I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 511 Superheroes Must Die

After resting for a full minute, Carol finally recovered. With her heart moving, she raised her head and saw a figure high above.

Azu crossed his hands, looked down at Captain Marvel and said, "How are you, have you rested enough?"

Carol raised the corners of her mouth and said stubbornly: "I can fight all day."

"But I have no intention of continuing to waste time with you."

Azu raised a finger and said: "This is the last chance, Ms. Carroll, if you choose to continue to fight, I will destroy you."


"That might be a good thing."

"This way, everyone will know what kind of person you are."

Carol laughed: "You weren't supposed to be broadcasting globally in the first place."

"Now if you cut off the signal, it will only make people think you are guilty."

"But if you continue to live broadcast, people will see your cruel side and know that you are a tyrant."

"That way, even if I die, more people will stand up and resist you."

"Conqueror, you miscalculated!"

Azu was silent for a moment and then said.

"It doesn't matter."

"Wherever there is resistance, I will suppress it."

"When I decided to conquer this planet by force, I never expected to receive applause and flowers."

"I don't mind being a villain, a villain, a villain."

"Besides, these are just your definitions of me. I just think that I am doing something that needs to be done and must be done."

"So today, anyone who stands in my way will die."

"Even you superheroes are no exception."

"Then, decide."

"Ms. Carroll, surrender to me, or embrace death?"

Carol said without thinking about it: "I choose the third one, which is to kill you!"

She yelled and flew towards Azu.

But what greeted her were two pale streams of fire.

Divine skill, death sight!

With the ability derived from the power of 'death', white fire with the aura of death surged in. Carol activated the 'double star state'. As the flames rose, she blasted two photon cannons from her fists.

The 'death sight' met the photon cannon, and the two energies of different natures immediately became stalemate, colliding into a strange light.

But after only a moment of stalemate, Captain Marvel's photon cannon began to shrink. However, if you observe carefully, you will find that it is not the photon cannon that is shrinking, but the 'death sight' that continues to eat away at Captain Marvel's energy.

Captain Marvel's energy is so huge that if he goes all out, he can completely destroy a planet.

However, she is just pure energy. No matter how huge this energy is, it is just energy.

However, Azu's 'death sight' is of divine nature, and the concept of death is acting on Captain Marvel's energy, causing her energy to die quickly and continue to disappear.

Under this situation, the photon cannon naturally retreated steadily and was eaten away by the power of death.

Captain Marvel yelled, mobilized stronger power, and successfully pushed back the 'death sight'. However, the good times did not last long, and soon the pale stream of fire pressed forward step by step, approaching Captain Marvel again.

In the blink of an eye, the light of the neutron cannon has reached Captain Marvel's eyes. Carol looked up at this moment, and her field of vision was filled with raging white flames, and nothing else could be seen.

With Azu's strength, the light in his eyes became three-thirds brighter. The pale fire suddenly expanded, and the huge fire beam blasted away like a cannon, completely engulfing Captain Marvel's photon cannon.


The white fire stream hit Carol, and Captain Marvel put his hands in front of him, desperately mobilizing his own energy to protect himself.

But wrapped in the power of death, the flames covering her body quickly dimmed and eventually disappeared.

At this point, there was nothing else blocking the white flame, and the pale flame without temperature fell on Carol's body.

Carol suddenly felt clearly that her vitality was rapidly disappearing, and her skin was losing its luster at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wrinkles quickly appeared on her face.

Crow's feet, nasolabial folds, and various wrinkles quickly covered Carol's face.

Her muscles began to relax, brown patches appeared on her body, and her hair was turning silver.

In just a few seconds, Carol had transformed into a dying old woman.

The 'white hole' in her body gradually disappeared, and the energy that supported her gradually dissipated and died under the erosion of the power of death.

When Azu stopped attacking, the pale flame disappeared, and Carol fell to the ground in mid-air.

Like a leaf falling from a branch, it has no weight at all.

She closed her eyes.

Has stopped breathing.

Azu glanced at Captain Marvel on the ground, then turned around and flew back to New York City.

This picture.

It was faithfully presented on electronic screens around the world, and even a close-up of Carol appeared, allowing people to see a wrinkled face covered with age spots.

At this moment, in every live broadcast room, barrages flashed past the screen like rockets.

"Tell me this is not true! Captain Marvel is dead? And he has become so old! What did the Conqueror do?"

"It turns out that the Conqueror is not bragging. He really has the ability to kill the Avengers instantly. So he was teasing the Avengers from the beginning?"

"It's over, it's over. Captain Marvel can be said to be the most powerful among the Avengers. Even she is dead. How can the others fight?"

"Haha, the Conqueror is too strong. He easily defeated Captain Marvel without the 'Infinity Gauntlet'. I declare that from today on, the Conqueror is my god!"

"Long live the Conqueror! Conqueror, please kill the Federation so that I don't have to pay back the money."

All kinds of voices filled the Internet, including shock, fear, admiration and hostility.

However, no matter what kind of sound it was, Azu didn't care.

He returned directly to the clone, re-equipped the 'Infinity Gauntlet', and recovered the 'Dark Book of Darkness'.

He has already done a demonstration with Captain Marvel, letting the world know that even without these two artifacts, he can still crush the Avengers.

After doing all this, a portal appeared in front of him, and Doctor Strange stepped out in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

No, it's dark and strange because he has a third eye on his forehead.

After closing the portal, Dark Strange adjusted his clothes, and then said to Azu.

"Dear Conqueror, I have helped you deal with Wanda's problem. For a while, she cannot come out of the 'mirror dimension'."

"So, according to our previous agreement, can I get the 'Book of Darkness'?"

Azu glanced at him: "Are you kidding me?"

"You just did this little thing and just wanted to get the 'Book of Darkness' from me. Do you think this is something like a roll of paper in the toilet?"

The dark and strange eyes changed and he said: "I reminded you that the Avengers will lock you in a deserted universe."

"And just now, I helped you deal with the Scarlet Witch."

"I feel like I've done enough."

Azu laughed: "That's the problem. It's just what you think, not what I think."

"I think what you have done is not enough to match the value of the Dark God Book."

"You even just locked Wanda up temporarily instead of finishing her off for good."

"She is still a hidden danger. Do you think that with such half-hearted efforts, you can get the Book of Darkness?"

"I'm afraid your brain is broken."

Dark Strange suddenly frowned: "Conqueror, are you using me?"


"Do you have that value?"

"A sub-personality that cannot even fully control the body is not qualified for me to use it." Azu said with his hands, "Either go and deal with Wanda completely, or leave from my eyes and never appear in front of me again."

Dark Strange's eyes flashed with resentment. He felt that he was no match for Azu. He glanced at the Infinity Gauntlet on Azu's hand. He snorted and started to open the portal.

At this time, he heard Azu say: "The look in your eyes makes me very worried."

Hearing these words, Darkness and Strangeness trembled. Not daring to neglect, he quickly opened the portal and then flew in as if he was escaping.

He came to the other end of the portal, which was Wangeli Mountain. Darkness and Strangeness quickly closed the portal and were thankful that Azu didn't chase him.

But at this moment, a sentence suddenly came out of his mouth: "Give me my body back quickly!"

Dark Strange was stunned for a moment: "What's going on? Haven't I already suppressed Stephen's personality?"

After saying that, he said to himself: "I say it again, give me my body back!"

Darkness Strange said quickly: "Stop it quickly, one body cannot have two personalities at the same time, you will kill us."

Then he heard himself say: "Then you should disappear, because this is my body!"

Damn it!

how so?


Could it be the conquistadors?

New York battlefield.

Azu smiled, the 'Mind Stone' on the Infinity Gauntlet was emitting a soft light.

Just now he saw the strange and resentful look in Darkness's eyes, and knew that Stephen's dark personality would definitely not let it go, so he had a sudden idea to use the 'Mind Stone' to awaken Stephen's main personality.

In this way, Doctor Strange has two personalities existing in his body at the same time.

It is estimated that these two personalities are competing for the body and cannot spare their hands to do other things for a while.

And he also wanted to know what would become of Doctor Strange in the end, so he let him go.

At this time, Azu felt something in his heart and looked at the window of a building in the distance.

Then flew over.

After he flew away, the two figures of Thor and Hercules collided again, creating a violent shock wave in the ruins of the city.

Thor holds the ax in both hands and presses Hercules with all his strength, but the latter is known as the Hercules, how can he be suppressed so easily.

For now, neither of them can do anything to the other.

Thor took the opportunity to say: "You saw everything, right?"

"That guy is very dangerous. After he conquers this planet, his next target may be the Almighty City!"

"Hercules, join forces with me!"

"We should stop him here!"

Hercules looked conflicted, and after a moment, he said: "It's too late."

"He controls my soul and I cannot betray him."

"Besides, I don't think we can deal with him if we work together."

"So I think it's easier to deal with you than to deal with him."

After saying that, Hercules roared and hit Thor hard on the forehead with a fierce head hammer.


A circle of ripples visible to the naked eye spread, and Thor flew backwards and crashed into a tank.

Embedded in the tank, Thor cursed: "You idiot!"

He broke free from the tank, and soon the two gods from different divine realms fought together again.

the other side.

Azu came to one of the rooms in the building and looked at the broken window in front of him. He saw that a piece of glass in the window was quickly dyed crimson.

Looking through the glass, it seemed that there was an infinite space inside the glass, and suddenly a hand stretched out from the glass.

This hand was grabbing around, as if trying to catch something to lend strength to.

Azu stretched out his hand, held it, and pulled Wanda out of the glass with a strong pull.

Wanda landed on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

She finally found a gap in the mirror space, and was worried that she wouldn't be able to get out, but was pulled out.

She raised her head and said, "Thank you."

When she saw that the person pulling her was Azu, she was stunned for a moment: "Is it you?"

"Why are you helping me?"

Azu shrugged his shoulders and said truthfully: "The mirror space cannot trap you. It will only be a matter of time before you come out, and there is no way I can send you back to the mirror space."

"The important thing is that your alliance has collapsed. If you are alone, I don't think you can pose a threat to me."

"The alliance collapsed?"

Wanda couldn't believe her ears. Not long after she entered the mirror space, why did the alliance collapse?

Of course, she knew that Azu couldn't lie and didn't need to lie, so she was even more shocked.

After a moment, Wanda collected her thoughts and said solemnly: "Even if this is the case, I will not give up."

Azu applauded loudly: "I really admire your fighting spirit. This is what I think from the bottom of my heart, without any ridicule."

"Well, how about we try this another way?"

"If you stand with me, I will help you resurrect Vision."

Wanda's eyes changed: "What did you say?"

Azu was very satisfied with her expression.

He knew very well the importance of Vision to Wanda, who was the love of her life. The Scarlet Witch was so infatuated that she lost her mind and used magic to control Westview.

Thereby creating a brand new vision, and living with her lovingly in this small town, until the intervention of the Tianjian Bureau broke her illusion.

This also stimulated her, so she began to seek another kind of comfort. She used the Dark Book to sneak into dreams in parallel universes, and thus found comfort in two children in other universes.

So now that Azu proposes this condition, you can imagine how tempting she is.

Wanda was full of inner struggle, which was reflected in her eyes. Her eyes were no longer as firm as before, and she began to waver.

Finally, she couldn't help but ask: "Can you really resurrect Vision?" (End of Chapter)

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