with a smile: "It seems that our motherland is not going to show up."

"Walter has also closed its external window and refused to disclose any information, whether online or offline."

"Now Edgar is afraid that he wants to kill the people of his motherland and kill this madman who he has supported with his own hands."

Deputy Director Hansen raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Just now, Watt's stock price dropped by 7 percent, and their directors are probably going crazy."

"Congressman Hope, you are really good at predicting things. How do you know that people from your motherland will not attend the hearing?"

The fat on the senator's face trembled: "Humph, that bastard."

"On the plane, he didn't even look at me."

"I am also a member of parliament, but in his eyes, I am like an ant at his feet!"

"It makes me realize that those superhuman bastards don't take us ordinary people seriously at all."

"They are arrogant, especially people from the motherland. If he attends the hearing, it will be equivalent to admitting his mistakes!"

"So I bet that super bastard will be absent."

Director Hansen applauded: "No wonder you advocate taking the people of the motherland to the Supreme Court. It turns out that Senator Hope has already won the case from the beginning."

The senator burst out laughing, then lowered his voice and said, "Director Hansen, I need you to help me convince the old diehards in the Department of Defense about the Olga Company thing later."

Director Hansen smiled and said, "This is natural."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

And all this fell into the eyes of a security bureau officer in the corner.

The man gently pulled off his tie, and an imperceptible light shone in the tie.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Director Hansen's secretary hurriedly walked in. He didn't know what he said in the director's ear, and Hansen's expression immediately changed.

"What's wrong?" Councilor Hope asked.

Director Hansen did not answer. He stood up and shouted: "Turn on the TV and switch to channel 45."

Soon, the TV in the office lit up and some pictures appeared on the screen.

A large number of 'people' with dark skin and red eyes were frantically attacking the army's defense line.

Even if the soldiers are actively attacking, even if there is superhuman assistance.

But it still can't stop the crazy and surging black tide!

The senator stood up suddenly, his fat body trembling: "What, what is this?"

Director Hansen said with a gloomy face: "Someone posted this video online to incite the public, create public opinion, and point the finger at the government."

Sure enough, the next moment.

A news anchor appeared on the screen.

"Big news!"

"Big news!"

"Dear viewers, this is a video that has just gone viral on the Internet."

"Judging from the video, it seems that the official is indeed hiding something."

"Could it be said that the reason why the people of the motherland ignored military orders and recklessly interfered in military affairs was to prevent an unknown disaster?"

"Could it be that the conflict between the motherland and the army was just because the situation was urgent and they didn't want to waste time, so it caused all kinds of misunderstandings?"

"Could it be said that the Security Bureau's accusations against the people of the motherland are to cover up their own incompetence?"

"Oh my God, this is so ugly and despicable!"

Director Hansen's mouth muscles twitched and he snorted: "These bastards, how dare you say that!"

At this time, the host on the screen said: "Yes, our reporter Flower Meimi found the soldiers who participated in this operation at the time. Now let us hand the camera to Meimi and listen to what the soldiers who were present at the time said." explain."

Director Hansen immediately changed his color, pointed at his secretary and shouted: "Contact Colonel Yuri immediately and ask him to keep his subordinates' mouths in check!"

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