I, the motherland, do whatever I want

Chapter 95 Invisible Man Run

Florida, motel.

"The kidnapping incident that occurred in the orphanage has come to an end. We have also seen that due to the resumption of heroic activities by the Seven, the crime rate in New York is showing a clear downward trend. Even if there are major criminal incidents, they can be handled well and in a timely manner. ."

The TV was reporting on the welfare case in New York when the screen suddenly went dark and was turned off.

In a dimly lit room with closed curtains, a man picked up his cell phone and took a look.

He is invisible.

After learning three days ago that Edgar was going to deal with the people of his motherland, he left the place of right and wrong in New York.

Just wait for the results to come out before making plans.

"It'd better be as you say, Edgar, or we'll all be done with it."

The invisible man held his head in his hands: "But judging from the reports just now, Edgar has a high chance of success."

"According to the style of the people of the motherland, if he solves the incident, he will not run away without saying a word."

"It is very likely that he has been killed by Xuanzi."

"So that 'super blocker' really works?"

He picked up his cell phone and called Edgar, planning to ask about the results.

But the phone rang for a long time and no one answered it, so the invisible man had no choice but to give up.

Just when he was about to call room service to order dinner for himself, his cell phone rang.

The name 'Maverick' was displayed on the screen.

This is his son.

The invisible man was stunned for a moment, then answered: "Maverick?"

On the phone, his son said excitedly: "Dad, where are you?"

"They said that you have made great achievements, and they will prepare an award ceremony for you in the Seven-person Tower tonight."

The invisible man didn't react for a moment: "What did you say?"

He didn't notice that the phone's camera started by itself, taking pictures of the surrounding scenes and sending them somewhere.

On the phone, Maverick continued: "It's Mr. Edgar. He invited our family to attend your award ceremony at the Tower of Seven."

"do not you know?"

"Oh, the Walter Company's car is here. My mother and I are leaving. We will meet at Walter Company in the evening."

Then the phone hung up.

The invisible man put down his phone and frowned: "Award ceremony?"

He called Edgar again, but still didn't get through.

at this time.

His cell phone rang again.

This time, what was displayed on the screen was the name of ‘the motherland’.

The invisible man threw away the phone as if he was electrocuted. Then he thought of something, rushed forward and crushed the phone to pieces, then took out the chip inside, broke it off and threw it away.

"Are the people of the motherland not dead?"

"Damn, I knew this would happen!"

"I knew this would happen!"

"Wait, Maverick!"

"Did the people of the motherland capture Maverick and want to threaten me to go see him myself?"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

The invisible man roared loudly, suddenly glanced towards the window, and then disappeared, leaving only his clothes.

But soon, the clothes on him fell to the ground one by one.

As the curtains slide open on their own, the windows rise and fall.

After a while, footprints appeared on the grass outside the hotel door. If anyone saw it at this time, they would definitely think they had seen a ghost.




Tower of Seven, Crime Analysis Section.

Annika hung music headphones around her neck, blew a bubble in her mouth, popped it, and continued chewing.

Then he pointed to some photos on the computer. One of the photos was enlarged and sharpened, and it had a motel business card on it.

"I checked, this is a motel in Florida called 'The Night', it's on Highway 95."

Azu patted her shoulder lightly and said with satisfaction: "Good job, Annika."

Annika smiled and took out a box of chewing gum: "Would you like one?"

"Next time."

After saying this, Azu left the Crime Analysis Section.

When he flew out of the Tower of Seven, he saw the invisible man's wife and son getting out of the car, and the corners of Azu's lips raised.

After he came back from Vought's research base, he asked Angelina to use Edgar's name as an excuse to give the invisible man an award, pretending to let Maverick and the invisible man's son call. If the invisible man could be It's best to cheat people back.

If he couldn't get her back, he had a second-hand preparation, and that was Annika.

While Annika was using the phone call between the invisible man and his son, she had already hacked into the invisible man's mobile phone, activated the camera on the mobile phone, captured the nearby scene, and obtained crucial clues.

While Azu flew to Florida, he informed Angelina to put Maverick and his son under house arrest first. If he couldn't find the invisible man, he could make a fuss about the mother and son.

Not long after, Azu had found the motel called ‘Yezi’, and by scanning the hotel, he found something unusual in one of the rooms.

The next second, Azu had already crashed into the room and saw the clothes on the floor and the smashed cell phone.

"Oh, invisible man."

"You guys, in order to escape for your life, you even risked the lives of your own son and wife?"

Azu clicked his tongue, but he was not surprised. The superheroes in black robes basically have this kind of virtue.

These guys are selfish and indifferent, and only care about themselves. Only a few heroes, such as Starlight and Maeve, are rare heroes with conscience.

When the hotel owner heard the sound and opened the door and entered the room, he saw a hole in the roof and a message with sparks on the wall.

‘For damages please call Tower of Seven – People of the Motherland. ’

Azu flew into the air, narrowed his eyes, and then called Annika.

The call was answered quickly.

"Boss, do you need me to do anything?"

Azu said in a deep voice: "Calling up the surveillance of this highway to look for suspicious vehicles."

"No problem, boss."

"But the workload is a bit too much. I may have to work overtime."

Of course, Azu couldn't understand Annika's little thoughts. He smiled and said, "Three times the overtime pay, hurry up!"

"Leave it to me, boss!" Annika's voice was high and her fighting spirit was high.

Her efficiency was indeed very fast, and she immediately answered: "Boss, since Maverick's call with the invisible man, no suspicious vehicles have been found on Highway 95."

Azu smiled: "As expected."

"Using the Night Hotel as the starting point, find the locations of all buildings within a radius of 10 kilometers."

Azu looked around and saw that this interstate highway was very desolate. Apart from the motel below, he only saw the occasional building similar to a gas station.

The Invisible Man's talent does not include speed. Without the help of transportation tools, his foot strength and time would not allow him to travel beyond a radius of 10 kilometers.

Therefore, he is most likely hiding in a certain building.

Although in terms of his ability, there is actually not much difference in the wild and in the building, but considering the current psychology of the invisible man, Azu does not think that he is strong enough to dare to be exposed outdoors.

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