Nick knew very well that there were many people in that manor.

In addition to a security team loyal to Osborne, there is also secretary Merlin and other maids and male servants.

Among them, Merlin has been following Norman Osborn for several years. She has been entrusted with many important tasks, and she is also one of Norman's lovers.

Nick didn't expect that for this operation, Old Osborne would actually sacrifice her.

Even Mei Lin can be sacrificed, and others are not a problem.

But Nick didn't understand why Norman Osborn went to war and sent six genetically modified warriors just to kill a guest in the manor.

At this time, Norman Osborne, who was sitting on the sofa, put down his wine glass and said softly.

"Are you thinking that I'm making too much of a fuss?"

Nick couldn't help but wonder if this man could read minds, otherwise why would he know his inner thoughts.

The supervisor carefully replied: "Mr. Norman must have a good reason for doing this."

Norman laughed and said, "Mr. Nick, you are such a smart man. I like smart people like you."

"You should know that our previous genetic enhancement technology, as well as our current genetic modification technology, all came from sample No. 0."

"But because when we obtained sample No. 0, sample No. 0 had already lost its life."

"Although we used the most advanced biotechnology at the time to preserve some cells of sample No. 0 and successfully kept them alive."

"However, we have not been able to copy the complete gene chain of sample No. 0 so far."


As the main person in charge of the entire project, Nick naturally knew very well. He immediately replied after hearing this: "That's because sample No. 0 died. Although we cultivated some cells, part of the genetic information was missing in these cells."

"In other words, when we used biotechnology to make those cells survive, they had already changed, and they were no longer the same as the original cells of sample No. 0."

"So we cannot copy the complete gene chain of sample No. 0, and there is some genetic information that cannot be obtained."

Norman Osborne nodded: "Yes, that's it."

"And that person"

Old Osborne looked at the screen: "That guest in the manor, I think we can get the information we need from him."

"It can complete your gene chain formula and create new humans."

No, not the new humans.

is God!

Do you know how New York, the predecessor of Osborne City, was destroyed?

It's that man!

If we can get his genetic information, we can create gods.

No, I can become a god!

Norman Osborne's eyes flashed with excitement, but he restrained himself and did not show it.

But even though he hid important information from Nick, the supervisor was still shaken by Old Osborne's words.

"The man in the manor."

"Can the gene chain formula be completed? This is really great!"

Nick's eyes also burned with fire, and now he could understand why Osborn was able to sacrifice so many people.

Because compared with the gains, these sacrifices are worth it!


Nick thought of another question: "Mr. Norman, if that man's genes can complete the formula, doesn't it mean that he has power similar to No. 0?"

"In this case, Jack and the others"

Norman nodded: "Yes, they will die."

"But it doesn't matter how many people die from these modifications. What I want is just to injure the target or leave cell tissue at the scene."

"That way we can get what we want."

Nick was shocked again, and then he realized that Norman Osborn had originally planned to sacrifice everyone for tonight's action, even those precious reformers were included in the sacrifice list.

The Osborne Group invested astronomical amounts of resources in those transformed people, but Norman Osborne just threw them away.

It seems that the goal in the manor will bring about a major breakthrough for the research project that has hit a bottleneck!

Just as the two men were excited about the upcoming harvest, in the same base, a base personnel was walking towards an important archives.

The door to the archives was locked. The base personnel took out a gold-rimmed black card and inserted it into the card reader next to it.

Immediately, the red light on the screen turned green, and an unlock icon appeared.


The door opened, and the man opened the door and walked in. After closing the door, he took off the hat on his head, revealing a pretty face.

It turns out to be Spider-Man Gwen!

She immediately came to the workbench, also used the black card to gain permission, and then searched for the keyword: Sample No. 0.

Soon, many folders appeared on the screen.

Gwen took out a storage device and quickly copied the files and information.




Osborne Manor.

The war had spread from the gate to the middle of the manor. Under the order of Cohen, the manor's security director, the guards of the manor retreated behind various shelters and took advantage of the relatively complex environment here to set up a line of defense in an attempt to stop the intruders.

In Cohen's eyes, a black man and a middle-aged white man cover each other and constantly break through the nodes on the defensive line.

Those two people were obviously not ordinary people.

The black man moves more slowly, but he can move forward despite the barrage, and usually stands in front of the middle-aged white man as a human shield.

Once he reaches a favorable position, the middle-aged white man will explode with inhuman speed and strength, killing his men before they can react.

Just like that, soon several nodes had been destroyed.

Cohen turned his head and looked at the bearded man behind him: "Johnny, come with me to kill those two bastards."

The bearded man nodded: "I have wanted to say this for a long time. Those two are obviously the same kind as us."

Cohen agreed. He, Big Beard, and Vanessa are all genetic enhancers and super soldiers.

Their strength, resistance to blows, speed, five senses, and reaction abilities are all beyond ordinary people.

The only ones who can deal with super soldiers are super soldiers.

So Cohen told the guards to cease fire, and he and the bearded man walked out.

The security director took the lead and said, "Hey, come and play with us."

No. 2 and No. 5 exchanged glances with each other, and then walked towards Cohen.

Cohen and Johnny also stretched their necks, and then trotted up to meet him.

In the blink of an eye, a trot turns into a sprint!

Cohen yelled, sped up, hugged No. 2's waist and slammed into a big tree in front of him.


He hit No. 2 against the trunk of the tree. The trunk cracked and cracked, and the leaves on it continued to shake off.

Johnny the Bearded used guerrilla tactics. He quickly moved around No. 5 and fired with the automatic pistol in his hand to test the black man's weakness.

No. 5 simply stood still. He knew that his speed was his weak point, and there was no need to compete with Big Beard. He simply closed his eyes, folded his hands, and let Big Beard attack.

the other side.

No. 2 got up after falling to the ground. His physique was not as strong as No. 5. After being held by Cohen and breaking a big tree, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Make no mistake."

No. 2 said at this time: "Do you think we are in the same group?"

"No, we are not like you."

"You are the products that have been eliminated, and we are the latest products." No. 2 laughed, and at the same time a ball of flame appeared in his hand.

The orange flame was thrown out by No. 2 and hit Cohen's body.


The flames suddenly rose up and disappeared quickly.

But Cohen's hair was burnt black, half of his face turned red, and then his skin ulcerated.

The security director couldn't help but scream.

The screams attracted the bearded man's attention.

The bearded man subconsciously turned back to look at Cohen. At this moment, No. 5, who had been looking for an opportunity, moved.

He kicked up a few gravels at his feet. Although he did not have the super strength of No. 2, his strength was far beyond that of ordinary people.

With this kick, several gravels shot out like bullets, hitting the bearded man. Blood mist immediately spurted out from Johnny's hands and forehead, and the man was so shocked that stars appeared in his eyes.

No. 5 took the opportunity to pounce on him, picked up a scattered submachine gun in the middle, pointed it at the bearded man and fired.

Johnny was shot immediately, and blood spray sprayed out from his shoulders and arms. He quickly rolled and hid behind the obstacle, but the opponent's continuous shooting made him unable to lift his head.

the other side.

Located at the fire point on the roof, Vanessa looked around vigilantly, searching for the opponent lurking nearby.

Suddenly she caught a soft sound, and the woman reacted quickly, twisting her body and rolling to the side.

I saw poisonous blow darts falling on the ground where she rolled.

Based on the ballistic projections of these blowgun shots, Vanessa immediately raised her gun to fight back.

Bang bang bang!

After several shots were fired, no enemy was found. It turned out that No. 4 was moving while attacking. By the time Vanessa counterattacked, the punk girl was no longer at her original position.

At this time, the guards of the manor discovered that two more intruders entered the manor in a big way.

This time they shot the two intruders without Cohen's orders.

The two intruders were a man and a woman. The young man's body changed rapidly, and a pair of huge flesh wings formed from his back.

He used these flesh wings to cover himself and his companions. The bullets hit the flesh wings, but they did not penetrate, and the bullets bounced away.

It turns out that there is a layer of dura mater on the leather surface of the two fleshy wings.

However, even so, No. 6's expression was distorted in pain.

Although he can transform his body, he cannot reduce or cut off his pain nerves. Whether it is flesh wings or other things, they are part of his body.

The attack landed on his body, and even if it bounced off, the pain was not reduced at all.

So he shouted hoarsely: "Get to work quickly, No. 1."

No. 1 raised her head and looked at the guards in the manor. As long as she made eye contact, the guards would immediately be hypnotized.

After being hypnotized, these guards turned their guns and pointed them at their companions, and opened fire without hesitation.

Suddenly, the manor was in chaos, and the security force was collapsing.

Dining room.

Azu was cutting the steak. Under the light, he moved without any panic and slowly put the food into his mouth.

Secretaries Mei Lin and Lin Ada were not so calm, especially Mei Lin. The beautiful secretary's feet were now weak and her face was pale.

When she heard the gunfire just now, she confidently told Azu not to worry, because she knew that the manor's security force was very important.

Cohen and his two men are even more super soldiers.

Mei Lin originally thought that the battle would end soon, but unexpectedly, instead of ending, the battle became more and more intense.

Seeing that the war had begun to spread deep into the manor, the secretary couldn't help but said to Azu: "Mr. John, let's take refuge."

Azu looked at her and said, "Miss Meilin, didn't you say you don't need to worry?"

Meilin said hurriedly: "But now it seems that the intruders have the upper hand. If this continues, I'm worried that Mr. Cohen and the others will not be able to hold on."

"You're right."

A strange voice suddenly sounded in the restaurant, and Meilin realized that there was someone beside the table.

A young man who looked quite thin squatted on the table, picking up a piece of fried veal loin with his bare hands, bringing it to his mouth, and then started chewing it.

He ate the meat juice and turned his eyes to look at Azu.

"Those guards are almost dead, and there is no one left to protect you."

"How about it, why don't you try begging me, maybe I can let you go."

Azu didn't stop eating because of Jack Hansen's appearance. Others didn't see how Jack came in, but he saw it clearly.

And know that this guy has good abilities.

Of course, the so-called 'good' is for ordinary people.

"You should get off the table, it's rude and it's not in line with dining etiquette."

Jack was stunned for a moment, then swallowed the food in his mouth in three or two mouthfuls, and then laughed loudly: "Funny guy, don't you know that you are in danger?"


"I don't think so."

Azu picked up the goblet next to him, gently swayed the red wine in it, and said with a smile: "I think you are playing a very dangerous game."

"I like danger the most, the more dangerous the better, because it will be very exciting!" Jack's eyes began to look crazy.

Azu took a sip of red wine and said with a smile: "You like danger just because you have the ability to resist risks."

"The truth is, you're not deep into the danger."

"Just like people think volcanic eruptions are spectacular, but if they are in the crater or fall into the crater, they won't find volcanic eruptions very interesting."

Jack rubbed his hands stained with meat juice on his clothes: "You want to say that you are the crater?"

"No, of course not."

Azu winked at Mei Lin and then said to Jack: "I am the sun."

Jack was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: "They all say I'm crazy, but I think you are crazier than me."

"I like you."

His figure suddenly became blurry, and then appeared in front of Azu: "So, I will take off your head, seal it with ice, and put it in the collection cabinet as my trophy!" (End of this chapter)

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