I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 71 Be a low-key and quiet man

The lively entrance song sounded again, and another ray of light shone on the booth.

On the booth, a figure slowly rose.

Under the light, the black armor conveyed a tough and cold connotation.

The light that partially illuminates the eyes on the visor is breathtaking.

The bright yellow texture paint outlines a majestic sense of power, which is intimidating.

When Colonel Yuri appeared on the stand wearing this armor, the hall was silent, and people were shocked by the pitch-black armor.

It wasn't until the colonel knocked off his chin, revealing his square face, that people knew how to breathe.

Arnold smiled and said: "You can interview the colonel next, but you have to do it one by one."

He pointed to the media and reporters under the booth.

Immediately, reporters from major media outlets in New York and some well-known self-media celebrities came to the stage and surrounded the colonel.

A female reporter wearing a professional skirt took the microphone and asked: "Colonel Yuri, can you tell us about your experience using the armor?"

Colonel Yuri nodded and said: "It makes me feel invincible. Yes, after wearing it, I feel that I can match an elite army."

Another male reporter wearing glasses then asked: "Colonel Yuri, do you think if Olga's armor technology can be promoted, do we still need superheroes?"

Colonel Yuri took his microphone and said solemnly: "I can definitely answer, no need!"

"If Olga's armor technology can be extended to the military and the police system."

"Then from now on, our soldiers will be one against a hundred on the battlefield."

"Our police will arrest those super-powered criminals with ease."

"As for superheroes, I affirm everything they have done, and I am grateful for their contribution to maintaining this city and protecting this country."

"However, professional matters should be left to professionals."

"Compared to them, they have received professional training. If they are supported by armors, I believe that the federal police will be more experienced than superheroes in effectively chasing down criminals."

Another reporter asked: "So you mean, superheroes can retire from the stage?"

Colonel Yuri nodded: "Yes, with the armor, we can also protect them in turn."

There was a burst of laughter.

After a while, Arnold came over again, smiled and said, "Okay, everyone."

"Stay here for now. There will be time for you to interview the colonel again later."

"Now please go back to your place and have a glass of wine, okay?"

After the reporters left the booth with satisfaction, Arnold looked around the audience and said with high spirits: "A week ago, I invited senior executives of Vought and people from my motherland to attend tonight's event."

"But now it seems that they are afraid to participate."

"I can understand that."

"After all, if it were me, I would hide, and then make an announcement the next day saying that I had a bad stomach and could not attend the appointment."

"I'm pretty good at this."

He paused deliberately, leaving a gap so that the guests in the hall could laugh.

But when Arnold was about to continue speaking, a voice sounded.

"Maybe Mr. Arnold is still relatively young, so he doesn't quite understand the value of 'reputation'."

"As an old man with decades of experience in this field, there is no possibility of going back on what I have promised, let alone using such a childish and insincere excuse as a bad stomach."

Immediately, a beam of light fell on the door.

Edgar, wearing a black suit, walked in accompanied by Maeve, Starlight, Ice Princess and other superheroes.

The arrival of the old man made the scene burst into warm applause.

Even though he accepted the invitation of Olga's company and attended tonight's exhibition, which was obviously aimed at suppressing Walter's company, the celebrities and executives in the hall were all fine people, and they still gave him enough face to see Edgar.

Arnold's expression remained unchanged, but he had already greeted Edgar a hundred times in his heart.

When the old man arrived, he hinted that he was dishonest and naive, which was a slap in the face in front of so many people in the hall.

However, he was very well-behaved and his anger was not visible on his face. He laughed loudly and said, "Welcome, welcome."

"Welcome, Mr. Edgar."

Arnold pretended to be surprised again: "Hey, where are the people from the motherland?"

"Didn't he come with you?"

at this time.

There was a rumble above the hall, a hole was broken in the roof, and a figure crashed in and fell to the ground.

People were startled and looked around.

Then he saw a dark figure standing up.

The evening breeze blowing in from outside the hole in the roof ruffled the golden hair.

The blue eyes reflected the light and shadow in the room, and the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a row of white teeth, showing a sunny and warm smile.

"People of the motherland!"

"He is from the motherland!"

There was a cheer in the hall, and then people discovered that tonight the people of the motherland were not wearing their usual blue uniforms with stars and flags on the back.

Instead, he put on a suit with a dark background and decorated with golden lines.

The most obvious thing about this suit is the golden symbol evolved from the letter 'K' on the chest.

It's a bit like lightning, and overall it's domineering.

In line with the entry method of the motherland crashing into the Empire State Building, the eyes of thousands of women in the hall were blurred and their hearts beat faster.

What girl wouldn't like such a domineering and arrogant man?

Azu raised his head, pointed to the hole above his head, then looked at Arnold and said with a smile: "Sorry, I was walking a little hastily and poked a hole here. You won't mind, Mr. Arnold."

An inconspicuous vein appeared on Arnold's forehead.

Don't you mind?

How can it be!

This is the Empire State Building. I don’t know how much it will cost to repair this gap!

But money is still a trivial matter. The point is that the people of the motherland have barged in like this, and it is clear that they are taking advantage of their own face.

How could Arnold ‘not mind’!


Arnold laughed and said, "It's just a small thing."

Then he added: "As expected of a native of the motherland, the way he enters the arena is so thrilling."

"Hey, that's weird."

"Why don't you put on your original suit."

"This battle uniform now makes me a little scared."

Arnold deliberately used the colors of his war uniforms to try to make people connect his motherland with elements such as fear and disaster.

Azu spread his hands and said, "I don't think so."

"Black represents low-key and quiet."

"As a guest, I don't want to steal the spotlight from the host."

"So I put on these clothes specially. Can't Mr. Arnold see that I put a lot of effort into it?"

Arnold looked at the hole above the hall, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Low profile? Quiet?

Not stealing the limelight?

You are a liar!

Who else can be more arrogant than you!

Thanks to the boss ‘Ni Wa’ for the reward!

Thanks to brothers No. 313 Hunter, Hezongshu, Shanhaimanman, and Viking Master thess for their reward support!

Thank you to every handsome guy and beautiful girl who pursued my studies. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to make it to the fourth round.

thank you all! bow!

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