I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 559 Do whatever you want (finale)

Universe number 48953239.

The black man wearing a blue uniform with the stars and stripes flying behind his back looked at the information that appeared on his retina.

[Disaster events occur. 】

[A chaotic and twisted world of violence, crime, drug trafficking, smuggling, murder, robbery, this is the world you are in. 】

[Hurry up and deal with the incident, you weakling. You can’t even do this, right? 】

[Now I give you 10 minutes to deal with it. If the incident is not resolved, you can just wait and start over again! 】

This, is this a task given to me by the system?

What an arrogant tone!

Damn it, you have traveled through time and become a native of the motherland, and you still have to be led by the system.

How unhappy!

Although he was unhappy, the black man did not dare to hesitate and immediately flew into the air and rushed to the location of the incident.

In the Multiverse Authority.

Azu took his hands off the keyboard. He had just sent an incident message to the people of his motherland who were responsible for it.

Watching the black man on the screen rushing into the bank, and then gunshots and screams rang out in the bank, Azu shrugged his shoulders, opened the drawer, and took out a bag of potato chips.

He tore open the outer packaging, took a piece and threw it into his mouth.

While eating snacks, I looked at the person I was responsible for on the screen, as if I was watching a boring TV series.

It’s been a month.

It has been a month since Azu came to the Management Bureau.

Basically, he already knew the scope of his job, and as a newcomer, he only had to be responsible for one universe.

And those around him who have been working for decades or even hundreds of years are each responsible for multiple universes.

Staring at the screen like a guard every day.

In the Authority, they, the administrators, are immortal but retain some physiological needs, such as eating.

Therefore, the Authority provides countless foods, and there is a food ordering machine in the lounge, where food from countless multiverses can be ordered.

Many of them include some suspicious-looking things, such as roasted frog jerky from a certain planet.


The administrator's salary is something called a 'parlu', which is a kind of 'currency', and of course, is only available in the administration.

Administrators can use 'Palu' to exchange various things with the Administration, including but not limited to, exchanging with the Administration for a planet in a certain universe, a certain civilization, slaves on the planet, etc.

Then during the holidays, you can go to these planets that you redeemed and enjoy the feeling of being the creator.

After Azu learned this, he just felt bored. If he wanted to be a creator, he wouldn't need to spend so much information to become an administrator.


There are benefits to being an administrator, too.

The biggest advantage is that you don't have to worry about wanting to destroy the world on a whim, and then restart the universe for the administrator you are responsible for.

Over the past few days, Azu had been making insinuations and asking around, but he still couldn't find the answer. He didn't know why the Administration paid so much attention to the fact that the people of the motherland were destroying the world.

At this time, there was a sudden shout from the front of the office hall. Azu looked up and saw an administrator jumping on the table and smashing the keyboard to the ground like a madman.

"I quit!"

"I quit!"

"I want to get out of here, I don't want to be an administrator anymore!"

"I want to go back, to my original universe!"

At this time, a group of guards rushed over, knocked him down, and escorted him away.

"Poor Jacques, he's crazy again."

Azu turned around and saw a fat man behind him eating ice cream. While eating, he said, "But it doesn't matter. He just needs to make some adjustments. None of us are like this."

Azu couldn't help but take another look at Fatty.


What adjustment?

Do administrators go crazy every once in a while?

Azu frowned, then looked at the time, it was time to rest.

He left his position and came to the lounge.

The lounge is huge, with food area, entertainment area, and swimming pool.

Azu made himself a cup of coffee in the food area. Before he could drink it, a familiar figure appeared next to him.


She also ordered a cup of coffee for herself, and then whispered: "Come to my room tonight and talk about something."

Azu glanced at her, then nodded.

As soon as he finished drinking the coffee, a voice came from Azu's lapel pin: "Dear Mr. John, you have been away from your post for more than 10 minutes."

"Please go back to your jobs and let us work together to keep the multiverse safe."

Azu put down the cup and went back to work.


Vera made a sound of satisfaction, then got up and walked into the bathroom. Soon there was the sound of water in the bathroom.

Azu lay on the bed and lit a cigarette silently.

Having sex with Vera has become a rare way to relax after coming to the Management Bureau, and the same is true for that woman.

It's just that here, they have become ordinary people, so they can't fight all night long.

After a while, Vera came out wrapped in a bath towel, and she said while wiping her hair with the towel.

"We have to find a way out of this damn place."

"I recently discovered that the Authority interferes with our thoughts."

Azu looked at her: "How to interfere?"

Vera shook her head: "I don't know, maybe using some kind of machine or something else."

"Anyway, they call it a 'mindset adjustment,' and every once in a while, administrators need to make a 'mindset adjustment.'"

"For newcomers like us, it's usually a year into the job."

"I think this should be the method used by the Management Bureau to control us. It is also the reason why the administrators here can work for hundreds, even thousands of years."

Azu suddenly became hairy.

He thought of Alexander, that man had been with the Authority for over five thousand years, what a long time it was.

How did he survive the entire 1.8 million days?

If a normal person repeats the same job every day, he would have gone crazy, right?

"Thought adjustment"

Vera sat down again and whispered: "In addition, I heard that once the administrator resigns, the administration will approve it, but these administrators did not return to their own universe, but were destroyed."

"So no one dares to resign."

"Anyway, I don't like it here."

"I became an administrator because I didn't want to find a job for myself. Besides, this job lasts for hundreds or even thousands of years. It's better to kill me!"

Azu nodded in agreement, but it was not easy to leave the bureau.

To do this, at least two requirements need to be met.

One is a taxi that can travel between the Authority and the multiverse.

The second is a universe that will not be monitored by administrators, a universe where no people from the motherland exist.

Neither of these two conditions will be simple.

Azu did not hide his secrets. If he wanted to leave the administration, it would be difficult for him to do it alone.

After all, he is just an ordinary person now.

"As for that kind of taxi, I should be able to think of something."

Vera took out a cigarette and lit it and said: "That kind of taxi is actually a multiverse shuttle that can travel between the Administration and the Administration between different multiverses."

"The shuttle needs to be sent for maintenance and inspection every once in a while."

"I happen to know an inspector, and I might be able to get a shuttle from him, but I'm not sure."

"But the second requirement is to find a universe where no people from the motherland exist. It's a bit troublesome."

"Because that kind of shuttle can only go to the Motherland universe, but cannot go to the Marvel or DC universe."

Azu narrowed his eyes slightly: "I thought of something."

He said: "We can return to our own universe, and then use props and other things to travel to other universes."

"But if we do this, we will be discovered by the administration in no time."

Vera shook her head and said: "Just imagine, if we take action, the Administration will definitely find out and know our identity."

"With our identity, even if we can get a shuttle, they will monitor our universe to see if we will go back."

"Taking a step back, even if we can hide our return from the administration, as long as we use props to travel to other universes, we will be noticed by the administration."

A figure suddenly flashed in Azu's mind, and he said solemnly: "If I can return to my universe, I have a way to travel to other universes without using props."

"So our remaining problem is how to get a shuttle and fool the Authority."

"This matter needs to be considered in the long term and no mistakes can be made. After all, we only have one chance."

Vera exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Then we have to hurry up. After all, we have less than a year to go before we have to make 'thought adjustments.'"

"Once we make adjustments, we may not be who we were before."

Azu nodded and said: "In addition, we can't have close contact in the future, otherwise the administration will become suspicious."

"We have to agree on a secret communication code to use for communication."

Vera said: "I will design the password."

After saying that, she licked her lips: "One more shot?"

the next day.

Azu returned to the office hall and saw that the administrator named Jacques from yesterday was back again.

He couldn't see how crazy he looked yesterday. Today, he was smiling and working at his job with 100% enthusiasm.

Seeing this administrator, Azu became more determined to escape from the administration.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed.

For more than half a year, Azu and Vera made preparations silently. Through constant grinding, a plan gradually took shape.

this day.

As soon as Azu came to his desk, he saw a card on the table. He picked it up and saw that it was a number plate.

Turning it over again, the words 'Ideological Adjustment' were clearly written on the card.

He will undergo ‘thought adjustment’ tomorrow!

Azu's pupils shrank slightly.

Two hours later.

Azu came to the lounge, and when he was ordering coffee for himself, Vera came over.

While ordering coffee, she used the gesture code she designed to convey a message to Azu: I will undergo ideological adjustment tomorrow, and it will come sooner than expected.

Azu replied without leaving any trace: Me too. It seems that the plan has to be advanced. Fortunately, everything is almost ready.

A trace of determination flashed in Vera's eyes: Let's take action tomorrow.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

As soon as Azu got up, he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw two guards standing outside.

"Mr. John, today is the day for you to undergo ideological adjustment. Please come with us."


"Let me change my clothes."

Azu pointed to his casual clothes: "I can't go out wearing it."

The guard didn't give him any trouble.

"I'll give you 5 minutes."

Five minutes later, Azu came out wearing a suit. At this time, in his sleeve, there was a toothbrush with a sharpened handle.

This is his weapon.

Not long after, he saw Vera, who was also escorted by two female guards.

When the two exchanged glances, Azu held the sharp toothbrush in his hand, suddenly turned around, and thrust the toothbrush into a guard's neck.

The guard's eyes suddenly widened. At the same time, Azu pulled out the guard's pistol, and then shot a female guard next to Vera.

Vera took the opportunity to pounce on another guard, drew her gun, and shot the other guard escorting Azu.


Together they kill another guard escorting Vera.

They had practiced this set of movements for a long time on weekdays to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

After doing all this, the two of them split up.

Vera ran for the exit, while Azu shouted to attract the attention of other guards and lead them in another direction.

In the administration building, Alexander was working when he was suddenly notified that two administrators had attacked the guards, and one of them had been shot dead by the guards.

When he arrived at the scene, he saw corpses lying on the ground, all of which had been blown apart beyond recognition.

"How is this going?"

A guard reported: "An administrator named John held the guard hostage. They detonated a bomb in the house. After the explosion, we rushed in and shot the administrator John."

He pointed at a mutilated corpse wearing a suit with a silver lapel pin at the collar that was about to melt.

"What about the other administrator?" Alexander asked.

"She stole a shuttle from somewhere, and we were unaware of it and let her enter the multiverse tunnel."

Alexander immediately shouted: "Monitor her universe, she must have returned to her own universe!"

The guards then took action.




"Boss, I'm going home first."

"Go back and get some rest early. Aren't you going to have surgery tomorrow?"

"Yes, then I'll leave first."

Ada Lin came out of the restaurant and led Arthur, the guide dog, to the subway station. After getting out of the subway, she walked a while and came to her apartment building.

Climb up to the fourth floor and arrive at the apartment you rented.

When she took out the key and opened the door, a light surged through the door.

At this time, Arthur shouted and did not enter the door. Lin Ada immediately noticed something unusual.

"Is that door open again?"

"I don't have Mr. John with me this time, so I have to rely on myself."

"Arthur, wait for me here. I'll be back in a minute."

Ada Lin let go of the leash and walked into the door.

Just when she entered the door, Arthur's eyes were dazzled when he saw two figures following Ada Lin into the door.

The next second, Ada Lin came out of the door, but she had already changed her clothes.

At this time, the door of diversity was closed, Arthur barked a few times, and the dog discovered that the other two people had not returned.

But it couldn't tell Ada Lin, after all, it was just a dog.




On the beach, a bearded man was smoking a cigar. He noticed a man and a woman looking at him. He snorted, picked up his clothes and walked away.

The man and woman smiled and walked in opposite directions.

On the way.

The woman said: "Your idea of ​​faking death is really good. It made the Administration think that I escaped back to my own universe, but I didn't expect that we came to your universe together."

The man said: "But thanks to Ada Lin, she has the ability to open the door to diversity, so we can escape to the X-Men universe."

"There are no people from the motherland here, and we didn't come here relying on props. The Administration will not monitor this universe."

The woman stretched, her short platinum hair shining in the sun: "It's great, we are finally free."

The man with blond hair and blue eyes nodded: "And our strength and authority have been preserved. Here, we can do whatever we want without any restrictions."

"Then, let's separate here?"

"See you."

"No, it's best never to see you again."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Then they suddenly flew into the air, scattering their things.

【Complete book】(End of this chapter)

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