I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 74 Start your performance

Watching the 'Titan' armor fire towards the top of the hall, watching the flames spurting from the muzzle, watching the bullets blowing up the chandelier in the hall, watching the guests in the room holding their heads and screaming and squatting down.

For a moment.

Arnold thought he was dreaming.

Otherwise, how could such a ridiculous thing happen?


It can't be like this!

A voice in Arnold's mind shouted.

This is not the script I set!

Tonight, I was supposed to be crowned king.

How could such a thing happen!

After one shot, all the guests in the room squatted down.

This way.

Edgar was protected by Starlight and others, Maeve was standing on the stage, and Azu was floating in the air with his feet off the ground.

It seems particularly eye-catching.

At this time, Colonel Yuri's voice sounded from the 'Titan' suit: "Arnold, stop it!"

"How is this going!"

"I can't control it."

Suddenly the colonel's voice disappeared, and then the voice of 'Mr.

"Unless you want me to burn your mouth!"


The 'Titan' armor turned to Azu, and 'Mr. Z' said: "People of the motherland, Olga Company is our common enemy."

"I assume you won't interfere in this matter, right?"

"If you want, you can leave with the Vought personnel, but the others must stay."

"what do you think?"

Suddenly, everyone in the hall looked towards Azu.

Under the "eyes of all the people", Azu chuckled.

"First of all, if I want to leave, or if I want to take anyone with me."

"I don't think your scraps can stop me."

"Secondly, I do not accept negotiations and no one can influence my will."

"Of course you can't either."

"But I think you are quite interesting, and I want to know what interesting things will happen next."

"So, please start your show."

After saying that, Azu flew to the side of the buffet table. As if he didn't see what was happening on the booth, he picked up the dinner plate and picked up a piece of fried steak for himself.

At this time, on the booth, the previously inactive battle armors were restarted one after another.

But just like Colonel Yuri's armor, after restarting, whether it was a series armor or a special armor, all of them were out of control.

The five "Silver Raptor Series" flying armors spurted out flames and flew into the air. Then they swept towards the huge water tank on the stand, crashed into it, grabbed the "mermaids" in the water tank, and then turned around and walked out of the hall. Passing above, breaking out of the window.

The night wind suddenly poured in through the broken windows, blowing the long skirts of countless ladies to flutter, revealing the spring scenery.

Let the hall scream again and again.

At this time, several of Arnold's bodyguards rushed up, protecting Arnold from the left and right and about to take him away.

Suddenly several "Wild Chariot Series" rushed over, surrounded the bodyguards, and shot them all in the head with precise bursts.

In an instant, all the bodyguards fell down, leaving Arnold stunned on the spot with blood on his face.

People finally ran towards the gate out of control. Starlight and others quickly protected Edgar and came to a safe corner. At this time, the remaining "Wild Chariots" and the special armors all took action.

These armors arrived at the gate first, fired warning shots, stopped the guests from escaping, and took control of the hall.

Azu stood next to the buffet table, picked up another glass of vodka, and took a sip.

Maeve fell next to him, spread her hands and said, "Don't we do something?"

Azu put down the cup and smiled: "What do you want to do with me?"

Maeve rolled her eyes.

Azu then said: "We are guests tonight, so don't do anything to overshadow the guests."

"Would you like some? Is this fried steak good?"

The hall was abuzz, and after a while, it became quiet again.

At this time, the 'Titan' suit walked towards Arnold, and the voice of 'Mr. Z' sounded again.

"Mr. Arnold, this is the situation. If you don't want the guests in this hall to be injured, it's very simple. You just need to agree to my request, and I can release the people here immediately."

"including you."

Arnold then took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood from his face, and forced himself to calm down: "What do you want?"


"How much do you want, I'll give it to you!"

"No no no."

The 'Titan' armor waved his hand: "I don't need money."

"What I want is 'Number Zero'!"

Arnold was stunned for a moment, and then yelled glumly: "Impossible! Don't even think about it!"

"I will not hand over 'No. Zero' to you!"

At this time, a voice intervened: "What is number zero?"

Azu was holding a glass of vodka, floating in the air, and took a sip.

The 'Titan' armor raised its head: "It is a prototype technology of Olga Company's armor project. If you are interested, I can share it with you after I get it."

Azu shook his head: "No, no, no, I'm not interested in this."

the other side.

Arnold seemed to have thought of something, and jumped like an electric shock, and then murmured: "How do you know about 'No. Zero'?"

"There are no more than five people in the entire company who know about 'No. Zero'."

"You can control my armor."

"Could it be."

"Jeff? Mr. Z"

"Are you Jeff!"

"You bastard, I've already given you a lot of money, why do you still do such a thing!"


The Jeff who provided the armor to Brother Locomotive?

It feels like I've eaten a big melon.

Azu looked at the 'Titan' armor with interest.

After the armor was silent for a few seconds, 'Mr. Z' shouted excitedly: "Money!"

"Do you think having a few bad guys is enough to make a difference?"

"You took away my career! My glory!"

"Can money make up for this?"


"Arnold, I advise you to hand over 'No. Zero', otherwise, everyone who was injured because of this tonight will be blamed on you!"

"like this!"

The 'Titan' armor fired randomly into the crowd. Suddenly a man screamed and fell to the ground after being shot in the chest.

The crowd screamed and backed away.

Unexpectedly, Arnold shouted extremely firmly: "I will never hand over 'No. Zero' to you, don't even think about it!"


‘Mr. Z’, no, Jeff, a former employee of Olga Company, said with a smile: “Then we’ll see, if you don’t want to hand it over, some people will ask you to hand it over.”

"Like the big shots here."

"Or the Federation personally ordered it."

Azu raised his eyebrows, and then glanced at the window. Thinking of the armors leaving the Empire State Building just now, he squinted his eyes.

"Things seem to be getting interesting."

At the booth, Jeff used the 'Titan' armor to say to the crowd under the booth: "Everyone, now is the time for you to convince Mr. Arnold!"

"If he is willing to hand over what I want, we will leave immediately."

"Otherwise, there will be a river of blood here!"

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