I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 77 The Fall of Manhattan

Manhattan Island, Empire State Building.

"I kept you waiting."

Jeff's voice rang out from Colonel Yuri's Titan suit.

"I have good news for everyone. Just now, I have completed an arrangement."

Azu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and asked with the attitude of watching the excitement: "What is the arrangement?"

"That's a good question."

The 'Titan' armor turned around and faced Arnold: "But before I answer this question, why not let Mr. Arnold tell us about the 'geological disaster weapon'?"

Hearing this sentence, Arnold's eyes widened and he shouted as if he couldn't believe his ears: "Geological disaster weapon?"

"You mean 'Project Earthshaker'?"

"Isn't that project already abandoned?"

The 'Titan' armor nodded: "It is true that it was abandoned, but before you announced the termination of that project, the prototype of the 'Earthshaker' had been built, but it had not been used in any substantial way."

"But tonight, I have taken it out of my 'private collection' in the R\u0026D building."

The 'Titan' armor faced the guests in the lobby again: "'Earthshaker' is a 'geological disaster weapon' that can simulate earthquakes and use shock waves to cause violent stratigraphic movements in a designated area."

"To put it simply, I have placed the Earthshaker on Manhattan Island."

"I said to the reporters present, don't you plan to report on this matter?"

"Now, please point the camera at me."

"I have something to say!"

In the center of New York, the big screen on the high-rise building suddenly opened a new picture, and Colonel Yuri's 'Titan' armor appeared in front of the camera.

Then, a synthesized electronic sound sounded from the armor.

"Good evening, fellow citizens of New York and fellow citizens of the Commonwealth."

"You can call me 'Mr. Z'."

"Here, turn the camera around and put on the TV for everyone in the hall."

The screen turned, and the guests in the hall appeared in the camera. It can be seen that these guests are now controlled by the armor.

Mr. Z's voice sounded on the screen at the same time: "I think you have seen that the Empire State Building is now under my control."

"These gentlemen and ladies, please beg me temporarily and be my hostage for a while."

"in addition."

"I believe that many people now know that something happened in Times Square in Manhattan."

"Yes, I installed a gadget in there."

"It's called 'Earthshaker' and it can create earthquake disasters. Maybe I can give you a little demonstration."

"Please wait."

At this time, another window appeared at the bottom of the big screen. Looking out of the window, you could see Times Square in Manhattan.

"This is a camera I connected to one of the armors under my control near Times Square."

"So, let's see what Earthshaker can do."

The window enlarged to take up the entire screen, allowing people to clearly see the chaos in Times Square.

There were obvious signs of fighting there, with many police cars burning and debris and blood stains everywhere on the ground.

At this time, the lens began to shake, very slightly at first, and the amplitude of the vibration was not high.

But not long after, the camera shook violently, and the windows of a building in Times Square burst, and the fragments refracted the light and fell like rain.

Shocking cracks appeared on the wall of the building, screams were heard from downstairs, and passers-by ran with their heads in their hands.

Soon the camera stopped shaking and switched back to the top floor of the Empire State Building.

"Okay, here's a little demonstration."

"I could sink Manhattan if I wanted to."

"Then now, I formally make the following request."

"First, whether it is the federal government or civil society, from this moment on, no one is allowed to enter Manhattan."

"Of course you can try, but I can tell you that this is an impossible task."

"Second, I can evacuate the 'Earthshaker', or I can release all the hostages on Manhattan Island, but 'Zero' must be handed over to me."

"As for what 'No. 0' is, Mr. Arnold knows very well."

"He was at the scene. Originally, I planned to use a gentle way to resolve the dispute at night."

"Unfortunately, I can't reach an agreement with Mr. Arnold. Then I think maybe someone can convince him."

"But be quick, I don't have much patience."

"The above is what I want to say."

The screen flickered and disappeared.

Then it switched to another set of pictures. In this set of pictures, Manhattan Island was shot from different angles and different areas.

This small island, which has been cut off from land transportation, is now full of fire and several plumes of smoke are rising.

There were cracks on the ground inside the street, and there were debris scattered from high altitudes everywhere. The unfortunately injured person covered his head and stood in the middle of the road, at a loss.

Immediately, the current situation in Manhattan appeared on the news channels of major TV stations, or on various online live broadcast rooms and Twitter.

At this time, people's more questions are: Where have the people of the motherland gone?

In the Empire State Building, Azu looked at the 'Titan' armor on the stand, smiled and said: "I don't understand, if you want the so-called 'Zero', why don't you just take Mr. Arnold away?"

"I bet you could achieve your goal faster if you had a private 'friendly communication', right?"

'Titan' Armored Jeff said: "That's true."

"But tonight, in addition to wanting to get the 'Zero', I also want this gentleman to bring Olga's company into disrepute."

"And this is more important than getting the 'Zero'."

"And I'm curious, between his own reputation and 'Size Zero', what would Mr. Arnold choose?"

After saying that, the 'Titan' armor and Azu looked at the pale Arnold at the same time.

at this time.

A line of information appeared on Azu's retina.

[Disaster events occur. 】

[Are you willing to deal with this incident? 】


The disaster event that had been hinted at during the day was indeed related to Olga's product exhibition tonight.

Azu happily accepted.

[You have accepted the incident. 】

[Event name: Steel Riots. Fall of Manhattan]

[Description: Jeff, a former employee of Olga Company, secretly controlled all the armors and hijacked the entire Manhattan. Now, all residents of Manhattan are facing an unprecedented crisis. Only you can turn the tide! 】

[Event requirements: 1. Ensure that at least two-thirds of the island’s residents survive; 2. Destroy all controlled armors; 3. Destroy the ‘geological disaster weapon’-Earthshaker; 4. Kill Jeff, the instigator. 】

[Note: Completing the event requires any two of the first three items to end the event proactively; completing the fourth item of the event will be regarded as a perfect solution to the event and the event will end immediately. 】

【The event begins! 】

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