I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 525 Love you, Bruce

"Come on!"

"For Paradise Island!"

"Avenge the Queen!"

The Amazon female warriors rode on war horses and jumped out of the Atlantis submarines one after another, landed on the dock, and quickly chased the general, forming a 'wave'.

This angry wave started charging from the port of Gotham City, quickly rushed into the neighborhood, and headed straight for the Apokolips position with a clear goal.

At this time, a large number of demonoids were fighting with superheroes such as Wonder Woman. In mid-air, some demonoids discovered the angry wave coming from the direction of the port, and these biological weapons suddenly screamed.

After a quick exchange, they branched off to face the Amazons.

As the Amazons boarded the docks and rushed into the streets, Atlantis warriors also used different individual vehicles to land at the port and followed the Amazons into the city.

In addition, the warships staying on the sea surface of the port raised their energy main guns one after another, pointing the muzzles at the thick clouds over Gotham City. Then, under the command of the commander, they fired thousands of guns, blasting energy into the air. Cannonballs were sent into the sky, towards the demon-like army.

Soon, the Amazon female general heard a whistling sound above her head. She raised her head and saw a large number of energy cannonballs streaking across the sky like meteors, passing above their heads. The last ones arrived first, launching an attack faster than them. .

Bang bang bang!

Violent explosions continued to sound in the sky, and energy fireballs bloomed one after another. Every fireball that appeared was bound to remove a piece of the dark cloud formed by the demon-like army.

Under the constant flashing of energy fireballs, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to have cleared a lot.

at this time.

A large number of demonoids have flown down from the sky, forming a black wave and heading straight towards the Amazons.


The Amazon female general raised her long sword high. Behind her, countless Amazon archers raised their long bows and drew the bow strings.

Carefully calculating the distance in her heart, when the distance was right, the female general yelled: "Let go!"

Whoosh whoosh.

Powerful arrows shot up into the sky, densely packed like a black rainstorm, covering the demonoid.

Not to be outdone, the demonoids opened fire one after another in mid-air, and the same dense beams of light fell on the Amazons.


The two sides fought hand to hand.

There are demonoids in the sky that are constantly pierced by the powerful arrows of the Amazons. The female warriors of Paradise Island are highly skilled, and their arrows are almost perfect. The powerful arrows easily penetrate into the eyes or body of the demonoids.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of demonoids fell from the sky. Even if they did not die on the spot, they were trampled to pieces by the cavalry roaring from behind.

Of course, there were not all casualties on the Amazon side. Although these female warriors deftly avoided the beams of light from the sky, some were still hit by the beams and died on the spot.

The two sides just shot at each other and rushed towards each other. Soon the two waves met in the middle of a viaduct.

The Amazon female general jumped onto the war horse nimbly, she kept her balance, and when the time was right, she jumped up with a loud shout.

He pounced on a demonoid in the air and slashed it with his long sword, splitting the demonoid in two.

She landed on the horse again, and in front of her were countless demonoids. These things had fallen to the ground and rushed up crazily.

The Amazon general clamped his horse's belly and rushed forward, slashing left and right with his long sword. Every time the sword struck, a head would fly up into the air.

The Amazons behind were also very brave. After shooting several waves of arrows, the soldiers switched to using long spears. With the help of the charge of the war horses, the long spears were sent forward and pierced the flying demonoids from mid-air, making these monsters Hanging on the tip of the gun.

Behind the Amazons, the Atlantean army also arrived.

Unlike the Amazons who use cold weapons to fight, the soldiers of Atlantis are quite advanced in terms of equipment and weapons.

They charged and attacked at the same time, and silver beams of light flew into the sky, forming a dense barrage and knocking the demons down from mid-air.

With the cooperation of the Atlanteans and the Amazons, they soon rushed down the viaduct and officially attacked the position of Apokolips.

The demon-like army had to divert its attention from the superheroes to the threat from the two combined armies of the Amazons and Atlantis.

Diana saw this scene from mid-air and shouted: "Leave these monsters to our tribe, let's go over there!"

She raised her sword and pointed it at Wayne Tower.

"I agree."

Batman said, and turned the steering wheel fiercely, steering the chariot in a rapid circle, knocking away several demonoids that were rushing towards him. Then, with a sweep of the machine gun on the vehicle, the demonoids were sprayed with blood.

"Give me a ride."

Mera, holding the trident, landed on the Bat Chariot, squatted down, and grabbed the chariot to secure herself.

"Sit tight, ma'am." Bruce stepped on the accelerator, and the Batmobile roared towards Wayne Tower.

Diana saw this in the air, swung the mantra lasso, entangled a demonoid, and then flew into the air.

She landed on the demonoid and cut off the demonoid's head with a sweep of her sword. Then with a little tip of her toe, she flew towards the direction of Wayne Tower.

At this time, the jet fighter controlled by Cyborg had arrived near the building. The fighter plane was filled with demonoids, and these things were frantically attacking against the fighter plane.

They quickly destroyed an engine of the fighter plane and destroyed the weapon platform of the fighter plane. When Cyborg saw this, he shouted: "I'm going to make an emergency landing."

Then the fighter plane flew towards the ground. As the last engine exploded, the fighter plane violently rubbed against the ground and kept moving forward, knocking away cars one after another. At the same time, it also smashed the demonoids on the fighter plane to pieces.

After sliding a few hundred meters, the fighter plane hit a square fountain and finally came to a stop.

The hatch of the fighter plane opened, and the clown came out. Looking at the blood and corpses on the ground, he said, "I just like parties like this. It's so exciting."

A demonoid on the ground was not dead yet, and it suddenly stood up and roared at the clown.

The clown took out the gorgeous revolver from his arms, thrust the barrel into the demon's mouth, covered his ears with one hand, and pulled the trigger with the other hand.


The head of the demonoid exploded, and pieces of flesh, flesh, tissue and other debris spurted out. The monster with a hole in the back of its head fell to the sky, with green smoke rising from its mouth.

Cyborg and The Flash came out, and the two raised their heads to look at the rooftop of Wayne Tower, where there was a lot of lightning.

"I can separate the mother box." Cyborg Victor said, "But I bet that the Dark Lord will not just watch."

"We'll cover you."

A figure descended from the sky.

It was Diana.

At the same time, the Batmobile also arrived and stopped beside everyone. Mera picked up the trident and jumped out of the car, stepping on the blood and frowning.

Bruce got out of the car, looked towards the rooftop and said, "No matter what you have to do, it's best to hurry up."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"Come on, it's show time, guys." The clown laughed, turned and trotted into Wayne Tower.

After running for a while, he found that no one was following him, so he looked back.

"What are you going to do?" Bruce asked.

The clown pointed at the rooftop with his revolver: "Of course we have to take the elevator. Needless to say, you don't want to run up on two legs, right?"

After saying that, golden lightning flashed across the corner of his eyes, and then he saw a golden lightning flashing quickly between the floors.

The clown shook his head: "I can't run as fast as him."

Bruce said: "The building is now without power and the elevators cannot be used."

The clown came over: "Then take me up."

Batman immediately looked towards Cyborg. Victor had lowered his mask, ignited the jets behind his back, and flew towards the rooftop with a bang.

Diana hugged Mera's waist, smiled at Bruce and said, "Do you think I can take care of two people?"

After saying that, the two women flew towards the building.

The Joker shrugged his shoulders, put the revolver on his waist, and opened his hands as if to hug Batman.

Bruce pointed a gun at the Joker's head: "Don't even think about it."

Then he lifted up the waistband of the clown's trousers with one hand, and used the grapple gun to shoot the hook up with the other hand. After fixing it, he pulled himself and the clown up together.

Just as they were heading to the rooftop of the building, a fight broke out on the rooftop.

Barry Allen turned into a golden lightning and rushed over, knocking Darkseid away from the three mother boxes.

Cyborg Victor took the opportunity to fall down, immediately pressed his hands on the mother boxes, and began to interfere with the three merging mother boxes, trying to separate them.

Darkseid yelled and was about to rush forward, but suddenly his eyes blurred and Diana fell in front of him.

"This road is blocked."

Diana shouted, and Hercules' wrists clashed.

When there was a sound, a violent shock wave appeared on the rooftop.

Darkseid was caught off guard, and his tall body was pushed back by the shock wave, until he retreated to the edge of the rooftop.

As soon as he stopped, the 'ropes' formed by the water flow entangled him in circles.

On the other side of the rooftop, Mera was concentrating on controlling the rainwater, letting them control the master of Apokolips.

At this time, Batman and the Joker finally arrived on the rooftop.

As soon as he reached the rooftop, the Joker laughed loudly, took out a few grenades, pulled out the ring with a skillful technique, and threw them towards Darkseid.

Boom boom boom!

In the violent explosion, Darkseid's figure was submerged in flames and smoke. The Joker stuck out his tongue and made a scissor hand gesture.

"Do you like my gift?"

Suddenly a hand pushed him away.

But it was Batman who saw something smashing out of the thick smoke, and quickly pushed the Joker away. The Joker was still rolling on the ground, and a huge boulder hit the spot where he was just now.

The Joker looked at the stone, then at Batman, and he made a heartbeat: "Love you, Bruce."

Then he laughed madly and rushed towards Darkseid who came out of the smoke. The gorgeous revolver in his hand fired continuously, shooting special bullets that were enough to shatter the tank armor at the target.

Others also took action.

Diana drew out her sword and shield, stretched her long legs, and she rose into the sky. Then she fell from the sky and struck the Dark Lord on the head with her sword.

Batman used his grappling gun to grab the signal tower on the rooftop of the building, then swung over. When he passed Darkseid, he pulled out a shotgun and blasted it out.

Mera's eyes lit up, and she increased her control over the rain, causing several chains formed by the rain to appear in the air and lock Darkseid's hands and feet.

In addition to the Flash and Cyborg, the other four people took action at the same time. For a time, Darkseid was attacked from both sides.

But instead of showing any signs of panic, the dark monarch raised the corners of his mouth to form a ferocious smile.




While Batman and other superheroes were trying to prevent the fusion of the Mother Boxes, Azu was above the clouds high in the sky, looking up at the sky.

Under the dark night, next to the high-hanging silver moon, he saw a fiery red light spot.

Superman Clark!

He had recovered, crashed into the atmosphere, and pounced on his opponent again.


"Oh, he recovered pretty quickly."

Azu was somewhat surprised.

He was not at ease with that punch before.

In addition to full divine power, it also comes with the 'Hercules Bracers' that increase your strength tenfold.

He once used 200% output of divine power, coupled with a tenfold increase in strength, and almost killed the God of Thunder on the spot with one punch.

Superman, who possesses a biological force field, would theoretically be able to withstand a beating better than Thor, so Azu never thought that he could defeat Clark with one punch.


Clark was somewhat surprised to be able to return to the battlefield so quickly.

Azu looked back at the Wayne Tower below.

"never mind."

"No more testing."

"Use divine skills to deal with you."

Azu's eyes quickly glowed with a rich purple light. In that light was the aura of destruction, the power to destroy all things.

Destroy sanctions!

A moment.

Two purple beams shot up into the sky and quickly hit Superman.

Clark knew that Azu's attack was unavoidable, so he shouted, focused his energy on his eyes, ejected crimson rays from his pupils, and faced it.

Two rays of light, one purple and one red, met in mid-air in the blink of an eye. At the moment of collision, an invisible light appeared in the sky.

Then the collision of the two forces produced a aftermath, which spread. When it spread out for about a kilometer, the energy turned into flames, forming a sea of ​​​​fire. The fire waves surged and spread rapidly, forming a sea of ​​​​fire over Gotham City in the blink of an eye.

The center of the sea of ​​fire was calm, just like the eye of a storm, where purple and red lights could be seen fighting.

After a moment of stalemate, the red light began to retreat step by step, but if someone observes carefully, they will find that the red light is not pushed back, but destroyed and destroyed!

Clark also sensed something unusual and noticed that the beam of light emitted by the Conqueror today was completely different from the previous ones.

He desperately gathered the energy stored in his body, sent it to his eyes, and then formed laser light and sent it out.

But even so, he still couldn't prevent the fact that his front line collapsed, and the laser beam was repelled faster and faster.

Finally, the purple light came to his eyes, and Clark crossed his hands in front of him.

The purple light first fell on his biological force field, and soon the biological force field was destroyed. Without the protection of the biological force field, Clark immediately felt pain in his wrist, and then wisps of purple light appeared on the inside of his wrist!

This is a sign that the tissues of the hands are penetrated by the opponent's energy! (End of chapter)

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