I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 523 The party begins

Seeing Azu about to leave, Bruce quickly said: "Conqueror, once Darkseid discovers this place, this place will definitely not be spared."

Azu waved his hand and said: "Nothing will happen here, because I am here."

After glancing at Azu, the clown laughed uncontrollably, looked at Bruce and said, "It seems that your friend does not intend to participate in this party."

Bruce said to the clown seriously: "Believe me, we have to find a way to get him to participate in this party, otherwise we have no hope at all."

Both The Flash and Cyborg were silent. They had both fought against Superman and failed.

Not even Superman can deal with it, let alone Darkseid, the master of Apokolips.

at this time.

A voice came: "Maybe things are worse than you think."

Azu was about to get into the tent, but he couldn't help but stop when he heard the voice, and then he saw Wonder Woman.

A rope emitting golden light hung down from the well mouth of the Batcave base, and Diana fell to the ground with the Lasso of Truth in her hand.

After she came down, another figure fell next to her. In the light, Mera with red hair was very eye-catching.

I have to say that Diana and Mera are quite good-looking. When they stood together, they were very pleasing to the eye. Azu whistled, which attracted Wonder Woman and the Princess of Atlantis to look over.

However, at this time, Azu was not wearing a battle suit and was wearing glasses. His appearance was far from that of a conqueror. Obviously, Diana and Diana did not recognize him.

After just glancing at Azu, these two distinctive women walked towards Bruce and the others.

When people saw Wonder Woman appear, they came over and stretched out their hands, hoping to get some comfort from Diana.

Diana smiled gently, letting the men touch her shoulders and nodding to them, giving them a glimmer of light in their despair.

Arriving at Bruce, Diana lowered her voice: "Listen, the mother box between us and Atlantis has been taken away."

"Furthermore, the King of Atlantis and my mother have all been sacrificed."

"The situation now is really very bad, almost as bad as the great war in ancient times."

Mera came over and said, "No, it's worse than that."

"At that time, we Atlantis, Amazons, and humans could still cooperate sincerely."

"And the gods are still walking on the earth, but now, the gods have been extinct and perished. Our three tribes have deep grudges and have lost their former glory."

"Looking at Apokolips, not only is Darkseid's power more powerful than in ancient times, but this time, the Son of Krypton is on his side."

"Honestly, I don't see any hope."

Everyone was silent.

After a moment, the Flash looked at everyone and said: "Although the situation is very bad, I don't want to sit still and wait for death. In any case, doing something is better than nothing."

Mera nodded: "I agree. Although we are no longer what we used to be, I will still gather the people again."

"No matter what, we have to fight."

"Otherwise, if the three mother boxes are combined into one, everything will be over."

Diana looked at her and said, "If that's the case, can you let your people take a trip to Paradise Island?"

Mera nodded: "Of course."

Bruce looked at everyone and said, "Then let's start preparing. I happen to still have some kryptonite left over from last time."

"Originally I thought they were no longer needed, but now it seems they can still be used."

The clown took out a gorgeous revolver, turned it around and handed it to Bruce: "Fill my baby with bullets."

Bruce glanced at him: "I won't do this again."

Next, everyone was busy.

Bruce went to process Kryptonite and use it to make weapons against Superman.

Mera and Diana each used their own methods to inform their respective tribesmen.

Cyborg monitored the situation in Gotham City through satellite, while The Flash replenished food and prepared for the next war.

In the tent, there were two steaks in front of Azu. The steaks were fried and delivered by Alfred. Along with the steaks, there were two glasses of red wine.

Ada Lin cut off a small piece and put it into her mouth, sighing: "I didn't expect to be able to eat such good food now. Mr. John, you are so awesome."

Azu smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Azu had heard the conversation between Diana and Bruce and knew that Apokolips had obtained three mother boxes.

He had originally planned to sit back and watch. After all, the demise or survival of the DC Universe had nothing to do with him.

But it's different now.

If Lin Ada's door to diversity is not opened before the three mother boxes merge, he will be ready to interfere.

He has already tried it with the 'Traveler's Ring'. Without entering the multiverse through this ring, this ring cannot allow him to return to the Black Robe Universe.


Once the mother box becomes a trinity, it will trigger the Great Disruption.

He can enter space to take refuge in advance. Presumably the power of the Mother Box cannot affect outer space yet.

But Lin Ada is not that easy. She may die, and if she dies, doesn't it mean that Azu will never be able to return to the black robe universe?

Of course Azu doesn't want this to happen.

"Mr. John, are you worried?"

Lin Ada was keenly aware that Azu was obviously thinking about something and couldn't help but ask.

Azu raised his head and said calmly: "A little bit, but it doesn't matter, I will solve it."

He put down his wine glass and began to focus on enjoying the food.

at the same time.

Bruce has loaded the Joker's revolver with bullets, and also prepared some additional Kryptonite bullets for him.

The clown checked the drum of the revolver and grinned: "I never dreamed that one day I would cooperate with you. Hey, it seems that I will have to live in nightmares in the days to come."

Bruce glanced at him and said, "That's exactly what I wanted to say. Besides, if you have time, you'd better think about how to solve this matter."

"Man, this is not planning to rob a bank. It would be fine if it was just a superman, but now you add those aliens, please spare me."

The clown shook his head: "They are not people who can be dealt with just by loading bombs into penguins."

Although he said this, crazy plans emerged in his heart, but at the same time, the clown was also denying these plans.

But he did not give up looking for a way to survive. In the end, he found that the easiest way was to betray Bruce.

If you sell information about Bruce and others to Apokolips, you may be able to exchange for your right to survive.

At this time, a large-caliber pistol was pressed against the Joker's head. Batman shook his head: "Give up that idea."

The clown spread his hands: "What?"

Bruce said with a cold face: "I know what you are thinking."

"You want to betray us and survive on your own."

"I advise you not to do this. If the other party is just those alien monsters, your plan may still work."

"But there is Clark over there. Superman will not let you live. After all, you have plotted against his mother. As long as you show up, he will kill you immediately. Or shall we take a gamble?"

The clown raised his hands and laughed: "You are indeed my best friend, Bruce. I can't hide anything I'm thinking from you."

"Okay, damn, I admit you have a point."

"Superman would not let me go. I knew at that time that if he was not bound by morality, he would kill me and cut me into pieces."

"Of course I want to do the same thing to him, that's fun isn't it?"

"Crazy guy." Bruce put down his pistol, knowing that the Joker had given up on that plan.

The clown bent down and bowed: "Thank you."

Then he began to carefully put those kryptonite bullets into his pockets, and also put a few kryptonite grenades inside.

Time passed bit by bit.

Azu had already had dinner and had some sleep, when he suddenly heard Cyborg's soft cry.

"They're starting!"

"The mother boxes are starting to fuse."

Azu sighed softly and glanced at Lin Aida who was huddled in a sleeping bag and sleeping soundly. He stood up without saying a word.

When he walked out of the tent, Azu already had a black vibranium suit on his body.

Without saying hello to Bruce and the others, Azu flew directly out of the Batcave base.

Hearing the sound of breaking through the air, Diana discovered Azu's existence: "Who is that?"

Bruce glanced at her: "It's the Conqueror."

Diana was stunned for a moment, then continued: "He is here, why didn't you tell us?"

"Because he said before that he would not care about it."

Bruce shrugged his shoulders: "But now, it seems that's not the case."

"That's a good thing."

"It seems that the conqueror still can't sit still. If he participates, our chances of winning will be much greater."

"Then let's take action, shall we?"

Mera looked at the water clock on her wrist and said, "It will take some time for my people and the sisters from Paradise Island to arrive."

Bruce pulled on his hood and said, "There's no time to wait any longer, we have to act first."

Diana nodded: "Then, let's go."

Mera also picked up her trident and strode after Diana.

The clown turned the drum of the revolver, turned on the music, put on the headphones, whistled and said: "The party has begun. I like parties the most. This time a lot of people have to die."

Both Flash and Cyborg glanced at him, then subconsciously moved away from the madman.

The clown didn't care, but laughed loudly and stuck out his tongue. There was also a curse word tattooed on his tongue: Fakeyu.

It was late at night at this time.

In Gotham City, after this period of transformation, the 'fortress' centered on Wayne Tower has radiated to two blocks away.

Forming an unimaginably huge restricted area.

In the sky above the restricted area, countless demons were flying around like locusts. Through the increase in troops during this period, their number has become extremely large, so huge that it is despairing.

Clark glanced up at the swarm of demonoids in the sky, then turned around to see Darkseid levitating three Mother Boxes.

The three mother boxes resonated with each other, and the rays of light stirred back and forth between the three mother boxes, gradually pulling the three mother boxes to one place.

The moment they came into contact, a wave was generated, which spread out like a huge ripple.

At this moment, except for humans, all life on the earth was shocked, and then whether it was a whale or a tiger, whether it was an insect or a beast, they all looked in the direction of Gotham City.

Then these beings desperately moved away from that direction, using all the methods they knew how to do.

Birds flew across the sky in flocks, and the scene that blocked the sky caused panic in other areas that were not yet occupied by demonoids and the humans there.

On the sea, on countless fishing boats, sailors saw a large number of fish escaping frantically. They seemed to sense something and desperately headed to the other side of the sea. Many fish even crashed themselves to death near fishing boats because of their panic.

In the African forest, lions, cheetahs, elephants, wolves, and all kinds of creatures fled in panic. They rushed through human towns, causing countless chaos and leaving a mess behind.

Many animals on the earth have felt the death wave appearing from the direction of Gotham City, and they instinctively want to stay away from that terrible aura.

However, where can they escape? As long as they cannot leave the earth, when the Mother Box Trinity becomes one, a mass extinction of life will occur, and life on the entire earth will be wiped out.

They have no way to escape!

at the same time.

Azu has entered Gotham and saw the astonishing 'fortress' in the distance.

And his arrival also attracted the attention of demonoids.

Then a group of demonoids chirped, carrying laser rifles, and flew towards Azu.

The abnormal behavior of the demonoids caught Clark's attention. Superman looked over and saw a team of demonoids flying outside the 'fortress' and opening fire in mid-air.

The beams of light crossed the night sky, piercing the lonely sky and lighting up the black night.

Where the light fell, there was a figure.

Even though there was no red cape, Clark still recognized him instantly.


Upon hearing Clark's words, Darkseid looked towards him with lightning in his eyes.


The Dark Lord has heard this name.

The name caused a setback to his previous invasion.

Darkseid said solemnly: "Then what are you waiting for? Go and stop him. My soldiers can't stop him, and I must ensure that there will be no interference when the Mother Box Trinity is integrated."

Clark glanced at him and said: "Then you'd better hurry up. Although I have been transformed by the mother box, to be honest, I have no confidence in defeating that man."


Superman flew into the sky with a whoosh, and then flew away like a meteor in the sonic boom.

In the distance, a golden light swept back and forth, and hundreds of fireballs suddenly appeared in the night sky.

Fireballs of large and small sizes came and went, and the rumbling sounds continued. The impact of the explosion even caused Batman's jet fighter to shake violently.

In the cockpit of the fighter plane, Bruce, whose face was illuminated by the firelight, said solemnly: "It's begun."

The clown sitting next to him laughed crazily and said, "That's right. The party fireworks have already appeared. Come on, we don't want to be late." (End of Chapter)

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