I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 527 Live as you wish

"Where's Bruce?"

"Where's Bruce?"

"Is he dead?"

The Joker was shocked when he saw Batman mysteriously disappearing from the rooftop.

"He's not dead."

Darkseid smiled and said: "However, he will pray that he can die."

"He has been sanctioned by me, and now he has fallen into endless parallel worlds. Each of these worlds is worse than the last. Even death cannot stop this cycle."

"At the same time, as he continues to travel through time, he will continue to accumulate a certain kind of power. When it reaches a certain level, this power will destroy the entire world."

"Don't he like to save others? Then let him try what it feels like to become a murderer himself."

Listening to Darkseid's narration, the Joker couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, this is really interesting. For Bruce, killing a whole world is simply the cruelest punishment."

"Yeah, this is what he gets for fighting me."

Darkseid then looked at Cyborg Victor who was trying to separate the mother box: "Your end will also be very ugly!"

His eyes lit up, exuding a frightening light, and two rays of light shot out, constantly jumping and turning on the rooftop, making it difficult to predict its trajectory.

When they were about to hit Victor, Diana yelled, fell in front of Cyborg, and raised her shield to block the attack for Victor.

She returned to the battlefield just in time.

Darkseid said 'Huh', "You can actually block my attack?"

His eyes changed: "I understand, you are not purely human, you have their breath."

"The gods who have stood up to me."

"Are you half human and half god?"

"It's no wonder."


"Even so, you can't stop me!"

Darkseid roared and charged, and the giant-like figure ran out with an aura that shook the earth.

At this moment, chains formed by running water entangled him, pulling him and preventing him from getting close to Diana.

Darkseid turned around and saw Mera reusing her ability to manipulate water to interfere with herself.


Darkseid roared and tore off the chains, but Diana, who had bought time, had already come to him, shouted loudly, and slashed down with her sword.

The Lord of Apokolips took a hard blow, but Diana's sword stopped on his shoulder. Not to mention splitting off Darkseid's shoulder, it didn't even split his skin.

"Get away!"

Darkseid shouted loudly, and hit Diana's stomach with a huge fist. Wonder Woman's expression changed, and she flew out, and a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye spread out on the rooftop.

At this time, another chain wrapped around him, and Darkseid suddenly looked at Mera, wanting to get rid of this annoying woman first.

But at this time, the Flash turned into a golden lightning and kept spinning around him, causing the airflow to roar and form a storm, disturbing Darkseid's sight.

At the same time, Diana fell from the sky, she rushed back, and struck Darkseid in the head with a sword.

Darkseid first raised his arms to block, then his eyes lit up, and he sprayed two rays of light towards the Flash.

Barry Allen was startled, but he was extremely fast and dodged easily, but he found that Darkseid's light was still chasing him.

The Flash had no choice but to run towards the stairs, whereupon a golden lightning bolt traveled through the floors of Wayne Tower at extremely fast speeds, passed through the interior transformed by the Mother Box, and reached the street.


Darkseid's light still chased him, as if even if the Flash ran to the end of the world, it would still pursue him.

Barry Allen gritted his teeth, transformed into golden lightning, and quickly shuttled through the streets of Gotham City.

His idea is: If he can't hurt Darkseid, then at least he can divert Darkseid's terrifying light that can send people into endless parallel worlds, thereby creating opportunities for others!


As the Dark Lord, a powerful man who has conquered countless worlds, how could Darkseid not understand the Flash's little thoughts.

When the Flash ran away, Darkseid put away his ray, clasped his fists like a drum, and hit Diana's shield, knocking the woman directly into the ground.

Then he stepped on Diana with a big foot, and then two rays went straight towards Mera.

Mera's expression changed. She knew she couldn't avoid it, so she could only gather water to form a shield, hoping to block Darkseid's light.

However, this was in vain, Darkseid's light easily penetrated the water barrier, penetrated through Mera's chest, and emerged from her back.

Mera's eyes immediately lost their luster, and she fell straight from the edge of the rooftop.


Diana roared, lifted Darkseid's big feet up with both hands, and then rolled out violently.

Wonder Woman then jumped up, swung out the Lasso of Truth, and wrapped it around one of Darkseid's arms.

She used the mantra lasso to swing behind Darkseid like a swing. In mid-air, she swung her hands together, and the Hercules wristbands collided to create a shock wave, which hit Darkseid directly.

Darkseid remained motionless and allowed the shock wave to pass through his body. He even turned around during the shock wave and grabbed Diana's neck with one hand, making it difficult for Diana to breathe and her legs desperately kicked the air.

"It's over."

The clown backed away little by little, and he couldn't help laughing: "Bruce, this is wrong."

"This was wrong from the beginning. We simply don't have the power to fight against such a monster."

"we lose."

"Completely lost."

He yelled, turned and ran away.

Darkseid had no intention of hunting him down at all. In his eyes, the Joker was not even an ant.

At this moment, Cyborg rushed over, grabbed Darkseid's finger and pulled it upward, and opened Darkseid's hand from Diana's.

Diana took the opportunity to kick Darkseid in the chest, using her strength to do a backflip to open the distance. She fell to the ground, and then coughed violently.

At this time, Cyborg was punched away by Darkseid, but he quickly returned and landed next to Diana.

A flash of lightning flashed, and Barry Allen also came back. He looked at the situation on the rooftop and said with a wry smile: "It looks like the situation is very bad."

Diana recovered at this time and nodded: "The situation is indeed very bad. We might really die here."

"Unless the Conqueror can get rid of Clark as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be up to the three of us alone."

Diana did not say the following words, so as not to offend her companions.

Darkseid's eyes flashed with lightning as he pressed forward step by step: "Are you ready to face death?"

"We don't have any plans yet." Diana shouted, kicked her long legs, and pounced on her opponent from the front.

The jets behind Cyborg were fully opened, flying into the air, and then swooping down. He opened all his weapons, and then harassed Darkseid with fierce firepower.

The Flash used his speed to arrive behind Darkseid one step faster than the other two companions. He built a circuit with his fingers and released the accumulated electric current, which hit Darkseid's back heavily.

On the rooftop.

With Diana responsible for the frontal attack, Flash and Cyborg responsible for harassment and destabilization, the three superheroes risked their lives to fight.

at the same time.


The center of Gotham has been razed to the ground, and Clark fell from the sky like a meteor and landed on the ground.

Just as he was about to get up, two purple rays of light blasted towards him. Clark crossed his hands to block, and soon his arms exploded. Then two rays of light fell on his chest, pressing him to the ground.

Azu was in mid-air and continued to output the 'Destructive Sanction'. Soon Clark's chest was penetrated by light, and traces of purple light flowed on his chest.

He kept screaming until Azu stopped firing.

Clark gasped, and the regeneration allowed his hands and chest to recover again, but the speed of his recovery was obviously much slower than before.

And during this process, purple light continued to swim in his chest, lower abdomen, arms, and thighs, and then his body exploded, making the regeneration process slower.

Azu fell to the ground.

He looked at Clark and said, "It seems you have reached your limit."

"Having 'adaptation' and 'regeneration' is indeed amazing, but there's a problem, the upper limit!"

"You have these two abilities through the transformation of the mother box, but there is an upper limit problem."

"Now these two abilities have reached their limits. You will explode at any time, and this time, you will not be resurrected."

Clark glanced at Azu, then gave up, resting his head on the ground and looking at the sky of Gotham City.

"you're right."

"I definitely feel like my body is reaching its limit."

"Now it's like there is a volcano inside my body. It will erupt at any time and explode my body."

"It seems that this world still has some luck."

"Otherwise, why did you come back when I decided to take action and destroy the world myself?"

"I originally thought you wouldn't come back."

"But now, there's no point in saying that, is there?"

Azu looked at him and said, "Do you have to destroy this world?"

"It's just a woman who died. You are not the only one who has lost a relative or a loved one in the world."

"If everyone who lost a loved one wanted to destroy the world, the world would have died countless times."

Clark laughed: "If they had the same power as me, do you think they wouldn't do this?"

"What's more, I didn't do this just because Louise died."

"Yes, her passing made me sad, but her death also inspired me to re-examine the world and humanity."

"My father, I mean my foster father on earth."

“He always told me that there’s a reason I have so much power.”

"This must be God asking me to guide mankind and guide people towards a better life."

"He's a stubborn person and he thinks I can't let people show this power until they're ready."

"So much so that one time we encountered a hurricane on the road. I could have saved him, but in order to prevent me from showing that power, he refused. In the end, he allowed himself to be blown away by the wind and shattered to pieces."

"He's just a guy who follows through on what he believes in."

"I also want to be like him, so I keep his teachings in mind, and when the time comes, I will use my power to save others."

"I hope to be a little light in the darkness, a beacon that illuminates their path, and a beacon that guides all sentient beings."

"I really hope that I can lead them to a better future and a bright, just and kind world."

Azu looked at him silently, neither refuting nor approving.

Clark stretched out his arm that was constantly breaking down and repairing, as if he wanted to catch something, and caught it in the air.

He continued: "But I found that no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't change them."

"True, among them there are good, just, and brave people."

"But darkness, chaos, evil, and violence are their background."

“When I looked at the world from a higher place, I discovered that there is no room for those who are honest and kind to survive in this world.”

"All integrity, kindness, and love! All become handles that those evil, dark, and despicable people can use."

"This is a dark world, and the light of myself and Bruce and others cannot illuminate it."

"It is controlled by despicable people, and these people even define justice and kindness in turn. They use morality to kidnap kind people, and they rule the world with violence and terror."

"I don't see any hope."

"Because if I obey the moral constraints, I will be used by them and then I can't do anything."

"Only by turning into a devil and abandoning justice can I judge them."

"That's all I can do."

"Only by destroying the old world can I rebuild the new world."

"Only can we create a perfect world."

"Unfortunately, I have no chance anymore"

Clark's fingers pulsed with purple light, and then starting from the fingertips, each section exploded into powder.

this time.

The finger did not regenerate and the injury did not recover.

Whether it is 'adaptation' or 'regeneration', they have reached their limit.

Purple light of destruction poured out from every part of Clark's body, and Superman's body continued to explode, collapse, and dissipate.

After a while.

There was only a humanoid shadow left on the ground, witnessing the existence of Superman.

Looking at this dark shadow, Azu spoke.

"If you weren't so perfect, if you didn't have such a strong sense of responsibility."

"Perhaps you can live a more relaxed life."

"You are just a human being, don't put the yoke of a saint on yourself."

"Human beings, just live as you please."

With a smile on his face, Azu rose into the sky and rushed straight towards Wayne Tower.

On the rooftop of Wayne Tower, Darkseid tore off one of Cyborg's arms, used it to whip away the Flash, and finally used the beam to attack Diana.

at this time.

He turned his head.

Then a fist hit him in the face! (End of chapter)

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