I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 521 Is Superman an angel or a demon?


Mera turned around and saw Arthur's stunned expression. Two rays of light penetrated his chest, causing him to suddenly lose strength and his body began to sink to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, Mera's eyes flashed, and a huge black shadow appeared in front of her.


The dark lord looked at Mera expressionlessly, with ruthless lightning flashing in his eyes, suddenly swiping across her face.


A wave exploded in the sea, and Mera flew out like a cannonball, but the Mother Box in her hand ended up in Darkseid's hand.

Darkseid gently held the mother box with his big hand, raised his head, and a silver beam of light fell from the sky and fell on him.

His figure rose suddenly in the beam of light and left the sea in an instant.

In the sea, Mera stopped, then looked at Arthur who had fallen to the sea bed, and she quickly passed over.

Mera created a waterless area, then picked up Arthur. Seeing two dark holes appear on the strong chest, her tears couldn't stop pouring out.

"No, Arthur, you have to hold on."

Arthur's lips had turned white. He looked at the red-haired woman in front of him and trembled out a name: "Bruce Wayne."

Mera looked at Arthur in confusion, then heard him say: "Go find him."

After saying that, his hand fell to the ground limply.

The king of Atlantis, his eyes widened and his breath was cut off.



Mera hugged Arthur's still warm body tightly, not wanting to believe that this man left her like this!

at the same time.

Paradise Island.

The Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta has not had a good sleep these days. She is fully armed and nervously looking at a box on the stone platform in front of her.

Hippolyta has not closed her eyes since her daughter who suddenly returned to Paradise Island a few days ago brought the nightmarish news.

It's a nightmare.

The Apokolips actually arrived again.

After Steppenwolf's previous attack and leaving the Conqueror to deal with, the three Mother Boxes returned to their original places.

Among them, the Mother Box belonging to humans is said to have been launched into space.

In this way, the three mother boxes will never be reunited.

But Diana brought terrible news. The last Kryptonian actually intercepted the rocket and took away the mother box.

It was the Kryptonian who used the Mother Box to get in touch with Apokolips, and finally let Apokolips' army descend. Currently, Apokolips has occupied a city and is starting to transform that city.

"If both us and the Atlantean mother boxes fall into the hands of the Kryptonians, the consequences are unimaginable."

Hippolyta tightened her grip on the lance.

After experiencing the battle of Steppenwolf, Paradise Island's vitality was severely damaged.

Not only has the fortress used to protect the Mother Box been destroyed, but even the palace has been rebuilt from the ruins. Now the combat power on Paradise Island is not as strong as it was when it fought against Steppenwolf. How can it fight against the Kryptonians who are more powerful than Steppenwolf?

Fortunately, Kryptonians have weaknesses.

After the Kryptonians betrayed the Earth, when Diana returned, she also brought a batch of Kryptonite, a mineral that can make Kryptonians weak.

These days, Hippolyta asked the craftsmen to make a batch of weapons reluctantly.

She just hoped she wouldn't have to use them.

"Your Majesty, you haven't slept for a few days. Leave this place to me. Can you go and rest?"

The speaker was the newly appointed female general and a child that Hippolyta had watched grow up.

Hippolyta shook her head: "I can't sleep, it's okay, I'm fine."


At this moment, the general felt something, and Hippolyta raised her head faster than she did.

Then they saw a red light spot moving on the dome above. After the light spot moved and drew a circle, a circular gap appeared in the dome.

A figure appeared above the gap.


"Be on guard!" Hippolyta shouted, and she quickly came to the pillar where the box was placed.

All the Amazon female warriors gathered together. Some drew their bows and arrows, some raised their spears, some held their war hammers, and some raised their shields. They were all ready.

Clark looked at the box expressionlessly, but he didn't know what material the box was made of, and he couldn't see through it to see what was inside.

He then said: "I don't want to hurt you. If you can get out of the way and hand that thing to me, I will leave immediately."

Hippolyta said solemnly: "Amazonians will never compromise with darkness."

Clark sighed: "I also did not compromise with the darkness, I just used them. Believe me, I am saving this planet."

"Does salvation mean killing billions of humans and other creatures?" Hippolyta asked, "Diana told me everything. She said you did this because you were disappointed in humanity."

"Okay, I will agree with your philosophy for the time being. Then, if you want to clean up humans, why do you want to clean up other living things on the earth?"

"Did they also harm the planet?"

"Don't you know what happens when three Mother Boxes merge into one?"

"At that time, all life on the planet will disappear, even you!"

Clark looked down at the Amazon Queen: "I have obtained the mother box many months ago. Why do you think I decided to carry out this plan until now?"

“I pondered, hesitated, and conflicted.”

"I know that cleaning up humanity and cleaning up the entire planet for life are two different things."

"But unfortunately, no matter how much I think about it, I can't find a way to save living creatures while cleaning up humans."

"So yes, I can only choose to eradicate all life from the planet."

"As for me, don't worry, I won't be killed by the Mother Box."

"I will survive and guide the new intelligent creatures to the right path."

Hippolyta laughed: "You want to be their god?"

"Don't you think you are too arrogant?"

Clark said calmly: "I don't think so, I'm just doing the right thing, that's all."

After he finished speaking, he finally landed on the ground and walked towards Hippolyta step by step.

"The communication ends here."

"I'm in a hurry."

"So can you please step aside?"

Hippolyta said: "Then you have to ask about the gun in my hand."

She yelled and stabbed Clark with a shot that contained all of Hippolyta's strength, will, and skill.

It was like lightning, as if it could penetrate anything.

But it still fell into Clark's hands.

In front of Superman, even Hippolyta, the Queen of the Amazons, still poses no threat. Only Diana, a demigod, can make him take it seriously.

Clark grabbed the Amazon Queen's spear and swung it, and Hippolyta and her spear flew away.

The Amazon Queen fell to the ground, raised her head and shouted: "Stop him!"


Who can stop Clark?

Superman moved forward step by step, and the Amazon female warriors rushed forward but could not stop him from approaching the stone platform.

Finally, Superman came to the stone platform and opened the box.

There is nothing in the box.

Clark's expression finally changed.

He looked around sharply and continued: "Diana isn't here?"

"Has she taken the Mother Box?"

As the daughter of Hippolyta and the most powerful warrior on Paradise Island, if the Mother Box were here, Diana would definitely appear in front of Clark.

That's why Clark made the above guess.

Hippolyta nodded: "Yes, Diana has taken away the Mother Box, you will never be able to get it!"

"you are wrong."

Clark shook his head and tried to leave.

at this time.

An arrow shot from behind him.

Clark didn't look back, he just tilted his head and let the arrow pass in front of him.

He stretched out his hand to hold the arrow, and then looked at the general who shot the arrow.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and the arrow suddenly exploded into a cloud of green smoke.

Even if Clark closed his breath in time, the smoke had penetrated into his nasal cavity, and Superman suddenly coughed.

He coughed and inhaled more smoke.

In this green smoke is the powder obtained by grinding kryptonite.


Clark fell to the ground. He seemed to become weak. He kept coughing and couldn't even speak.

Hippolyta stood up: "I admit, this is not what a warrior should do."

"But in order to protect this planet and ensure that billions or more lives will not go extinct just because of your thought, we can only do this."

As she spoke, Hippolyta drew out a long sword. The blade of this long sword was made of kryptonite, and it exuded a green light.

"Do it!"

Hippolyta waved the kryptonite sword, and immediately, two teams of archers entered the hall.

All they use are arrows made of Kryptonite.

Aiming at Clark, the arrows streaked across the hall like green meteors and fell towards Clark.

Clark barely dodged, and he dodged a few arrows, but he was still hit by two arrows on his arm and back.

Superman, who was originally invulnerable, was now injured by arrows, and after the arrows made of kryptonite entered his body, they were like deadly poison, making Clark quickly weakened.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Ropes flew over, and the Amazon female warriors quickly tied up Clark with the ropes to imprison him.

But at this time, Clark's coughing gradually stopped, and then streaks of lightning continued to wander around his body. He raised his head, and a deep red light lit up in his eyes.

"I have to say, you did a good job."

"But haven't you ever thought that I would make up for this shortcoming of mine?"

After speaking, Clark's eyes shot out laser rays, which cut the ropes and slashed through the bodies of the Amazon female warriors.

All these soldiers froze, and then were brutally cut into pieces!


Hippolyta yelled, she could no longer see her people dying in front of her eyes, so she rushed towards Clark desperately.

Several female warriors stretched out their hands as support points, allowing Hippolyta to step on their palms and leap into the air. The kryptonite sword emitted green light and slashed down sharply.

Slashed on Clark's shoulder.

Clark groaned, with a painful expression on his face, but his eyes became even redder, and a blazing red light enveloped Hippolyta.

Hippolyta knew what would happen next. She said solemnly: "Even if you destroy Paradise Island, you can't find Diana or the Mother Box."


"I'll find her."

"I can feel the call of the Mother Box."

Clark whispered.

Hippolyta finally changed her expression: "Have you accepted the transformation of the Mother Box?"

"Otherwise, how can I make up for my shortcomings?" After speaking, Clark yelled.

A stream of crimson light roared away.

It swept across the hall.

It broke through the hall and fired back and forth over Paradise Island.

After a while.

Clark rose into the sky and quickly left Paradise Island.

At this time, the Amazons were running desperately towards the palace, and they had a bad feeling.

Then I saw the general coming out.

The general held Hippolyta's body and said with tears in his eyes: "The queen has died."

Suddenly, the entire paradise island fell silent. After a while, low cries gradually sounded on the island, and soon they became one.




"What's this feeling about?"

On a cruise ship in the Pacific Ocean, in the room, a stylishly dressed Diana clutched her chest.

Then he looked at a box sitting next to him.

That box contains the mother box.

When she returned to Paradise Island and told Hippolyta what happened in Gotham City, Hippolyta asked her to leave with the Mother Box.

Diana had no other choice but to follow her mother's advice and sneak into the cruise ship.

She didn't know how long she would keep hiding like this, but she knew that this was how she could protect the Mother Box.

"Mom, will you be okay?"

Diana looked out the window, her eyebrows filled with worry.

Just then, she saw a black spot appear on the sea in the distance.

The black spot quickly approached, and after a moment, she saw clearly that it was not a black spot.

But Superman Clark!

"How could he find this place?"

Diana took a few steps back, then looked at the box: "Did the Mother Box summon him?"

The thought made Diana shudder.

Above the cruise ship, a huge voice suddenly sounded: "Diana, I know you are on the ship, give me the mother box."

"Otherwise, the ship will sink in the sea."

"Don't doubt my resolve, Diana. This planet needs to be judged. I'm sure of it, and I'm happy to do it."

"But at least Judgment Day is not today."

"At least these people can say goodbye to their loved ones and spend their last days together."

"Don't let them lose this opportunity because of your relationship, Diana!"

The huge sound, like a god, resounded in everyone's ears.

People turned pale when they heard these words.

"Isn't that Superman? What is he talking about? What trial, what final farewell? What on earth is he talking about?"

"Who is Diana? Get out quickly and don't involve us."

"Mom, will Superman kill us? Isn't he an angel?"

"I don't know, kid. Now I don't know who's the devil and who's the angel." (End of Chapter)

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