Chakra, on the other hand, is a mixture of physical energy and spiritual energy generated by 130 trillion cells in the body.

If the physical energy generated by 130 trillion cells in the body corresponds to Armament Haki, then spiritual energy obviously corresponds to Conqueror Haki.

Conqueror Haki in the pirate world is also divided into four levels.

Primary level

: It bursts out due to high emotions. Conqueror Haki is not trained, but only increases in power as the user grows physically and mentally.

In the early stages, one is unaware of one's own power. It is often triggered by emotions such as anger, which can stun people around, but cannot be precisely controlled.

This is what happened when Luffy first completely exploded in the war on the top. Intermediate level:

Control freely with one's own will.

As mental power increases, it can be controlled according to one's own will.

From the timing of use to the power, as well as the scope of influence, it is under control.

When fighting against a large number of opponents, it can exert great power.

This is the level that Luffy reached after two years of hard training under Rayleigh.

And the next level is Advanced.

Eliminate the opponent with coercion.

A true overlord who has both mind, skills and body can radiate his domineering power in all directions just by increasing his momentum. It can be said that his domineering power is always in the state of activation.

Its pressure can shake the ship, and even make a battle-hardened general fall to the ground when passing by.

The domineering power at this stage can already have an impact on reality. When Red Hair went to find Whitebeard, the hull was broken and the clouds were torn apart, which belonged to this level.

As for the last level, it is naturally the domineering color entanglement that Teacher Kai personally taught Luffy to use.

Wrapping the domineering color domineering around weapons or attacks will enhance the attack power. It can actually attack the enemy without touching the opponent within a certain distance. Only a very small number of top-level strong men can do it.

The spiritual energy that makes up chakra corresponds to the domineering color domineering.

Unlike physical energy, the development level of spiritual energy in Naruto is obviously much higher than that of the domineering color domineering in the world of pirates.

Compared with the shallow application of Conqueror's Haki, the application of spiritual energy in Naruto is much more advanced.

In the early stage of Conqueror's Haki, it is basically to use powerful spiritual energy for mental shock.

Just like Zabuza's murderous aura and Orochimaru's Naraku-Knowing Technique.

On the other hand, Naruto's spiritual energy, from the lowest level that can be broken by disrupting chakra, to the pupil-type illusion that can only be disrupted and broken by other people's chakra.

Then to the Kurama clan that can control the five senses, create an illusion world, and materialize illusions.

Then to the final form of spiritual energy, Yin Dun!

Using spiritual energy, you can create a material image out of nothing!

This is the final form of spiritual energy cultivation.

On the other hand, the training of the body on the pirate side is far higher than spiritual energy, and the use of Conqueror's Haki is also quite rough.

This is why Li Luo's mental shock to Hobodi with the Mangekyo will show the effect of Conqueror's Haki.

And this energy merger also made Li Luo understand the difference between the two world systems.

His chakra was split and merged into Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki.

As for Observation Haki, if Li Luo guessed correctly, it corresponds to the natural energy in Naruto.

Because Naruto manga 418 clearly pointed out that natural energy helps to perceive different chakras.

This corresponds to the Observation Haki that can make people's five senses sharper and can detect the breath and emotional changes of surrounding creatures.

And because Li Luo did not draw the Sage Mode, there was naturally no natural energy to increase Observation Haki.

But Li Luo drew Observation Haki!

Since chakra can be split into Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki, then Observation Haki, which is natural energy, can't be directly reversed into natural energy!

As long as he combines Observation Haki, Armament Haki and Conqueror Haki, he can extract the Sage Chakra that can increase strength and speed several times and open the Sage Mode!

Thinking of this, Li Luo's face was already filled with ecstasy.

This unexpected gain can definitely increase his strength countless times!

Li Luo was looking at the white spot of shock with a fiery look on his face.

""System! Directly start the B-level lottery!"

Li Luo muttered in his heart.

This is only a D-level lottery. He must strike while the iron is hot and directly spend 10,000 points to use up the B-level lottery!

【Currently has 112,653 shock points】

【The system is drawing a lottery...Shock Points -10000】

【Congratulations on successfully triggering a critical hit and obtaining an A-level item……】

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