I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 557 Multiverse Administration

[Your application has been approved. Would you like to go to the ‘Motherlander Multiverse Administration’ immediately? 】

Azu was washing up when he saw this message appearing on his retina.

"finally come."

Azu put down his toothbrush and sent out a thought: Yes!

[Please wait a moment, your chauffeur will arrive soon. Please go to the street alone and wait at the taxi rank. 】

Looking at the information in front of him, the corner of Azu's mouth twitched.


"Taxi rank?"

"Are you serious?"

"Didn't a beam of light come down and shine on me, and then I went to some bureau?"

After complaining, Azu packed up his things, changed into plain clothes, and came to the street.

When he walked to a taxi rank, he saw an ordinary taxi driving over in the distance and then parked on the street.

The car door opened, and an old man wearing a peaked cap and looking like he had a bad temper stuck his head out.


"Come up quickly."

"I'm in a hurry."

"You pay me so little money for every order, and you still ask for so much. The bastard who dispatches orders also gives me some rubbish orders every time. I must file a complaint against him!"

Azu looked around and saw no other passengers. He frowned and said, "I didn't call a taxi."

The old man slapped the car door: "I know you didn't call, but the address the administration gave me is here. Aren't you a native of the motherland of this universe?"

"Am I mistaken? This is impossible."

He took out a mobile phone, and then looked at the screen for a while and then at Azu: "That's right, it's your kid. Look, is this you?"

The old man turned the phone screen towards Azu.

Azu saw a form on it. There was a photo on the form, and the person in the photo was him.

"Are you the chauffeur who came to pick me up?" Azu couldn't believe it. Even if the administration, which was so awesome and coaxing, picked him up in such a bad way, the driver was still a bad old man.

"Nonsense, can you go to the bureau yourself? Do you know where the bureau is?"

The old man coughed, spit on the ground, and glared at Azu with yellow eyes: "Will you leave or not? I have other orders."

Azu shrugged his shoulders, opened the car door, and got into the car.

There was a strange smell in the car, and he couldn't help but frown and wanted to open the window.

"You can't open the windows unless you want the space to flow in."

After saying that, the old man clicked the button, and the light sign on the taxi immediately changed to 'full'.

Then he started the engine. The taxi's engine made a roaring sound just like the driver's. After a while, the car started and then drove forward along the street.

After a while, the car drove into a tunnel, but Azu remembered that there was no tunnel nearby.

The tunnel was brightly lit, but there was not a single car. Only their taxi was driving in the long passage.


The old man kept complaining while driving.

One moment he complained that the salary of the administration was too low, and the other moment he complained that there were too many orders assigned to him every day and he couldn't handle them.

When Azu was drowsy after hearing this, the taxi finally drove out of the tunnel.

As soon as he came out of the tunnel, Azu was stunned for a moment.

It was as if he suddenly traveled to the future.

After leaving the tunnel, he unexpectedly came to a huge and magnificent city.

Above his head, countless speeding cars were shuttled back and forth, and each of those high-rise buildings was so high that the tops could not be seen.

These buildings, which are hundreds of stories high, are like mountains, and countless vehicles in the sky shuttle between these buildings.

Each car drives at a prescribed height. From the ground, it looks like there are layers of invisible transparent ground above.

"What is this place?"

Azu couldn't help but ask.

"The administration."

The old man said angrily: "Where else could it be?"

Azu said in disbelief: "You mean, this city is the Administration Bureau?"

"if not."

"You have to know that we have to manage the reality of nearly infinite multiverses. No matter how many people there are, it won't work."

At this time, the old man stepped on the brakes: "Here we are, this is where you report."

"Get out of the car."

Azu opened the car door, and in front of him was a building with a sign saying 'Immigration Registration Office'.

When he turned around, the taxi had already driven away, and there were too many taxis like this on the road.

They busily shuttle on surface roads and in and out of various tunnels.

Azu could only turn around and look at the building. He took a deep breath, walked up the steps and entered the door.

After entering, he saw a brightly lit hall with people coming and going, just like the lobby of banks on earth, with a row of windows in the distance.

In front of the window were rows of chairs, on which people sat waiting to go through certain procedures.

At this time, an electronically synthesized voice sounded: "Welcome to the immigration registration office. Everyone who arrives at the Multiverse Administration for the first time needs to complete the immigration registration here."

"This is your number plate. Please take it and pay attention to the announcement in the lobby."

"Please go to the specified window to go through immigration procedures after your number is called. Thank you for your cooperation."

Azu turned around and saw an intelligent robot next to him. Now he spit out a number card from the robot's card slot.

Azu took it over and saw a long set of numbers on it.

Next, he followed the arrow on the ground to the waiting area. After finding a seat and sitting down, Azu looked around.

At this time, a voice whispered: "Is it you?"

Azu looked around and was stunned for a moment, and saw an 'acquaintance'.

Female native, Vera.

The girl with short platinum hair was wearing a T-shirt and denim shorts, revealing her thighs in fishnet stockings.

She dressed fashionably and sat down next to Azu: "It looks like you have also completed the 'ultimate mission'."

It was rare to meet a familiar face in such a strange place. Even though the two had been enemies before, he was still happy to see someone he knew.

"Have you completed your mission too?"

"Of course, you don't want to see who I am." Vera took out a pack of cigarettes, "Want one?"

At this time, a man dressed like a security guard came over, took the pack of cigarettes expressionlessly, and pointed to a 'No Smoking' electronic sign next to him.

Vera shrugged her shoulders, and then whispered to Azu: "But this place looks very boring. If I had known this place was like this, I wouldn't have taken that mission."

Azu raised his eyebrows: "Your mission was issued by the 'administrator'?"

Vera looked him up and down: "Aren't you?"

Azu shook his head: "I used the 'Infinity Gauntlet' to make a wish to become an 'Administrator', so..."

Vera opened her mouth in an O-shape: "Can it still be like this? If I had known that I would also collect Infinity Stones, tsk, when I got the Infinity Gauntlet, I used it to make a boring wish."

She seemed to have no intention of continuing this topic, so she lowered her voice and said, "Do you feel it? After coming to this place, we have become ordinary people."

Azu was stunned for a moment, and then squeezed the armrest under his hand slightly. With his strength, not to mention the armrest made of plastic, even the alloy had to be deformed.

However, Azu squeezed hard and the armrest did not change at all.

He was quite surprised, and then used the power of 'death', but there was no movement at all.

"Have I lost my power?"

Vera leaned back in her chair: "This is normal, otherwise, there would have been chaos here."

Azu thought about it. If the administration were all people from the motherland, and their power could be preserved, a world war would have started long ago.

Where would it be as orderly as it is now.

So, coming to the Management Bureau and losing power is to ensure that the Management Bureau will not be destroyed?

So, who or what is silently depriving them of their power?

At this time, the radio rang. After listening to it, Vera stood up and said, "I'm going to go through the formalities."

Not long after she left, Azu's number was called. He followed the prompts and came to a window.

Behind the window was a small Caucasian man wearing glasses and holding a handheld game console, playing the Fighter game.

Seeing Azu, he quickly put down the game console and started tapping on the computer next to him.

Azu noticed that his computer was an antique with a large monitor, and it seemed to be a product from the 1990s.

"Name?" asked the registrar.




"Sorry, some people have strange interests and like to undergo surgery or use medicine to change their characteristics, so please answer this question." The registrar winked.

Azu could only sigh: "Male."

"you sure?"

Azu shouted and stood up.

"Okay, okay, I believe you."

The registrar then whispered: "When I first came here, their questions were even more incredible. They even asked me if I was sure I was a human. I don't know if I am a human yet?"

He adjusted his glasses: "Do you like women with big breasts?"

Azu frowned: "Do I still have to answer these questions when I enter the country?"

The registrar laughed: "No, I just asked casually, okay, let's get back to the topic."

"Let me see"

"Well, you come from the multiverse numbered X15648749."

"Your auditor is Mardu Farius Angudos Jean Catlando"

He said a long list of names.

"Next you will undergo a physical examination to make sure you are not carrying some strange multiverse bacteria."

"You have to know that some bacteria that are not dangerous in your universe are deadly to residents of other universes."

"Although you have already been disinfected when entering the private car and normally will not carry harmful bacteria, we still need to conduct a full-body examination on you."

The registrar handed over a document bag from the window and said: "It contains your identity information. Next, please go to the left side of the hall. There will be a dedicated person there to guide you to the inspection location."

"After you pass the inspection, your mission auditor will pick you up as a guide, and he will take you to where they think you should go."

"Wish you a long way to go."

After taking the document bag, Azu came to the designated place speechlessly. Now he was beginning to regret completing the 'ultimate mission'.

This place is not fun at all, full of rules and regulations and formalities that are just annoying.

Arriving on the left side of the hall, Azu saw Vera, who was also holding a document bag.

"I started to want to run away."

Vera shook her document bag: "They even wanted to do a full-body examination on me. Oh my god, am I becoming a government employee?"

Azu nodded and said that he felt the same way: "This is different from what I imagined. There is so much order here."

"Yes, I think so too."

While they were talking, a security guard in the lobby in front pointed at them and said, "It's your turn."

Next, Azu underwent a series of physical examinations. It was as if he had returned to the time when he first became pregnant. He stripped naked and let the doctor perform various examinations.

Before Azu's patience was about to run out, the examination was finally over. Wearing white clothes and pants that looked like hospital uniforms, he met Vera in the rest area.

The woman's head was thrown back and her eyes were looking at the ceiling without focus. It wasn't until Azu appeared in her field of vision that her eyes refocused.

“Damn, what the hell is going on with this place?”

"They even performed a colonoscopy on me just now!"

Vera grabbed her hair and said: "Now I don't want to stay for a second. When I receive my auditor, I will tell him that I want to go home!"

Azu sat down on the sofa on one side, looked at the people coming and going and said, "It's really boring here, but I've come here, and I wanted to know more about it before I decided to stay."

At this time, there was a noise in the corridor, and then a strong man rushed over.

But at this time, seven or eight more guards blocked his way in the corridor.

Just listen to the man yell: "I've had enough!"

"I didn't complete my mission just to come here and get poked in the ass!"

"I am a god!"

"A high-altitude god, not a clown for your entertainment!"

"Either let me go back, or I'll kill you!"

He was holding a scalpel he got from somewhere in his hand and gesticulating around.

The guards all pulled out their pistols and pointed them at the men. Their pistols were colorful and looked ridiculous like toys.

"Calm down and put the knife down." A guard said, pointing at the native.

"Why should I listen to you? Go to hell!" the motherland yelled and rushed towards the guard. He seemed to have lost his mind.

The guard yelled, "Fire!"

Suddenly, various beams of light were shot out from those strange pistols, and they fell on the body of the motherland, and the body of the motherland suddenly became colorful.

Then a brilliant light lit up in his body, and his figure gradually faded in this light until it disappeared.

In the end, nothing was left.

Azu and Vera looked at each other.

"They killed him?"

"It seems so."

Azu's expression changed. Here, these so-called 'gods' had no power to resist at all. This was not good.

At this time, he heard a guard whisper: "God is nothing, I created a galaxy, and I am not here to be a guard." (End of Chapter)

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