I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 539 Return to original form (please subscribe)




One after another, hunters' necks were exploded by mechanical mosquitoes. The power of the explosion was average, but it was very deadly when it exploded in places like aorta.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen hunters were lying down. They were all the ones who had just shouted that they wanted to quit hunting. Seeing this, the other hunters started shouting.

"It's Osborne!"

"It must have been Osborne!"

"They won't allow us to withdraw."

"Speaking of it this way, in the invitation message at that time, it was indeed stated that once accepted, one cannot withdraw."

"That said, we don't know that our opponent is a devil. He can't be killed at all. What can we do?"

"I don't care, I want to quit, ah!"


The hunter who shouted to quit suddenly had a ball of blood mist exploded from his neck, and a blood hole the size of a thumb was blown out of his neck. He immediately fell to the ground and twitched all over, and died soon after.

Seeing this, the hunters could only look at Azu again.

"There is no other way but to fight."

"That's all. Let's go together."

"Kill him and we'll share the $100 million!"

"kill him!"

The hunter who was forced into a desperate situation was like a wolf with red eyes, showing his fangs to Azu again.

Azu smiled, his eyes glowing golden.

In the Osborne Building, Harry Osborne was watching the TV. A strong light suddenly appeared on the street in the distance on the screen, and then mushroom-shaped flames rose and spread.

At this moment, he felt a violent vibration. The Osborne Building was like a boat in the angry sea, shivering in the shock wave of the explosion.

As for the TV, the picture on the screen disappeared after a burst of flickering, and then switched to the picture of signal interruption.

After a while, the shock of the explosion finally stopped. Harry walked to the window and looked out of a viewing window in the outer armor.

He immediately took a few steps back.

Thick smoke billowed from the blocks in the distance, and the black smoke shot straight into the sky, covering half of the sky in deep black.

The streets have disappeared, and a large number of buildings have collapsed. Centered on the explosion point, all the buildings fell to the outside and were shattered.

With the fire everywhere, it's hard to imagine that this is man-made.

At least, Harry couldn't imagine it.

This reminded him of what his father once said about Mr. John who single-handedly destroyed New York.

He still thought it was an exaggeration, but now he doesn't think so at all.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Harry held his head in his hands.

"What have I done?"

"I unleashed a demon!"

After eliminating the hunters, Azu returned to the hiding place of Norman Osborne. He did not intend to wait any longer.

At this time, the TV set in the nearby window and the big screen on the building all showed images of Osborne Manor.

Then Norman's voice rang out from all the screens.


"One more step forward and I will destroy the manor!"

"You won't forget that Miss Ada Lin is still in the manor, right?"

Facing Norman's threat, Azu scoffed and didn't take it seriously.

He stared at the store where Norman Osborne was, his eyes gradually glowing with golden light.

"I'm not kidding you, John!"

On the TV, Norman's voice rose an octave.

"Stop it."

"Otherwise, you will regret it!"

Azu was too lazy to talk nonsense to him. Golden light burst out of his eyes, turning into a surging golden light stream and heading straight to the store.

"You conceited bastard!"

There was a loud roar on the TV screen, and then several rockets were fired towards the manor. In the blink of an eye, huge fireballs appeared in the manor.

The manor was immediately blown to pieces.

At the same time, Azu's beam also blasted into the mall. The mall first lit up with golden light, and then raging flames quickly sprayed out from the inside.

While the flames were spraying, they also soared upwards and quickly jumped through every floor. In the blink of an eye, flames were spraying out of the windows on every floor of the shopping mall building.

Finally, there was a loud bang, and the building was like an exploding powder keg. It expanded slightly at first, and then exploded explosively.

Rocks and fire waves shot out in all directions.

Just in the flames, a black shadow rushed out, fell to the ground, rolled around twice and then stood up.

Norman Osborne!

However, this man has obviously changed. His skin has completely turned dark green, and bat-like wings have grown out of his back.

He is three meters tall, but he does not look particularly strong. On the contrary, he looks a little thin for his height.

His arms are disproportionately long, with huge palms and claws.

"Haha, it worked."

Norman Osborne looked at his own changes, but he was quite satisfied. He roared loudly: "I succeeded, I have been reborn, I have become a new life form!"

"From today on, I am the new human being, no, I am God!"


He looked at Azu, then flew into the sky, shooting towards Azu quickly in mid-air.


Norman Osborn fell to the ground and grabbed Azu with his claws, but Azu turned his body to avoid it.

Like a monster, Norman Osborn opened his mouth again and spurted a stream of green flames from his mouth.

The green fire surged towards Azu.

"The tone is really loud."

Azu floated back, letting the green fire spray out into the air.

Seeing the smile on Azu's face, Norman Osborn was extremely angry. That smile was still mocking him and mocking him for not knowing his own capabilities.

"You'll stop laughing soon!"

Norman Osborne opened his mouth to inhale, and his entire abdominal cavity swelled like a toad.

When his abdominal cavity could no longer hold any more air, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a stream of green flames. Azu flew up, but this time Old Osborn continued to spray green flames, chasing Azu and sweeping away.

The temperature of his flame may not be very high, but after sweeping across the road or building, yellow stains will quickly appear on these things, and metal products will rust and corrode at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Stop freaking out."

After Azu avoided the green fire again, he suddenly dodged to Norman Osborne and punched him hard on the cheek, throwing the old Osborne's head to the other side.

Then the whole person spun around a few times before falling heavily to the ground.


Old Osborne spat out a mouthful of blood with green fire, and a tooth was still missing in the blood.

"This is impossible!"

"I have evolved."

"How come you're not his match yet!"

Azu walked towards him calmly: "Isn't this normal? Do you think that relying on a corpse can give you power beyond me?"

"Did you drink too much and your head is not clear?"

Norman Osborne looked at him suddenly: "I don't believe it!"

"I can still become stronger."

"That's right!"

"I can be stronger!"

As he spoke, his shoulders suddenly swelled, and then his whole body crackled, and Old Osborne had another change.

His body continued to expand and gradually lost its original appearance. His face protruded forward and his nose melted, leaving only two nostrils.

There were fangs sprouting from its mouth, a few small eyes appeared on its forehead, and tentacles sprouted from its back and arms.

In a blink of an eye.

He became more terrifying.

"See, this is what happens when ambition gets out of control."

Azu crossed his hands and smiled: "I have said before, whether it is me or the dead guy."

"The power within us is not something you can touch."

"Shut up!" The monster roared dullly, opened its mouth and spit out green fire.

But this time, the green flames continued to shrink and impurities were continuously eliminated, and finally a dark green beam of light was ejected from the monster's mouth.

"It's interesting." Azu tilted his head, letting the green light rushing towards his face fail.

The monster twisted its head again, letting the green beam from its mouth sweep across, but Azu had already swept high into the sky, so the beam passed across a building and sliced ​​it diagonally.

Next, the monster kept chasing Azu and spraying green light. After Azu dodged several times, his figure suddenly faded and disappeared from Osborne's eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"Where did he go!"

Norman Osborne looked around, but couldn't find Azu.

It wasn't until someone coughed lightly above him that he suddenly looked up, and then he saw a foot rapidly expanding in his field of vision.


Old Osborne was stepped into the ground by Azu.

"Get away!"

Norman Osborn roared and sprayed green light from his mouth, but Azu was already far away.

After pulling away, Azu, who was still holding his hands, swept over again and kicked Old Osborne away like a football.


The road surface shattered, and the gravel surged forward like a wave. Old Osborne flew into the air in the wave of stones, hit a building, and then slid down.

He landed heavily on the ground, furious, roared, and sprayed green beams from his mouth.

This time, Azu did not dodge, but went straight up to him, heading towards Norman Osborne with the beam of light in front of him.

The green light could not break through Azu's 'absolute domain' and was refracted into seven or eight energy jets, which spread out and streaked across the buildings on both sides of the street.

So Azu walked all the way, and the buildings behind him kept collapsing.

When Azu came to Norman Osborn, the latter could no longer spray green light. He looked at Azu in horror, suddenly yelled, turned around and wanted to fly into the sky to escape.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his body rose, he couldn't move. Looking down, it turned out that Azu had caught his feet.

Azu smiled and said, "I've thought about it."

"Killing you would be too cheap for you."

"I decided to take back what I gave you."

"Although this is a bit difficult, it should be possible, as long as the accuracy is controlled well."

Norman Osborne's voice trembled: "You, what are you talking about."

"Take back what?"

"What are you going to do!"

"let me go!"

"let me go!"


Suddenly, Norman Osborn was thrown to the ground by Azu. His mutated and bloated body was slapped on the ground, causing the ground to fall apart and his whole body was embedded in it.

Old Osborne wanted to get up, but Azu stepped on his back and there was no way he could escape.

Azu's eyes lit up with a pale light, and the white light was full of the meaning of death.


Two streams of pale fire fell on Old Osborne's body. Old Osborne did not feel any pain, but he knew that Azu would not do anything useless.

This made him panic even more.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing!"

Of course Azu would not tell him that he was now using the 'death ray' to penetrate deep into his body, penetrate into his cells, find the parts of old Osborne that had been transformed by the medicine, and let them die.

Soon, Old Osborne's mutated body was gradually shrinking. Under the continuous irradiation of the 'death ray', those genes that did not belong to him were dying.

His gene chain is returning to its original state, to the way it was before he met Azu!

Osborne Tower.


"he's gone!"

On the TV screen, a figure flew into the air, stayed for a while, and then left Osborne City.

Harry covered his mouth and said in disbelief: "John is gone, father, father!"

He quickly took out his cell phone and shouted: "Prepare a helicopter for me, I want to go to the battle scene!"

A moment later, a helicopter took off from the rooftop of Osborne Tower.

Norman Osborne passed out.

I don’t know how long it took.

He vaguely heard someone calling his name. He gradually opened his eyes, his vision blurred, and he vaguely saw his son, Harry Osborn, beside him.

Norman suddenly woke up and looked at his son in disbelief: "I'm not dead? I'm not dead?"

"Hahaha, I'm not dead."

He wanted to sit up, but found that he had no strength at all, so he quickly shouted: "Help me up."

Harry quickly helped him up. After sitting up, Norman Osborn realized that he had returned to his original state and his body was no longer mutated.

It's just that the skin is old, dull, and full of wrinkles.

"what happened."

Norman Osborne reached out to touch his face, only to find that his hands were shaking. He felt frightened.

"Mirror, give me a mirror!"

Harry could only take out his phone and use the camera function to let Old Osborne see what he looked like at this moment.

At this moment, the old Osborne no longer looks like the middle-aged man in his forties before, but a dying old man.

The hair is pale, the muscles on the face are flabby, and the wrinkled face is covered with brown patches.

"no no!"

“He brought me back to my old self.”

"He took what was once given to me!"

Finally, Norman Osborne knew what Azu had done.

He turned back into the old Osborne, the Norman Osborne who was about to lie in a coffin due to a family hereditary disease!

the next day.

Gwen came to the bar she frequented in Brooklyn, where she met Harry Osborn wearing a peaked cap.

"It's all over."

Harry Osborne smiled bitterly and said: "My father has been beaten back to his original form, and I am also ready to disband the Osborne Group."

Gwen was a little surprised: "Oh, why?"

The young man sighed: "This is to tell Mr. John that from now on, Osborne will not be his enemy."

"Only by disbanding the Osborne Group can we show our sincerity."

"Of course, my father also resigned as mayor. Originally, the federal government thought I could hold this position, but I refused and returned the city to federal management."

"So, it's all over."

Gwen asked for a beer: "What are your plans next?"

Harry shook his head: "I don't know, father is dying. I will leave the Federation after I accompany him through the last part of the journey."

"Our family has been carrying a curse for generations, and now the curse has begun to take hold."

"I want to live a good life before it kills me, travel around the world and leave no regrets."

Gwen nodded: "That's fine, then I wish you a safe journey."


Harry stood up and winked: "Say hello to Spider-Man for me."

"If she hadn't destroyed all the information in the research and development base and let me know that there was no hope of curing my disease, to be honest, it would have been difficult for me to make this decision."

"But this is fine."

"Bye now."

"Goodbye." (End of chapter)

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