I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 66 You are too noisy

This is an ordinary question, but Lin Ada looked a little flustered and evasive.

Azu smiled and did not continue to ask, but retreated in order to advance.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to say it if you don't want to."

Ada Lin struggled for a moment and then said: "Mr. John, it's not that I don't want to say it, I'm afraid that you won't believe me if I tell you, and you will think of me as a freak."

Azu laughed, waved to the waiter, and ordered some dishes.

Then he lowered his voice and said, "Actually, I'm often treated as a freak. They even call me a 'monster' or a 'pervert' in their hearts."

He shrugged, "But I don't care."

Lin Aida said with envy: "You have such a good attitude."

She shrank toward the corner, as if leaning against the wall would make her feel a little safer.

"I don't have many friends."

"No one talks to me like that."

"All right."

The girl took a deep breath, as if to cheer herself up, and then said: "Mr. John, do you know about sleepwalking?"

Azu picked up the teapot next to him and poured a cup of tea for Xiao Lin and himself: "I know."

Lin Aida heard the sound of tea falling into the cup, thanked her, and continued: "Sleepwalkers will find themselves in a strange place when they wake up."

"My situation is similar to this."

"Of course I'm not a sleepwalker, I'm just, how should I put it?"

She thought for a moment and organized her words before saying: "For example, I live on the fourth floor of an apartment building, but sometimes when I open the door to go out, I will go directly to the street where people are coming and going."

"Sometimes it's daytime, but when I walk out the door it's already nighttime. Well, I know that from the temperature and people's interactions."

"Just like yesterday, I was planning to go to the supermarket to buy something."

"As soon as I left the house, I went to the street. God knows where I came from. All I know is that there was a lot of exclamation around me."

Lin Aida held her chest: "I was scared to death at the time. Fortunately, I had experience. I pretended to leave as if nothing had happened."

No no no.

It was others who were scared to death.

At that time, you walked out of a ruins. I think everyone who saw that scene would be dumbfounded.

Azu took a sip of tea and said, "That sounds interesting. Is it the same place you go to every time?"

Lin Ada shook her head: "Probably not."

Azu asked curiously: "Then how can you come back?"

Ada Lin said: "In two to three hours, as long as I can find a door, any door will do, I will be able to return home."

Azu asked again: "Does this happen regularly?"

Ada Lin held the teacup in her hand and said, "It's not fixed. Sometimes it happens once or twice a month, and sometimes it happens four or five times a week."

I see.

What is certain is that this girl needs to go through a door to 'dimension travel', no matter what door it is.

In addition, if you want to return, you only need to return through any door after two to three hours.

There should be no time limit for 'travel', and her abilities are uncontrollable.

It happens randomly.

Both the timing of the 'travel' appearance and the destination of the 'travel' are random.

Azu frowned, thinking that if this was the case, and he wanted to 'travel' with Ada Lin, he would have to take her with him.

Capture her directly back to the Tower of Seven?

Just thinking about it made him give up.

After all, after traveling to other universes, it's up to Ada Lin to come back.

Control her forcefully in case she scares away or something unexpected happens.

Then you can't come back.

Well, she said she had very few friends.

Or do you have no friends at all?

Then I can be her friend, a friend who knows her little secrets?

This should be the most ideal approach, but Azu doesn't like it very much.

Because true friends require heart-to-heart communication, and for a blind person, Azu believed that she would be more sensitive than others.

She could tell whether he was sincere or not.

So if you want to make friends with Ada Lin, you need to impress her and give her real feelings.

Take another look.

Azu is still unwilling to give his feelings easily, even if it is friendship.

He has passed the age where he can show his heart to others at every turn.

Soon after the meal was finished, Azu took the initiative and said, "If you don't mind, can you let me take you home?"

No matter whether you want to make friends with Ada Lin or not, at least get her address first so that you can approach her more easily in the future.

Ada Lin did not refuse.

The two of them were walking on the street, and Azu didn't need to look back to know that the three black men who wanted to steal Lin Aida were following.

After walking for a while, they came to an apartment building.

Lin Ada asked politely: "Would you like to come up and sit down?"

Azu looked around and found that this place was very remote, the alleys were deserted, and a few black men were sneaking around in the alleyways.


He readily agreed.

After sitting for a while at Lin Aida's house, Azu said goodbye and left without putting any pressure on the girl.

When walking to the corridor, suddenly, the harsh sound of an electronic guitar sounded in the room opposite Ada Lin. The loud noise made Azu frown.

He scanned it casually and saw a long-haired man playing the guitar crazily in the room.

After judging that the other party would not pose a threat to Lin Aida, Azu left.

There was no elevator in this apartment, so Azu could only take the stairs. When he came to the stairs, his ears twitched and he caught the sound coming from the first floor.

"That white man isn't leaving yet."

"When he leaves, we will go find the blind girl."

"The guy opposite the blind girl makes a lot of noise every night."

"No one will know what happened in the house then."

"I said, that woman is pretty good-looking. After we get the money, shall we play with her?"

What followed were some nasty words.

Azu chuckled, put his hand on the handrail, and walked down step by step.

Going to the stairs on the first floor, three black men were sitting on the steps or leaning against the wall.

All are smoking.

"I'll come first later, don't fight with me." A black man with lip nails said. As he said this, he saw Azu coming down.

He quickly kicked his companions to signal them to get out of the way.

After Azu passed by them, he stopped, turned around and said, "Next time you plan to break into a house, don't speak so loudly, even the deaf can hear it."

Then he shrugged: "But I don't blame you, you trash who can only think with your lower body are just apes who have not fully evolved."

"Am I right, chimpanzee?"

The lip-studded black man suddenly threw away the cigarette in his hand, took out a pistol from his waist, pointed at Azu's head and said: "We can't let him go, he will go to the police station to report the crime."

"Kill him and throw him in the trash can!" shouted another black man wearing earrings.

At this moment, they saw the ordinary white man in front of them reaching out and holding his companion's pistol.

With a pinch, the pistol suddenly turned into a piece of scrap metal.

The fingers of the black man with the lipstick also broke. He was about to scream when a hand covered his mouth.

Azu put a finger to his mouth: "Shh, you are too noisy."

Then with a pinch of five fingers, the black man's head exploded on the spot, looking like a crushed watermelon!

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